This is a simple contract who acts as a broker between sellers and buyers of NFTs, keeping track of the interest of people on buying NFTs which can be not in sale at the moment, and the interest of NFT holders on sell at some price if someone pays for it. The contract never actually holds any token, instead just expect approvals, and cancel proposal when transactions are confirmed but allowance is not enough from one of the participants.
The contract is upgradeable from openzeppelin UUPS (EIP-1822) proxy. there is a upgrade task that can be used to easily upgrade the contract.
Also the contract has good test coverage, but for production use should be tested more and of course, audited by third party always.
OpenSalesManager_Proxy: 0xBB35Bc010d870558F6E559aD45b865059317aD9E
OpenSalesManager_Implementation: 0x83f57ad3047CF8a48D3Da3D9eA1B2DbaA8FFD937
TODO: Add mainnet smart contract addresses
$ git clone ...
$ cd opensales/
$ npm install
3. Create .env in the folder. Fill out all info needed on those files in according to .env.example file.
MNEMONIC=[the 12 mnemonic words]
INFURA_API_KEY = [Your Infura API key]
PRIVATE_KEY=[private key for account]
$ npx hardhat test
$ npx hardhat coverage
$ hh node --no-deploy
2. Deploy contracts.
$ hh deploy
$ hh deploy --network mumbai
$ hh deploy --network mainnet
- Hardhat: