We have developed a cli to help set up your development enviornment and interact with the ProudCity Platform.
Create an alias in your terminal profile. For example, on a Mac, assuming I cloned the wp-proudcity
into ~/Workspace/proudcity/wp-proudcity
echo "alias pc=~/Workspace/proudcity/wp-proudcity/bin/pc" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
Simply type pc
and you will get a list of available commands. For example:
$ pc
Available commands:
pc dev <action> Start/stop Docker. Connect to Docker.
pc watch <handle|all> Grunt watch. Handles: proudcity-dashboard, wp-proud-theme, wp-proud-admin
pc publish <handle> [push] Grunt publish. When push is `true`, publish to firebase-hosting
$ pc dev
Available commands:
pc dev start Start Docker
pc dev stop Stop Docker
pc dev status Get list of running Docker containers
pc dev logs View the last 1000 logs from the Docker container
pc dev ssh SSH into the Docker container
pc dev wp Run wp-cli command
pc dev db Connect to the MySQL database
pc dev install Runs composer install
pc dev update Runs composer update
pc dev docs Open the ProudCity Developer Docs in your browser
pc dev repo [plugin] Open the ProudCity Github repo in your browser. Optionally accepts a plugin name to view.
composer install
Wordpress will be in the ./wordpress
You can automate the management of custom plugins and themes using the bash scripts in ./scripts:
cd ./wp-proudcity
bash scripts/cmd.sh "git status"
wp db drop
wp db create
wp core install \
--url=wordpress.local \
--title="Proud" \
--admin_user=admin \
--admin_password=demo \
--admin_email="[email protected]"
wp plugin activate --all
Or from an existing db:
wp db drop
wp db create
wp db import dump.sql
wp option update siteurl "http://wordpress.local"
wp option update home "http://wordpress.local"