This doc explain how to create a simple E4 Application.
Related code is mantained in my git repo, in the e4.test project
- Download Eclipse e4 for committers – developer builds
- Download E4 tools – E4 install
- Download windows builder – wb downloads
Create a new E4 project and name it e4.test
> Eclipse E4 Application Project.
We don’t need an activator, so we give the name, press Next, and Finish.
Open the e4.test.product, and click on launch an Eclipse application. You’ll see an empty shell with the application title.
Now edit the Application.e4xmi, by adding a Part, directly under the Windows and Dialogs > Controls > Part.
Then click on the Class URI link, to launch the wizard for the creation of the part.
To edit the part with the visual editor, right click the part, then select Open With > Window Builder.
Create a minimal UI with window builder, and launch again the application
Use window builder to add an editor
Quick commit & push