- Add #17 feature: character style
- Fix issue #23, Document.add_picture() raises ValueError when document contains VML drawing.
- Add 20 tri-state properties on Run, including all-caps, double-strike, hidden, shadow, small-caps, and 15 others.
- Advance from alpha to beta status.
- Add pure-python image header parsing; drop Pillow dependency
- Hotfix: issue #4, Document.add_picture() fails on second and subsequent images.
- Complete Python 3 support, tested on Python 3.3
- Fix setup.py error on some Windows installs
- Full object-oriented rewrite
- Feature-parity with prior version
- text: add paragraph, run, text, bold, italic
- table: add table, add row, add column
- styles: specify style for paragraph, table
- picture: add inline picture, auto-scaling
- breaks: add page break
- tests: full pytest and behave-based 2-layer test suite
- Round-trip .docx file, preserving all parts and relationships
- Load default "template" .docx on open with no filename
- Open from stream and save to stream (file-like object)
- Add paragraph at and of document