This software development kit contains all API definitions for the REST API v4 for Python.
The ProjectManager API v4 is available as a REST definition in OpenAPI format. You can read the documentation online at
Here's how to add this SDK to create a project.
pip install ProjectManagerSdk
To create an API client for ProjectManager, you must specify:
- Your API key, and
- Your environment URL.
For the ProjectManager production environment, the environment URL is
To obtain a API key:
- Log on to
- Click your name in the bottom left hand corner
- Select Account, then API
- Follow the instructions on the page to create a new API key
This example code demonstrates how to retrieve your API key from an environment variable and use it in Python:
import ProjectManagerSdk
import os
# Retrieve API key and create a client
apiKey = os.environ.get('PM_API_KEY')
client = ProjectManagerSdk.ProjectManagerClient('production', 'EXAMPLE_JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK')
# Test connectivity to the server
status_results =
if not status_results.success or not
print("Your API key is not valid.")
print("Please set the environment variable PM_API_KEY and PM_ENV and try again.")
print(f"Logged in as {} ({})")