diff --git a/.changeset/thick-lions-call.md b/.changeset/thick-lions-call.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..826c3d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/thick-lions-call.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+"@primer/stylelint-config": major
+**BREAKING CHANGE:** Removing plugins from the config.
+* primer/new-color-vars-have-fallback
+* primer/no-deprecated-colors
+* primer/no-override
+* primer/no-scale-colors
+* primer/no-undefined-vars
+* primer/no-unused-vars
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 872935b6..4ddd59e0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ Primer Stylelint Config extends the [stylelint-config-standard](https://github.c
 - [stylelint-order](https://github.com/hudochenkov/stylelint-order): Order-related linting rules for stylelint. Properties must be [sorted according to this list](https://github.com/primer/stylelint-config/blob/main/property-order.js).
 - [stylelint-scss](https://github.com/kristerkari/stylelint-scss): A collection of SCSS specific linting rules for stylelint
   - [scss/selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector](https://github.com/kristerkari/stylelint-scss/blob/master/src/rules/selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector/README.md): Disallow redundant nesting selectors (`&`).
-- [primer/no-override](./plugins/#primerno-override): Prohibits custom styles that target Primer CSS selectors.
-- [primer/no-unused-vars](./plugins/#primerno-unused-vars): Warns about SCSS variables that are declared by not used in your local files.
-- [primer/no-undefined-vars](./plugins/#primerno-undefined-vars): Prohibits usage of undefined CSS variables.
-- [primer/no-scale-colors](./plugins/#primerno-scale-colors): Prohibits the use of [non-functional scale CSS variables](https://primer.style/css/support/color-system#color-palette)
 - [primer/colors](./plugins/#primercolors): Enforces the use of certain color variables.
 - [primer/spacing](./plugins/#primerspacing): Enforces the use of spacing variables for margin and padding.
 - [primer/typography](./plugins/#primertypography): Enforces the use of typography variables for certain CSS properties.
diff --git a/__tests__/__fixtures__/good/example.module.css b/__tests__/__fixtures__/good/example.module.css
index 5721ba48..6349ec9f 100644
--- a/__tests__/__fixtures__/good/example.module.css
+++ b/__tests__/__fixtures__/good/example.module.css
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
   overflow: hidden;
-.gradient {
+:root {
   --offset: -500px;
+.gradient {
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   /* stylelint-disable-next-line primer/responsive-widths */
@@ -18,7 +20,6 @@
 .gradient-left {
-  /* stylelint-disable primer/no-undefined-vars */
   top: var(--offset);
   left: var(--offset);
   /* stylelint-disable-next-line primer/colors */
@@ -79,20 +80,20 @@
 .marketplace-item {
-  box-shadow: var(--shadow-resting-small, var(--color-shadow-small));
+  box-shadow: var(--shadow-resting-small);
 .marketplace-item:focus-within {
-  background-color: var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle));
+  background-color: var(--bgColor-muted);
 .marketplace-item:focus-within {
-  outline: 2px solid var(--fgColor-accent, var(--color-accent-fg));
+  outline: 2px solid var(--fgColor-accent);
 .marketplace-item-link {
-  color: var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default));
+  color: var(--fgColor-default);
 .marketplace-item-link:hover {
diff --git a/__tests__/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js b/__tests__/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc3e1f6..00000000
--- a/__tests__/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import {ruleName} from '../plugins/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js'
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-  plugins: ['./plugins/new-color-vars-have-fallback'],
-  customSyntax: 'postcss-scss',
-  ruleName,
-  config: [true],
-  accept: [
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default)); }',
-      description: 'Variable has fallback',
-    },
-  ],
-  reject: [
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--fgColor-default); }',
-      message:
-        'Expected a fallback value for CSS variable --fgColor-default. New color variables fallbacks, check primer.style/primitives to find the correct value (primer/new-color-vars-have-fallback)',
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-  ],
diff --git a/__tests__/no-deprecated-colors.js b/__tests__/no-deprecated-colors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4047d969..00000000
--- a/__tests__/no-deprecated-colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-import {ruleName} from '../plugins/no-deprecated-colors.js'
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-  plugins: ['./plugins/no-deprecated-colors'],
-  ruleName,
-  config: [
-    true,
-  ],
-  fix: true,
-  accept: [
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--fgColor-default); }'},
-    {
-      code: '@include focusOutline(2px, var(--focus-outlineColor));',
-    },
-  ],
-  reject: [
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-fg-default); }',
-      fixed: '.x { color: var(--fgColor-default); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-fg-default is deprecated for property color. Please use the replacement --fgColor-default. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border-right: $border-width $border-style var(--color-border-muted); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border-right: $border-width $border-style var(--borderColor-muted); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-border-muted is deprecated for property border-right. Please use the replacement --borderColor-muted. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border-color: var(--color-primer-border-contrast); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border-color: var(--borderColor-muted); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-primer-border-contrast is deprecated for property border-color. Please use the replacement --borderColor-muted. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { box-shadow: var(--color-fg-default); }',
-      unfixable: true,
-      message: `Variable --color-fg-default is deprecated for property box-shadow. Please consult the primer color docs for a replacement. https://primer.style/primitives/storybook/?path=/story/migration-tables (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { background-color: var(--color-canvas-default-transparent); }',
-      fixed: '.x { background-color: var(--bgColor-transparent); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-canvas-default-transparent is deprecated for property background-color. Please use the replacement --bgColor-transparent. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border: var(--borderWidth-thin) solid var(--color-border-default); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border: var(--borderWidth-thin) solid var(--borderColor-default); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-border-default is deprecated for property border. Please use the replacement --borderColor-default. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border-color: var(--color-canvas-default-transparent); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border-color: var(--borderColor-transparent); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-canvas-default-transparent is deprecated for property border-color. Please use the replacement --borderColor-transparent. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border: 1px solid var(--color-neutral-emphasis); .foo { background-color: var(--color-neutral-emphasis); } }',
-      fixed:
-        '.x { border: 1px solid var(--borderColor-neutral-emphasis); .foo { background-color: var(--bgColor-neutral-emphasis); } }',
-      config: [
-        true,
-        {
-          inlineFallback: false,
-        },
-      ],
-      warnings: [
-        {
-          message:
-            'Variable --color-neutral-emphasis is deprecated for property border. Please use the replacement --borderColor-neutral-emphasis. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)',
-          line: 1,
-          column: 6,
-        },
-        {
-          message:
-            'Variable --color-neutral-emphasis is deprecated for property background-color. Please use the replacement --bgColor-neutral-emphasis. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)',
-          line: 1,
-          column: 62,
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-  ],
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-  plugins: ['./plugins/no-deprecated-colors'],
-  ruleName,
-  config: [
-    true,
-    {
-      inlineFallback: true,
-    },
-  ],
-  fix: true,
-  accept: [
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default)); }'},
-    {
-      code: '@include focusOutline(2px, var(--focus-outlineColor, var(--color-accent-fg)));',
-    },
-  ],
-  reject: [
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-fg-default); }',
-      fixed: '.x { color: var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default)); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-fg-default is deprecated for property color. Please use the replacement --fgColor-default. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border-right: $border-width $border-style var(--color-border-muted); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border-right: $border-width $border-style var(--borderColor-muted, var(--color-border-muted)); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-border-muted is deprecated for property border-right. Please use the replacement --borderColor-muted. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border-color: var(--color-primer-border-contrast); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border-color: var(--borderColor-muted, var(--color-primer-border-contrast)); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-primer-border-contrast is deprecated for property border-color. Please use the replacement --borderColor-muted. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { background-color: var(--color-canvas-default-transparent); }',
-      fixed: '.x { background-color: var(--bgColor-transparent, var(--color-canvas-default-transparent)); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-canvas-default-transparent is deprecated for property background-color. Please use the replacement --bgColor-transparent. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border: var(--borderWidth-thin) solid var(--color-border-default); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border: var(--borderWidth-thin) solid var(--borderColor-default, var(--color-border-default)); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-border-default is deprecated for property border. Please use the replacement --borderColor-default. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border-color: var(--color-canvas-default-transparent); }',
-      fixed: '.x { border-color: var(--borderColor-transparent, var(--color-canvas-default-transparent)); }',
-      message: `Variable --color-canvas-default-transparent is deprecated for property border-color. Please use the replacement --borderColor-transparent. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)`,
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { border: 1px solid var(--color-neutral-emphasis); .foo { background-color: var(--color-neutral-emphasis); } }',
-      fixed:
-        '.x { border: 1px solid var(--borderColor-neutral-emphasis, var(--color-neutral-emphasis)); .foo { background-color: var(--bgColor-neutral-emphasis, var(--color-neutral-emphasis)); } }',
-      config: [
-        true,
-        {
-          inlineFallback: false,
-        },
-      ],
-      warnings: [
-        {
-          message:
-            'Variable --color-neutral-emphasis is deprecated for property border. Please use the replacement --borderColor-neutral-emphasis. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)',
-          line: 1,
-          column: 6,
-        },
-        {
-          message:
-            'Variable --color-neutral-emphasis is deprecated for property background-color. Please use the replacement --bgColor-neutral-emphasis. (primer/no-deprecated-colors)',
-          line: 1,
-          column: 62,
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-  ],
diff --git a/__tests__/no-override.js b/__tests__/no-override.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dfcec5f9..00000000
--- a/__tests__/no-override.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import {lint, extendDefaultConfig} from './utils/index.js'
-import noOverride from '../plugins/no-override.js'
-describe('primer/no-override', () => {
-  it(`doesn't run when disabled`, () => {
-    const config = extendDefaultConfig({
-      rules: {
-        'primer/no-override': false,
-      },
-    })
-    return lint(`.ml-1 { width: 10px; }`, config).then(data => {
-      expect(data).not.toHaveErrored()
-      expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(0)
-    })
-  })
-  it('reports instances of utility classes', () => {
-    return lint('.ml-1 { width: 10px; }').then(data => {
-      expect(data).toHaveErrored()
-      expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(1)
-      expect(data).toHaveWarnings([
-        `Primer CSS class ".ml-1" should not be overridden. (primer/no-override)`,
-      ])
-    })
-  })
-  it('reports instances of complete utility selectors', () => {
-    const selector = '.show-on-focus:focus'
-    return lint(`${selector} { width: 10px; }`).then(data => {
-      expect(data).toHaveErrored()
-      expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(1)
-      expect(data).toHaveWarnings([
-        `Primer CSS class "${selector}" should not be overridden. (primer/no-override)`,
-      ])
-    })
-  })
-  it('reports instances of partial utility selectors', () => {
-    const selector = '.show-on-focus'
-    return lint(`.foo ${selector}:focus { width: 10px; }`).then(data => {
-      expect(data).toHaveErrored()
-      expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(1)
-      expect(data).toHaveWarnings([
-        `Primer CSS class "${selector}" should not be overridden in ".foo ${selector}:focus". (primer/no-override)`,
-      ])
-    })
-  })
-  it('only reports class selectors', () => {
-    const config = {
-      plugins: [noOverride],
-      rules: {
-        'primer/no-override': [true],
-      },
-    }
-    return lint(`body { width: 10px; }`, config).then(data => {
-      expect(data).not.toHaveErrored()
-      expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(0)
-    })
-  })
-  describe('ignoreSelectors option', () => {
-    it('ignores selectors listed as strings', () => {
-      const config = extendDefaultConfig({
-        rules: {
-          'primer/no-override': [
-            true,
-            {
-              ignoreSelectors: ['.px-4'],
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      })
-      return lint(`.px-4 { margin: 0 $spacer-1 !important; }`, config).then(data => {
-        expect(data).not.toHaveErrored()
-        expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(0)
-      })
-    })
-    it('ignores selectors listed as regular expressions', () => {
-      const config = extendDefaultConfig({
-        rules: {
-          'primer/no-override': [
-            true,
-            {
-              ignoreSelectors: [/\.px-[0-9]/],
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      })
-      return lint(`.px-4 { margin: 0 $spacer-1 !important; }`, config).then(data => {
-        expect(data).not.toHaveErrored()
-        expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(0)
-      })
-    })
-    it('ignores selectors when ignoreSelectors is a function', () => {
-      const config = extendDefaultConfig({
-        rules: {
-          'primer/no-override': [
-            true,
-            {
-              ignoreSelectors: selector => selector === '.px-4',
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      })
-      return lint(`.px-4 { margin: 0 $spacer-1 !important; }`, config).then(data => {
-        expect(data).not.toHaveErrored()
-        expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(0)
-      })
-    })
-  })
diff --git a/__tests__/no-scale-colors.js b/__tests__/no-scale-colors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ec8ff3..00000000
--- a/__tests__/no-scale-colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import path from 'path'
-import {messages, ruleName} from '../plugins/no-scale-colors.js'
-import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'
-const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-  plugins: ['./plugins/no-scale-colors'],
-  ruleName,
-  config: [
-    true,
-    {
-      files: [path.join(__dirname, '__fixtures__/color-vars.scss')],
-    },
-  ],
-  accept: [
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--color-text-primary); }'},
-    {
-      code: '@include color-variables(((my-feature, (light: var(--color-scale-blue-1), dark: var(--color-scale-blue-5)))));',
-    },
-  ],
-  reject: [
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-scale-blue-1); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-scale-blue-1'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-auto-blue-1); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-auto-blue-1'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-  ],
diff --git a/__tests__/no-undefined-vars.js b/__tests__/no-undefined-vars.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1e5eae..00000000
--- a/__tests__/no-undefined-vars.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-import path from 'path'
-import {messages, ruleName} from '../plugins/no-undefined-vars.js'
-import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'
-const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
-  plugins: ['./plugins/no-undefined-vars'],
-  ruleName,
-  config: [
-    true,
-    {
-      files: [
-        path.join(__dirname, '__fixtures__/color-vars.scss'),
-        path.join(__dirname, '__fixtures__/defines-new-color-vars.scss'),
-        path.join(__dirname, '__fixtures__/spacing-vars.scss'),
-      ],
-    },
-  ],
-  accept: [
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--color-text-primary); }'},
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--color-text-primary, #000000); }'},
-    {code: '.x { background-color: var(--color-counter-bg); }'},
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--color-my-first-feature); }'},
-    {code: '.x { color: var(--color-my-second-feature); }'},
-    {code: '.x { margin: var(--spacing-spacer-1); }'},
-    {
-      code: '@include color-variables(\n  (\n    (feature-bg-color, (light: var(--color-scale-blue-1), dark: var(--color-scale-blue-2)))));',
-    },
-    {
-      code: `
-        .x {
-          --color-foo: #ffeeee;
-        }
-      `,
-    },
-    {
-      code: `
-        .x {
-          --color-foo: #ffeeee;
-          color: var(--color-foo);
-        }
-      `,
-    },
-    {
-      code: `
-        :root {
-          --color-foo: #ffeeee;
-        }
-        .x {
-          color: var(--color-foo);
-        }
-      `,
-    },
-    {
-      code: `
-        :host {
-          --color-foo: #ffeeee;
-        }
-        .x {
-          color: var(--color-foo);
-        }
-      `,
-    },
-    {
-      code: `
-        :root {
-          --color-foo: #ffeeee;
-        }
-        .x {
-          --color-bar: var(--color-foo);
-          color: var(--color-bar);
-        }
-      `,
-    },
-  ],
-  reject: [
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-foo); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-foo'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    // checks to ensure other declarations with a double-dash
-    // aren't accidentally parsed as CSS variables
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--light); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--light'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-my-commented-color); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-my-commented-color'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-my-other-commented-color); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-my-other-commented-color'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { color: var(--color-bar, #000000); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-bar'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 6,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { --color-bar: #000000; } .y { color: var(--color-bar); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-bar'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 35,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '.x { --color-foo: #000000; color: var(--color-bar); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-bar'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 28,
-    },
-    {
-      code: ':root { --color-foo: #000000 } .x { color: var(--color-bar); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-bar'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 37,
-    },
-    {
-      code: ':host { --color-foo: #000000 } .x { color: var(--color-bar); }',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-bar'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 37,
-    },
-    {
-      code: '@include color-variables(\n  (\n    (feature-bg-color, (light: var(--color-scale-blue-1), dark: var(--color-fake-2)))));',
-      message: messages.rejected('--color-fake-2'),
-      line: 1,
-      column: 1,
-    },
-  ],
diff --git a/__tests__/no-unused-vars.js b/__tests__/no-unused-vars.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 281fb7b4..00000000
--- a/__tests__/no-unused-vars.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-import {join} from 'path'
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import {fileURLToPath} from 'url'
-import pluginPath from '../plugins/no-unused-vars.js'
-const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))
-const fixture = (...path) => join(__dirname, '__fixtures__', ...path)
-const ruleName = 'primer/no-unused-vars'
-describe('primer/no-unused-vars', () => {
-  it('finds unused vars', () => {
-    const config = {
-      plugins: [pluginPath],
-      customSyntax: 'postcss-scss',
-      rules: {
-        [ruleName]: [true, {files: fixture('*.scss')}],
-      },
-    }
-    return stylelint
-      .lint({
-        files: fixture('has-unused-vars.scss'),
-        config,
-      })
-      .then(data => {
-        expect(data).toHaveErrored()
-        expect(data).toHaveWarnings([`The variable "$unused" is not referenced. (${ruleName})`])
-      })
-  })
-  it(`doesn't run when disabled`, () => {
-    const config = {
-      plugins: [pluginPath],
-      customSyntax: 'postcss-scss',
-      rules: {
-        [ruleName]: false,
-      },
-    }
-    return stylelint
-      .lint({
-        files: fixture('has-unused-vars.scss'),
-        config,
-      })
-      .then(data => {
-        expect(data).not.toHaveErrored()
-        expect(data).toHaveWarningsLength(0)
-      })
-  })
-  it(`talks a lot with {verbose: true}`, () => {
-    const config = {
-      plugins: [pluginPath],
-      customSyntax: 'postcss-scss',
-      rules: {
-        [ruleName]: [true, {files: fixture('*.scss'), verbose: true}],
-      },
-    }
-    return stylelint
-      .lint({
-        files: fixture('has-unused-vars.scss'),
-        config,
-      })
-      .then(data => {
-        expect(data).toHaveErrored()
-        expect(data).toHaveWarnings([`The variable "$unused" is not referenced. (${ruleName})`])
-      })
-  })
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
index 4d84c7c0..77413a63 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -4,16 +4,10 @@ import propertyOrder from './property-order.js'
 import borders from './plugins/borders.js'
 import boxShadow from './plugins/box-shadow.js'
 import colors from './plugins/colors.js'
-import noDeprecatedColors from './plugins/no-deprecated-colors.js'
-import noOverride from './plugins/no-override.js'
-import noScaleColors from './plugins/no-scale-colors.js'
-import noUndefinedVars from './plugins/no-undefined-vars.js'
-import noUnusedVars from './plugins/no-unused-vars.js'
 import responsiveWidths from './plugins/responsive-widths.js'
 import spacing from './plugins/spacing.js'
 import typography from './plugins/typography.js'
 import utilities from './plugins/utilities.js'
-import newColorVarsHaveFallback from './plugins/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js'
 import noDisplayColors from './plugins/no-display-colors.js'
 /** @type {import('stylelint').Config} */
@@ -22,21 +16,16 @@ export default {
   ignoreFiles: ['**/*.js', '**/*.cjs'],
   reportNeedlessDisables: true,
   plugins: [
+    'stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties',
-    noDeprecatedColors,
-    noOverride,
-    noScaleColors,
-    noUndefinedVars,
-    noUnusedVars,
-    newColorVarsHaveFallback,
   rules: {
@@ -48,6 +37,25 @@ export default {
     'color-named': 'never',
     'color-no-invalid-hex': true,
     'comment-no-empty': null,
+    'csstools/value-no-unknown-custom-properties': [
+      true,
+      {
+        severity: 'warning',
+        importFrom: [
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/size/size-coarse.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/size/border.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/size/size.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/size/size-fine.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/size/breakpoints.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/size/viewport.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/motion/motion.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/themes/light.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/functional/typography/typography.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/base/size/size.css',
+          './node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/css/base/typography/typography.css',
+        ],
+      },
+    ],
     'custom-property-pattern': null,
     'declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties': [true, {ignore: ['consecutive-duplicates']}],
     'declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties': null,
@@ -82,13 +90,6 @@ export default {
     'primer/borders': true,
     'primer/box-shadow': true,
     'primer/colors': true,
-    'primer/no-deprecated-colors': true,
-    'primer/no-override': true,
-    'primer/no-undefined-vars': [
-      true,
-      {severity: 'warning', files: 'node_modules/@primer/primitives/dist/scss/colors*/*.scss'},
-    ],
-    'primer/no-unused-vars': [true, {severity: 'warning'}],
     'primer/responsive-widths': true,
     'primer/spacing': true,
     'primer/typography': true,
@@ -141,13 +142,6 @@ export default {
         'primer/borders': null,
         'primer/typography': null,
         'primer/box-shadow': null,
-        'primer/no-deprecated-colors': [
-          true,
-          {
-            inlineFallback: true,
-          },
-        ],
-        'primer/no-scale-colors': true,
         'primer/no-display-colors': true,
         'primer/utilities': null,
         'property-no-unknown': [
@@ -156,7 +150,6 @@ export default {
             ignoreProperties: ['@container', 'container-type'],
-        'primer/no-override': null,
@@ -177,14 +170,11 @@ export default {
             ignoreAtRules: ['mixin', 'define-mixin'],
-        'primer/no-deprecated-colors': true,
       files: ['**/*.module.css'],
-      rules: {
-        'primer/no-override': null,
-      },
+      rules: {},
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 7eb978b0..c613a611 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
         "@primer/css": "^21.0.8",
         "@primer/primitives": "^7.16.0",
         "anymatch": "^3.1.1",
-        "globby": "^11.0.1",
         "postcss-scss": "^4.0.2",
         "postcss-styled-syntax": "^0.6.4",
         "postcss-value-parser": "^4.0.2",
@@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
         "stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features": "^8.0.0",
         "stylelint-order": "^6.0.4",
         "stylelint-scss": "^6.2.0",
+        "stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties": "^6.0.1",
         "tap-map": "^1.0.0"
       "devDependencies": {
@@ -5947,7 +5947,6 @@
       "version": "2.0.2",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/hasown/-/hasown-2.0.2.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-0hJU9SCPvmMzIBdZFqNPXWa6dqh7WdH0cII9y+CyS8rG3nL48Bclra9HmKhVVUHyPWNH5Y7xDwAB7bfgSjkUMQ==",
-      "dev": true,
       "dependencies": {
         "function-bind": "^1.1.2"
@@ -6207,7 +6206,6 @@
       "version": "2.13.1",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/is-core-module/-/is-core-module-2.13.1.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-hHrIjvZsftOsvKSn2TRYl63zvxsgE0K+0mYMoH6gD4omR5IWB2KynivBQczo3+wF1cCkjzvptnI9Q0sPU66ilw==",
-      "dev": true,
       "dependencies": {
         "hasown": "^2.0.0"
@@ -8101,7 +8099,6 @@
       "version": "1.0.7",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/path-parse/-/path-parse-1.0.7.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-LDJzPVEEEPR+y48z93A0Ed0yXb8pAByGWo/k5YYdYgpY2/2EsOsksJrq7lOHxryrVOn1ejG6oAp8ahvOIQD8sw==",
-      "dev": true,
       "license": "MIT"
     "node_modules/path-scurry": {
@@ -8682,7 +8679,6 @@
       "version": "1.22.8",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/resolve/-/resolve-1.22.8.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-oKWePCxqpd6FlLvGV1VU0x7bkPmmCNolxzjMf4NczoDnQcIWrAF+cPtZn5i6n+RfD2d9i0tzpKnG6Yk168yIyw==",
-      "dev": true,
       "dependencies": {
         "is-core-module": "^2.13.0",
         "path-parse": "^1.0.7",
@@ -9565,6 +9561,21 @@
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/known-css-properties/-/known-css-properties-0.29.0.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-Ne7wqW7/9Cz54PDt4I3tcV+hAyat8ypyOGzYRJQfdxnnjeWsTxt1cy8pjvvKeI5kfXuyvULyeeAvwvvtAX3ayQ=="
+    "node_modules/stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties": {
+      "version": "6.0.1",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties/-/stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties-6.0.1.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-N60PTdaTknB35j6D4FhW0GL2LlBRV++bRpXMMldWMQZ240yFQaoltzlLY4lXXs7Z0J5mNUYZQ/gjyVtU2DhCMA==",
+      "dependencies": {
+        "postcss-value-parser": "^4.2.0",
+        "resolve": "^1.22.8"
+      },
+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">=18.12.0"
+      },
+      "peerDependencies": {
+        "stylelint": ">=16"
+      }
+    },
     "node_modules/stylelint/node_modules/ansi-regex": {
       "version": "6.0.1",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/ansi-regex/-/ansi-regex-6.0.1.tgz",
@@ -9675,7 +9686,6 @@
       "version": "1.0.0",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/supports-preserve-symlinks-flag/-/supports-preserve-symlinks-flag-1.0.0.tgz",
       "integrity": "sha512-ot0WnXS9fgdkgIcePe6RHNk1WA8+muPa6cSjeR3V8K27q9BB1rTE3R1p7Hv0z1ZyAc8s6Vvv8DIyWf681MAt0w==",
-      "dev": true,
       "license": "MIT",
       "engines": {
         "node": ">= 0.4"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 160b4b9a..b568d821 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
     "@primer/css": "^21.0.8",
     "@primer/primitives": "^7.16.0",
     "anymatch": "^3.1.1",
-    "globby": "^11.0.1",
     "postcss-scss": "^4.0.2",
     "postcss-styled-syntax": "^0.6.4",
     "postcss-value-parser": "^4.0.2",
@@ -57,6 +56,7 @@
     "stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features": "^8.0.0",
     "stylelint-order": "^6.0.4",
     "stylelint-scss": "^6.2.0",
+    "stylelint-value-no-unknown-custom-properties": "^6.0.1",
     "tap-map": "^1.0.0"
   "prettier": "@github/prettier-config",
diff --git a/plugins/README.md b/plugins/README.md
index 7e90b391..72f08597 100644
--- a/plugins/README.md
+++ b/plugins/README.md
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ This directory contains all of our custom stylelint plugins, each of which provi
 - [Primer stylelint plugins](#primer-stylelint-plugins)
     - [Rules](#rules)
   - [Usage](#usage)
-  - [`primer/no-override`](#primerno-override)
-  - [`primer/no-unused-vars`](#primerno-unused-vars)
-  - [`primer/no-deprecated-colors`](#primerno-deprecated-colors)
-  - [`primer/no-undefined-vars`](#primerno-undefined-vars)
-  - [`primer/no-scale-colors`](#primerno-scale-colors)
   - [`primer/colors`](#primercolors)
   - [`primer/spacing`](#primerspacing)
   - [`primer/typography`](#primertypography)
@@ -33,131 +28,7 @@ If you're _not_ using or extending `@primer/stylelint-config`, you can still ref
 // stylelint.config.js
 module.exports = {
-  plugins: ['@primer/stylelint-config/plugins/no-override', '@primer/stylelint-config/plugins/no-unused-vars']
-## `primer/no-override`
-This rule prohibits "overriding" class selectors defined in [Primer CSS]. By default, it will only fail selectors that target utility classes:
-// FAIL
-.mt-0 {
-  /* literally anything */
-You can further constrain overrides to exclude _any_ class selector in Primer by providing additional names in the `bundles` option:
-// stylelint.config.js
-module.exports = {
-  // ...
-  rules: {
-    'primer/no-override': [
-      true,
-      {
-        bundles: ['utilities', core', 'product', 'marketing']
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-## `primer/no-unused-vars`
-This rule helps you find SCSS variables that _may_ not be used, and can be safely deleted. It works by scanning all of the SCSS files in your project and looking for anything that appears to be either a Sass variable declaration or reference:
-    $name: value;
-/**      ↑
- *  The colon is what makes this a declaration */
-/* Anything starting with a $ and followed by word chars or hyphens
- * and _not_ followed by a colon is considered a reference: */
-    margin: $value;
-/**               ↑
- *                Not a colon */
-    padding: $value 1px;
-/**                ↑
- *                 Not a colon */
-@media screen and (max-width: $break-lg) {
-/**                                    ↑
- *                                     Also not a colon */
-Equipped with a list of all the variable declarations and references, the linting rule walks all of the declarations in the
-file being linted, finds any that look like declarations (using the same pattern as the project-wide scan), and generates a warning for any that have zero references in the files it's scanned.
-Because there isn't any good way for a stylelint plugin to know all of the files being linted, it needs to be told where to find all of the declarations and references in its options:
-- `files` is a single path, glob, or array of paths and globs, that tells the plugin which files to scan relative to the current working directory. The default is `['**/*.scss', '!node_modules']`, which tells [globby] to find all the `.scss` files recursively and ignore the `node_modules` directory.
-- `variablePattern` is a regular expression that matches a single variable in either a source file string or the `prop` of a postcss Declaration node (`{type: 'decl'}`). The default matches Sass/SCSS variables: `/\$[-\w]/g`. Note that the `g` ("global") flag is _required_ to match multiple variable references on a single line.
-- `verbose` is a boolean that enables chatty `console.warn()` messages telling you what the plugin found, which can aid in debugging more complicated project layouts.
-## `primer/no-deprecated-colors`
-This rule identifies deprecated color variables from [primer/primitives]](https://github.com/primer/primitives) deprecated.json file and suggests replacements.
-body {
-  color: var(--color-fg-default);
-/**          ↑
- *           OK: --color-text-primary is defined */
-body {
-  color: var(--color-text-primary);
-/**          ↑
- *           FAIL: --color-text-primary is deprecated. */
-## `primer/no-undefined-vars`
-This rule prohibits any usages of undefined CSS variables.
-:root {
-  --color-text-primary: #000;
-body {
-  color: var(--color-text-primary);
-/**          ↑
- *           OK: --color-text-primary is defined */
-body {
-  color: var(--color-foo);
-/**          ↑
- *           FAIL: --color-foo is not defined */
-For the purposes of this rule, a CSS variable declaration is any text starting with `--` and immediately followed by a colon.
-Because there isn't a good way for a stylelint plugin to know what CSS variables are defined, it needs to be told where to look for declarations in its options:
-- `files` is a single path, glob, or array of paths and globs, that tells the plugin which files (relative to the current working directory) to scan for CSS variable declarations. The default is `['**/*.scss', '!node_modules']`, which tells [globby] to find all the `.scss` files recursively and ignore the `node_modules` directory.
-- `verbose` is a boolean that enables chatty `console.warn()` messages telling you what the plugin found, which can aid in debugging more complicated project layouts.
-## `primer/no-scale-colors`
-This rule prohibits the use of [non-functional scale CSS variables](https://primer.style/css/support/color-system#color-palette) like `var(--color-scale-blue-1)` in all cases except the `color-variables` mixin.
-// Okay; using scale colors while defining new variables
-@include color-scale-var('new-var-name', var(--color-scale-blue-1), var(--color-scale-blue-2))
-// Fail; using scale colors directly as a property value
-.selector {
-  color: var(--color-scale-blue-1)
+  plugins: ['@primer/stylelint-config/plugins/colors']
@@ -377,5 +248,4 @@ module.exports = {
 - `disableFix` is a boolean that can disable auto-fixing of this rule when running `stylelint --fix` to auto-fix other rules.
 [primer css]: https://primer.style/css
-[globby]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/globby
 [glob patterns]: http://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/x11655.htm
diff --git a/plugins/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js b/plugins/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ccd8cd77..00000000
--- a/plugins/new-color-vars-have-fallback.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import variables from './lib/new-color-css-vars-map.json' with {type: 'json'}
-export const ruleName = 'primer/new-color-vars-have-fallback'
-export const messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
-  expectedFallback: variable =>
-    `Expected a fallback value for CSS variable ${variable}. New color variables fallbacks, check primer.style/primitives to find the correct value`,
-export default stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, enabled => {
-  if (!enabled) {
-    return noop
-  }
-  return (root, result) => {
-    root.walkDecls(node => {
-      for (const variable of variables) {
-        if (node.value.includes(`var(${variable})`)) {
-          // Check if the declaration uses a CSS variable from the JSON
-          const match = node.value.match(new RegExp(`var\\(${variable},(.*)\\)`))
-          if (!match || match[1].trim() === '') {
-            stylelint.utils.report({
-              ruleName,
-              result,
-              node,
-              message: messages.expectedFallback(variable),
-            })
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    })
-  }
-function noop() {}
diff --git a/plugins/no-deprecated-colors.js b/plugins/no-deprecated-colors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f783f680..00000000
--- a/plugins/no-deprecated-colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import matchAll from 'string.prototype.matchall'
-import variableChecks from './lib/primitives-v8.json' with {type: 'json'}
-export const ruleName = 'primer/no-deprecated-colors'
-export const messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
-  rejected: (varName, replacement, property) => {
-    if (replacement === null) {
-      return `Variable ${varName} is deprecated for property ${property}. Please consult the primer color docs for a replacement. https://primer.style/primitives/storybook/?path=/story/migration-tables`
-    }
-    return `Variable ${varName} is deprecated for property ${property}. Please use the replacement ${replacement}.`
-  },
-// Match CSS variable references (e.g var(--color-text-primary))
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
-const variableReferenceRegex = /var\(([^\),]+)(,.*)?\)/g
-const replacedVars = {}
-const newVars = {}
-export default stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, (enabled, options = {}, context) => {
-  const {inlineFallback = false} = options
-  if (!enabled) {
-    return noop
-  }
-  const {verbose = false} = options
-  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-  const log = verbose ? (...args) => console.warn(...args) : noop
-  // Keep track of declarations we've already seen
-  const seen = new WeakMap()
-  const lintResult = (root, result) => {
-    // Walk all declarations
-    root.walk(node => {
-      if (seen.has(node)) {
-        return
-      } else {
-        seen.set(node, true)
-      }
-      // walk these nodes
-      if (node.type !== 'decl') {
-        return
-      }
-      for (const [, variableName] of matchAll(node.value, variableReferenceRegex)) {
-        if (variableName in variableChecks) {
-          let replacement = variableChecks[variableName]
-          if (typeof replacement === 'object') {
-            if (node.prop) {
-              for (const prop of replacement) {
-                // Check if node.prop starts with one of the props array elements
-                if (prop['props'].some(p => node.prop.startsWith(p))) {
-                  replacement = prop['replacement']
-                  break
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            if (typeof replacement === 'object') {
-              replacement = null
-            }
-          }
-          if (context.fix && replacement !== null) {
-            replacement = `${replacement}${inlineFallback ? `, var(${variableName})` : ''}`
-            replacedVars[variableName] = true
-            newVars[replacement] = true
-            if (node.type === 'atrule') {
-              node.params = node.params.replace(variableName, replacement)
-            } else {
-              node.value = node.value.replace(variableName, replacement)
-            }
-            continue
-          }
-          stylelint.utils.report({
-            message: messages.rejected(variableName, replacement, node.prop),
-            node,
-            ruleName,
-            result,
-          })
-        }
-      }
-    })
-  }
-  log(
-    `${Object.keys(replacedVars).length} deprecated variables replaced with ${Object.keys(newVars).length} variables.`,
-  )
-  return lintResult
-function noop() {}
diff --git a/plugins/no-override.js b/plugins/no-override.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 787a92c9..00000000
--- a/plugins/no-override.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import primerJson from '@primer/css/dist/stats/primer.json' with {type: 'json'}
-const ruleName = 'primer/no-override'
-const CLASS_PATTERN = /(\.[-\w]+)/
-const CLASS_PATTERN_ONLY = /^\.[-\w]+(:{1,2}[-\w]+)?$/
-export default stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, (enabled, options = {}) => {
-  if (!enabled) {
-    return noop
-  }
-  const {ignoreSelectors = []} = options
-  const isSelectorIgnored =
-    typeof ignoreSelectors === 'function'
-      ? ignoreSelectors
-      : selector => {
-          return ignoreSelectors.some(pattern => {
-            return pattern instanceof RegExp ? pattern.test(selector) : selector.includes(pattern)
-          })
-        }
-  // These map selectors to the bundle in which they're defined.
-  // If there's no entry for a given selector, it means that it's not defined
-  // in one of the *specified* bundles, since we're iterating over the list of
-  // bundle names in the options.
-  const immutableSelectors = new Set()
-  const immutableClassSelectors = new Set()
-  const selectors = primerJson.selectors.values
-  for (const selector of selectors) {
-    immutableSelectors.add(selector)
-    for (const classSelector of getClassSelectors(selector)) {
-      immutableClassSelectors.add(classSelector)
-    }
-  }
-  const messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
-    rejected: ({rule, selector}) => {
-      const ruleSelector = collapseWhitespace(rule.selector)
-      const context = selector === rule.selector ? '' : ` in "${ruleSelector}"`
-      return `Primer CSS class "${collapseWhitespace(selector)}" should not be overridden${context}.`
-    },
-  })
-  return (root, result) => {
-    const report = subject =>
-      stylelint.utils.report({
-        message: messages.rejected(subject),
-        node: subject.rule,
-        result,
-        ruleName,
-      })
-    root.walkRules(rule => {
-      const {selector} = rule
-      if (immutableSelectors.has(selector)) {
-        if (isClassSelector(selector)) {
-          if (!isSelectorIgnored(selector)) {
-            return report({
-              rule,
-              selector,
-            })
-          }
-        } else {
-          // console.log(`not a class selector: "${selector}"`)
-        }
-      }
-      for (const classSelector of getClassSelectors(selector)) {
-        if (immutableClassSelectors.has(classSelector)) {
-          if (!isSelectorIgnored(classSelector)) {
-            return report({
-              rule,
-              selector: classSelector,
-            })
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    })
-  }
-function getClassSelectors(selector) {
-  const match = selector.match(CLASS_PATTERN_ALL)
-  return match ? [...match] : []
-function isClassSelector(selector) {
-  return CLASS_PATTERN_ONLY.test(selector)
-function collapseWhitespace(str) {
-  return str.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ')
-function noop() {}
diff --git a/plugins/no-scale-colors.js b/plugins/no-scale-colors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77891962..00000000
--- a/plugins/no-scale-colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import matchAll from 'string.prototype.matchall'
-export const ruleName = 'primer/no-scale-colors'
-export const messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
-  rejected: varName =>
-    `${varName} is a non-functional scale color and cannot be used without being wrapped in the color-variables mixin`,
-// Match CSS variable references (e.g var(--color-text-primary))
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
-const variableReferenceRegex = /var\(([^\),]+)(,.*)?\)/g
-export default stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, (enabled, options = {}) => {
-  if (!enabled) {
-    return noop
-  }
-  const {verbose = false} = options
-  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-  const log = verbose ? (...args) => console.warn(...args) : noop
-  // Keep track of declarations we've already seen
-  const seen = new WeakMap()
-  return (root, result) => {
-    root.walkRules(rule => {
-      rule.walkDecls(decl => {
-        if (seen.has(decl)) {
-          return
-        } else {
-          seen.set(decl, true)
-        }
-        for (const [, variableName] of matchAll(decl.value, variableReferenceRegex)) {
-          log(`Found variable reference ${variableName}`)
-          if (variableName.match(/^--color-(scale|auto)-/)) {
-            stylelint.utils.report({
-              message: messages.rejected(variableName),
-              node: decl,
-              result,
-              ruleName,
-            })
-          }
-        }
-      })
-    })
-  }
-function noop() {}
diff --git a/plugins/no-undefined-vars.js b/plugins/no-undefined-vars.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c36f242..00000000
--- a/plugins/no-undefined-vars.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-import fs from 'fs'
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import matchAll from 'string.prototype.matchall'
-import globby from 'globby'
-import TapMap from 'tap-map'
-export const ruleName = 'primer/no-undefined-vars'
-export const messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
-  rejected: varName => `${varName} is not defined`,
-// Match CSS variable definitions (e.g. --color-text-primary:)
-const variableDefinitionRegex = /^\s*(--[\w|-]+):/gm
-// Match CSS variables defined with the color-variables mixin
-const colorModeVariableDefinitionRegex = /^[^/\n]*\(["']?([^'"\s,]+)["']?,\s*\(light|dark:/gm
-// Match CSS variable references (e.g var(--color-text-primary))
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
-const variableReferenceRegex = /var\(([^\),]+)(,.*)?\)/g
-export default stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, (enabled, options = {}) => {
-  if (!enabled) {
-    return noop
-  }
-  const {files = ['**/*.scss', '!node_modules'], verbose = false} = options
-  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-  const log = verbose ? (...args) => console.warn(...args) : noop
-  const globalDefinedVariables = getDefinedVariables(files, log)
-  // Keep track of declarations we've already seen
-  const seen = new WeakMap()
-  return (root, result) => {
-    const fileDefinedVariables = new Set()
-    function checkVariable(variableName, node, allowed) {
-      if (!allowed.has(variableName)) {
-        stylelint.utils.report({
-          message: messages.rejected(variableName),
-          node,
-          result,
-          ruleName,
-        })
-      }
-    }
-    root.walkAtRules(rule => {
-      if (rule.name === 'include' && rule.params.startsWith('color-variables')) {
-        const innerMatch = [...matchAll(rule.params, variableReferenceRegex)]
-        if (!innerMatch.length) {
-          return
-        }
-        for (const [, variableName] of innerMatch) {
-          checkVariable(variableName, rule, new Set([...globalDefinedVariables, ...fileDefinedVariables]))
-        }
-      }
-    })
-    root.walkRules(rule => {
-      const scopeDefinedVaribles = new Set()
-      rule.walkDecls(decl => {
-        // Add CSS variable declarations within the source text to the list of allowed variables
-        if (decl.prop.startsWith('--')) {
-          scopeDefinedVaribles.add(decl.prop)
-          if (decl.parent.selector === ':root' || decl.parent.selector === ':host') {
-            fileDefinedVariables.add(decl.prop)
-          }
-        }
-        if (seen.has(decl)) {
-          return
-        } else {
-          seen.set(decl, true)
-        }
-        for (const [, variableName] of matchAll(decl.value, variableReferenceRegex)) {
-          checkVariable(
-            variableName,
-            decl,
-            new Set([...globalDefinedVariables, ...fileDefinedVariables, ...scopeDefinedVaribles]),
-          )
-        }
-      })
-    })
-  }
-const cwd = process.cwd()
-const cache = new TapMap()
-function getDefinedVariables(globs, log) {
-  const cacheKey = JSON.stringify({globs, cwd})
-  return cache.tap(cacheKey, () => {
-    const definedVariables = new Set()
-    const files = globby.sync(globs)
-    log(`Scanning ${files.length} SCSS files for CSS variables`)
-    for (const file of files) {
-      log(`==========\nLooking for CSS variable definitions in ${file}`)
-      const css = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8')
-      for (const [, variableName] of matchAll(css, variableDefinitionRegex)) {
-        log(`${variableName} defined in ${file}`)
-        definedVariables.add(variableName)
-      }
-      for (const [, variableName] of matchAll(css, colorModeVariableDefinitionRegex)) {
-        log(`--color-${variableName} defined via color-variables in ${file}`)
-        definedVariables.add(`--color-${variableName}`)
-      }
-    }
-    return definedVariables
-  })
-function noop() {}
diff --git a/plugins/no-unused-vars.js b/plugins/no-unused-vars.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f19efb43..00000000
--- a/plugins/no-unused-vars.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import TapMap from 'tap-map'
-import globby from 'globby'
-import matchAll from 'string.prototype.matchall'
-import stylelint from 'stylelint'
-import {readFileSync} from 'fs'
-export const ruleName = 'primer/no-unused-vars'
-const cwd = process.cwd()
-const COLON = ':'
-const SCSS_VARIABLE_PATTERN = /(\$[-\w]+)/g
-export const messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
-  rejected: name => `The variable "${name}" is not referenced.`,
-const cache = new TapMap()
-export default stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, (enabled, options = {}) => {
-  if (!enabled) {
-    return noop
-  }
-  const {files = ['**/*.scss', '!node_modules'], variablePattern = SCSS_VARIABLE_PATTERN, verbose = false} = options
-  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
-  const log = verbose ? (...args) => console.warn(...args) : noop
-  const cacheOptions = {files, variablePattern, cwd}
-  const {refs} = getCachedVariables(cacheOptions, log)
-  return (root, result) => {
-    root.walkDecls(decl => {
-      for (const [name] of matchAll(decl.prop, variablePattern)) {
-        if (!refs.has(name)) {
-          stylelint.utils.report({
-            message: messages.rejected(name),
-            node: decl,
-            result,
-            ruleName,
-          })
-        } else {
-          const path = stripCwd(decl.source.input.file)
-          log(`${name} declared in ${path} ref'd in ${pluralize(refs.get(name).size, 'file')}`)
-        }
-      }
-    })
-  }
-function getCachedVariables(options, log) {
-  const key = JSON.stringify(options)
-  return cache.tap(key, () => {
-    const {files, variablePattern} = options
-    const decls = new TapMap()
-    const refs = new TapMap()
-    log(`Looking for variables in ${files} ...`)
-    for (const file of globby.sync(files)) {
-      const css = readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
-      for (const match of matchAll(css, variablePattern)) {
-        const after = css.substr(match.index + match[0].length)
-        const name = match[0]
-        if (after.startsWith(COLON)) {
-          decls.tap(name, set).add(file)
-        } else {
-          refs.tap(name, set).add(file)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    log(`Found ${decls.size} declarations, ${pluralize(refs.size, 'reference')}.`)
-    for (const [name, filesList] of decls.entries()) {
-      const fileRefs = refs.get(name)
-      if (fileRefs) {
-        log(`variable "${name}" declared in ${pluralize(filesList.size, 'file')}, ref'd in ${fileRefs.size}`)
-      } else {
-        log(`[!] variable "${name}" declared in ${Array.from(filesList)[0]} is not referenced`)
-      }
-    }
-    return {decls, refs}
-  })
-function noop() {}
-function set() {
-  return new Set()
-function stripCwd(path) {
-  return path.startsWith(cwd) ? path.substr(cwd.length + 1) : path
-function pluralize(num, str, plural = `${str}s`) {
-  return num === 1 ? `${num} ${str}` : `${num} ${plural}`