diff --git a/pyresample/future/spherical/__init__.py b/pyresample/future/spherical/__init__.py
index 817b63fce..108158df7 100644
--- a/pyresample/future/spherical/__init__.py
+++ b/pyresample/future/spherical/__init__.py
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
# with this program. If not, see .
"""Future features that are backwards incompatible with current functionality."""
+from .arc import SArc # noqa
from .point import SMultiPoint, SPoint # noqa
diff --git a/pyresample/future/spherical/arc.py b/pyresample/future/spherical/arc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9696552c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyresample/future/spherical/arc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2022 Pyresample developers
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+"""Define a great-circle arc between two points on the sphere through the SArc class."""
+import numpy as np
+import pyproj
+from shapely.geometry import LineString
+from pyresample.spherical import Arc
+from .point import SPoint, create_spherical_point
+EPSILON = 0.0000001
+def _check_valid_arc(start_point, end_point):
+ """Check arc validity."""
+ if start_point == end_point:
+ raise ValueError("An SArc can not be represented by the same start and end SPoint.")
+ if start_point.is_pole() and end_point.is_pole():
+ raise ValueError("An SArc can not be uniquely defined between the two poles.")
+ if start_point.is_on_equator() and end_point.is_on_equator() and abs(start_point.lon - end_point.lon) == np.pi:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "An SArc can not be uniquely defined on the equator if start and end points are 180 degrees apart.")
+ if start_point.antipode == end_point:
+ raise ValueError("An SArc can not be uniquely defined between antipodal points.")
+def _is_point_on_arc(point, arc):
+ """Check if the point is on the arc."""
+ # Define arc start and end points
+ start = arc.start
+ end = arc.end
+ # Compute arc length
+ arc_length = start.hdistance(end)
+ # Distance from arc start & end points to the input point
+ start_to_point_dist = start.hdistance(point)
+ end_to_point_dist = end.hdistance(point)
+ # Check if point is a start or end point of the arc
+ point_is_on_arc_extremities = point in (start, end)
+ # Check if point is on the arc segment
+ point_is_on_arc_segment = abs(start_to_point_dist + end_to_point_dist - arc_length) < EPSILON
+ # Assess if point is on the arc
+ point_is_on_arc = point_is_on_arc_extremities or point_is_on_arc_segment
+ return point_is_on_arc
+class SArc(Arc):
+ """Object representing a great-circle arc between two points on a sphere.
+ The ``start_point`` and ``end_point`` must be SPoint objects.
+ The great-circle arc is defined as the shortest track(s) between the two points.
+ Between the north and south pole there are an infinite number of great-circle arcs.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, start_point, end_point):
+ _check_valid_arc(start_point, end_point)
+ super().__init__(start_point, end_point)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """Define SArc hash."""
+ return hash((float(self.start.lon), float(self.start.lat),
+ float(self.end.lon), float(self.end.lat)))
+ def is_on_equator(self):
+ """Check if the SArc lies on the equator."""
+ return self.start.lat == 0 and self.end.lat == 0
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Check equality."""
+ return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end
+ def __contains__(self, point):
+ """Check if a point lies on the SArc."""
+ if isinstance(point, SPoint):
+ return _is_point_on_arc(point, arc=self)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("SArc.__contains__ currently accept only SPoint objects.")
+ def reverse_direction(self):
+ """Reverse SArc direction."""
+ return SArc(self.end, self.start)
+ @property
+ def vertices(self):
+ """Get start SPoint and end SPoint (radians) vertices array."""
+ return self.start.vertices, self.end.vertices
+ @property
+ def vertices_in_degrees(self):
+ """Get start SPoint and end SPoint (degrees) vertices array."""
+ return self.start.vertices_in_degrees, self.end.vertices_in_degrees
+ def get_next_intersection(self, other_arc):
+ """Overwrite a Arc deprecated function. Inherited from Arc class."""
+ raise ValueError("This function is deprecated.")
+ def intersections(self, other_arc):
+ """Overwritea Arc deprecated function. Inherited from Arc class."""
+ raise ValueError("'SArc.intersections' is deprecated. Use '_great_circle_intersections' instead.")
+ def _great_circle_intersections(self, other_arc):
+ """Compute the intersections points of the greats circles over which the arcs lies.
+ A great circle divides the sphere in two equal hemispheres.
+ """
+ end_lon = self.end.lon
+ other_end_lon = other_arc.end.lon
+ if self.end.lon - self.start.lon > np.pi:
+ end_lon -= 2 * np.pi
+ if other_arc.end.lon - other_arc.start.lon > np.pi:
+ other_end_lon -= 2 * np.pi
+ if self.end.lon - self.start.lon < -np.pi:
+ end_lon += 2 * np.pi
+ if other_arc.end.lon - other_arc.start.lon < -np.pi:
+ other_end_lon += 2 * np.pi
+ end_point = SPoint(end_lon, self.end.lat)
+ other_end_point = SPoint(other_end_lon, other_arc.end.lat)
+ ea_ = self.start.cross2cart(end_point).normalize()
+ eb_ = other_arc.start.cross2cart(other_end_point).normalize()
+ cross = ea_.cross(eb_)
+ lat = np.arctan2(cross.cart[2],
+ np.sqrt(cross.cart[0] ** 2 + cross.cart[1] ** 2))
+ lon = np.arctan2(cross.cart[1], cross.cart[0])
+ return (SPoint(lon, lat), SPoint(lon + np.pi, -lat))
+ def intersection(self, other_arc):
+ """Overwrite a Arc deprecated function. Inherited from Arc class."""
+ raise ValueError("'SArc.intersection' is deprecated. Use 'intersection_point' instead.")
+ def intersection_point(self, other_arc):
+ """Compute the intersection point between two great circle arcs.
+ If arc and *other_arc* does not intersect, it returns None.
+ If arc and *other_arc* are the same (whatever direction), it returns None.
+ If arc and *other_arc* overlaps, within or contain, it returns None.
+ If arc and *other_arc* intersect, it returns the intersection SPoint.
+ If arc and *other_arc* touches in 1 point, it returns the intersection SPoint.
+ """
+ # If same arc (same direction), return None
+ if self == other_arc:
+ return None
+ # Compute the great circle intersection points
+ great_circles_intersection_spoints = self._great_circle_intersections(other_arc)
+ # If a great circle intersection point lies on the arcs, it is the intersection point
+ for point in great_circles_intersection_spoints:
+ if point in self and point in other_arc:
+ return point
+ return None
+ def intersects(self, other_arc):
+ """Check if the current Sarc and another SArc intersect."""
+ return bool(self.intersection_point(other_arc))
+ # def midpoint(self):
+ # """Return the SArc midpoint SPoint."""
+ # # Retrieve start and end point in Cartesian coordinates
+ # start_xyz = self.start.to_cart().cart
+ # end_xyz = self.end.to_cart().cart
+ # # Find midpoint
+ # midpoint_xyz = (start_xyz + end_xyz) / 2.0
+ # # Normalize
+ # midpoint_xyz = CCoordinate(midpoint_xyz).normalize()
+ # # Convert back to SPoint(s)
+ # midpoint = midpoint_xyz.to_spherical(future=True)
+ # return midpoint
+ def midpoint(self, ellips='sphere'):
+ """Return the SArc midpoint SPoint."""
+ geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps=ellips)
+ lon_start = self.start.lon
+ lon_end = self.end.lon
+ lat_start = self.start.lat
+ lat_end = self.end.lat
+ lon_mid, lat_mid = geod.npts(lon_start, lat_start, lon_end, lat_end, npts=1, radians=True)[0]
+ return SPoint(lon_mid, lat_mid)
+ def to_shapely(self):
+ """Convert to Shapely LineString."""
+ start_coord, end_coord = self.vertices_in_degrees
+ return LineString((start_coord.tolist()[0], end_coord.tolist()[0]))
+ def forward_points(self, distance, ellps="sphere"):
+ """Get points at given distance(s) from SArc end point in the forward direction.
+ The distance value(s) must be provided in meters.
+ If the distance is positive, the point will be located outside the SArc.
+ If the distance is negative, the point will be located inside the SArc.
+ The function returns an SPoint or SMultiPoint.
+ """
+ # Define geoid
+ geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps=ellps)
+ # Retrieve forward and back azimuth
+ fwd_az, back_az, _ = geod.inv(self.start.lon, self.start.lat,
+ self.end.lon, self.end.lat, radians=True)
+ # Retreve forward points
+ distance = np.array(distance)
+ lon, lat, back_az = geod.fwd(np.broadcast_to(np.array(self.end.lon), distance.shape),
+ np.broadcast_to(np.array(self.end.lat), distance.shape),
+ az=np.broadcast_to(fwd_az, distance.shape),
+ dist=distance, radians=True)
+ p = create_spherical_point(lon, lat)
+ return p
+ def backward_points(self, distance, ellps="sphere"):
+ """Get points at given distance(s) from SArc start point in the backward direction.
+ The distance value(s) must be provided in meters.
+ If the distance is positive, the point will be located outside the SArc.
+ If the distance is negative, the point will be located inside the SArc.
+ The function returns an SPoint or SMultiPoint.
+ """
+ reverse_arc = self.reverse_direction()
+ return reverse_arc.forward_points(distance=distance, ellps=ellps)
+ def extend(self, distance, direction="both", ellps="sphere"):
+ """Extend the SArc of a given distance in both, forward or backward directions.
+ If the distance is positive, it extends the SArc.
+ If the distance is negative, it shortens the SArc.
+ """
+ valid_direction = ["both", "forward", "backward"]
+ if direction not in valid_direction:
+ raise ValueError(f"Valid direction values are: {valid_direction}")
+ if direction in ["both", "forward"]:
+ end_point = self.forward_points(distance=distance, ellps="sphere")
+ else:
+ end_point = self.end
+ if direction in ["both", "backward"]:
+ start_point = self.backward_points(distance=distance, ellps="sphere")
+ else:
+ start_point = self.start
+ arc = create_spherical_arcs(start_point, end_point)
+ return arc
+ def shorten(self, distance, direction="both", ellps="sphere"):
+ """Short the SArc of a given distance in both, forward or backward directions.
+ If the distance is positive, it shortens the SArc.
+ If the distance is negative, it extends the SArc.
+ """
+ return self.extend(distance=-distance, direction=direction, ellps="sphere")
+ # def segmentize(self, npts=0, max_distance=0, ellips='sphere'):
+ # """Segmentize the great-circle arc.
+ # It returns an SLine.
+ # npts or max_distance are mutually exclusively. Specify one of them.
+ # max_distance must be provided in meters.
+ # """
+ # if npts != 0:
+ # npts = npts + 2 # + 2 to account for initial and terminus points
+ # geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps=ellips)
+ # lon_start = self.start.lon
+ # lon_end = self.end.lon
+ # lat_start = self.start.lat
+ # lat_end = self.end.lat
+ # points = geod.inv_intermediate(lon_start, lat_start, lon_end, lat_end,
+ # del_s=max_distance,
+ # npts=npts,
+ # radians=True,
+ # initial_idx=0, terminus_idx=0)
+ # lons, lats = (points.lons, points.lats)
+ # lons = np.asarray(lons)
+ # lats = np.asarray(lats)
+ # vertices = np.stack((lons, lats)).T
+ # return SLine(vertices)
+ # def to_line(self):
+ # """Convert to SLine."""
+ # vertices = np.vstack(self.vertices)
+ # return SLine(vertices)
+ # def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # """Convert to SLine."""
+ # self.to_line.plot(*args, **kwargs)
+def create_spherical_arcs(start_point, end_point):
+ """Create a SArc or SArcs class depending on the number of points.
+ If a Spoint is provided, it returns an SArc.
+ If a SMultiPoint is provided, it returns an SArcs.
+ """
+ if isinstance(start_point, SPoint) and isinstance(end_point, SPoint):
+ arc = SArc(start_point, end_point)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("SArcs class is not yet available.")
+ return arc
diff --git a/pyresample/future/spherical/point.py b/pyresample/future/spherical/point.py
index 33389cf05..a652429bd 100644
--- a/pyresample/future/spherical/point.py
+++ b/pyresample/future/spherical/point.py
@@ -39,13 +39,35 @@ def from_degrees(cls, lon, lat):
"""Create SPoint from lon/lat coordinates in degrees."""
return cls(np.deg2rad(lon), np.deg2rad(lat))
+ def is_pole(self):
+ """Test if the point is on a pole."""
+ return self.lat in (-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2)
+ def is_on_equator(self):
+ """Test if the point is on the equator."""
+ return self.lat == 0
+ @property
+ def antipode(self):
+ """Return the antipode point."""
+ lat = - self.lat
+ lon = self.lon - np.pi
+ return SPoint(lon, lat)
def __str__(self):
"""Get simplified representation of lon/lat arrays in radians."""
return str((float(self.lon), float(self.lat)))
def __repr__(self):
"""Get simplified representation of lon/lat arrays in radians."""
- return str((float(self.lon), float(self.lat)))
+ coords = str((float(self.lon), float(self.lat)))
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {coords}"
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Check equality."""
+ if self.lat == other.lat and self.is_pole():
+ return True
+ return np.allclose((self.lon, self.lat), (other.lon, other.lat))
def to_shapely(self):
"""Convert the SPoint to a shapely Point (in lon/lat degrees)."""
@@ -69,9 +91,23 @@ def from_degrees(cls, lon, lat):
"""Create SMultiPoint from lon/lat coordinates in degrees."""
return cls(np.deg2rad(lon), np.deg2rad(lat))
+ @property
+ def antipodes(self):
+ """Return the antipodal points."""
+ lat = - self.lat
+ lon = self.lon - np.pi
+ return SMultiPoint(lon, lat)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check equality."""
- return np.allclose(self.lon, other.lon) and np.allclose(self.lat, other.lat)
+ lon1 = self.lon.copy()
+ lon2 = other.lon.copy()
+ lat1 = self.lat
+ lat2 = other.lat
+ # Set longitude 0 at the pole for array comparison
+ lon1[np.isin(lat1, [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2])] = 0
+ lon2[np.isin(lat2, [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2])] = 0
+ return np.allclose(lon1, lon2) and np.allclose(lat1, lat2)
def __str__(self):
"""Get simplified representation of lon/lat arrays in radians."""
@@ -79,10 +115,25 @@ def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
"""Get simplified representation of lon/lat arrays in radians."""
- return str(self.vertices)
+ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}:\n {self.vertices}"
def to_shapely(self):
"""Convert the SMultiPoint to a shapely MultiPoint (in lon/lat degrees)."""
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
point = MultiPoint(self.vertices_in_degrees)
return point
+def create_spherical_point(lon, lat):
+ """Create a SPoint or SMultiPoint class depending on the number of point coordinates.
+ If a single point coordinate is provided, it returns an SPoint.
+ If multiple point coordinates are provided, it returns an SMultiPoint.
+ """
+ lon = np.asarray(lon)
+ lat = np.asarray(lat)
+ if lon.ndim == 0:
+ p = SPoint(lon, lat)
+ else:
+ p = SMultiPoint(lon, lat)
+ return p
diff --git a/pyresample/spherical.py b/pyresample/spherical.py
index 9dca27904..cfa8b637e 100644
--- a/pyresample/spherical.py
+++ b/pyresample/spherical.py
@@ -349,12 +349,17 @@ def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.__mul__(other)
- def to_spherical(self):
+ def to_spherical(self, future=False):
"""Convert to SPoint/SMultiPoint object."""
# TODO: this in future should point to SPoint or SMultiPoint
+ from pyresample.future.spherical.point import create_spherical_point
lon = np.arctan2(self.cart[..., 1], self.cart[..., 0])
lat = np.arcsin(self.cart[..., 2])
- return SCoordinate(lon, lat)
+ if not future:
+ return SCoordinate(lon, lat)
+ else:
+ return create_spherical_point(lon, lat)
class Arc(object):
@@ -365,20 +370,18 @@ def __init__(self, start, end):
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check equality."""
- if self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end:
- return 1
- return 0
+ return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Check not equal comparison."""
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
- """Get simplified representation."""
+ """Get simplified string representation."""
return str(self.start) + " -> " + str(self.end)
def __repr__(self):
- """Get simplified representation."""
+ """Get simplified repr representation."""
return str(self.start) + " -> " + str(self.end)
def angle(self, other_arc):
@@ -427,9 +430,9 @@ def angle(self, other_arc):
return angle
def intersections(self, other_arc):
- """Give the two intersections of the greats circles defined by the current arc and *other_arc*.
+ """Compute the intersections points of the great circles over which the arcs lies.
- From http://williams.best.vwh.net/intersect.htm
+ A great circle divides the sphere in two equal hemispheres.
end_lon = self.end.lon
other_end_lon = other_arc.end.lon
@@ -465,23 +468,23 @@ def intersects(self, other_arc):
return bool(self.intersection(other_arc))
def intersection(self, other_arc):
- """Return where, if the current arc and the *other_arc* intersect.
+ """Compute the intersection point between two arcs.
- None is returned if there is not intersection. An arc is defined
- as the shortest tracks between two points.
+ If arc and *other_arc* intersect, it returns the intersection SPoint.
+ If arc and *other_arc* does not intersect, it returns None.
if self == other_arc:
return None
- for i in self.intersections(other_arc):
- a__ = self.start
- b__ = self.end
- c__ = other_arc.start
- d__ = other_arc.end
+ a__ = self.start
+ b__ = self.end
+ c__ = other_arc.start
+ d__ = other_arc.end
- ab_ = a__.hdistance(b__)
- cd_ = c__.hdistance(d__)
+ ab_ = a__.hdistance(b__)
+ cd_ = c__.hdistance(d__)
+ for i in self.intersections(other_arc):
if (((i in (a__, b__)) or
(abs(a__.hdistance(i) + b__.hdistance(i) - ab_) < EPSILON)) and
((i in (c__, d__)) or
@@ -490,7 +493,11 @@ def intersection(self, other_arc):
return None
def get_next_intersection(self, arcs, known_inter=None):
- """Get the next intersection between the current arc and *arcs*."""
+ """Get the next intersection between the current arc and *arcs*.
+ It return a tuple with the intersecting point and the arc within *arcs*
+ that intersect the self arc.
+ """
res = []
for arc in arcs:
inter = self.intersection(arc)
diff --git a/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_arc.py b/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_arc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64bc48063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_arc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2022 Pyresample developers
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+"""Define tests for the SArc class."""
+import copy
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from shapely.geometry import LineString
+from pyresample.future.spherical.arc import SArc
+from pyresample.future.spherical.point import SMultiPoint, SPoint
+class TestSArc:
+ """Test SArc class."""
+ # TODO in future
+ # - Fixtures defined here or outside the class
+ # - function that test intersection_point in all direction
+ equator_arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ equator_arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0))
+ # pole_to_pole_arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, -90.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 90.0))
+ # pole_to_pole_arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(60.0, -90.0), SPoint.from_degrees(60.0, 90.0))
+ def test_unvalid_point_arc(self):
+ """Check raise error if start and end point are equal."""
+ p = SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 80.0)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ SArc(p, p)
+ def test_unvalid_180degree_equator_arc(self):
+ """Check raise error if the points lies on the equator and are 180° apart."""
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(180, 0)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ SArc(p1, p2)
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(-10, 0)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(170, 0)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ SArc(p1, p2)
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(10, 0)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(-170, 0)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ SArc(p1, p2)
+ def test_unvalid_pole_to_pole_arc(self):
+ """Check raise error if the points defines a pole to pole arc."""
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, -90.0)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 90.0)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ SArc(p1, p2)
+ def test_antipode_points_arcs(self):
+ """Check raise error if the points are the antipodes."""
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(45, 45.0)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(-135.0, -45)
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ SArc(p1, p2)
+ def test_is_on_equator_arc(self):
+ """Check if the arc lies on the equator."""
+ equator_arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 0))
+ assert equator_arc1.is_on_equator()
+ assert not arc.is_on_equator()
+ def test_eq(self):
+ """Test SArc equality."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 0))
+ assert not arc1.__eq__(arc2)
+ assert arc1 == arc1
+ def test_ne(self):
+ """Test SArc disequality."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 0))
+ assert arc1 != arc2
+ assert not arc1.__ne__(arc1)
+ def test_str(self):
+ """Test SArc __str__ representation."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ expected_str = str(arc.start) + " -> " + str(arc.end)
+ assert str(arc) == expected_str
+ def test_repr(self):
+ """Test SArc __repr__ representation."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ expected_repr = str(arc.start) + " -> " + str(arc.end)
+ assert repr(arc) == expected_repr
+ def test_vertices(self):
+ """Test vertices property."""
+ start_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 0.0))
+ end_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 90.0))
+ arc = SArc(SPoint(*start_point_vertices), SPoint(*end_point_vertices))
+ start_vertices, end_vertices = arc.vertices
+ assert np.allclose(start_vertices, start_point_vertices)
+ assert np.allclose(end_vertices, end_point_vertices)
+ def test_vertices_in_degrees(self):
+ """Test vertices_in_degrees property."""
+ start_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 0.0))
+ end_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 90.0))
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(* start_point_vertices),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(* end_point_vertices))
+ start_vertices, end_vertices = arc.vertices_in_degrees
+ assert np.allclose(start_vertices, start_point_vertices)
+ assert np.allclose(end_vertices, end_point_vertices)
+ def test_to_shapely(self):
+ """Test conversion to shapely."""
+ start_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 0.0))
+ end_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 90.0))
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(* start_point_vertices),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(* end_point_vertices))
+ shapely_line = arc.to_shapely()
+ expected_line = LineString((start_point_vertices, end_point_vertices))
+ assert shapely_line.equals_exact(expected_line, tolerance=1e-10)
+ def test_hash(self):
+ """Test arc hash."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-180.0, -90.0), SPoint.from_degrees(-180.0, 0.0))
+ assert hash(arc) == -3096892178517935054
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
+ # Test SArc manipulations
+ def test_midpoint(self):
+ """Test arc midpoint."""
+ start_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 0.0))
+ end_point_vertices = np.deg2rad((-180.0, 90.0))
+ arc = SArc(SPoint(*start_point_vertices), SPoint(*end_point_vertices))
+ midpoint = arc.midpoint()
+ assert isinstance(midpoint, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(midpoint.vertices_in_degrees[0], (-180, 45))
+ def test_arc_forward_points(self):
+ """Test SArc forward points."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(20, 20))
+ # forward outside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=100)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.00065043, 20.00065971))
+ # forward inside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=-100)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (19.99934958, 19.99934029))
+ # Forward outside arc SMultiPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=[100 * 100, 1000 * 1000])
+ expected_coords = np.array([[20.06506968, 20.06595905],
+ [26.81520629, 26.45975315]])
+ assert isinstance(p, SMultiPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, expected_coords)
+ # Forward inside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=[-100 * 100, -1000 * 1000])
+ expected_coords = np.array([[19.93498483, 19.93401721],
+ [13.73281401, 13.30073419]])
+ assert isinstance(p, SMultiPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, expected_coords)
+ def test_arc_backward_points(self):
+ """Test SArc backward points."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(20, 20))
+ # Backward outside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.backward_points(distance=100)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (9.99934958, 9.99936874))
+ # Backward inside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.backward_points(distance=-100)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (10.00065043, 10.00063126))
+ def test_arc_forward_points_at_equator(self):
+ """Test SArc forward points at equator."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0))
+ # Forward outside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=100)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0.00089932, 0.0))
+ # Forward inside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=-100)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-0.00089932, 0.0))
+ def test_arc_forward_points_at_pole(self):
+ """Test SArc forward points at pole."""
+ # North pole
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 50.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 90))
+ # Forward outside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=1000 * 1000)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 81.00677971))
+ # Forward inside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=-1000 * 1000)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 81.00677971))
+ # South pole
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 50.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, -90))
+ # Forward outside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=1000 * 1000)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, -81.00677971))
+ # Forward inside arc SPoint
+ p = arc.forward_points(distance=-1000 * 1000)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0, -81.00677971))
+ def test_arc_extend(self):
+ """Test SArc extend method."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(20.0, 0.0))
+ # Test unvalid direction
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ arc.extend(distance=0, direction="bot")
+ # Test backward
+ extended_arc = arc.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="backward")
+ assert extended_arc.start == SPoint.from_degrees(-8.99322029, 0)
+ assert extended_arc.end == arc.end
+ # Test forward
+ extended_arc = arc.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="forward")
+ assert extended_arc.start == arc.start
+ assert extended_arc.end == SPoint.from_degrees(28.99322029, 0)
+ # Test both
+ extended_arc = arc.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="both")
+ assert extended_arc.start == SPoint.from_degrees(-8.99322029, 0)
+ assert extended_arc.end == SPoint.from_degrees(28.99322029, 0)
+ def test_arc_shorten(self):
+ """Test SArc shorten method."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(20.0, 0.0))
+ # Test unvalid direction
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ arc.shorten(distance=0, direction="bot")
+ # Test backward
+ shortened_arc = arc.shorten(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="backward")
+ assert shortened_arc.start == SPoint.from_degrees(8.99322029, 0)
+ assert shortened_arc.end == arc.end
+ # Test forward
+ shortened_arc = arc.shorten(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="forward")
+ assert shortened_arc.start == arc.start
+ assert shortened_arc.end == SPoint.from_degrees(11.00677971, 0)
+ # Test both
+ shortened_arc = arc.shorten(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="both")
+ assert shortened_arc.start == SPoint.from_degrees(8.99322029, 0)
+ assert shortened_arc.end == SPoint.from_degrees(11.00677971, 0)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
+ # Test great circle intersections method
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_of_crossing_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour when the 2 crossing arcs are not on the same great-circle."""
+ # If the two arcs cross along the arc
+ # - one intersection point is the crossing point
+ # - the other intersection point is at the antipodes
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 0))
+ crossing_point = (5., 5.0575149)
+ # - Changing the arc used to call the method changes the results order
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-175., -5.0575149))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, crossing_point)
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, crossing_point)
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-175., -5.0575149))
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-175., -5.0575149))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, crossing_point)
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, crossing_point)
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-175., -5.0575149))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, crossing_point)
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-175., -5.0575149))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-175., -5.0575149))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, crossing_point)
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_on_touching_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour when the 2 arcs not on the same great-circle but touch at the extremes."""
+ # If the two arcs are touching at the arc extremes
+ # - one intersection point is the touching point
+ # - the other intersection point is at the antipodes
+ touching_point = (10.0, 20.0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(50.0, 60.0), SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point))
+ # - Changing the arc used to call the method changes the results order
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-170, -20))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-170, -20))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-170, -20))
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-170, -20))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-170, -20))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-170, -20))
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_of_disjoint_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour when the 2 disjoint arcs are not on the same great-circle."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10)) # north hemisphere
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-10, -10), SPoint.from_degrees(-10, -20)) # south hemisphere
+ # - Changing the arc used to call the method changes the results order
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (170., 10.))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-10., -10.))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-10., -10.))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (170., 10.))
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (170., 10.))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-10., -10.))
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-10., -10.))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (170., 10.))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-10., -10.))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (170., 10.))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (170., 10.))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-10., -10.))
+ # - with arcs on the same great circle cases
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_of_disjoint_arcs_on_same_great_circle(self):
+ """Test behaviour when the 2 disjoint arcs (same great-circle case)."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 1.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0))
+ start_point = arc1.forward_points(distance=1000 * 1000)
+ end_point = arc1.forward_points(distance=3000 * 1000)
+ arc2 = SArc(start_point, end_point)
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_of_touching_equator_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour of touching equatorial arcs (same great-circle case)."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 0.0))
+ # - Changing the arc used to call the method does not change the results order
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_on_overlapping_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with 2 overlapping arcs (same great-circle case)."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 1.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = arc1.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="forward")
+ # - Changing the arc used to call the method does not change the results order
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_on_contain_within_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with arcs contain/within each other (same great-circle case)."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 1.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = arc1.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="both")
+ # - Changing the arc used to call the method does not change the results order
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - If both arc are reversed, the results are the same
+ p1, p2 = arc1.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc2.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc changes the order of the points
+ p1, p2 = arc2._great_circle_intersections(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ def test_great_circles_intersections_with_equal_arc(self):
+ """Test great_circles intersection points with equal arcs."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 20.0), SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 40.0))
+ p1, p2 = arc._great_circle_intersections(arc)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - Reversing both arcs does not change the results
+ p1, p2 = arc.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # - Reversing the direction of one arc does not change the results
+ p1, p2 = arc._great_circle_intersections(arc.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ p1, p2 = arc.reverse_direction()._great_circle_intersections(arc)
+ assert np.allclose(p1.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ assert np.allclose(p2.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
+ # Test intersection_point method
+ def test_disjoint_arcs(self):
+ """Test disjoint arcs behaviour."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-2.4982818108326734, 48.596644847869655),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(-2.9571441235622835, 49.165688435261394))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-3.4976667413531688, 48.562704872921373),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(-5.893976312685715, 48.445795283217116))
+ assert arc1.intersection_point(arc2) is None
+ assert not arc1.intersects(arc2)
+ assert not bool(None) # this occurs within the intersects method
+ def test_disjoint_equator_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with disjoint arc along the equator."""
+ equator_arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ equator_arc3 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(-20, 0.0))
+ p = equator_arc3.intersection_point(equator_arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_disjoint_arcs_crossing_the_antimeridian(self):
+ """Test SArc(s) intersection point when disjoint arcs cross the antimeridian."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(143.76, 0),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(143.95, 7.33))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(170.34, 71.36),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(-171.03, 76.75))
+ arc1_orig = copy.deepcopy(arc1)
+ arc2_orig = copy.deepcopy(arc2)
+ point = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ # Assert original arcs are unaffected
+ assert arc1_orig.end.lon == arc1.end.lon
+ assert arc2_orig.end.lon == arc2.end.lon
+ # Assert disjoint arcs returns None
+ assert isinstance(point, type(None))
+ def test_crossing_arcs(self):
+ """Test crossing arcs behaviour."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 5.0575148968282093))
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(24.341215776575297, 44.987819588259327),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(18.842727517611817, 46.512483610284178))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(20.165961750361905, 46.177305385810541),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(20.253297585831707, 50.935830837274324))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.165957021925202, 46.177022633103398))
+ assert arc1.intersects(arc2)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.165957021925202, 46.177022633103398))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.165957021925202, 46.177022633103398))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.165957021925202, 46.177022633103398))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.165957021925202, 46.177022633103398))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (20.165957021925202, 46.177022633103398))
+ def test_crossing_arcs_at_equator(self):
+ """Test arcs crossing at the equator."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0, -10), SPoint.from_degrees(10, 10))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 0))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5, 0))
+ def test_crossing_arcs_intersecting_at_the_antimeridian(self):
+ """Test SArc(s) intersection point when intersecting at the antimeridian."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-180.0, -89.0),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(-180.0, 89.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-171.03, -76.75),
+ SPoint.from_degrees(170.34, -71.36))
+ arc1_orig = copy.deepcopy(arc1)
+ arc2_orig = copy.deepcopy(arc2)
+ point = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ # Assert original arcs are unaffected
+ assert arc1_orig.end.lon == arc1.end.lon
+ assert arc2_orig.end.lon == arc2.end.lon
+ # Assert intersection result
+ assert point == SPoint.from_degrees(-180.0, -74.78847163)
+ def test_touching_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour when touches not at the arc extremes."""
+ # Touching point at (15, 0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 20.0))
+ midpoint = arc1.midpoint() # (0, 15)
+ arc2 = SArc(midpoint, SPoint(-np.pi / 2, midpoint.lat))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 15))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_the_equator(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the equator in the mid of one arc."""
+ # Touching point at (25, 0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(25, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 30))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (25.0, 0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (25.0, 0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (25.0, 0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (25.0, 0))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (25.0, 0))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the arc extremes (not on the same great-circle)."""
+ # Touching point at (10.0, 20.0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(50.0, 60.0), SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 20.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (10.0, 20.0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (10.0, 20.0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (10.0, 20.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (10.0, 20.0))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (10.0, 20.0))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_which_cross_antimeridian(self):
+ """Test arcs crossing the antimeridian, touching at the arc extremes."""
+ # Touching point at (-175., 45)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-150, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(-175, 45))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(150, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(-175, 45))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-175, 45))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-175, 45))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-175, 45))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-175, 45))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-175, 45))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_at_the_pole(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the arc extremes at the pole."""
+ # Touching point at (xxx, 90)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 90.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(60.0, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 90.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0., 90))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0., 90))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0., 90))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0., 90))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (0., 90))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_at_the_antimeridian(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the arc extremes at the antimeridian."""
+ # Touching point at (-180., 45)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-150, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(-180, 45))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(150, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(180, 45))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180., 45))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180., 45))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180., 45))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180., 45))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (-180., 45))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_at_the_equator(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the equator at the arc extremes."""
+ # Touching point at the equator (5, 0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, -20.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5.0, 0))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5.0, 0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5.0, 0))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, (5.0, 0))
+ # - with arcs on the same great circle
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_on_same_great_circle(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the arc extremes with arc on the same great circle."""
+ touching_point = 5.0, 20.0
+ start_point = SPoint.from_degrees(6.0, 1.0)
+ end_point = SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point)
+ arc1 = SArc(start_point, end_point)
+ forward_point = arc1.forward_points(distance=3000 * 1000)
+ arc2 = SArc(end_point, forward_point)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # Define another touching arc on the same great circle
+ start_point = SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 1.0)
+ end_point = SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0)
+ arc1 = SArc(start_point, end_point)
+ forward_point = arc1.forward_points(distance=3000 * 1000)
+ arc2 = SArc(end_point, forward_point)
+ # arc1._great_circle_intersections(arc2) # (0,0) , (-180,0)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ assert not arc1.intersects(arc2)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_with_equator_arcs(self):
+ """Test touching behaviour with arc lying around the equator."""
+ touching_point = (0.0, 0.0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ touching_point = (-180.0, 0.0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # BUG [TO SOLVE] (WHATEVER LON OUTSIDE 0/180 return None)
+ touching_point = (-90.0, 0.0)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point), SPoint.from_degrees(50, 0.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(*touching_point))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ assert not arc1.intersects(arc2)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ # p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ # assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ # assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ # assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ # assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ # p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ # assert np.allclose(p.vertices_in_degrees, touching_point)
+ def test_touching_arcs_at_extremes_with_meridian_arcs(self):
+ """Test arcs touching at the arc extremes with arcs pointing vertically to the pole."""
+ # Touching at point at (1, 20)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 20.0), SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 30.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ assert not arc1.intersects(arc2)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ # Touching at point at (1, -20)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, -10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, -20.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, -20.0), SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, -30.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ assert not arc1.intersects(arc2)
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_contain_within_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with arc contained/within each other."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 1.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = arc1.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="both")
+ # Arc2 contain arc1
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ # Arc1 within arc1
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_overlapping_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with arc partially overlapping."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 1.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = arc1.extend(distance=1000 * 1000, direction="forward")
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_overlapping_with_meridian_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with arc overlapping along a meridian."""
+ # Overlapping between (5, 10) and (5, 20)
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 20.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(5, 10.0), SPoint.from_degrees(5.0, 30.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_overlapping_equator_arcs(self):
+ """Test behaviour with arc overlapping along the equator."""
+ arc1 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(0.0, 0.0))
+ arc2 = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(-50, 0.0), SPoint.from_degrees(-20, 0.0))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc1.intersection_point(arc2.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc2.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc1.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ def test_equal_arcs(self):
+ """Test intersection behaviour with equal arcs."""
+ arc = SArc(SPoint.from_degrees(1.0, 20.0), SPoint.from_degrees(10.0, 40.0))
+ p = arc.intersection_point(arc)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc.intersection_point(arc.reverse_direction())
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
+ p = arc.reverse_direction().intersection_point(arc)
+ assert isinstance(p, type(None))
diff --git a/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_point.py b/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_point.py
index 4a6075e45..9f6343f41 100644
--- a/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_point.py
+++ b/pyresample/test/test_sgeom/test_point.py
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
"""Test cases for SPoint and SMultiPoint."""
-import unittest
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pyresample.future.spherical import SMultiPoint, SPoint
+from pyresample.future.spherical.point import create_spherical_point
-class TestSPoint(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestSPoint:
"""Test SPoint."""
def test_latitude_validity(self):
@@ -55,6 +55,53 @@ def test_creation_from_degrees(self):
p2 = SPoint(np.deg2rad(lon), np.deg2rad(lat))
assert p1 == p2
+ def test_spherical_point_creation(self):
+ """Test SPoint or SMultiPoint factory."""
+ # SPoint
+ p = create_spherical_point(0, np.pi / 2)
+ assert isinstance(p, SPoint)
+ # SMultiPoint
+ p = create_spherical_point([0, 0], [np.pi / 2, 0])
+ assert isinstance(p, SMultiPoint)
+ def test_is_pole(self):
+ """Test is pole method."""
+ assert SPoint.from_degrees(0, -90).is_pole()
+ assert SPoint.from_degrees(0, 90).is_pole()
+ assert not SPoint.from_degrees(0, 89.99).is_pole()
+ def test_is_on_equator(self):
+ """Test is on equator method."""
+ assert SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0).is_on_equator()
+ assert SPoint.from_degrees(10, -0).is_on_equator()
+ assert not SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0.001).is_on_equator()
+ def test_antipodal_point(self):
+ """Test antipode property."""
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 0).antipode
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 0))
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(90, 0).antipode
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (-90, 0))
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(-90, 0).antipode
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (90, 0))
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(180, 0).antipode
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (0, 0))
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 90).antipode
+ assert antipode == SPoint.from_degrees(-5, -90)
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, -90))
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(0, -90).antipode
+ assert antipode == SPoint.from_degrees(-5, 90)
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (-180, 90))
+ antipode = SPoint.from_degrees(45, 45).antipode
+ assert np.allclose(antipode.vertices_in_degrees, (-135., -45.))
def test_vertices(self):
"""Test vertices property."""
lons = 0
@@ -78,15 +125,42 @@ def test_raise_error_if_multi_point(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
SPoint(lons, lats)
+ def test_eq(self):
+ """Check the equality."""
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 10)
+ assert p1 == p2
+ def test_pole_equality(self):
+ """Check pole point equality."""
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 90)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(10, 90)
+ assert p1 == p2
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, -90)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(10, -90)
+ assert p1 == p2
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, -90)
+ p2 = SPoint.from_degrees(0, 90)
+ assert not p1 == p2
+ assert p1 != p2
+ def test_eq_antimeridian(self):
+ """Check the equality of a point on the antimeridian."""
+ p = SPoint.from_degrees(-180, 0)
+ p1 = SPoint.from_degrees(180, 0)
+ assert p == p1
def test_str(self):
"""Check the string representation."""
d = SPoint(1.0, 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(str(d), "(1.0, 0.5)")
+ assert str(d) == "(1.0, 0.5)"
def test_repr(self):
"""Check the representation."""
d = SPoint(1.0, 0.5)
- self.assertEqual(repr(d), "(1.0, 0.5)")
+ assert repr(d) == 'SPoint: (1.0, 0.5)'
def test_to_shapely(self):
"""Test conversion to shapely."""
@@ -98,7 +172,7 @@ def test_to_shapely(self):
assert shapely_point.equals_exact(spherical_point.to_shapely(), tolerance=1e-10)
-class TestSMultiPoint(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestSMultiPoint:
"""Test SMultiPoint."""
def test_single_point(self):
@@ -120,6 +194,16 @@ def test_creation_from_degrees(self):
p2 = SMultiPoint(np.deg2rad(lon), np.deg2rad(lat))
assert p1 == p2
+ def test_antipodal_points(self):
+ """Test antipodes property."""
+ lon = [0, 90, -90, 180, 0, 0, 45]
+ lat = [0, 0, 0, 0, 90, -90, 45]
+ antipodal_lon = [-180, -90, 90, 0, -5, -5, -135]
+ antipodal_lat = [0, 0, 0, 0, -90, 90, -45]
+ p = SMultiPoint.from_degrees(lon, lat)
+ antipodal_p = SMultiPoint.from_degrees(antipodal_lon, antipodal_lat)
+ assert p.antipodes == antipodal_p
def test_vertices(self):
"""Test vertices property."""
lons = np.array([0, np.pi])
@@ -148,8 +232,8 @@ def test_distance(self):
p2 = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
d12 = p1.distance(p2)
d21 = p2.distance(p1)
- self.assertEqual(d12.shape, (2, 3))
- self.assertEqual(d21.shape, (3, 2))
+ assert d12.shape == (2, 3)
+ assert d21.shape == (3, 2)
res = np.array([[0., 1.57079633, 3.14159265],
[3.14159265, 1.57079633, 0.]])
assert np.allclose(d12, res)
@@ -169,19 +253,22 @@ def test_hdistance(self):
p2 = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
d12 = p1.hdistance(p2)
d21 = p2.hdistance(p1)
- self.assertEqual(d12.shape, (2, 3))
- self.assertEqual(d21.shape, (3, 2))
+ assert d12.shape == (2, 3)
+ assert d21.shape == (3, 2)
res = np.array([[0., 1.57079633, 3.14159265],
[3.14159265, 1.57079633, 0.]])
assert np.allclose(d12, res)
- def test_eq(self):
- """Check the equality."""
- lons = [0, np.pi]
- lats = [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
- p = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
- p1 = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
- assert p == p1
+ def test_pole_equality(self):
+ """Check pole point equality."""
+ p1 = SMultiPoint.from_degrees([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 90])
+ p2 = SMultiPoint.from_degrees([0, 0, 50], [0, 0, 90])
+ assert p1 == p2
+ p1 = SMultiPoint.from_degrees([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 90])
+ p2 = SMultiPoint.from_degrees([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -90])
+ assert not p1 == p2
+ assert p1 != p2
def test_eq_antimeridian(self):
"""Check the equality with longitudes at -180/180 degrees."""
@@ -192,29 +279,44 @@ def test_eq_antimeridian(self):
p1 = SMultiPoint(lons1, lats)
assert p == p1
+ def test_eq(self):
+ """Check the equality."""
+ lons = [0, np.pi]
+ lats = [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
+ p = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
+ p1 = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
+ assert p == p1
def test_neq(self):
"""Check the equality."""
lons = np.array([0, np.pi])
- lats = [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
+ lats = [0, np.pi / 2]
p = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
p1 = SMultiPoint(lons + 0.1, lats)
assert p != p1
+ # Equality at the pole
+ lons = np.array([0, np.pi])
+ lats = [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
+ p = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
+ p1 = SMultiPoint(lons + 0.1, lats)
+ assert not p != p1
def test_str(self):
"""Check the string representation."""
lons = [0, np.pi]
lats = [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
p = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
expected_str = '[[ 0. -1.57079633]\n [-3.14159265 1.57079633]]'
- self.assertEqual(str(p), expected_str)
+ assert str(p) == expected_str
def test_repr(self):
"""Check the representation."""
lons = [0, np.pi]
lats = [-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2]
p = SMultiPoint(lons, lats)
- expected_repr = '[[ 0. -1.57079633]\n [-3.14159265 1.57079633]]'
- self.assertEqual(repr(p), expected_repr)
+ expected_repr = 'SMultiPoint:\n [[ 0. -1.57079633]\n [-3.14159265 1.57079633]]'
+ assert repr(p) == expected_repr
def test_to_shapely(self):
"""Test conversion to shapely."""