diff --git a/docs/Fermat-testing.md b/docs/Fermat-testing.md
index c019bdad..ebfb7af0 100644
--- a/docs/Fermat-testing.md
+++ b/docs/Fermat-testing.md
@@ -185,6 +185,6 @@ thus _F_13 to _F_22 cannot be tested with Mlucas without o
As mentioned above at [Mlucas build notes](#mlucas-build-notes), building Mlucas is highly architecture-specific, and some
build types will not support all of the optimal FFT lengths.
-Finally, 2K appears to be the smallest usable FFT for the smallest testable Fermat number _F_13, with the command line settings `-fft 2 -radset 8,8,16 -shift 0`.
+Finally, 2K appears to be the smallest usable FFT for the smallest testable Fermat number _F_13.
The 4K FFT seems to be more reliable on a wider range of systems for the next larger Fermat numbers _F_14 to _F_16.