diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js index 79a81c70..4f66a922 100644 --- a/Gruntfile.js +++ b/Gruntfile.js @@ -270,10 +270,6 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) { src: ['<%= paths.src.ussd_mqr_faqs %>'], dest: '<%= paths.dest.ussd_mqr_faqs %>' }, - ussd_tb_check: { - src: ['<%= paths.src.ussd_tb_check %>'], - dest: '<%= paths.dest.ussd_tb_check %>' - }, }, mochaTest: { @@ -314,9 +310,6 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) { }, test_ussd_mqr_faqs: { src: ['<%= paths.test.ussd_mqr_faqs %>'] - }, - test_ussd_tb_check: { - src: ['<%= paths.test.ussd_tb_check %>'] } /* */ diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.afr_ZA.json b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.afr_ZA.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4bd36a44..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.afr_ZA.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,547 +0,0 @@ -{ - "": { - "project-id-version": "", - "pot-creation-date": "2023-10-26 02:59:+0000", - "po-revision-date": "2023-10-26 22:11+0200", - "last-translator": "", - "language-team": "", - "language": "afr_ZA", - "mime-version": "1.0", - "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", - "plural-forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "x-generator": "Poedit 3.4" - }, - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck": [ - null, - "Welkom terug by Die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid se TB Gesondheidsvraelys" - ], - "Continue where I left off": [ - null, - "Gaan voort waar ek laas opgehou het" - ], - "Start over": [ - null, - "Begin weer oor" - ], - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study.": [ - null, - "Ongelukkig kan jy nie deelneem aan die studie meer as een keer. Jy kan wel voortgaan met 'n TB Check wat nie by die studie ingesluit sal word nie." - ], - "Continue": [ - null, - "Gaan voort" - ], - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.": [ - null, - "Hierdie diens werk die beste wanneer jy een van die nommers op die lys kies." - ], - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.": [ - null, - "Die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid bedank jou dat jy SA burgers se gesondheid beskerm. Stop TB-verspreiding." - ], - "START": [ - null, - "BEGIN" - ], - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.": [ - null, - "Die NDvG-diens verskaf gesondheidsinligting. Stem jy saam dat jy verantwoordelik is vir jou mediese sorg en behandeling?" - ], - "YES": [ - null, - "JA" - ], - "NO": [ - null, - "NEE" - ], - "MORE INFO": [ - null, - "MEER INLIGTING" - ], - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Gebruik hierdie diens enige tyd weer. Onthou, indien jy vermoed dat jy TB het, vermy kontak met ander mense en word getoets by jou naaste kliniek." - ], - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.": [ - null, - "TB GesondheidsVraelys vervang nie mediese advies, -diagnose of -behandeling nie. Gaan na 'n dokter vir jou mediese toestand en behandeling." - ], - "Next": [ - null, - "Volgende" - ], - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care": [ - null, - "Inligting word gebruik op eie risiko. Die vraelyes vervang nie mediese raad nie. Stem om binnekort behandelingsadvies te kry en nie te ignoreer nie" - ], - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.": [ - null, - "Jou inligting word beskerm deur die POPI-wet, soos uiteengesit in TB HealthCheck se Privaatheidskennisgewing-SMS." - ], - "ACCEPT": [ - null, - "AANVAAR" - ], - "Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Kies jou taal van voorkeur" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer. Kies jou taal van voorkeur" - ], - "English": [ - null, - "English" - ], - "isiZulu": [ - null, - "isiZulu" - ], - "Afrikaans": [ - null, - "Afrikaans" - ], - "isiXhosa": [ - null, - "isiXhosa" - ], - "Sesotho": [ - null, - "Sesotho" - ], - "Setswana": [ - null, - "Setswana" - ], - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Indien jy instem sal ons jou inligting gebruik om te bepaal of TB Check mense help.\nStem jy in?" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer. Stem jy in?" - ], - "Yes": [ - null, - "Ja" - ], - "No": [ - null, - "Nee" - ], - "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.": [ - null, - "FAQ vir meer inligting." - ], - "How old are you?": [ - null, - "Hoe oud is jy?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nHow old are you?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys.\n\nHoe oud is jy?" - ], - "under 18": [ - null, - "onder 18" - ], - "18-39": [ - null, - "18-39" - ], - "40-65": [ - null, - "40-65" - ], - "over 65": [ - null, - "oor 65" - ], - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.": [ - null, - "Regso, geen probleem nie. Jy sal nie ingesluit word in die navorsing nie, maar jy kan nogsteeds voortgaan om te bepaal of jy 'n TB- toets moet laat doen." - ], - "Which gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "As watter geslag identifiseer jy?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nWhich gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys.\n\nAs watter geslag identifiseer jy?" - ], - "MALE": [ - null, - "MANLIK" - ], - "FEMALE": [ - null, - "VROULIK" - ], - "OTHER": [ - null, - "ANDER" - ], - "RATHER NOT SAY": [ - null, - "WIL LIEWER NIE SE NIE" - ], - "Choose your province": [ - null, - "Kies jou provinsie" - ], - "E. CAPE": [ - null, - "O. KAAP" - ], - "FREE STATE": [ - null, - "VRYSTAAT" - ], - "GAUTENG": [ - null, - "GAUTENG" - ], - "KWAZULU NATAL": [ - null, - "KWAZULU NATAL" - ], - "LIMPOPO": [ - null, - "LIMPOPO" - ], - "MPUMALANGA": [ - null, - "MPUMALANGA" - ], - "NORTH WEST": [ - null, - "NOORDWES" - ], - "N. CAPE": [ - null, - "N. KAAP" - ], - "W. CAPE": [ - null, - "W. KAAP" - ], - "Please type the name of the street where you live.": [ - null, - "In watter straat bly jy?" - ], - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.": [ - null, - "In watter woonbuurt/township/dorp bly jy?" - ], - "Please type the name of the city where you live.": [ - null, - "Tik asb die naam van die stad waar jy bly in." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nPlease type the name of the city where you live": [ - null, - "Jammer, ons verstaan nie. Probeer asseblief weer.\n\nTik asb die naam van die stad waar jy bly in" - ], - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:\n{{ address }}": [ - null, - "Maak asseblief seker dat onderstaande adres korrek is en ooreenstem met die inligting wat jy vir ons gegee het:\n{{ address }}" - ], - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Kom ons kyk hoe jy vandag voel. Hoes jy?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\nDo you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys.\nHoes jy?" - ], - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Het jy koors? (wanneer jy aan jou voorkop raak, voel dit warm?)" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Het jy koors?" - ], - "Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Sweet jy meer as gewoonlik snags?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Sweet jy meer as gewoonlik snags?" - ], - "Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Verloor jy gewig sonder dat jy probeer?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Verloor jy gewig sonder dat jy probeer?" - ], - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+": [ - null, - "My TB risiko \n\nJou risiko om TB te he is hoog as jou huismaat TB het OF jy het TB gehad die afgelope 2 jaar OF jy's MIV+" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Het jy 'n hoe risiko vir TB?" - ], - "Yes high risk": [ - null, - "Ja hoe risiko" - ], - "Dont know": [ - null, - "Weet nie" - ], - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?": [ - null, - "Bevestig asseblief dat die inligting wat jy gegee het reg is en dat jy die NDvG toestemming gee om jou te kontak indien nodig?" - ], - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct.": [ - null, - "Laastens, bevestig asseblief dat, sover jy weet, die inligting wat jy gegee het korrek is." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like to receive follow-up messages?": [ - null, - "Dankie vir jou antwoorde. Jou resultate sal binnekort per sms gestuur word. Wil jy graag opvolg-boodskappe ontvang? " - ], - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Dankie dat jy gekies het om ons opvolg-boodskappe te ontvang." - ], - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Reg so dankie, jy sal nie enige opvolg-boodskappe ontvang nie." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS.": [ - null, - "Dankie vir jou antwoorde. Jou resultate sal binnekort per sms gestuur word. " - ], - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list": [ - null, - "Hierdie diens werk die beste wanneer jy een van die nommers op die lys kies." - ], - "See Results": [ - null, - "Sien Uitslae" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week! \n\nGaan na jou kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets. Sit asseblief jou gesigmasker op voordat jy ingaan." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nWith early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!": [ - null, - "Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week! \n\nAs TB vroeg gediagnoseer word, kan dit genees word. Hoekom wag? Laat toets jou vandag!" - ], - "You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n\nDo you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Jy sal R15 lugtyd kry as jy onderneem om jou te laat toets.\n\nNeem jy voor om jou te laat toets?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Neem jy voor om jou te laat toets?" - ], - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.": [ - null, - "Al kan jy nie nou voorneem om dit te doen nie, is dit steeds belangrik om getoets te word." - ], - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day": [ - null, - "Wanneer sal jy gaan vir jou toets? Antwoord met die dag" - ], - "MONDAY": [ - null, - "MAANDAG" - ], - "TUESDAY": [ - null, - "DINSDAG" - ], - "WEDNESDAY": [ - null, - "WOENSDAG" - ], - "THURSDAY": [ - null, - "DONDERDAG" - ], - "FRIDAY": [ - null, - "VRYDAG" - ], - "Well done for committing to your health!": [ - null, - "Geluk omdat jy jou gesondheid eerste stel!" - ], - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Jy hoef nie nou 'n TB-toets te doen nie, maar besoek jou naaste kliniek indien jy begin hoes, koors het, gewig verloor of snags sweet." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n\nGo to your clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week. \n\nGaan na jou kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets. Sit asseblief jou gesigmasker op voordat jy ingaan." - ], - "You don't need a TB test at present.\n\nIf you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Jy hoef nie nou 'n TB-toets te doen nie.\n\nMaar besoek jou naaste kliniek indien jy begin hoes, koors het, gewig verloor of snags sweet." - ], - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again.": [ - null, - "Maak seker mense met wie jy woon kry TB-behandeling. As jy nie jou MIV-status ken nie, besoek die kliniek vir 'n gratis toets. Voltooi dan weer die TB-vraelys." - ], - "None": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE.": [ - null, - "Ons sal hierdie inligting gebruik om te bepaal of TB HealthCheck mense help.\nAntwoord \"JA\" om voort te gaan. Vir meer oor TB HealthCheck en die navorsing, antwoord MEER." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nEnter the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Jammer, ons verstaan nie. Probeer asseblief weer.\n\nVoer die nommer in wat ooreenstem met jou antwoord." - ], - "More": [ - null, - "Meer" - ], - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?": [ - null, - "Het jy die TB HealthCheck nuttig gevind?" - ], - "Don't know": [ - null, - "Weet nie" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ek het nie kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets nie, want dit neem te lank. \nStem jy saam?" - ], - "Agree": [ - null, - "Stem saam" - ], - "Disagree": [ - null, - "Stem nie saam nie" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close to me.": [ - null, - "Ek het nie kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets nie, want daar is nie 'n kliniek naby my nie. Stem jy saam?" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think about having TB. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ek het nie kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets nie, want ek wil nie daaraan dink dat ek dalk TB het nie. Stem jy saam?" - ], - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?Reply in your own words.": [ - null, - "Is daar enige ander redes waarom jy nie kliniek toe gegaan het vir 'n TB-toets nie? Antwoord in jou eie woorde." - ], - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!": [ - null, - "Dankie dat jy deelgeneem het aan die opname. Jou R15 lugtyd is op pad!" - ], - "Back": [ - null, - "Terug" - ], - "Exit": [ - null, - "Verlaat" - ], - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?": [ - null, - "Die FAQ is na jou gestuur in 'n SMS. Wat verkies jy om te doen?" - ], - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Antwoord asseblief met die nommer wat by jou antwoord pas." - ], - "What would you like to know?": [ - null, - "Wat wil jy weet?" - ], - "More about the research?": [ - null, - "Kan julle my meer vertel oor die navorsing?" - ], - "What information will you ask me for?": [ - null, - "Watter inligting sal julle my vra?" - ], - "Why did I get the SMS?": [ - null, - "Waarom het ek die SMS gekry?" - ], - "What I'll need to do?": [ - null, - "Wat sal ek moet doen?" - ], - "Can I stop halfway through?": [ - null, - "Kan ek halfpad stop?" - ], - "Are there costs or risks?": [ - null, - "Is daar kostes of risiko's?" - ], - "What happens to the info?": [ - null, - "Wat gebeur met die inligting?" - ], - "What to do if I am unhappy?": [ - null, - "Wat doen ek as ek ongelukkig is?" - ], - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people.": [ - null, - "Baie mense word te laat getoets want hulle besef nie dat TB geneesbaar is nie. Jou antwoorde sal ons help verstaan of TB HealthCheck mense regtig help." - ], - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?": [ - null, - "Het TB HealthCheck jou aangespoor om jou te laat toets?" - ], - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Sou jy jou laat toets het sonder TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Sou jy toetsing langer uitgestel het sonder TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Die wagtyd by die kliniek was te lank. \n\nStem jy saam?" - ], - "How was your experience at the clinic?": [ - null, - "Hoe was jou ervaring by die kliniek?" - ], - "Bad": [ - null, - "Sleg" - ], - "Ok": [ - null, - "Ok" - ], - "Good": [ - null, - "Goed" - ], - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of any problems you experienced.": [ - null, - "Was dit moeilik om toegang te kry tot 'n TB-toets? Gee asseblief besonderhede van enige probleme wat jy ervaar het." - ], - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?": [ - null, - "Waarom het jy kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets?" - ], - "Can we phone you to get more information?": [ - null, - "Kan ons jou skakel om meer inligting te kry?" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.afr_ZA.po b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.afr_ZA.po deleted file mode 100644 index 113e731a..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.afr_ZA.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,885 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-26 02:59:+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-30 12:13+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: afr_ZA\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.1\n" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:79 -msgid "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" -msgstr "" -"Welkom terug by Die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid se TB " -"Gesondheidsvraelys" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:84 -msgid "Continue where I left off" -msgstr "Gaan voort waar ek laas opgehou het" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:85 -msgid "Start over" -msgstr "Begin weer oor" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:161 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1526 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can " -"still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study." -msgstr "" -"Ongelukkig kan jy nie deelneem aan die studie meer as een keer. Jy kan wel " -"voortgaan met 'n TB Check wat nie by die studie ingesluit sal word nie." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:168 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Gaan voort" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:173 -msgid "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." -msgstr "" -"Hierdie diens werk die beste wanneer jy een van die nommers op die lys kies." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:176 -msgid "" -"The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " -"health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." -msgstr "" -"Die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid bedank jou dat jy SA burgers se " -"gesondheid beskerm. Stop TB-verspreiding." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:184 -msgid "START" -msgstr "BEGIN" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:194 src/ussd_tb_check.js:200 -msgid "" -"This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " -"responsible for your own medical care and treatment." -msgstr "" -"Die NDvG-diens verskaf gesondheidsinligting. Stem jy saam dat jy " -"verantwoordelik is vir jou mediese sorg en behandeling?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:208 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:786 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:817 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1012 -msgid "YES" -msgstr "JA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:209 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:787 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:818 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1013 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "NEE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:210 -msgid "MORE INFO" -msgstr "MEER INLIGTING" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:217 -msgid "" -"Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " -"avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Gebruik hierdie diens enige tyd weer. Onthou, indien jy vermoed dat jy TB " -"het, vermy kontak met ander mense en word getoets by jou naaste kliniek." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:227 -msgid "" -"TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get " -"a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." -msgstr "" -"TB GesondheidsVraelys vervang nie mediese advies, -diagnose of -behandeling " -"nie. Gaan na 'n dokter vir jou mediese toestand en behandeling." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:232 src/ussd_tb_check.js:243 src/ussd_tb_check.js:418 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:999 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1356 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1439 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Volgende" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:238 -msgid "" -"You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " -"Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" -msgstr "" -"Inligting word gebruik op eie risiko. Die vraelyes vervang nie mediese raad " -"nie. Stem om binnekort behandelingsadvies te kry en nie te ignoreer nie" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:288 -msgid "" -"Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with " -"the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Jou inligting word beskerm deur die POPI-wet, soos uiteengesit in TB " -"HealthCheck se Privaatheidskennisgewing-SMS." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:293 -msgid "ACCEPT" -msgstr "AANVAAR" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:307 src/ussd_tb_check.js:341 -msgid "Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Kies jou taal van voorkeur" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:308 src/ussd_tb_check.js:342 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Antwoord met 'n nommer. Kies jou taal van voorkeur" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:311 src/ussd_tb_check.js:345 -msgid "English" -msgstr "English" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:312 src/ussd_tb_check.js:346 -msgid "isiZulu" -msgstr "isiZulu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:313 src/ussd_tb_check.js:347 -msgid "Afrikaans" -msgstr "Afrikaans" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:314 src/ussd_tb_check.js:348 -msgid "isiXhosa" -msgstr "isiXhosa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:315 src/ussd_tb_check.js:349 -msgid "Sesotho" -msgstr "Sesotho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:316 -msgid "Setswana" -msgstr "Setswana" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:369 -msgid "" -"If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps " -"people.\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Indien jy instem sal ons jou inligting gebruik om te bepaal of TB Check " -"mense help.\n" -"Stem jy in?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:373 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" -msgstr "Antwoord met 'n nommer. Stem jy in?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:378 src/ussd_tb_check.js:626 src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1191 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1217 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1549 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1569 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1589 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1680 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ja" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:379 src/ussd_tb_check.js:627 src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1215 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1551 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1571 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1591 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1681 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Nee" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:380 -msgid "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." -msgstr "FAQ vir meer inligting." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:397 -msgid "How old are you?" -msgstr "Hoe oud is jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:398 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"How old are you?" -msgstr "" -"Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys.\n" -"\n" -"Hoe oud is jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:401 -msgid "under 18" -msgstr "onder 18" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:402 -msgid "18-39" -msgstr "18-39" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:403 -msgid "40-65" -msgstr "40-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:404 -msgid "over 65" -msgstr "oor 65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:412 -msgid "" -"Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can " -"still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." -msgstr "" -"Regso, geen probleem nie. Jy sal nie ingesluit word in die navorsing nie, " -"maar jy kan nogsteeds voortgaan om te bepaal of jy 'n TB- toets moet laat " -"doen." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:435 -msgid "Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "As watter geslag identifiseer jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:436 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "" -"Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys.\n" -"\n" -"As watter geslag identifiseer jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:445 -msgid "MALE" -msgstr "MANLIK" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:446 -msgid "FEMALE" -msgstr "VROULIK" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:447 -msgid "OTHER" -msgstr "ANDER" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:448 -msgid "RATHER NOT SAY" -msgstr "WIL LIEWER NIE SE NIE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:465 -msgid "Choose your province" -msgstr "Kies jou provinsie" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:468 -msgid "E. CAPE" -msgstr "O. KAAP" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:469 -msgid "FREE STATE" -msgstr "VRYSTAAT" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:470 -msgid "GAUTENG" -msgstr "GAUTENG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:471 -msgid "KWAZULU NATAL" -msgstr "KWAZULU NATAL" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:472 -msgid "LIMPOPO" -msgstr "LIMPOPO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:473 -msgid "MPUMALANGA" -msgstr "MPUMALANGA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:474 -msgid "NORTH WEST" -msgstr "NOORDWES" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:475 -msgid "N. CAPE" -msgstr "N. KAAP" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:476 -msgid "W. CAPE" -msgstr "W. KAAP" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:491 -msgid "Please type the name of the street where you live." -msgstr "In watter straat bly jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:514 -msgid "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." -msgstr "In watter woonbuurt/township/dorp bly jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:542 -msgid "Please type the name of the city where you live." -msgstr "Tik asb die naam van die stad waar jy bly in." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:546 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Please type the name of the city where you live" -msgstr "" -"Jammer, ons verstaan nie. Probeer asseblief weer.\n" -"\n" -"Tik asb die naam van die stad waar jy bly in" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:618 -msgid "" -"Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information " -"you gave us:\n" -"{{ address }}" -msgstr "" -"Maak asseblief seker dat onderstaande adres korrek is en ooreenstem met die " -"inligting wat jy vir ons gegee het:\n" -"{{ address }}" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:690 -msgid "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "Kom ons kyk hoe jy vandag voel. Hoes jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:693 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "" -"Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys.\n" -"Hoes jy?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:710 -msgid "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "Het jy koors? (wanneer jy aan jou voorkop raak, voel dit warm?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:713 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " -"forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Het jy koors?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:727 -msgid "Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Sweet jy meer as gewoonlik snags?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:728 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Sweet jy meer as gewoonlik snags?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:737 -msgid "Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "Verloor jy gewig sonder dat jy probeer?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "" -"Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Verloor jy gewig sonder dat jy probeer?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:754 -msgid "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" -msgstr "" -"My TB risiko \n" -"\n" -"Jou risiko om TB te he is hoog as jou huismaat TB het OF jy het TB gehad die " -"afgelope 2 jaar OF jy's MIV+" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:761 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?" -msgstr "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Het jy 'n hoe risiko vir TB?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:764 -msgid "Yes high risk" -msgstr "Ja hoe risiko" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:766 -msgid "Dont know" -msgstr "Weet nie" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:779 -msgid "" -"Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the " -"NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" -msgstr "" -"Bevestig asseblief dat die inligting wat jy gegee het reg is en dat jy die " -"NDvG toestemming gee om jou te kontak indien nodig?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:808 src/ussd_tb_check.js:811 -msgid "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." -msgstr "" -"Laastens, bevestig asseblief dat, sover jy weet, die inligting wat jy gegee " -"het korrek is." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:832 src/ussd_tb_check.js:838 -msgid "" -"Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you " -"like to receive follow-up messages?" -msgstr "" -"Dankie vir jou antwoorde. Jou resultate sal binnekort per sms gestuur word. " -"Wil jy graag opvolg-boodskappe ontvang? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:938 -msgid "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages." -msgstr "Dankie dat jy gekies het om ons opvolg-boodskappe te ontvang." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:941 -msgid "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages." -msgstr "Reg so dankie, jy sal nie enige opvolg-boodskappe ontvang nie." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:945 -msgid "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Dankie vir jou antwoorde. Jou resultate sal binnekort per sms gestuur word. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:948 -msgid "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" -msgstr "" -"Hierdie diens werk die beste wanneer jy een van die nommers op die lys kies." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:956 -msgid "See Results" -msgstr "Sien Uitslae" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:981 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week! \n" -"\n" -"Gaan na jou kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets. Sit asseblief jou gesigmasker op " -"voordat jy ingaan." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:992 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" -msgstr "" -"Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week! \n" -"\n" -"As TB vroeg gediagnoseer word, kan dit genees word. Hoekom wag? Laat toets " -"jou vandag!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1005 -msgid "" -"You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n" -"\n" -"Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" -"Jy sal R15 lugtyd kry as jy onderneem om jou te laat toets.\n" -"\n" -"Neem jy voor om jou te laat toets? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1010 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "Antwoord met 'n nommer uit die lys. Neem jy voor om jou te laat toets?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1045 -msgid "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested." -msgstr "" -"Al kan jy nie nou voorneem om dit te doen nie, is dit steeds belangrik om " -"getoets te word." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1054 -msgid "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" -msgstr "Wanneer sal jy gaan vir jou toets? Antwoord met die dag" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1059 -msgid "MONDAY" -msgstr "MAANDAG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1060 -msgid "TUESDAY" -msgstr "DINSDAG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1061 -msgid "WEDNESDAY" -msgstr "WOENSDAG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1062 -msgid "THURSDAY" -msgstr "DONDERDAG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1063 -msgid "FRIDAY" -msgstr "VRYDAG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1108 -msgid "Well done for committing to your health!" -msgstr "Geluk omdat jy jou gesondheid eerste stel!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1129 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " -"or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Jy hoef nie nou 'n TB-toets te doen nie, maar besoek jou naaste kliniek " -"indien jy begin hoes, koors het, gewig verloor of snags sweet." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1135 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -"\n" -"Go to your clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week. \n" -"\n" -"Gaan na jou kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets. Sit asseblief jou gesigmasker op " -"voordat jy ingaan." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1148 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test at present.\n" -"\n" -"If you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest " -"clinic." -msgstr "" -"Jy hoef nie nou 'n TB-toets te doen nie.\n" -"\n" -"Maar besoek jou naaste kliniek indien jy begin hoes, koors het, gewig " -"verloor of snags sweet." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1161 -msgid "" -"Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV " -"status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." -msgstr "" -"Maak seker mense met wie jy woon kry TB-behandeling. As jy nie jou MIV-" -"status ken nie, besoek die kliniek vir 'n gratis toets. Voltooi dan weer die " -"TB-vraelys." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1174 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1505 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1179 -msgid "" -"We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To " -"continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE." -msgstr "" -"Ons sal hierdie inligting gebruik om te bepaal of TB HealthCheck mense " -"help.\n" -"Antwoord \"JA\" om voort te gaan. Vir meer oor TB HealthCheck en die " -"navorsing, antwoord MEER." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1184 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1208 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1229 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1250 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1272 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1294 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1349 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1542 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1562 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1582 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1604 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1624 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1645 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1659 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1673 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Enter the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" -"Jammer, ons verstaan nie. Probeer asseblief weer.\n" -"\n" -"Voer die nommer in wat ooreenstem met jou antwoord." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1192 -msgid "More" -msgstr "Meer" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" -msgstr "Het jy die TB HealthCheck nuttig gevind?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1216 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1237 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1258 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1280 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1550 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1570 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1590 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1612 -msgid "Don't know" -msgstr "Weet nie" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1225 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do " -"you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ek het nie kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets nie, want dit neem te lank. \n" -"Stem jy saam?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1236 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1257 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1279 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1611 -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "Stem saam" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1238 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1259 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1281 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1613 -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "Stem nie saam nie" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1246 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close " -"to me." -msgstr "" -"Ek het nie kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets nie, want daar is nie 'n " -"kliniek naby my nie. Stem jy saam?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1267 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think " -"about having TB. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ek het nie kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets nie, want ek wil nie daaraan " -"dink dat ek dalk TB het nie. Stem jy saam?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1289 -msgid "" -"Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?" -"Reply in your own words." -msgstr "" -"Is daar enige ander redes waarom jy nie kliniek toe gegaan het vir 'n TB-" -"toets nie? Antwoord in jou eie woorde." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1345 -msgid "" -"Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" -msgstr "Dankie dat jy deelgeneem het aan die opname. Jou R15 lugtyd is op pad!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1392 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1398 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1457 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Terug" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1393 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1399 -msgid "Exit" -msgstr "Verlaat" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1403 -msgid "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?" -msgstr "Die FAQ is na jou gestuur in 'n SMS. Wat verkies jy om te doen?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1407 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1430 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1449 -msgid "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "Antwoord asseblief met die nommer wat by jou antwoord pas." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1427 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1446 -msgid "What would you like to know?" -msgstr "Wat wil jy weet?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1435 -msgid "More about the research?" -msgstr "Kan julle my meer vertel oor die navorsing?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1436 -msgid "What information will you ask me for?" -msgstr "Watter inligting sal julle my vra?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1437 -msgid "Why did I get the SMS?" -msgstr "Waarom het ek die SMS gekry?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1438 -msgid "What I'll need to do?" -msgstr "Wat sal ek moet doen?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1453 -msgid "Can I stop halfway through?" -msgstr "Kan ek halfpad stop?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1454 -msgid "Are there costs or risks?" -msgstr "Is daar kostes of risiko's?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1455 -msgid "What happens to the info?" -msgstr "Wat gebeur met die inligting?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1456 -msgid "What to do if I am unhappy?" -msgstr "Wat doen ek as ek ongelukkig is?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1515 -msgid "" -"Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your " -"answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." -msgstr "" -"Baie mense word te laat getoets want hulle besef nie dat TB geneesbaar is " -"nie. Jou antwoorde sal ons help verstaan of TB HealthCheck mense regtig help." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1539 -msgid "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" -msgstr "Het TB HealthCheck jou aangespoor om jou te laat toets?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1559 -msgid "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Sou jy jou laat toets het sonder TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1579 -msgid "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Sou jy toetsing langer uitgestel het sonder TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1599 -msgid "" -"The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n" -"\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Die wagtyd by die kliniek was te lank. \n" -"\n" -"Stem jy saam?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1621 -msgid "How was your experience at the clinic?" -msgstr "Hoe was jou ervaring by die kliniek?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1631 -msgid "Bad" -msgstr "Sleg" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1632 -msgid "Ok" -msgstr "Ok" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1633 -msgid "Good" -msgstr "Goed" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1641 -msgid "" -"Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of " -"any problems you experienced." -msgstr "" -"Was dit moeilik om toegang te kry tot 'n TB-toets? Gee asseblief " -"besonderhede van enige probleme wat jy ervaar het." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1656 -msgid "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" -msgstr "Waarom het jy kliniek toe gegaan vir 'n TB-toets?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1670 -msgid "Can we phone you to get more information?" -msgstr "Kan ons jou skakel om meer inligting te kry?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Unfortunately you cant participate in the study if you are younger than " -#~ "18." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ongelukkig kan jy nie deelneem aan die studie as jy jonger as 18 is nie." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in " -#~ "the study" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Jy kan wel voortgaan met 'n TB Check wat nie by die studie ingesluit sal " -#~ "word nie." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Jou antwoorde op die vrae dui aan dat jy hierdie week 'n TB-toets moet " -#~ "laat doen!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don't delay, test today!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test. " -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "As TB vroeg gediagnoseer word, kan dit genees word. Hoekom wag? Laat " -#~ "toets jou vandag!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Besoek jou plaaslike kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Here are some tips to help you plan:" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week! \n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Gaan na jou kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets. Sit asseblief jou gesigmasker " -#~ "op voordat jy ingaan:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "* Make the time. Your health is a priority!\n" -#~ "* Pick the most convenient clinic for your test\n" -#~ "* Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing\n" -#~ "Monday to Friday mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "* Maak tyd. Jou gesondheid is belangrik!\n" -#~ "* Kies die gerieflikste kliniek vir jou toets. \n" -#~ "* Hier is die 5 klinieke naaste aan jou" - -#~ msgid "Where will you go for your test? Reply with the clinic" -#~ msgstr "Waar sal jy gaan vir jou toets? Antwoord met die kliniek" - -#~ msgid "Well done for planning to get your test!" -#~ msgstr "Welgedaan omdat jy beplan om te gaan vir 'n TB toets!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "* Go to your local clinic for a free TB test." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Jou antwoorde toon dat jy 'n TB-toets moet neem hierdie week! \n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Gaan na jou kliniek vir 'n gratis TB-toets. Sit asseblief jou gesigmasker " -#~ "op voordat jy ingaan" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Jou antwoorde op die vrae dui aan dat jy hierdie week 'n TB-toets moet " -#~ "laat doen." - -#~ msgid "Do you commit to getting tested?" -#~ msgstr "Neem jy voor om jou te laat toets?" - -#~ msgid "Please reply with numbers. Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "Please reply with numbers. Kies jou taal van voorkeur?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "We may ask you a few questions for research after you've completed your " -#~ "TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ons mag jou dalk 'n paar vrae vra vir navorsing nadat jy jou TB " -#~ "HealthCheck voltooi het. \n" -#~ "Is jy gewillig om deel te neem?" - -#~ msgid "More info" -#~ msgstr "Meer inligting" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing Monday to Friday " -#~ "mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Wees vroeg! Klinieke is van Maandag- tot Vrydagoggend oop vir TB-toetse." - -#~ msgid "Back to all questions" -#~ msgstr "Keer terug na al die vrae" - -#~ msgid "Back to survey" -#~ msgstr "Keer terug na die opname" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Many people don't realise that " -#~ "TB is cureable and test too late." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dankie dat jy deelgeneem het aan die opname. Klomp mense besef nie dat TB " -#~ "geneesbaar is nie en toets te laat." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " -#~| "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?\n" -#~| "\n" -#~| "Reply 1 or 2" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " -#~ "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Bevestig asseblief dat die inligting wat jy gegee het reg is en dat jy " -#~ "die NDvG toestemming gee om jou te kontak indien nodig? \n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Antwoord 1 of 2" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please TYPE your home address (or the address where you are currently " -#~ "staying). Give the street number, street name, suburb/township/town/" -#~ "village (or nearest)." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "TIK asseblief jou woonadres (of die adres waar jy tans woon) in. Gee die " -#~ "straatnommer, straatnaam, woonbuurt/township/stad/dorp (of naaste)." diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.json b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0e2739cb..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,544 +0,0 @@ -{ - "": { - "pot-creation-date": "2023-10-26 02:59:+0000", - "project-id-version": "PACKAGE VERSION", - "language-team": "LANGUAGE ", - "language": "", - "mime-version": "1.0", - "content-type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8", - "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", - "po-revision-date": "YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE" - }, - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Continue where I left off": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Start over": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Continue": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "START": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "YES": [ - null, - "" - ], - "NO": [ - null, - "" - ], - "MORE INFO": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "ACCEPT": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "" - ], - "English": [ - null, - "" - ], - "isiZulu": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Afrikaans": [ - null, - "" - ], - "isiXhosa": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sesotho": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Setswana": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Yes": [ - null, - "" - ], - "No": [ - null, - "" - ], - "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How old are you?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nHow old are you?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "under 18": [ - null, - "" - ], - "18-39": [ - null, - "" - ], - "40-65": [ - null, - "" - ], - "over 65": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Which gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nWhich gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "MALE": [ - null, - "" - ], - "FEMALE": [ - null, - "" - ], - "OTHER": [ - null, - "" - ], - "RATHER NOT SAY": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Choose your province": [ - null, - "" - ], - "E. CAPE": [ - null, - "" - ], - "FREE STATE": [ - null, - "" - ], - "GAUTENG": [ - null, - "" - ], - "KWAZULU NATAL": [ - null, - "" - ], - "LIMPOPO": [ - null, - "" - ], - "MPUMALANGA": [ - null, - "" - ], - "NORTH WEST": [ - null, - "" - ], - "N. CAPE": [ - null, - "" - ], - "W. CAPE": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please type the name of the street where you live.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please type the name of the city where you live.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nPlease type the name of the city where you live": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:\n{{ address }}": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\nDo you have a cough?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Yes high risk": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Dont know": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like to receive follow-up messages?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See Results": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nWith early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n\nDo you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day": [ - null, - "" - ], - "MONDAY": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TUESDAY": [ - null, - "" - ], - "WEDNESDAY": [ - null, - "" - ], - "THURSDAY": [ - null, - "" - ], - "FRIDAY": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Well done for committing to your health!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n\nGo to your clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You don't need a TB test at present.\n\nIf you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "None": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nEnter the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "More": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Don't know": [ - null, - "" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Agree": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Disagree": [ - null, - "" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close to me.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think about having TB. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?Reply in your own words.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Back": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Exit": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "What would you like to know?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "More about the research?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "What information will you ask me for?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Why did I get the SMS?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "What I'll need to do?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Can I stop halfway through?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Are there costs or risks?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "What happens to the info?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "What to do if I am unhappy?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How was your experience at the clinic?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Bad": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Ok": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Good": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of any problems you experienced.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Can we phone you to get more information?": [ - null, - "" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.pot b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.pot deleted file mode 100644 index 562eb8aa..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.pot +++ /dev/null @@ -1,628 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-26 02:59:+0000\n" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"Language: \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:79 -msgid "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:84 -msgid "Continue where I left off" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:85 -msgid "Start over" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:161 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1526 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can " -"still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:168 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:173 -msgid "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:176 -msgid "" -"The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " -"health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:184 -msgid "START" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:194 src/ussd_tb_check.js:200 -msgid "" -"This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " -"responsible for your own medical care and treatment." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:208 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:786 src/ussd_tb_check.js:817 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1012 -msgid "YES" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:209 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:787 src/ussd_tb_check.js:818 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1013 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:210 -msgid "MORE INFO" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:217 -msgid "" -"Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " -"avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:227 -msgid "" -"TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get " -"a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:232 src/ussd_tb_check.js:243 src/ussd_tb_check.js:418 src/ussd_tb_check.js:999 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1356 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1439 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:238 -msgid "" -"You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical " -"advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or " -"care" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:288 -msgid "" -"Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with " -"the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:293 -msgid "ACCEPT" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:307 src/ussd_tb_check.js:341 -msgid "Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:308 src/ussd_tb_check.js:342 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:311 src/ussd_tb_check.js:345 -msgid "English" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:312 src/ussd_tb_check.js:346 -msgid "isiZulu" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:313 src/ussd_tb_check.js:347 -msgid "Afrikaans" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:314 src/ussd_tb_check.js:348 -msgid "isiXhosa" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:315 src/ussd_tb_check.js:349 -msgid "Sesotho" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:316 -msgid "Setswana" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:369 -msgid "" -"If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps " -"people.\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:373 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:378 src/ussd_tb_check.js:626 src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1191 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1217 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1549 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1569 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1589 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1680 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:379 src/ussd_tb_check.js:627 src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1215 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1551 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1571 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1591 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1681 -msgid "No" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:380 -msgid "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:397 -msgid "How old are you?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:398 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"How old are you?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:401 -msgid "under 18" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:402 -msgid "18-39" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:403 -msgid "40-65" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:404 -msgid "over 65" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:412 -msgid "" -"Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can " -"still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:435 -msgid "Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:436 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:445 -msgid "MALE" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:446 -msgid "FEMALE" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:447 -msgid "OTHER" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:448 -msgid "RATHER NOT SAY" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:465 -msgid "Choose your province" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:468 -msgid "E. CAPE" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:469 -msgid "FREE STATE" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:470 -msgid "GAUTENG" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:471 -msgid "KWAZULU NATAL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:472 -msgid "LIMPOPO" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:473 -msgid "MPUMALANGA" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:474 -msgid "NORTH WEST" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:475 -msgid "N. CAPE" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:476 -msgid "W. CAPE" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:491 -msgid "Please type the name of the street where you live." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:514 -msgid "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:542 -msgid "Please type the name of the city where you live." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:546 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Please type the name of the city where you live" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:618 -msgid "" -"Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information " -"you gave us:\n" -"{{ address }}" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:690 -msgid "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:693 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:710 -msgid "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:713 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " -"forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:727 -msgid "Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:728 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:737 -msgid "Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:754 -msgid "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:761 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:764 -msgid "Yes high risk" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:766 -msgid "Dont know" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:779 -msgid "" -"Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the " -"NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:808 src/ussd_tb_check.js:811 -msgid "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:832 src/ussd_tb_check.js:838 -msgid "" -"Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you " -"like to receive follow-up messages?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:938 -msgid "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:941 -msgid "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:945 -msgid "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:948 -msgid "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:956 -msgid "See Results" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:981 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:992 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1005 -msgid "" -"You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n" -"\n" -"Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1010 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1045 -msgid "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1054 -msgid "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1059 -msgid "MONDAY" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1060 -msgid "TUESDAY" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1061 -msgid "WEDNESDAY" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1062 -msgid "THURSDAY" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1063 -msgid "FRIDAY" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1108 -msgid "Well done for committing to your health!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1129 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " -"or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1135 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -"\n" -"Go to your clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1148 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test at present.\n" -"\n" -"If you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest " -"clinic." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1161 -msgid "" -"Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your " -"HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check " -"again." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1174 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1505 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1179 -msgid "" -"We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To " -"continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply " -"MORE." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1184 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1208 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1229 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1250 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1272 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1294 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1349 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1542 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1562 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1582 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1604 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1624 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1645 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1659 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1673 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Enter the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1192 -msgid "More" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1216 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1237 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1258 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1280 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1550 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1570 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1590 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1612 -msgid "Don't know" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1225 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do " -"you agree?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1236 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1257 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1279 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1611 -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1238 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1259 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1281 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1613 -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1246 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close " -"to me." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1267 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think " -"about having TB. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1289 -msgid "" -"Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB " -"test?Reply in your own words." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1345 -msgid "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1392 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1398 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1457 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1393 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1399 -msgid "Exit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1403 -msgid "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1407 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1430 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1449 -msgid "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1427 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1446 -msgid "What would you like to know?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1435 -msgid "More about the research?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1436 -msgid "What information will you ask me for?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1437 -msgid "Why did I get the SMS?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1438 -msgid "What I'll need to do?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1453 -msgid "Can I stop halfway through?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1454 -msgid "Are there costs or risks?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1455 -msgid "What happens to the info?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1456 -msgid "What to do if I am unhappy?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1515 -msgid "" -"Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your " -"answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1539 -msgid "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1559 -msgid "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1579 -msgid "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1599 -msgid "" -"The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n" -"\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1621 -msgid "How was your experience at the clinic?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1631 -msgid "Bad" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1632 -msgid "Ok" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1633 -msgid "Good" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1641 -msgid "" -"Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of " -"any problems you experienced." -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1656 -msgid "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1670 -msgid "Can we phone you to get more information?" -msgstr "" diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.set_ZA.json b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.set_ZA.json deleted file mode 100644 index 011e4f32..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.set_ZA.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,582 +0,0 @@ -{ - "": { - "project-id-version": "", - "pot-creation-date": "2023-03-16 12:00:+0000", - "po-revision-date": "2023-03-19 01:01+0200", - "last-translator": "", - "language-team": "", - "language": "set_ZA", - "mime-version": "1.0", - "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", - "x-generator": "Poedit 3.2.2" - }, - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck": [ - null, - "Re boa re go amogela mo TB HealthCheck ya Lefapha la Bosetshaba la Boitekanelo" - ], - "Continue where I left off": [ - null, - "Tswelela kwa ke tlogetseng teng" - ], - "Start over": [ - null, - "Simolola sesha" - ], - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study.": [ - null, - "Ka bomalimabe, u ke ke ua nka karolo phuputsong ho feta hang. O ntse o ka tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa diphuputsong." - ], - "Continue": [ - null, - "Tswela pele" - ], - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.": [ - null, - "Tshebeletso ena e sebetsa hantle ha o kgetha dikgetho tsa dinomoro lenaneng." - ], - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.": [ - null, - "Lefapha la Bosetshaba le Boitekanelo le a go leboga ka go thusa go sireletsa boitekanelo jwa baagi botlhe ba SA. Thibela go anama ga TB." - ], - "START": [ - null, - "SIMOLOLA" - ], - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.": [ - null, - "Tirelo e e naya tshedimosetso ya boitekanelo. Dumela gore o na le boikerabelo jwa tlhokomelo ya kalafi ya gago." - ], - "YES": [ - null, - "EE" - ], - "NO": [ - null, - "NNYAA" - ], - "MORE INFO": [ - null, - "TSHEDIMOSETSO E NNGWE" - ], - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "O ka dirisa tirelo eno nako nngwe le nngwe. Gakologelwa, fa o akanya gore o na le TB, tila go kopana le batho mme o dire diteko kwa tliliniking." - ], - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.": [ - null, - "TB HealthCheck ga e emisetse thuso epe ya kalafi. Kopa kgakologo go tswa go motlamedi wa boitekanelo ka ga bolwetse jwa gago kgotsa tlhokomelo." - ], - "Next": [ - null, - "E e latelang" - ], - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care": [ - null, - "O dirisa info eno ka kotsi ya gago. Sediriswa seno ga se ka se emisetsa kgakologo ya ngaka. Dumela gore ga o kitla o itlhokomolosa kalafi" - ], - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with the provisions of the TBHealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.": [ - null, - "Tshedimosetso ya gago ya botho e sireleditswe ke POPI Act go ya ka melao ya TBHealthCheck, kitiso ya sephiri e tla romelwa go wena ka SMS." - ], - "ACCEPT": [ - null, - "AMOHELA" - ], - "Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Tlhopha puo e o e ratang" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Ke kopa o arabe ka linomoro. Tlhopha puo e o e ratang" - ], - "English": [ - null, - "Seesimane" - ], - "isiZulu": [ - null, - "SeZulu" - ], - "Afrikaans": [ - null, - "Seburu" - ], - "isiXhosa": [ - null, - "Sethosa" - ], - "Sesotho": [ - null, - "Sesotho" - ], - "Setswana": [ - null, - "Setswana" - ], - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Ha o dumela re tla sebedisa dintlha ho bona na TB Check e thusa batho.\nNa wa dumela?" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ke kopa o arabe ka linomoro. Na o ya dumela?" - ], - "Yes": [ - null, - "Ee" - ], - "No": [ - null, - "Nnyaa" - ], - "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.": [ - null, - "FAQ, bakeng sa dintlha tse ding tsa TBCheck le dipatlisiso." - ], - "How old are you?": [ - null, - "O na le dingwaga di le kae?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nHow old are you?": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. \n\nO na le dingwaga di le kae?" - ], - "under 18": [ - null, - "Fa tlase ga 18" - ], - "18-39": [ - null, - "18-39" - ], - "40-65": [ - null, - "40-65" - ], - "over 65": [ - null, - "Go feta 65" - ], - "Unfortunately you cant participate in the study if you are younger than 18.": [ - null, - "Ka bomadimabe o ke ke wa nka karolo phuputsong haeba o le ka tlase ho dilemo tse 18." - ], - "You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study": [ - null, - "O ntse o ka tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa diphuputsong" - ], - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.": [ - null, - "Ho lokile, ha ho bothata. O ke ke wa kenyelletswa dipatlisisong, empa o ntse o ka tswela pele ho hlahloba hore na o hloka ho etsa tlhahlobo ya TB. " - ], - "Which gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Ke bong bofe jo o ikutlwang o tshwana le jone?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nWhich gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong.\n\nKe bong bofe jo o ikutlwang o tshwana le jone?" - ], - "MALE": [ - null, - "MONNA" - ], - "FEMALE": [ - null, - "MOSADI" - ], - "OTHER": [ - null, - "JO BONGWE" - ], - "RATHER NOT SAY": [ - null, - "TLHOPA GO SE BUE" - ], - "Choose your province": [ - null, - "Tlhopha porofense ya gago" - ], - "E. CAPE": [ - null, - "KAPA BOTJHABELA" - ], - "FREE STATE": [ - null, - "FOREISTATA" - ], - "GAUTENG": [ - null, - "GAUTENG" - ], - "KWAZULU NATAL": [ - null, - "KWAZULU NATAL" - ], - "LIMPOPO": [ - null, - "LIMPOPO" - ], - "MPUMALANGA": [ - null, - "MPUMALANGA" - ], - "NORTH WEST": [ - null, - "BOKONE BOPHIRIMA" - ], - "N. CAPE": [ - null, - "KAPA LEBOYA " - ], - "W. CAPE": [ - null, - "W. CAPE" - ], - "Please type the name of the street where you live.": [ - null, - "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la seterata seo o dulang ho sona." - ], - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.": [ - null, - "Tsweetswee thaepa leina la toropo/motsetoropo/motsana kwa o nnang teng." - ], - "Please type the name of the city where you live.": [ - null, - "Tsweetswee thaepa leina la toropo e o nnang mo go yone." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nPlease type the name of the city where you live": [ - null, - "Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n\nKa kopo ngola lebitso la toropo eo o dulang ho eona" - ], - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:\n{{ address }}": [ - null, - "Tsweetswee tlhomamisa gore aterese e e fa tlase e boammaaruri le gore e tsamaisana le tshedimosetso e o re e neileng:\n{{ address }}" - ], - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?": [ - null, - "A re bone gore o ikutlwa jang gompieno. A o a gotlhola?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\nDo you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong.\nA o a gotlhola?" - ], - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "A o na le letshoroma? (fa o ama phatlha ya gago, a e a fisa?)" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A o na le letshoroma? (fa o ama phatlha ya gago, a e a fisa?)" - ], - "Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "A o fufulelwa go feta ka gale bosigo?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A o fufulelwa go feta ka gale bosigo?" - ], - "Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "A ontse o fokotsa mmele o sa leke?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A ontse o fokotsa mmele o sa leke?" - ], - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+": [ - null, - "A o mo kotsing ya go tshwara ke TB?\n\nA o nna le motho yo o nang le TB, o ne o na le TB mo dingwageng tse 2 tsa go feta kgotsa o HIV+" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?": [ - null, - "Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A o mo kotsing ya go tshwara ke TB?" - ], - "Yes high risk": [ - null, - "Ee" - ], - "Dont know": [ - null, - "Ga ke itse" - ], - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?": [ - null, - "Dumalana gore tshedimosetso a o e abelanang e boammaaruri le gore e naya NDoH tetla ya go ikgolaganya le wena fa go tlhokega?" - ], - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct.": [ - null, - "Qetellong, ka kopo dumela hore tlhaiso-leseding eo o e arolelaneng e nepahetse ho latela tsebo ya hao." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like to receive follow-up messages?": [ - null, - "Re leboga dikarabo tsa gago. Dipholo tsa gago di tla romelwa ka SMS mo bogautshwaneng. A o ka rata go amogela melaetsa e e latelang?" - ], - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Re leboga go bo o ile wa tlhopa go amogela melaetsa ya rona ya go tswelela." - ], - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Go siame, re a leboga, ga o kitla o amogela melaetsa epe e e latelang." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS.": [ - null, - "Ke leboha dikarabo tsa hao. Sephetho sa hao se tla romellwa haufinyane ka SMS. " - ], - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list": [ - null, - "Tirelo eno e dira botoka fa o tlhopa palo ya dikgetho go tswa mo lenaaneg." - ], - "See Results": [ - null, - "Bona dipholo" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa gago di bontsha gore o tlhoka teko ya TB.\n\nE ya kwa tliliniking go dira diteko tsa TB. Rwala maske wa sefatlhego pele o tsena mo tliliniking." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa gago di bontsha gore o tlhoka teko ya TB." - ], - "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don't delay, test today!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test. ": [ - null, - "Ka tlhatlhobo ya kapele, LEFUBA le ka phekoleha. Se ke wa dieha, hlahloba kajeno!\n\nEtela tleliniki ya heno ho etsa tlhahlobo ya mahala ya LEFUBA." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nHere are some tips to help you plan:": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n\nE-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena tleliniking:" - ], - "* Make the time. Your health is a priority!\n* Pick the most convenient clinic for your test\n* Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing\nMonday to Friday mornings.": [ - null, - "Etsa nako. Bophelo ba hao bo tla pele!\nKgetha tleliniki e loketseng tlhahlobo ya hao.\n Ka tlase ke ditleliniki tse 5 tse haufi le wena." - ], - "Where will you go for your test? Reply with the clinic": [ - null, - "O tla ya hokae bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya hao? Araba ka tliliniki " - ], - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day": [ - null, - "O tla ya tlhatlhobong ya hao neng? Araba ka letsatsi " - ], - "MONDAY": [ - null, - "MANTAHA" - ], - "TUESDAY": [ - null, - "LABOBELI" - ], - "WEDNESDAY": [ - null, - "LABORARO" - ], - "THURSDAY": [ - null, - "LABONE" - ], - "FRIDAY": [ - null, - "LABOHLANO" - ], - "Well done for planning to get your test!": [ - null, - "U entse hantle ka ho rera ho nka tlhahlobo ea lefuba!" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\n* Go to your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n\nE-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena tleliniking." - ], - "* Visit your local clinic for a free TB test.\n* You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.": [ - null, - "* Eya tleliniking ya heno ho etsa tlhahlobo ya mahala ya LEFUBA.\n* O tla fumana airtime ya R15 ha o itlama ho hlahloba. " - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week.": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao ho dipotso di bontsha hore o hloka tlhahlobo ea LEFUBA bekeng ena." - ], - "Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - ], - "Well done for committing to your health!": [ - null, - "O entse hantle ka ho itlamo ka bophelo bo botle ba hao!" - ], - "Even if you can't commit now, it is still important to get tested.": [ - null, - "Leha o sa kgone ho itlama hona jwale, ho ntso le bohlokwa ho etsa tlhahlobo." - ], - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Ga o tlhoke teko ya TB jaanong, mme fa o simolola go gotlhola, o na le letshoroma, go fokotsa mmele, kgotsa go fufulelwa bosigo etela tliliniki e e gaufi nao." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n\nGo to your clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena.\n\nE-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena tleliniking." - ], - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again.": [ - null, - "Netefatsa gore a na batho ba o nnang le bone ba alafiwa TB.Fa o sa itse gore o na le HIV, etela kliliniki go dira diteko tsa HIV.Go tsa foo dira teko ya TB gape." - ], - "None": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE.": [ - null, - "Re tla sebedisa dintlha tsena ho bona hore na TB HealthCheck e tla thusa batho.\nHo tswela pele araba \"EE\". Bakeng sa dintlha tse ding ka TB HealthCheck le dipatlisiso, araba HAHOLO." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nEnter the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n\nKenya nomoro e tsamaellanang le karabo ya hao." - ], - "More": [ - null, - "Haholo" - ], - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?": [ - null, - "A na o fumane TB HealthCheck e le molemo? " - ], - "Don't know": [ - null, - "Ha ke tsebe " - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ho nka nako e telele haholo.\nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "Agree": [ - null, - "Dumela" - ], - "Disagree": [ - null, - "Hanyetsa" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close to me.": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ha ho na ditleliniki tse haufi le nna.\nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think about having TB. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ke sa batle ho nahana ka ho ba le LEFUBA. \nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?Reply in your own words.": [ - null, - "Na ho na le mabakang a mang a entseng hore o se ke wa ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Araba ka mantswe a hao." - ], - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!": [ - null, - "Rea leboha ha o nkile karolo phuputsong. R15 ya hao ya airtime e tseleng!" - ], - "Back": [ - null, - "Khutlela" - ], - "Exit": [ - null, - "Etswa" - ], - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?": [ - null, - "FAQ e rometswe ho wena ka SMS. O ka rata ho etsa eng? " - ], - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Ka kopo, araba ka nomoro e lumellanang le karabo ea hau." - ], - "What would you like to know?": [ - null, - "U batla ho tseba eng?" - ], - "More about the research?": [ - null, - "Haholoanyane ka lipatlisiso?" - ], - "What information will you ask me for?": [ - null, - "Ke tlhahisoleseding e feng eo o tla nkopa yona?" - ], - "Why did I get the SMS?": [ - null, - "Hobaneng ke fumane SMS ee?" - ], - "What I'll need to do?": [ - null, - "Ke hloka ho etsa eng?" - ], - "Can I stop halfway through?": [ - null, - "Nka emisa halofo ea pele?" - ], - "Are there costs or risks?": [ - null, - "Na ho na le litšenyehelo/likotsi?" - ], - "What happens to the info?": [ - null, - "Ho etsahalang ka leseli?" - ], - "What to do if I am unhappy?": [ - null, - "Ke reng he ke sa thaba?" - ], - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people.": [ - null, - "Ba bangata ha ba elellwe hore TB ya phekoleha mme ba etsa diteko morao haholo. Dikarabo tsa hao di tla re thusa ho utlwisisa hore na ehlile TB HealthCheck e thusa batho." - ], - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?": [ - null, - "Na TB HealthCheck e o kgothalelitse ho hlahloba?" - ], - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Na o ka be u hlahlobile ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Na o ka bo diehile ho hlahloba ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Dinako tsa ho ema tleliniking di ne di le telele haholo. \n\nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "How was your experience at the clinic?": [ - null, - "Boiphihlelo ba hao bo bile jwang tleliniking?" - ], - "Bad": [ - null, - "E mpe" - ], - "Ok": [ - null, - "Ok" - ], - "Good": [ - null, - "E ntle" - ], - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of any problems you experienced.": [ - null, - "Na ho ne ho le thata ho fumana tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Ka kopo araba ka dintlha tsa mathata afe kapa afe ao o bileng le ona." - ], - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?": [ - null, - "Hobaneng o ile tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA?" - ], - "Can we phone you to get more information?": [ - null, - "Na re ka o letsetsa ho fumana dintlha tse ding?" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.set_ZA.po b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.set_ZA.po deleted file mode 100644 index 56280153..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.set_ZA.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,870 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-16 12:00:+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-19 01:01+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: set_ZA\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:79 -msgid "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" -msgstr "" -"Re boa re go amogela mo TB HealthCheck ya Lefapha la Bosetshaba la " -"Boitekanelo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:84 -msgid "Continue where I left off" -msgstr "Tswelela kwa ke tlogetseng teng" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:85 -msgid "Start over" -msgstr "Simolola sesha" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:159 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1683 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can " -"still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study." -msgstr "" -"Ka bomalimabe, u ke ke ua nka karolo phuputsong ho feta hang. O ntse o ka " -"tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa diphuputsong." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:166 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Tswela pele" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:171 -msgid "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." -msgstr "" -"Tshebeletso ena e sebetsa hantle ha o kgetha dikgetho tsa dinomoro lenaneng." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:174 -msgid "" -"The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " -"health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." -msgstr "" -"Lefapha la Bosetshaba le Boitekanelo le a go leboga ka go thusa go sireletsa " -"boitekanelo jwa baagi botlhe ba SA. Thibela go anama ga TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:182 -msgid "START" -msgstr "SIMOLOLA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:192 src/ussd_tb_check.js:198 -msgid "" -"This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " -"responsible for your own medical care and treatment." -msgstr "" -"Tirelo e e naya tshedimosetso ya boitekanelo. Dumela gore o na le " -"boikerabelo jwa tlhokomelo ya kalafi ya gago." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:206 src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 src/ussd_tb_check.js:755 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:826 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:857 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "YES" -msgstr "EE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:207 src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 src/ussd_tb_check.js:755 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:827 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:858 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "NNYAA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:208 -msgid "MORE INFO" -msgstr "TSHEDIMOSETSO E NNGWE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:215 -msgid "" -"Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " -"avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"O ka dirisa tirelo eno nako nngwe le nngwe. Gakologelwa, fa o akanya gore o " -"na le TB, tila go kopana le batho mme o dire diteko kwa tliliniking." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:225 -msgid "" -"TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get " -"a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." -msgstr "" -"TB HealthCheck ga e emisetse thuso epe ya kalafi. Kopa kgakologo go tswa go " -"motlamedi wa boitekanelo ka ga bolwetse jwa gago kgotsa tlhokomelo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:230 src/ussd_tb_check.js:241 src/ussd_tb_check.js:410 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:422 src/ussd_tb_check.js:434 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1031 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1056 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1070 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1164 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1174 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1186 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1196 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1513 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1596 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "E e latelang" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:236 -msgid "" -"You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " -"Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" -msgstr "" -"O dirisa info eno ka kotsi ya gago. Sediriswa seno ga se ka se emisetsa " -"kgakologo ya ngaka. Dumela gore ga o kitla o itlhokomolosa kalafi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:281 -msgid "" -"Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with " -"the provisions of the TBHealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Tshedimosetso ya gago ya botho e sireleditswe ke POPI Act go ya ka melao ya " -"TBHealthCheck, kitiso ya sephiri e tla romelwa go wena ka SMS." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:286 -msgid "ACCEPT" -msgstr "AMOHELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:300 src/ussd_tb_check.js:333 -msgid "Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Tlhopha puo e o e ratang" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:301 src/ussd_tb_check.js:334 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Ke kopa o arabe ka linomoro. Tlhopha puo e o e ratang" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:304 src/ussd_tb_check.js:337 -msgid "English" -msgstr "Seesimane" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:305 src/ussd_tb_check.js:338 -msgid "isiZulu" -msgstr "SeZulu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:306 src/ussd_tb_check.js:339 -msgid "Afrikaans" -msgstr "Seburu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:307 src/ussd_tb_check.js:340 -msgid "isiXhosa" -msgstr "Sethosa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:308 src/ussd_tb_check.js:341 -msgid "Sesotho" -msgstr "Sesotho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:309 -msgid "Setswana" -msgstr "Setswana" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:361 -msgid "" -"If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps " -"people.\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ha o dumela re tla sebedisa dintlha ho bona na TB Check e thusa batho.\n" -"Na wa dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:365 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" -msgstr "Ke kopa o arabe ka linomoro. Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:370 src/ussd_tb_check.js:661 src/ussd_tb_check.js:884 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1348 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1374 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1706 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1726 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1746 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1837 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ee" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:371 src/ussd_tb_check.js:662 src/ussd_tb_check.js:800 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:884 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1372 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1708 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1728 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1748 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1838 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Nnyaa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:372 -msgid "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." -msgstr "FAQ, bakeng sa dintlha tse ding tsa TBCheck le dipatlisiso." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:389 -msgid "How old are you?" -msgstr "O na le dingwaga di le kae?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:390 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"How old are you?" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. \n" -"\n" -"O na le dingwaga di le kae?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:393 -msgid "under 18" -msgstr "Fa tlase ga 18" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:394 -msgid "18-39" -msgstr "18-39" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:395 -msgid "40-65" -msgstr "40-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:396 -msgid "over 65" -msgstr "Go feta 65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:404 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately you cant participate in the study if you are younger than 18." -msgstr "" -"Ka bomadimabe o ke ke wa nka karolo phuputsong haeba o le ka tlase ho dilemo " -"tse 18." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:416 -msgid "" -"You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the " -"study" -msgstr "" -"O ntse o ka tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa diphuputsong" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:428 -msgid "" -"Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can " -"still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." -msgstr "" -"Ho lokile, ha ho bothata. O ke ke wa kenyelletswa dipatlisisong, empa o ntse " -"o ka tswela pele ho hlahloba hore na o hloka ho etsa tlhahlobo ya TB. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:443 -msgid "Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "Ke bong bofe jo o ikutlwang o tshwana le jone?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:444 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong.\n" -"\n" -"Ke bong bofe jo o ikutlwang o tshwana le jone?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:453 -msgid "MALE" -msgstr "MONNA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:454 -msgid "FEMALE" -msgstr "MOSADI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:455 -msgid "OTHER" -msgstr "JO BONGWE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:456 -msgid "RATHER NOT SAY" -msgstr "TLHOPA GO SE BUE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:482 -msgid "Choose your province" -msgstr "Tlhopha porofense ya gago" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:485 -msgid "E. CAPE" -msgstr "KAPA BOTJHABELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:486 -msgid "FREE STATE" -msgstr "FOREISTATA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:487 -msgid "GAUTENG" -msgstr "GAUTENG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:488 -msgid "KWAZULU NATAL" -msgstr "KWAZULU NATAL" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:489 -msgid "LIMPOPO" -msgstr "LIMPOPO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:490 -msgid "MPUMALANGA" -msgstr "MPUMALANGA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:491 -msgid "NORTH WEST" -msgstr "BOKONE BOPHIRIMA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:492 -msgid "N. CAPE" -msgstr "KAPA LEBOYA " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:493 -msgid "W. CAPE" -msgstr "W. CAPE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:508 -msgid "Please type the name of the street where you live." -msgstr "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la seterata seo o dulang ho sona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:531 -msgid "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." -msgstr "" -"Tsweetswee thaepa leina la toropo/motsetoropo/motsana kwa o nnang teng." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:572 -msgid "Please type the name of the city where you live." -msgstr "Tsweetswee thaepa leina la toropo e o nnang mo go yone." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:576 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Please type the name of the city where you live" -msgstr "" -"Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n" -"\n" -"Ka kopo ngola lebitso la toropo eo o dulang ho eona" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:653 -msgid "" -"Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information " -"you gave us:\n" -"{{ address }}" -msgstr "" -"Tsweetswee tlhomamisa gore aterese e e fa tlase e boammaaruri le gore e " -"tsamaisana le tshedimosetso e o re e neileng:\n" -"{{ address }}" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:725 -msgid "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "A re bone gore o ikutlwa jang gompieno. A o a gotlhola?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:728 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong.\n" -"A o a gotlhola?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:745 -msgid "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "A o na le letshoroma? (fa o ama phatlha ya gago, a e a fisa?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:748 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " -"forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A o na le letshoroma? (fa " -"o ama phatlha ya gago, a e a fisa?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:762 -msgid "Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "A o fufulelwa go feta ka gale bosigo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:763 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A o fufulelwa go feta ka " -"gale bosigo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:772 -msgid "Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "A ontse o fokotsa mmele o sa leke?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:773 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A ontse o fokotsa mmele o " -"sa leke?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:789 -msgid "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" -msgstr "" -"A o mo kotsing ya go tshwara ke TB?\n" -"\n" -"A o nna le motho yo o nang le TB, o ne o na le TB mo dingwageng tse 2 tsa go " -"feta kgotsa o HIV+" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:796 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo sebelisa linomoro tse tsoang lethathamong. A o mo kotsing ya go " -"tshwara ke TB?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:799 -msgid "Yes high risk" -msgstr "Ee" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:801 -msgid "Dont know" -msgstr "Ga ke itse" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:815 src/ussd_tb_check.js:819 -msgid "" -"Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the " -"NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" -msgstr "" -"Dumalana gore tshedimosetso a o e abelanang e boammaaruri le gore e naya " -"NDoH tetla ya go ikgolaganya le wena fa go tlhokega?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:848 src/ussd_tb_check.js:851 -msgid "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." -msgstr "" -"Qetellong, ka kopo dumela hore tlhaiso-leseding eo o e arolelaneng e " -"nepahetse ho latela tsebo ya hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:872 src/ussd_tb_check.js:878 -msgid "" -"Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you " -"like to receive follow-up messages?" -msgstr "" -"Re leboga dikarabo tsa gago. Dipholo tsa gago di tla romelwa ka SMS mo " -"bogautshwaneng. A o ka rata go amogela melaetsa e e latelang?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:973 -msgid "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages." -msgstr "" -"Re leboga go bo o ile wa tlhopa go amogela melaetsa ya rona ya go tswelela." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:976 -msgid "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages." -msgstr "Go siame, re a leboga, ga o kitla o amogela melaetsa epe e e latelang." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:980 -msgid "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Ke leboha dikarabo tsa hao. Sephetho sa hao se tla romellwa haufinyane ka " -"SMS. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:983 -msgid "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" -msgstr "" -"Tirelo eno e dira botoka fa o tlhopa palo ya dikgetho go tswa mo lenaaneg." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:991 -msgid "See Results" -msgstr "Bona dipholo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1016 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa gago di bontsha gore o tlhoka teko ya TB.\n" -"\n" -"E ya kwa tliliniking go dira diteko tsa TB. Rwala maske wa sefatlhego pele o " -"tsena mo tliliniking." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1027 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1170 -msgid "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!" -msgstr "Dikarabo tsa gago di bontsha gore o tlhoka teko ya TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1038 -msgid "" -"With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don't delay, test today!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test. " -msgstr "" -"Ka tlhatlhobo ya kapele, LEFUBA le ka phekoleha. Se ke wa dieha, hlahloba " -"kajeno!\n" -"\n" -"Etela tleliniki ya heno ho etsa tlhahlobo ya mahala ya LEFUBA." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1049 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Here are some tips to help you plan:" -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n" -"\n" -"E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena " -"tleliniking:" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1062 -msgid "" -"* Make the time. Your health is a priority!\n" -"* Pick the most convenient clinic for your test\n" -"* Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing\n" -"Monday to Friday mornings." -msgstr "" -"Etsa nako. Bophelo ba hao bo tla pele!\n" -"Kgetha tleliniki e loketseng tlhahlobo ya hao.\n" -" Ka tlase ke ditleliniki tse 5 tse haufi le wena." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1122 -msgid "Where will you go for your test? Reply with the clinic" -msgstr "O tla ya hokae bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya hao? Araba ka tliliniki " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1133 -msgid "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" -msgstr "O tla ya tlhatlhobong ya hao neng? Araba ka letsatsi " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1138 -msgid "MONDAY" -msgstr "MANTAHA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1139 -msgid "TUESDAY" -msgstr "LABOBELI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1140 -msgid "WEDNESDAY" -msgstr "LABORARO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1141 -msgid "THURSDAY" -msgstr "LABONE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1142 -msgid "FRIDAY" -msgstr "LABOHLANO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1150 -msgid "Well done for planning to get your test!" -msgstr "U entse hantle ka ho rera ho nka tlhahlobo ea lefuba!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1157 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"* Go to your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n" -"\n" -"E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena " -"tleliniking." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1180 -msgid "" -"* Visit your local clinic for a free TB test.\n" -"* You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested." -msgstr "" -"* Eya tleliniking ya heno ho etsa tlhahlobo ya mahala ya LEFUBA.\n" -"* O tla fumana airtime ya R15 ha o itlama ho hlahloba. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1192 -msgid "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week." -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao ho dipotso di bontsha hore o hloka tlhahlobo ea LEFUBA " -"bekeng ena." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1202 -msgid "Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1203 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1276 -msgid "Well done for committing to your health!" -msgstr "O entse hantle ka ho itlamo ka bophelo bo botle ba hao!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1279 -msgid "Even if you can't commit now, it is still important to get tested." -msgstr "" -"Leha o sa kgone ho itlama hona jwale, ho ntso le bohlokwa ho etsa tlhahlobo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1300 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " -"or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Ga o tlhoke teko ya TB jaanong, mme fa o simolola go gotlhola, o na le " -"letshoroma, go fokotsa mmele, kgotsa go fufulelwa bosigo etela tliliniki e e " -"gaufi nao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1306 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -"\n" -"Go to your clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena.\n" -"\n" -"E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena " -"tleliniking." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1318 -msgid "" -"Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV " -"status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." -msgstr "" -"Netefatsa gore a na batho ba o nnang le bone ba alafiwa TB.Fa o sa itse gore " -"o na le HIV, etela kliliniki go dira diteko tsa HIV.Go tsa foo dira teko ya " -"TB gape." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1331 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1662 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1336 -msgid "" -"We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To " -"continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE." -msgstr "" -"Re tla sebedisa dintlha tsena ho bona hore na TB HealthCheck e tla thusa " -"batho.\n" -"Ho tswela pele araba \"EE\". Bakeng sa dintlha tse ding ka TB HealthCheck le " -"dipatlisiso, araba HAHOLO." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1341 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1365 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1386 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1407 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1429 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1451 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1506 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1699 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1719 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1739 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1761 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1781 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1802 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1816 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1830 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Enter the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" -"Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n" -"\n" -"Kenya nomoro e tsamaellanang le karabo ya hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1349 -msgid "More" -msgstr "Haholo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1362 -msgid "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" -msgstr "A na o fumane TB HealthCheck e le molemo? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1373 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1394 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1415 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1437 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1707 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1727 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1747 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1769 -msgid "Don't know" -msgstr "Ha ke tsebe " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1382 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do " -"you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ho nka nako e " -"telele haholo.\n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1393 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1414 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1436 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1768 -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "Dumela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1395 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1416 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1438 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1770 -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "Hanyetsa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1403 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close " -"to me." -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ha ho na " -"ditleliniki tse haufi le nna.\n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1424 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think " -"about having TB. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ke sa batle ho " -"nahana ka ho ba le LEFUBA. \n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1446 -msgid "" -"Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?" -"Reply in your own words." -msgstr "" -"Na ho na le mabakang a mang a entseng hore o se ke wa ya tleliniking bakeng " -"sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Araba ka mantswe a hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1502 -msgid "" -"Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" -msgstr "" -"Rea leboha ha o nkile karolo phuputsong. R15 ya hao ya airtime e tseleng!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1549 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1555 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1614 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Khutlela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1550 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1556 -msgid "Exit" -msgstr "Etswa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1560 -msgid "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?" -msgstr "FAQ e rometswe ho wena ka SMS. O ka rata ho etsa eng? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1564 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1587 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1606 -msgid "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "Ka kopo, araba ka nomoro e lumellanang le karabo ea hau." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1584 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1603 -msgid "What would you like to know?" -msgstr "U batla ho tseba eng?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1592 -msgid "More about the research?" -msgstr "Haholoanyane ka lipatlisiso?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1593 -msgid "What information will you ask me for?" -msgstr "Ke tlhahisoleseding e feng eo o tla nkopa yona?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1594 -msgid "Why did I get the SMS?" -msgstr "Hobaneng ke fumane SMS ee?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1595 -msgid "What I'll need to do?" -msgstr "Ke hloka ho etsa eng?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1610 -msgid "Can I stop halfway through?" -msgstr "Nka emisa halofo ea pele?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1611 -msgid "Are there costs or risks?" -msgstr "Na ho na le litšenyehelo/likotsi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1612 -msgid "What happens to the info?" -msgstr "Ho etsahalang ka leseli?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1613 -msgid "What to do if I am unhappy?" -msgstr "Ke reng he ke sa thaba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1672 -msgid "" -"Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your " -"answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." -msgstr "" -"Ba bangata ha ba elellwe hore TB ya phekoleha mme ba etsa diteko morao " -"haholo. Dikarabo tsa hao di tla re thusa ho utlwisisa hore na ehlile TB " -"HealthCheck e thusa batho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1696 -msgid "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" -msgstr "Na TB HealthCheck e o kgothalelitse ho hlahloba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1716 -msgid "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Na o ka be u hlahlobile ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1736 -msgid "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Na o ka bo diehile ho hlahloba ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1756 -msgid "" -"The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n" -"\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Dinako tsa ho ema tleliniking di ne di le telele haholo. \n" -"\n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1778 -msgid "How was your experience at the clinic?" -msgstr "Boiphihlelo ba hao bo bile jwang tleliniking?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1788 -msgid "Bad" -msgstr "E mpe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1789 -msgid "Ok" -msgstr "Ok" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1790 -msgid "Good" -msgstr "E ntle" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1798 -msgid "" -"Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of " -"any problems you experienced." -msgstr "" -"Na ho ne ho le thata ho fumana tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Ka kopo araba ka dintlha " -"tsa mathata afe kapa afe ao o bileng le ona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1813 -msgid "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" -msgstr "Hobaneng o ile tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1827 -msgid "Can we phone you to get more information?" -msgstr "Na re ka o letsetsa ho fumana dintlha tse ding?" - -#~ msgid "Please reply with numbers. Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "Araba ka nomoro" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "We may ask you a few questions for research after you've completed your " -#~ "TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Re ka o botsa dipotso tse mmalwa bakeng sa dipatlisiso ka mor'a hore o " -#~ "qete tlhahlobo ya hao ya TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Na o ikemiseditse ho nka karolo?" - -#~ msgid "More info" -#~ msgstr "Lintlha tse ling" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing Monday to Friday " -#~ "mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Tsohella! Ditleliniki di butswe bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB hoseng Mantaha " -#~ "ho isa Labohlano." - -#~ msgid "Back to all questions" -#~ msgstr "Kgutlela ho dipotso tsohle" - -#~ msgid "Back to survey" -#~ msgstr "Kgutlela phuputsong" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Many people don't realise that " -#~ "TB is cureable and test too late." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kea o leboha ka ho nka karolo diphuputsong.\n" -#~ "Batho ba bangata ha ba elelloe hore TB ya phekoleha ebe ba etsa tlhahlobo " -#~ "e se e le morao haholo." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please TYPE your home address (or the address where you are currently " -#~ "staying). Give the street number, street name, suburb/township/town/" -#~ "village (or nearest)." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ka kopo NGOLA aterese ya lapeng (kapa aterese ya moo o dulang). Fana ka " -#~ "nomoro ya seterata, lebitso la seterata, suburb/lekeishene/ toropo/motse " -#~ "(kapa haufi)." diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.sot_ZA.json b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.sot_ZA.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0e9660f6..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.sot_ZA.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,546 +0,0 @@ -{ - "": { - "project-id-version": "", - "pot-creation-date": "2023-10-26 02:59:+0000", - "po-revision-date": "2023-10-26 21:53+0200", - "last-translator": "", - "language-team": "", - "language": "sot_ZA", - "mime-version": "1.0", - "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", - "x-generator": "Poedit 3.4" - }, - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck": [ - null, - "Re ya o amohela hape Lefapheng la Naha la Bophelo bo Botle ba TB HealthCheck" - ], - "Continue where I left off": [ - null, - "Tswella pele moo ke tlohetseng" - ], - "Start over": [ - null, - "Qala hape" - ], - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study.": [ - null, - "Ka bomalimabe, u ke ke ua nka karolo phuputsong ho feta hang. O ntse o ka tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa diphuputsong." - ], - "Continue": [ - null, - "Tswela pele" - ], - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.": [ - null, - "Tshebeletso ena e sebetsa hantle ha o kgetha dikgetho tsa dinomoro lenaneng." - ], - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.": [ - null, - "Lefapha la Naha la Bophelo le leboha ka ho thusa ho sireletsa bophelo ba baahi bohle ba SA. Emisa ho ata ha TB." - ], - "START": [ - null, - "QALA" - ], - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.": [ - null, - "Tshebeletso ena ya NDoH e fana ka lesedi la bophelo feela. Ka kopo dumela ho nka boikarabello ba tlhokomelo le kalafo ya hao." - ], - "YES": [ - null, - "EE" - ], - "NO": [ - null, - "TJHEE" - ], - "MORE INFO": [ - null, - "LESEDI LE LENG" - ], - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Kgutlela tshebeletsong ena neng kapa neng. Hopola, ha o nahana hore o na le TB, qoba ho kopana le batho ba bang mme o etse tlhahlobo tleliniking e haufi." - ], - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.": [ - null, - "TB HealthCheck ha e nke sebaka sa dikeletso tsa bongaka, diteko kapa kalafo. Fumana keletso ya bongaka ka boemo ba hao ba bongaka le tlhokomelo." - ], - "Next": [ - null, - "E 'ngoe" - ], - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care": [ - null, - "O sebedisa lesedi lena kotsing ya hao. Dumela ho se natse kapa ho dieha ho fumana dikeletso tsa bongaka ka kalafo kapa tlhokomelo " - ], - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.": [ - null, - "Dintlha tsa hao tsa botho di sireleditswe ka molao wa POPI le ka dipehelo tsa Tsebiso ya Lekunutu la TB HealthCheck e romeletsweng wena ka SMS." - ], - "ACCEPT": [ - null, - "AMOHELA" - ], - "Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Kgetha puo eo o ikgethela " - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Araba ka nomoro. Kgetha puo eo o ikgethela" - ], - "English": [ - null, - "English" - ], - "isiZulu": [ - null, - "isiZulu" - ], - "Afrikaans": [ - null, - "Afrikaans" - ], - "isiXhosa": [ - null, - "isiXhosa" - ], - "Sesotho": [ - null, - "Sesotho" - ], - "Setswana": [ - null, - "Setswana" - ], - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Ha o dumela re tla sebedisa dintlha ho bona na TB Check e thusa batho.\nNa wa dumela?" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Araba ka nomoro. Na o ya dumela?" - ], - "Yes": [ - null, - "Ee" - ], - "No": [ - null, - "Tjhee" - ], - "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.": [ - null, - "FAQ, bakeng sa dintlha tse ding tsa TBCheck le dipatlisiso." - ], - "How old are you?": [ - null, - "O dilemo di kae?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nHow old are you?": [ - null, - "O dilemo di kae? \n\nAraba ka nomoro" - ], - "under 18": [ - null, - "ka tlase ho dilemo tse 18" - ], - "18-39": [ - null, - "18-39" - ], - "40-65": [ - null, - "40-65" - ], - "over 65": [ - null, - "tse fetang 65" - ], - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.": [ - null, - "Ho lokile, ha ho bothata. O ke ke wa kenyelletswa dipatlisisong, empa o ntse o ka tswela pele ho hlahloba hore na o hloka ho etsa tlhahlobo ya TB. " - ], - "Which gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "O kgetha bong bofe?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nWhich gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "O kgetha bong bofe?" - ], - "MALE": [ - null, - "MONNA" - ], - "FEMALE": [ - null, - "MOSADI" - ], - "OTHER": [ - null, - "HO HONG" - ], - "RATHER NOT SAY": [ - null, - "HA KE RATE HO TJHO" - ], - "Choose your province": [ - null, - "Kgetha profense ya hao" - ], - "E. CAPE": [ - null, - "KAPA BOTJHABELA" - ], - "FREE STATE": [ - null, - "FREE STATE" - ], - "GAUTENG": [ - null, - "GAUTENG" - ], - "KWAZULU NATAL": [ - null, - "KWAZULU NATAL" - ], - "LIMPOPO": [ - null, - "LIMPOPO" - ], - "MPUMALANGA": [ - null, - "MPUMALANGA" - ], - "NORTH WEST": [ - null, - "LEBOYA BOPHIRIMELA" - ], - "N. CAPE": [ - null, - "KAPA LEBOYA " - ], - "W. CAPE": [ - null, - "KAPA BOPHIRIMELA" - ], - "Please type the name of the street where you live.": [ - null, - "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la seterata seo o dulang ho sona." - ], - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.": [ - null, - "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la toropo / lekeishene / motsana oo o dulang ho wona." - ], - "Please type the name of the city where you live.": [ - null, - "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la toropo eo o dulang ho eona." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nPlease type the name of the city where you live": [ - null, - "Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n\nKa kopo ngola lebitso la toropo eo o dulang ho eona" - ], - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:\n{{ address }}": [ - null, - "Ka kopo netefatsa hore aterese e ka tlase e nepahetse mme e tshwana le tlhaiso-leseding eo o re fileng yona: \n{{ address }}" - ], - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Ha re bone na o ikutlwa jwang kajeno. Na wa kgohlela?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\nDo you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Ha re bone na o ikutlwa jwang kajeno. Na wa kgohlela?" - ], - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "O na le feberu? (ha o tshwara phatla ya hao, na e utlwahala e tjhesa?)" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" - ], - "Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Na o fufulelwa ho feta ka moo ho tlwaelehileng bosiu?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Na o fufulelwa ho feta ka moo ho tlwaelehileng bosiu?" - ], - "Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Na o ntse o theola boima ba mmele o sa leke ho etsa jwalo?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Na o ntse o theola boima ba mmele o sa leke ho etsa jwalo?" - ], - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+": [ - null, - "O kotsing e kgolo ya TB?\n\nKotsi e bolela o dula le motho ya nang le TB KAPA o bile le TB dilemong tse 2 tse fetileng KAPA o HIV+" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?": [ - null, - "O kotsing e kgolo ya TB?\n\nKotsi e bolela o dula le motho ya nang le TB KAPA o bile le TB dilemong tse 2 tse fetileng KAPA o HIV+" - ], - "Yes high risk": [ - null, - "Ee" - ], - "Dont know": [ - null, - "Ha ke tsebe" - ], - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?": [ - null, - "Jwale, ka kopo dumela hore lesedi leo o le arolang le nepahetse le hore o fa NDoH tumello ya ho ikopanya le wena ha ho hlokahala?" - ], - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct.": [ - null, - "Qetellong, ka kopo dumela hore tlhaiso-leseding eo o e arolelaneng e nepahetse ho latela tsebo ya hao." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like to receive follow-up messages?": [ - null, - "Ke leboha dikarabo tsa hao. Sephetho sa hao se tla romellwa haufinyane ka SMS. O ka thabela ho fumana melaetsa ya tshalo-morao? " - ], - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Re leboha ha o kgethile ho fumana melaetsa ya rona ya tshalo-morao." - ], - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Ho lokile rea leboha, o ke ke wa fumana melaetsa ya tshalo-morao." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS.": [ - null, - "Ke leboha dikarabo tsa hao. Sephetho sa hao se tla romellwa haufinyane ka SMS. " - ], - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list": [ - null, - "Tshebeletso ena e sebetsa hantle ha o kgetha dikgetho tsa dinomoro lenaneng." - ], - "See Results": [ - null, - "Bona Sephetho" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n\nE-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena tleliniking." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nWith early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n\nNgokuxilonga kusenesikhathi, i-TB ingelapheka. Ungalibali, hlola namuhla!" - ], - "You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n\nDo you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - " O tla fumana airtime ya R15 ha o itlama ho hlahloba.\n\nNa o itlama ho hlahloba?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - ], - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.": [ - null, - "Leha o sa kgone ho itlama hona jwale, ho ntso le bohlokwa ho etsa tlhahlobo." - ], - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day": [ - null, - "O tla ya tlhatlhobong ya hao neng? Araba ka letsatsi " - ], - "MONDAY": [ - null, - "MANTAHA" - ], - "TUESDAY": [ - null, - "LABOBELI" - ], - "WEDNESDAY": [ - null, - "LABORARO" - ], - "THURSDAY": [ - null, - "LABONE" - ], - "FRIDAY": [ - null, - "LABOHLANO" - ], - "Well done for committing to your health!": [ - null, - "O entse hantle ka ho itlamo ka bophelo bo botle ba hao!" - ], - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Ha o hloke tlhahlobo ya TB hona jwale, empa haeba o ba le sefuba, feberu, ho theola boima ba mmele kapa ho fufulelwa bosiu, etela tleliniki e haufinyane." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n\nGo to your clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena.\n\nE-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena tleliniking." - ], - "You don't need a TB test at present.\n\nIf you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Ha o hloke tlhahlobo ya TB hona jwale.\n\nHaeba o ba le sefuba, feberu, ho theola boima ba mmele kapa ho fufulelwa bosiu, etela tleliniki e haufinyane." - ], - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again.": [ - null, - "Bona haeba bao o phelang le bona ba kalafong ya TB. Ha o sa tsebe boemo ba hao ba HIV, etela tleliniki ho hlahlobela HIV. Ebe o etsa tlhahlobo ya TB hape." - ], - "None": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE.": [ - null, - "Re tla sebedisa dintlha tsena ho bona hore na TB HealthCheck e tla thusa batho.\nHo tswela pele araba \"EE\". Bakeng sa dintlha tse ding ka TB HealthCheck le dipatlisiso, araba HAHOLO." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nEnter the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n\nKenya nomoro e tsamaellanang le karabo ya hao." - ], - "More": [ - null, - "Haholo" - ], - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?": [ - null, - "A na o fumane TB HealthCheck e le molemo? " - ], - "Don't know": [ - null, - "Ha ke tsebe " - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ho nka nako e telele haholo.\nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "Agree": [ - null, - "Dumela" - ], - "Disagree": [ - null, - "Hanyetsa" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close to me.": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ha ho na ditleliniki tse haufi le nna.\nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think about having TB. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ke sa batle ho nahana ka ho ba le LEFUBA. \nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?Reply in your own words.": [ - null, - "Na ho na le mabakang a mang a entseng hore o se ke wa ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Araba ka mantswe a hao." - ], - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!": [ - null, - "Rea leboha ha o nkile karolo phuputsong. R15 ya hao ya airtime e tseleng!" - ], - "Back": [ - null, - "Khutlela" - ], - "Exit": [ - null, - "Etswa" - ], - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?": [ - null, - "FAQ e rometswe ho wena ka SMS. O ka rata ho etsa eng? " - ], - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Kgetha puo eo o ikgethela." - ], - "What would you like to know?": [ - null, - "U batla ho tseba eng?" - ], - "More about the research?": [ - null, - "Haholoanyane ka lipatlisiso?" - ], - "What information will you ask me for?": [ - null, - "Ke tlhahisoleseding e feng eo o tla nkopa yona?" - ], - "Why did I get the SMS?": [ - null, - "Hobaneng ke fumane SMS ee?" - ], - "What I'll need to do?": [ - null, - "Ke hloka ho etsa eng?" - ], - "Can I stop halfway through?": [ - null, - "Nka emisa halofo ea pele?" - ], - "Are there costs or risks?": [ - null, - "Na ho na le litšenyehelo/likotsi?" - ], - "What happens to the info?": [ - null, - "Ho etsahalang ka leseli?" - ], - "What to do if I am unhappy?": [ - null, - "Ke reng he ke sa thaba?" - ], - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people.": [ - null, - "Ba bangata ha ba elellwe hore TB ya phekoleha mme ba etsa diteko morao haholo. Dikarabo tsa hao di tla re thusa ho utlwisisa hore na ehlile TB HealthCheck e thusa batho." - ], - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?": [ - null, - "Na TB HealthCheck e o kgothalelitse ho hlahloba?" - ], - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Na o ka be u hlahlobile ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Na o ka bo diehile ho hlahloba ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Dinako tsa ho ema tleliniking di ne di le telele haholo. \n\nNa o ya dumela?" - ], - "How was your experience at the clinic?": [ - null, - "Boiphihlelo ba hao bo bile jwang tleliniking?" - ], - "Bad": [ - null, - "E mpe" - ], - "Ok": [ - null, - "Ok" - ], - "Good": [ - null, - "E ntle" - ], - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of any problems you experienced.": [ - null, - "Na ho ne ho le thata ho fumana tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Ka kopo araba ka dintlha tsa mathata afe kapa afe ao o bileng le ona." - ], - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?": [ - null, - "Hobaneng o ile tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA?" - ], - "Can we phone you to get more information?": [ - null, - "Na re ka o letsetsa ho fumana dintlha tse ding?" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.sot_ZA.po b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.sot_ZA.po deleted file mode 100644 index afda36ab..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.sot_ZA.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,873 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-26 02:59:+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-26 21:53+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: sot_ZA\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:79 -msgid "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" -msgstr "" -"Re ya o amohela hape Lefapheng la Naha la Bophelo bo Botle ba TB HealthCheck" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:84 -msgid "Continue where I left off" -msgstr "Tswella pele moo ke tlohetseng" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:85 -msgid "Start over" -msgstr "Qala hape" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:161 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1526 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can " -"still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study." -msgstr "" -"Ka bomalimabe, u ke ke ua nka karolo phuputsong ho feta hang. O ntse o ka " -"tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa diphuputsong." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:168 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Tswela pele" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:173 -msgid "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." -msgstr "" -"Tshebeletso ena e sebetsa hantle ha o kgetha dikgetho tsa dinomoro lenaneng." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:176 -msgid "" -"The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " -"health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." -msgstr "" -"Lefapha la Naha la Bophelo le leboha ka ho thusa ho sireletsa bophelo ba " -"baahi bohle ba SA. Emisa ho ata ha TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:184 -msgid "START" -msgstr "QALA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:194 src/ussd_tb_check.js:200 -msgid "" -"This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " -"responsible for your own medical care and treatment." -msgstr "" -"Tshebeletso ena ya NDoH e fana ka lesedi la bophelo feela. Ka kopo dumela ho " -"nka boikarabello ba tlhokomelo le kalafo ya hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:208 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:786 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:817 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1012 -msgid "YES" -msgstr "EE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:209 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:787 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:818 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1013 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "TJHEE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:210 -msgid "MORE INFO" -msgstr "LESEDI LE LENG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:217 -msgid "" -"Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " -"avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Kgutlela tshebeletsong ena neng kapa neng. Hopola, ha o nahana hore o na le " -"TB, qoba ho kopana le batho ba bang mme o etse tlhahlobo tleliniking e haufi." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:227 -msgid "" -"TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get " -"a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." -msgstr "" -"TB HealthCheck ha e nke sebaka sa dikeletso tsa bongaka, diteko kapa kalafo. " -"Fumana keletso ya bongaka ka boemo ba hao ba bongaka le tlhokomelo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:232 src/ussd_tb_check.js:243 src/ussd_tb_check.js:418 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:999 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1356 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1439 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "E 'ngoe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:238 -msgid "" -"You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " -"Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" -msgstr "" -"O sebedisa lesedi lena kotsing ya hao. Dumela ho se natse kapa ho dieha ho " -"fumana dikeletso tsa bongaka ka kalafo kapa tlhokomelo " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:288 -msgid "" -"Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with " -"the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Dintlha tsa hao tsa botho di sireleditswe ka molao wa POPI le ka dipehelo " -"tsa Tsebiso ya Lekunutu la TB HealthCheck e romeletsweng wena ka SMS." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:293 -msgid "ACCEPT" -msgstr "AMOHELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:307 src/ussd_tb_check.js:341 -msgid "Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Kgetha puo eo o ikgethela " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:308 src/ussd_tb_check.js:342 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Araba ka nomoro. Kgetha puo eo o ikgethela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:311 src/ussd_tb_check.js:345 -msgid "English" -msgstr "English" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:312 src/ussd_tb_check.js:346 -msgid "isiZulu" -msgstr "isiZulu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:313 src/ussd_tb_check.js:347 -msgid "Afrikaans" -msgstr "Afrikaans" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:314 src/ussd_tb_check.js:348 -msgid "isiXhosa" -msgstr "isiXhosa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:315 src/ussd_tb_check.js:349 -msgid "Sesotho" -msgstr "Sesotho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:316 -msgid "Setswana" -msgstr "Setswana" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:369 -msgid "" -"If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps " -"people.\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ha o dumela re tla sebedisa dintlha ho bona na TB Check e thusa batho.\n" -"Na wa dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:373 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" -msgstr "Araba ka nomoro. Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:378 src/ussd_tb_check.js:626 src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1191 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1217 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1549 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1569 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1589 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1680 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ee" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:379 src/ussd_tb_check.js:627 src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1215 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1551 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1571 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1591 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1681 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Tjhee" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:380 -msgid "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." -msgstr "FAQ, bakeng sa dintlha tse ding tsa TBCheck le dipatlisiso." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:397 -msgid "How old are you?" -msgstr "O dilemo di kae?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:398 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"How old are you?" -msgstr "" -"O dilemo di kae? \n" -"\n" -"Araba ka nomoro" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:401 -msgid "under 18" -msgstr "ka tlase ho dilemo tse 18" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:402 -msgid "18-39" -msgstr "18-39" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:403 -msgid "40-65" -msgstr "40-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:404 -msgid "over 65" -msgstr "tse fetang 65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:412 -msgid "" -"Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can " -"still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." -msgstr "" -"Ho lokile, ha ho bothata. O ke ke wa kenyelletswa dipatlisisong, empa o ntse " -"o ka tswela pele ho hlahloba hore na o hloka ho etsa tlhahlobo ya TB. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:435 -msgid "Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "O kgetha bong bofe?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:436 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "O kgetha bong bofe?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:445 -msgid "MALE" -msgstr "MONNA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:446 -msgid "FEMALE" -msgstr "MOSADI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:447 -msgid "OTHER" -msgstr "HO HONG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:448 -msgid "RATHER NOT SAY" -msgstr "HA KE RATE HO TJHO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:465 -msgid "Choose your province" -msgstr "Kgetha profense ya hao" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:468 -msgid "E. CAPE" -msgstr "KAPA BOTJHABELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:469 -msgid "FREE STATE" -msgstr "FREE STATE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:470 -msgid "GAUTENG" -msgstr "GAUTENG" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:471 -msgid "KWAZULU NATAL" -msgstr "KWAZULU NATAL" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:472 -msgid "LIMPOPO" -msgstr "LIMPOPO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:473 -msgid "MPUMALANGA" -msgstr "MPUMALANGA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:474 -msgid "NORTH WEST" -msgstr "LEBOYA BOPHIRIMELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:475 -msgid "N. CAPE" -msgstr "KAPA LEBOYA " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:476 -msgid "W. CAPE" -msgstr "KAPA BOPHIRIMELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:491 -msgid "Please type the name of the street where you live." -msgstr "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la seterata seo o dulang ho sona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:514 -msgid "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo ngola lebitso la toropo / lekeishene / motsana oo o dulang ho wona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:542 -msgid "Please type the name of the city where you live." -msgstr "Ka kopo ngola lebitso la toropo eo o dulang ho eona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:546 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Please type the name of the city where you live" -msgstr "" -"Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n" -"\n" -"Ka kopo ngola lebitso la toropo eo o dulang ho eona" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:618 -msgid "" -"Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information " -"you gave us:\n" -"{{ address }}" -msgstr "" -"Ka kopo netefatsa hore aterese e ka tlase e nepahetse mme e tshwana le " -"tlhaiso-leseding eo o re fileng yona: \n" -"{{ address }}" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:690 -msgid "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "Ha re bone na o ikutlwa jwang kajeno. Na wa kgohlela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:693 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "Ha re bone na o ikutlwa jwang kajeno. Na wa kgohlela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:710 -msgid "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "O na le feberu? (ha o tshwara phatla ya hao, na e utlwahala e tjhesa?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:713 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " -"forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:727 -msgid "Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Na o fufulelwa ho feta ka moo ho tlwaelehileng bosiu?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:728 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Na o fufulelwa ho feta ka moo ho tlwaelehileng bosiu?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:737 -msgid "Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "Na o ntse o theola boima ba mmele o sa leke ho etsa jwalo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "Na o ntse o theola boima ba mmele o sa leke ho etsa jwalo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:754 -msgid "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" -msgstr "" -"O kotsing e kgolo ya TB?\n" -"\n" -"Kotsi e bolela o dula le motho ya nang le TB KAPA o bile le TB dilemong tse " -"2 tse fetileng KAPA o HIV+" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:761 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?" -msgstr "" -"O kotsing e kgolo ya TB?\n" -"\n" -"Kotsi e bolela o dula le motho ya nang le TB KAPA o bile le TB dilemong tse " -"2 tse fetileng KAPA o HIV+" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:764 -msgid "Yes high risk" -msgstr "Ee" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:766 -msgid "Dont know" -msgstr "Ha ke tsebe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:779 -msgid "" -"Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the " -"NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" -msgstr "" -"Jwale, ka kopo dumela hore lesedi leo o le arolang le nepahetse le hore o fa " -"NDoH tumello ya ho ikopanya le wena ha ho hlokahala?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:808 src/ussd_tb_check.js:811 -msgid "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." -msgstr "" -"Qetellong, ka kopo dumela hore tlhaiso-leseding eo o e arolelaneng e " -"nepahetse ho latela tsebo ya hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:832 src/ussd_tb_check.js:838 -msgid "" -"Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you " -"like to receive follow-up messages?" -msgstr "" -"Ke leboha dikarabo tsa hao. Sephetho sa hao se tla romellwa haufinyane ka " -"SMS. O ka thabela ho fumana melaetsa ya tshalo-morao? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:938 -msgid "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages." -msgstr "Re leboha ha o kgethile ho fumana melaetsa ya rona ya tshalo-morao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:941 -msgid "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages." -msgstr "Ho lokile rea leboha, o ke ke wa fumana melaetsa ya tshalo-morao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:945 -msgid "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Ke leboha dikarabo tsa hao. Sephetho sa hao se tla romellwa haufinyane ka " -"SMS. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:948 -msgid "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" -msgstr "" -"Tshebeletso ena e sebetsa hantle ha o kgetha dikgetho tsa dinomoro lenaneng." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:956 -msgid "See Results" -msgstr "Bona Sephetho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:981 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n" -"\n" -"E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena " -"tleliniking." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:992 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n" -"\n" -"Ngokuxilonga kusenesikhathi, i-TB ingelapheka. Ungalibali, hlola namuhla!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1005 -msgid "" -"You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n" -"\n" -"Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" -" O tla fumana airtime ya R15 ha o itlama ho hlahloba.\n" -"\n" -"Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1010 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1045 -msgid "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested." -msgstr "" -"Leha o sa kgone ho itlama hona jwale, ho ntso le bohlokwa ho etsa tlhahlobo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1054 -msgid "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" -msgstr "O tla ya tlhatlhobong ya hao neng? Araba ka letsatsi " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1059 -msgid "MONDAY" -msgstr "MANTAHA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1060 -msgid "TUESDAY" -msgstr "LABOBELI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1061 -msgid "WEDNESDAY" -msgstr "LABORARO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1062 -msgid "THURSDAY" -msgstr "LABONE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1063 -msgid "FRIDAY" -msgstr "LABOHLANO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1108 -msgid "Well done for committing to your health!" -msgstr "O entse hantle ka ho itlamo ka bophelo bo botle ba hao!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1129 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " -"or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Ha o hloke tlhahlobo ya TB hona jwale, empa haeba o ba le sefuba, feberu, ho " -"theola boima ba mmele kapa ho fufulelwa bosiu, etela tleliniki e haufinyane." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1135 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -"\n" -"Go to your clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena.\n" -"\n" -"E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o kena " -"tleliniking." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1148 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test at present.\n" -"\n" -"If you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest " -"clinic." -msgstr "" -"Ha o hloke tlhahlobo ya TB hona jwale.\n" -"\n" -"Haeba o ba le sefuba, feberu, ho theola boima ba mmele kapa ho fufulelwa " -"bosiu, etela tleliniki e haufinyane." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1161 -msgid "" -"Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV " -"status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." -msgstr "" -"Bona haeba bao o phelang le bona ba kalafong ya TB. Ha o sa tsebe boemo ba " -"hao ba HIV, etela tleliniki ho hlahlobela HIV. Ebe o etsa tlhahlobo ya TB " -"hape." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1174 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1505 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1179 -msgid "" -"We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To " -"continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE." -msgstr "" -"Re tla sebedisa dintlha tsena ho bona hore na TB HealthCheck e tla thusa " -"batho.\n" -"Ho tswela pele araba \"EE\". Bakeng sa dintlha tse ding ka TB HealthCheck le " -"dipatlisiso, araba HAHOLO." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1184 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1208 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1229 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1250 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1272 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1294 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1349 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1542 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1562 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1582 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1604 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1624 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1645 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1659 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1673 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Enter the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" -"Tshoarelo, ha re utlwisise. Ka kopo leka hape.\n" -"\n" -"Kenya nomoro e tsamaellanang le karabo ya hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1192 -msgid "More" -msgstr "Haholo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" -msgstr "A na o fumane TB HealthCheck e le molemo? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1216 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1237 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1258 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1280 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1550 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1570 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1590 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1612 -msgid "Don't know" -msgstr "Ha ke tsebe " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1225 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do " -"you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ho nka nako e " -"telele haholo.\n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1236 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1257 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1279 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1611 -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "Dumela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1238 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1259 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1281 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1613 -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "Hanyetsa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1246 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close " -"to me." -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ha ho na " -"ditleliniki tse haufi le nna.\n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1267 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think " -"about having TB. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ke sa batle ho " -"nahana ka ho ba le LEFUBA. \n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1289 -msgid "" -"Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?" -"Reply in your own words." -msgstr "" -"Na ho na le mabakang a mang a entseng hore o se ke wa ya tleliniking bakeng " -"sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Araba ka mantswe a hao." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1345 -msgid "" -"Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" -msgstr "" -"Rea leboha ha o nkile karolo phuputsong. R15 ya hao ya airtime e tseleng!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1392 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1398 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1457 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Khutlela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1393 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1399 -msgid "Exit" -msgstr "Etswa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1403 -msgid "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?" -msgstr "FAQ e rometswe ho wena ka SMS. O ka rata ho etsa eng? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1407 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1430 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1449 -msgid "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "Kgetha puo eo o ikgethela." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1427 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1446 -msgid "What would you like to know?" -msgstr "U batla ho tseba eng?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1435 -msgid "More about the research?" -msgstr "Haholoanyane ka lipatlisiso?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1436 -msgid "What information will you ask me for?" -msgstr "Ke tlhahisoleseding e feng eo o tla nkopa yona?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1437 -msgid "Why did I get the SMS?" -msgstr "Hobaneng ke fumane SMS ee?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1438 -msgid "What I'll need to do?" -msgstr "Ke hloka ho etsa eng?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1453 -msgid "Can I stop halfway through?" -msgstr "Nka emisa halofo ea pele?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1454 -msgid "Are there costs or risks?" -msgstr "Na ho na le litšenyehelo/likotsi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1455 -msgid "What happens to the info?" -msgstr "Ho etsahalang ka leseli?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1456 -msgid "What to do if I am unhappy?" -msgstr "Ke reng he ke sa thaba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1515 -msgid "" -"Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your " -"answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." -msgstr "" -"Ba bangata ha ba elellwe hore TB ya phekoleha mme ba etsa diteko morao " -"haholo. Dikarabo tsa hao di tla re thusa ho utlwisisa hore na ehlile TB " -"HealthCheck e thusa batho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1539 -msgid "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" -msgstr "Na TB HealthCheck e o kgothalelitse ho hlahloba?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1559 -msgid "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Na o ka be u hlahlobile ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1579 -msgid "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Na o ka bo diehile ho hlahloba ntle le TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1599 -msgid "" -"The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n" -"\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Dinako tsa ho ema tleliniking di ne di le telele haholo. \n" -"\n" -"Na o ya dumela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1621 -msgid "How was your experience at the clinic?" -msgstr "Boiphihlelo ba hao bo bile jwang tleliniking?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1631 -msgid "Bad" -msgstr "E mpe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1632 -msgid "Ok" -msgstr "Ok" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1633 -msgid "Good" -msgstr "E ntle" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1641 -msgid "" -"Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of " -"any problems you experienced." -msgstr "" -"Na ho ne ho le thata ho fumana tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA? Ka kopo araba ka dintlha " -"tsa mathata afe kapa afe ao o bileng le ona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1656 -msgid "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" -msgstr "Hobaneng o ile tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1670 -msgid "Can we phone you to get more information?" -msgstr "Na re ka o letsetsa ho fumana dintlha tse ding?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Unfortunately you cant participate in the study if you are younger than " -#~ "18." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ka bomadimabe o ke ke wa nka karolo phuputsong haeba o le ka tlase ho " -#~ "dilemo tse 18." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in " -#~ "the study" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O ntse o ka tswela pele ka TB CHECK empa o ke ke wa kenyelletswa " -#~ "diphuputsong" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dikarabo tsa hao ho dipotso di bontsha hore o hloka tlhahlobo ea LEFUBA " -#~ "bekeng ena!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don't delay, test today!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test. " -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ka tlhatlhobo ya kapele, LEFUBA le ka phekoleha. Se ke wa dieha, hlahloba " -#~ "kajeno!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Etela tleliniki ya heno ho etsa tlhahlobo ya mahala ya LEFUBA." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Here are some tips to help you plan:" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o " -#~ "kena tleliniking:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "* Make the time. Your health is a priority!\n" -#~ "* Pick the most convenient clinic for your test\n" -#~ "* Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing\n" -#~ "Monday to Friday mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Etsa nako. Bophelo ba hao bo tla pele!\n" -#~ "Kgetha tleliniki e loketseng tlhahlobo ya hao.\n" -#~ " Ka tlase ke ditleliniki tse 5 tse haufi le wena." - -#~ msgid "Where will you go for your test? Reply with the clinic" -#~ msgstr "O tla ya hokae bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya hao? Araba ka tliliniki " - -#~ msgid "Well done for planning to get your test!" -#~ msgstr "U entse hantle ka ho rera ho nka tlhahlobo ea lefuba!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "* Go to your local clinic for a free TB test." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dikarabo tsa hao dipotsong di supa o hloka tlhahlobo ya TB bekeng ena!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "E-ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB. Ka kopo, rwala mask pele o " -#~ "kena tleliniking." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dikarabo tsa hao ho dipotso di bontsha hore o hloka tlhahlobo ea LEFUBA " -#~ "bekeng ena." - -#~ msgid "Do you commit to getting tested?" -#~ msgstr "Na o itlama ho hlahloba?" - -#~ msgid "Please reply with numbers. Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "Araba ka nomoro" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "We may ask you a few questions for research after you've completed your " -#~ "TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Re ka o botsa dipotso tse mmalwa bakeng sa dipatlisiso ka mor'a hore o " -#~ "qete tlhahlobo ya hao ya TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Na o ikemiseditse ho nka karolo?" - -#~ msgid "More info" -#~ msgstr "Lintlha tse ling" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing Monday to Friday " -#~ "mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Tsohella! Ditleliniki di butswe bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya TB hoseng Mantaha " -#~ "ho isa Labohlano." - -#~ msgid "Back to all questions" -#~ msgstr "Kgutlela ho dipotso tsohle" - -#~ msgid "Back to survey" -#~ msgstr "Kgutlela phuputsong" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Many people don't realise that " -#~ "TB is cureable and test too late." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kea o leboha ka ho nka karolo diphuputsong.\n" -#~ "Batho ba bangata ha ba elelloe hore TB ya phekoleha ebe ba etsa tlhahlobo " -#~ "e se e le morao haholo." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please TYPE your home address (or the address where you are currently " -#~ "staying). Give the street number, street name, suburb/township/town/" -#~ "village (or nearest)." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ka kopo NGOLA aterese ya lapeng (kapa aterese ya moo o dulang). Fana ka " -#~ "nomoro ya seterata, lebitso la seterata, suburb/lekeishene/ toropo/motse " -#~ "(kapa haufi)." diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.xho_ZA.json b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.xho_ZA.json deleted file mode 100644 index 14a9284c..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.xho_ZA.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,546 +0,0 @@ -{ - "": { - "project-id-version": "", - "pot-creation-date": "2023-10-26 02:59:+0000", - "po-revision-date": "2023-10-26 21:57+0200", - "last-translator": "", - "language-team": "", - "language": "xho_ZA", - "mime-version": "1.0", - "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", - "x-generator": "Poedit 3.4" - }, - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck": [ - null, - "Wamnkelekile kwakhona kwiSebe lezeMpilo likaZwelonke leMpilo yeTB" - ], - "Continue where I left off": [ - null, - "Qhubeka apho bendiyeke khona" - ], - "Start over": [ - null, - "Qala ekuqaleni" - ], - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study.": [ - null, - "Ngelishwa, awukwazi ukuthatha inxaxheba kuphononongo ngaphezu kwexesha elinye. Usenako ukuqhubeka noHlolo lwe-TB kodwa awuzukuqukwa kuphononongo." - ], - "Continue": [ - null, - "Qhubeka" - ], - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.": [ - null, - "Le nkonzo isebenza kakuhle xa ukhetha inombolo kuluhlu." - ], - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.": [ - null, - "ISebe lezeMpilo leSizwe liyakubulela ngokunceda ukukhusela impilo yabo bonke abemi boMzantsi Afrika. Nqanda ukwanda TB." - ], - "START": [ - null, - "QALA" - ], - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.": [ - null, - "Le nkonzo ye-NDoH inikezela ngolwazi lwezempilo. Nceda uvume unoxanduva lokukhathalela impilo yakho nonyango lwakho." - ], - "YES": [ - null, - "EWE" - ], - "NO": [ - null, - "HAYI" - ], - "MORE INFO": [ - null, - "ULWAZI OLUNINZI" - ], - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Buyela usebenzise le nkonzo nanini na. Khumbula, ukuba ucinga une-TB, kuphephe ukunxibelelana nabanye abantu kwaye uye kuvavanywa kwikliniki ekufutshane nawe." - ], - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.": [ - null, - "TB HealthCheck ayithathi ngcebiso zonyango. Fumana ingcebiso engaphezulu kumboneleli wezempilo ofanelekileyo kwimeko yakho yonyango kunye nokunakekelwa." - ], - "Next": [ - null, - "Okulandelayo" - ], - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care": [ - null, - "Sebenzisa olu lwazi ngomngcipheko wakho. Vuma awuzotyeshela okanye ulibazise ukufumana amacebo ngempilo nonyango okanye unonophelo" - ], - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.": [ - null, - "Ulwazi lwakho lobuqu lukhuselwe nguMthetho wePOPI kwaye ngokuhambelana nemimiselo yeSaziso seMfihlo seTB HealthCheck esithunyelwe kuwe ngeSMS." - ], - "ACCEPT": [ - null, - "YAMKELA" - ], - "Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Khetha ulwimi ngokombono wakho" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Khetha ulwimi ngokombono wakho" - ], - "English": [ - null, - "English" - ], - "isiZulu": [ - null, - "isiZulu" - ], - "Afrikaans": [ - null, - "Afrikaans" - ], - "isiXhosa": [ - null, - "isiXhosa" - ], - "Sesotho": [ - null, - "Sesotho" - ], - "Setswana": [ - null, - "Setswana" - ], - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Xa uvuma, siya kusebenzisa ulwazi lwakho ukubona ukuba le-TB Check iyabanceda na abantu.\nuyavuma?" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Phendula ngenombolo. uyavuma?" - ], - "Yes": [ - null, - "Ewe" - ], - "No": [ - null, - "Hayi" - ], - "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.": [ - null, - "FAQ malunga ne - TB Check kunye nophando." - ], - "How old are you?": [ - null, - "Unangaphi?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nHow old are you?": [ - null, - "Unangaphi? \n\nPhendula ngenombolo" - ], - "under 18": [ - null, - "ngaphantsi kwe-18" - ], - "18-39": [ - null, - "18-39" - ], - "40-65": [ - null, - "40-65" - ], - "over 65": [ - null, - "Ngaphezu kwa-65" - ], - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.": [ - null, - "Kulungile, akukho ngxaki. Awuyi kufakwa kuphando, kodwa usenako ukuqhubeka ukujonga ukuba ngaba kufuneka wenze uvavanyo lwe-TB." - ], - "Which gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Sesiphi isini ozichonga njengaso?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nWhich gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Sesiphi isini ozichonga njengaso?" - ], - "MALE": [ - null, - "INDODA" - ], - "FEMALE": [ - null, - "UMFAZI" - ], - "OTHER": [ - null, - "ENYE" - ], - "RATHER NOT SAY": [ - null, - "UKHETHA UKUNGATSHO" - ], - "Choose your province": [ - null, - "Khetha iphondo" - ], - "E. CAPE": [ - null, - "MPUMA KOLONI" - ], - "FREE STATE": [ - null, - "FREYSTATA" - ], - "GAUTENG": [ - null, - "RHAWUTI" - ], - "KWAZULU NATAL": [ - null, - "KWAZULU NATAL" - ], - "LIMPOPO": [ - null, - "LIMPOMPO" - ], - "MPUMALANGA": [ - null, - "MPUMALANGA" - ], - "NORTH WEST": [ - null, - "MNTLA NTSHONA" - ], - "N. CAPE": [ - null, - "MNTLA KOLONI" - ], - "W. CAPE": [ - null, - "NTSHONA KOLONI" - ], - "Please type the name of the street where you live.": [ - null, - "Nceda uchwetheze igama lesitalato ohlala kuso." - ], - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.": [ - null, - "Nceda uchwetheze igama lehlomela-dolophu/ilokishi/ilali ohlala kuyo." - ], - "Please type the name of the city where you live.": [ - null, - "Nceda uchwetheze igama lesixeko ohlala kuso." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nPlease type the name of the city where you live": [ - null, - "Uxolo, asiqondi. Nceda zama kwakhona. \n\nNceda uchwetheze igama lesixeko ohlala kuso" - ], - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:\n{{ address }}": [ - null, - "Nceda ujonge ukuba le dilesi ingezantsi ichanekile kwaye iyahambelana nolwazi osinike lona:\n{{ address }}" - ], - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Masibone uziva njani namhlanje. Uyakhohlela?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\nDo you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Masibone uziva njani namhlanje. Uyakhohlela?" - ], - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Unobushushu unefiva? (xa uchukumisa ibunzi lakho, ngaba uziva ushushu?)" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Unobushushu unefiva? (xa uchukumisa ibunzi lakho, ngaba uziva ushushu?)" - ], - "Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Ingaba ubila ngaphezulu kunesiqhelo ebusuku?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Ingaba ubila ngaphezulu kunesiqhelo ebusuku?" - ], - "Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Ingaba uye wehla emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Ingaba uye wehla emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - ], - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+": [ - null, - "Ingaba uxhalisekile kakhulu yi-TB? \n\nIngaba uhlala nomntu one-TB OKANYE ubune-TB kule minyaka mibini edlulileyo OKANYE une-HIV" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?": [ - null, - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+" - ], - "Yes high risk": [ - null, - "Ewe" - ], - "Dont know": [ - null, - "Andiyazi" - ], - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?": [ - null, - "Ngoku, nceda uvume ukuba ulwazi owabelane ngalo lulo kwaye unika i-NDoH imvume yokuxhulumana nawe xa kufuneka njalo?" - ], - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct.": [ - null, - "Okokugqibela, nceda uvume ukuba ulwazi owabelane ngalo luchanekile ngokolwazi lwakho lonke." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like to receive follow-up messages?": [ - null, - "Enkosi ngeempendulo zakho. Iziphumo zakho zizakuthunyelwa kungekudala nge-SMS Ungathanda ukufumana imiyalezo elandelelisayo? " - ], - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Enkosi ngokukhetha ukufumana imiyalezo yethu yokulandelisa." - ], - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Kulungile enkosi, awuzi kufumana miyalezo yokulandelelisa." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS.": [ - null, - "Enkosi ngeempendulo zakho. Iziphumo zakho zizakuthunyelwa kungekudala nge-SMS. " - ], - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list": [ - null, - "Le nkonzo isebenza kakuhle xa ukhetha inombolo kuluhlu." - ], - "See Results": [ - null, - "Bona Iziphumo" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki!\n\nYiya ekliniki uyokuvavanya i-TB simahla. Nceda unxibe imaski phambi kokuba ungene eklinikhi" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nWith early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!": [ - null, - "Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki!\n\nUkufunywanwa ngethuba, i-TB inokunyangeka. Ungalibazisi, vavanya namhlanje!" - ], - "You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n\nDo you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Uya kufumana i-airtime ye-R15 ukuba uyazibophelela ukuba uvavanywe.\n\nIngaba uyazibophelela ukuba uzakuvavanya?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Ingaba uyazibophelela ukuba uzakuvavanya?" - ], - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.": [ - null, - "Nokuba awukwazi ukuzibophelela ngoku, kusabalulekile ukuba uvavanye." - ], - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day": [ - null, - "Uza kuvavanywa nini? Phendula ngemini" - ], - "MONDAY": [ - null, - "MVULO" - ], - "TUESDAY": [ - null, - "LWESIBINI" - ], - "WEDNESDAY": [ - null, - "LWESITHATHU" - ], - "THURSDAY": [ - null, - "LWESINE" - ], - "FRIDAY": [ - null, - "LWESIHLANU" - ], - "Well done for committing to your health!": [ - null, - "Wenze kakuhle ngokuzibophelela ekunakekeleni impilo yakho!" - ], - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Akudingi vavanyo lwe-TB ngoku, kodwa ukuba ngaba uyakhohlela, unomkhuhlane, uncipha umzimba okanye uyabila ebusuku tyelela iklinikhi ekufutshane nawe." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n\nGo to your clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki.\n\nYiya ekliniki uyokuvavanya i-TB simahla. Nceda unxibe imaski phambi kokuba ungene eklinikhi." - ], - "You don't need a TB test at present.\n\nIf you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Akudingi vavanyo lwe-TB ngoku.\n\nUkuba ngaba uyakhohlela, unomkhuhlane, uncipha umzimba okanye uyabila ebusuku tyelela iklinikhi ekufutshane nawe." - ], - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again.": [ - null, - "Jonga abo uhlala nabo bakunyango lwe-TB na. Ukuba awusazi isimo sakho se-HIV, yiya ekliniki wenze uvavanyo lwasimahla lwe-HIV. Emva koko hlola i-TB kwakhona." - ], - "None": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE.": [ - null, - "Siza kusebenzisa olu lwazi ukubona ukuba le-TB HealthCheck inceda abantu.\nUkuqhubeka phendula u EWE. Ukuze ufumane okungakumbi ngeTB HealthCheck kunye nophando, phendula NGAKUMBI." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nEnter the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Uxolo, asiqondi. Nceda zama kwakhona. \n\nFaka inombolo ehambelana nempendulo yakho." - ], - "More": [ - null, - "Ngakumbi" - ], - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?": [ - null, - "Ingaba ufumene i-TB HealthCheck iluncedo? " - ], - "Don't know": [ - null, - "Andiyazi " - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Khange ndiye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB kuba kuthatha ixesha elininzi.\nUyavuma?" - ], - "Agree": [ - null, - "Vuma" - ], - "Disagree": [ - null, - "Andivumelani" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close to me.": [ - null, - "Khange ndiye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB kuba akukho ziklinikhi ezikufutshane kum.\nUyavuma?" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think about having TB. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Khange ndiye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB kuba andifuni ukucinga malunga ne-TB.\nUyavuma? " - ], - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?Reply in your own words.": [ - null, - "Ngaba zikho ezinye izizathu zokuba ungayi ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB? Phendula ngamazwi akho." - ], - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!": [ - null, - "Enkosi ngokuthatha inxaxheba kuphando. I - airtime yakho ye - R15 isendleleni!" - ], - "Back": [ - null, - "Buyela" - ], - "Exit": [ - null, - "Phuma" - ], - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?": [ - null, - "I-FAQ ithunyelwe kuwe nge-SMS. Ingaba ungathanda ukwenza ntoni?" - ], - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Khetha ulwimi ngokombono wakho." - ], - "What would you like to know?": [ - null, - "Ungathanda ukwazi ntoni?" - ], - "More about the research?": [ - null, - "Ngaba ungandixelela ngakumbi malunga nophando?" - ], - "What information will you ask me for?": [ - null, - "Luluphi ulwazi oza kundibuza ngalo?" - ], - "Why did I get the SMS?": [ - null, - "Kutheni ndifumene le SMS?" - ], - "What I'll need to do?": [ - null, - "Ndiza kwenza ntoni?" - ], - "Can I stop halfway through?": [ - null, - "Ndingayeka phakathi?" - ], - "Are there costs or risks?": [ - null, - "Ngaba zikho iindleko/umngcipheko?" - ], - "What happens to the info?": [ - null, - "Kwenzeka ntoni kulwazi?" - ], - "What to do if I am unhappy?": [ - null, - "Kuthekani ukuba andingonwabanga?" - ], - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people.": [ - null, - "Abantu abaninzi abayiqondi into yokuba i-TB iyanyangeka kwaye bathatha uvavanyo emva kwexesha elide kakhulu. Iimpendulo zakho ziya kusinceda siqonde ukuba ngaba i-TB HealthCheck iyabanceda ngenene na abantu. " - ], - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?": [ - null, - "Ngaba i-TB HealthCheck ikukhuthazile ukuva uvavanywe?" - ], - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Ngaba ubuya kuvavanywa ngaphandle kweTB HealthCheck?" - ], - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Ngaba ubuzakulibazisa ngakumbi uvavanyo ngaphandle kweTB Healthcheck?" - ], - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Amaxesha okulinda ezikliniki ayemade kakhulu. \n\nUyavuma?" - ], - "How was your experience at the clinic?": [ - null, - "Ebenjani amava akho ekliniki?" - ], - "Bad": [ - null, - "Imbi" - ], - "Ok": [ - null, - "Kulungile" - ], - "Good": [ - null, - "Intle" - ], - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of any problems you experienced.": [ - null, - "Ngaba kwakunzima ukufumana uvavanyo lwe-TB? Nceda uphendule ngeenkcukacha zazo naziphi na iingxaki othe wadibana nazo." - ], - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?": [ - null, - "Kutheni uye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB?" - ], - "Can we phone you to get more information?": [ - null, - "Ngaba singakutsalela umnxeba ukufumana ulwazi oluthe kratya?" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.xho_ZA.po b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.xho_ZA.po deleted file mode 100644 index 0fd05deb..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.xho_ZA.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,871 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-26 02:59:+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-26 21:57+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: xho_ZA\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:79 -msgid "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" -msgstr "Wamnkelekile kwakhona kwiSebe lezeMpilo likaZwelonke leMpilo yeTB" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:84 -msgid "Continue where I left off" -msgstr "Qhubeka apho bendiyeke khona" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:85 -msgid "Start over" -msgstr "Qala ekuqaleni" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:161 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1526 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can " -"still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study." -msgstr "" -"Ngelishwa, awukwazi ukuthatha inxaxheba kuphononongo ngaphezu kwexesha " -"elinye. Usenako ukuqhubeka noHlolo lwe-TB kodwa awuzukuqukwa kuphononongo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:168 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Qhubeka" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:173 -msgid "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." -msgstr "Le nkonzo isebenza kakuhle xa ukhetha inombolo kuluhlu." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:176 -msgid "" -"The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " -"health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." -msgstr "" -"ISebe lezeMpilo leSizwe liyakubulela ngokunceda ukukhusela impilo yabo bonke " -"abemi boMzantsi Afrika. Nqanda ukwanda TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:184 -msgid "START" -msgstr "QALA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:194 src/ussd_tb_check.js:200 -msgid "" -"This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " -"responsible for your own medical care and treatment." -msgstr "" -"Le nkonzo ye-NDoH inikezela ngolwazi lwezempilo. Nceda uvume unoxanduva " -"lokukhathalela impilo yakho nonyango lwakho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:208 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:786 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:817 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1012 -msgid "YES" -msgstr "EWE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:209 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:787 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:818 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1013 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "HAYI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:210 -msgid "MORE INFO" -msgstr "ULWAZI OLUNINZI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:217 -msgid "" -"Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " -"avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Buyela usebenzise le nkonzo nanini na. Khumbula, ukuba ucinga une-TB, " -"kuphephe ukunxibelelana nabanye abantu kwaye uye kuvavanywa kwikliniki " -"ekufutshane nawe." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:227 -msgid "" -"TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get " -"a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." -msgstr "" -"TB HealthCheck ayithathi ngcebiso zonyango. Fumana ingcebiso engaphezulu " -"kumboneleli wezempilo ofanelekileyo kwimeko yakho yonyango kunye " -"nokunakekelwa." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:232 src/ussd_tb_check.js:243 src/ussd_tb_check.js:418 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:999 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1356 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1439 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Okulandelayo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:238 -msgid "" -"You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " -"Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" -msgstr "" -"Sebenzisa olu lwazi ngomngcipheko wakho. Vuma awuzotyeshela okanye ulibazise " -"ukufumana amacebo ngempilo nonyango okanye unonophelo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:288 -msgid "" -"Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with " -"the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Ulwazi lwakho lobuqu lukhuselwe nguMthetho wePOPI kwaye ngokuhambelana " -"nemimiselo yeSaziso seMfihlo seTB HealthCheck esithunyelwe kuwe ngeSMS." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:293 -msgid "ACCEPT" -msgstr "YAMKELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:307 src/ussd_tb_check.js:341 -msgid "Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Khetha ulwimi ngokombono wakho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:308 src/ussd_tb_check.js:342 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Khetha ulwimi ngokombono wakho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:311 src/ussd_tb_check.js:345 -msgid "English" -msgstr "English" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:312 src/ussd_tb_check.js:346 -msgid "isiZulu" -msgstr "isiZulu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:313 src/ussd_tb_check.js:347 -msgid "Afrikaans" -msgstr "Afrikaans" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:314 src/ussd_tb_check.js:348 -msgid "isiXhosa" -msgstr "isiXhosa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:315 src/ussd_tb_check.js:349 -msgid "Sesotho" -msgstr "Sesotho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:316 -msgid "Setswana" -msgstr "Setswana" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:369 -msgid "" -"If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps " -"people.\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Xa uvuma, siya kusebenzisa ulwazi lwakho ukubona ukuba le-TB Check " -"iyabanceda na abantu.\n" -"uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:373 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" -msgstr "Phendula ngenombolo. uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:378 src/ussd_tb_check.js:626 src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1191 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1217 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1549 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1569 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1589 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1680 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ewe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:379 src/ussd_tb_check.js:627 src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1215 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1551 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1571 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1591 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1681 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Hayi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:380 -msgid "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." -msgstr "FAQ malunga ne - TB Check kunye nophando." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:397 -msgid "How old are you?" -msgstr "Unangaphi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:398 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"How old are you?" -msgstr "" -"Unangaphi? \n" -"\n" -"Phendula ngenombolo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:401 -msgid "under 18" -msgstr "ngaphantsi kwe-18" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:402 -msgid "18-39" -msgstr "18-39" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:403 -msgid "40-65" -msgstr "40-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:404 -msgid "over 65" -msgstr "Ngaphezu kwa-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:412 -msgid "" -"Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can " -"still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." -msgstr "" -"Kulungile, akukho ngxaki. Awuyi kufakwa kuphando, kodwa usenako ukuqhubeka " -"ukujonga ukuba ngaba kufuneka wenze uvavanyo lwe-TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:435 -msgid "Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "Sesiphi isini ozichonga njengaso?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:436 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "Sesiphi isini ozichonga njengaso?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:445 -msgid "MALE" -msgstr "INDODA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:446 -msgid "FEMALE" -msgstr "UMFAZI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:447 -msgid "OTHER" -msgstr "ENYE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:448 -msgid "RATHER NOT SAY" -msgstr "UKHETHA UKUNGATSHO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:465 -msgid "Choose your province" -msgstr "Khetha iphondo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:468 -msgid "E. CAPE" -msgstr "MPUMA KOLONI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:469 -msgid "FREE STATE" -msgstr "FREYSTATA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:470 -msgid "GAUTENG" -msgstr "RHAWUTI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:471 -msgid "KWAZULU NATAL" -msgstr "KWAZULU NATAL" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:472 -msgid "LIMPOPO" -msgstr "LIMPOMPO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:473 -msgid "MPUMALANGA" -msgstr "MPUMALANGA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:474 -msgid "NORTH WEST" -msgstr "MNTLA NTSHONA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:475 -msgid "N. CAPE" -msgstr "MNTLA KOLONI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:476 -msgid "W. CAPE" -msgstr "NTSHONA KOLONI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:491 -msgid "Please type the name of the street where you live." -msgstr "Nceda uchwetheze igama lesitalato ohlala kuso." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:514 -msgid "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." -msgstr "Nceda uchwetheze igama lehlomela-dolophu/ilokishi/ilali ohlala kuyo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:542 -msgid "Please type the name of the city where you live." -msgstr "Nceda uchwetheze igama lesixeko ohlala kuso." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:546 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Please type the name of the city where you live" -msgstr "" -"Uxolo, asiqondi. Nceda zama kwakhona. \n" -"\n" -"Nceda uchwetheze igama lesixeko ohlala kuso" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:618 -msgid "" -"Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information " -"you gave us:\n" -"{{ address }}" -msgstr "" -"Nceda ujonge ukuba le dilesi ingezantsi ichanekile kwaye iyahambelana " -"nolwazi osinike lona:\n" -"{{ address }}" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:690 -msgid "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "Masibone uziva njani namhlanje. Uyakhohlela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:693 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "Masibone uziva njani namhlanje. Uyakhohlela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:710 -msgid "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "" -"Unobushushu unefiva? (xa uchukumisa ibunzi lakho, ngaba uziva ushushu?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:713 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " -"forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "" -"Unobushushu unefiva? (xa uchukumisa ibunzi lakho, ngaba uziva ushushu?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:727 -msgid "Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Ingaba ubila ngaphezulu kunesiqhelo ebusuku?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:728 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Ingaba ubila ngaphezulu kunesiqhelo ebusuku?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:737 -msgid "Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "Ingaba uye wehla emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "Ingaba uye wehla emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:754 -msgid "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" -msgstr "" -"Ingaba uxhalisekile kakhulu yi-TB? \n" -"\n" -"Ingaba uhlala nomntu one-TB OKANYE ubune-TB kule minyaka mibini edlulileyo " -"OKANYE une-HIV" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:761 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?" -msgstr "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:764 -msgid "Yes high risk" -msgstr "Ewe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:766 -msgid "Dont know" -msgstr "Andiyazi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:779 -msgid "" -"Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the " -"NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" -msgstr "" -"Ngoku, nceda uvume ukuba ulwazi owabelane ngalo lulo kwaye unika i-NDoH " -"imvume yokuxhulumana nawe xa kufuneka njalo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:808 src/ussd_tb_check.js:811 -msgid "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." -msgstr "" -"Okokugqibela, nceda uvume ukuba ulwazi owabelane ngalo luchanekile " -"ngokolwazi lwakho lonke." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:832 src/ussd_tb_check.js:838 -msgid "" -"Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you " -"like to receive follow-up messages?" -msgstr "" -"Enkosi ngeempendulo zakho. Iziphumo zakho zizakuthunyelwa kungekudala nge-" -"SMS Ungathanda ukufumana imiyalezo elandelelisayo? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:938 -msgid "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages." -msgstr "Enkosi ngokukhetha ukufumana imiyalezo yethu yokulandelisa." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:941 -msgid "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages." -msgstr "Kulungile enkosi, awuzi kufumana miyalezo yokulandelelisa." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:945 -msgid "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Enkosi ngeempendulo zakho. Iziphumo zakho zizakuthunyelwa kungekudala nge-" -"SMS. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:948 -msgid "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" -msgstr "Le nkonzo isebenza kakuhle xa ukhetha inombolo kuluhlu." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:956 -msgid "See Results" -msgstr "Bona Iziphumo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:981 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki!\n" -"\n" -"Yiya ekliniki uyokuvavanya i-TB simahla. Nceda unxibe imaski phambi kokuba " -"ungene eklinikhi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:992 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" -msgstr "" -"Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki!\n" -"\n" -"Ukufunywanwa ngethuba, i-TB inokunyangeka. Ungalibazisi, vavanya namhlanje!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1005 -msgid "" -"You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n" -"\n" -"Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" -"Uya kufumana i-airtime ye-R15 ukuba uyazibophelela ukuba uvavanywe.\n" -"\n" -"Ingaba uyazibophelela ukuba uzakuvavanya?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1010 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "Ingaba uyazibophelela ukuba uzakuvavanya?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1045 -msgid "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested." -msgstr "Nokuba awukwazi ukuzibophelela ngoku, kusabalulekile ukuba uvavanye." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1054 -msgid "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" -msgstr "Uza kuvavanywa nini? Phendula ngemini" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1059 -msgid "MONDAY" -msgstr "MVULO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1060 -msgid "TUESDAY" -msgstr "LWESIBINI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1061 -msgid "WEDNESDAY" -msgstr "LWESITHATHU" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1062 -msgid "THURSDAY" -msgstr "LWESINE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1063 -msgid "FRIDAY" -msgstr "LWESIHLANU" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1108 -msgid "Well done for committing to your health!" -msgstr "Wenze kakuhle ngokuzibophelela ekunakekeleni impilo yakho!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1129 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " -"or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Akudingi vavanyo lwe-TB ngoku, kodwa ukuba ngaba uyakhohlela, unomkhuhlane, " -"uncipha umzimba okanye uyabila ebusuku tyelela iklinikhi ekufutshane nawe." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1135 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -"\n" -"Go to your clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki.\n" -"\n" -"Yiya ekliniki uyokuvavanya i-TB simahla. Nceda unxibe imaski phambi kokuba " -"ungene eklinikhi." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1148 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test at present.\n" -"\n" -"If you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest " -"clinic." -msgstr "" -"Akudingi vavanyo lwe-TB ngoku.\n" -"\n" -"Ukuba ngaba uyakhohlela, unomkhuhlane, uncipha umzimba okanye uyabila " -"ebusuku tyelela iklinikhi ekufutshane nawe." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1161 -msgid "" -"Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV " -"status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." -msgstr "" -"Jonga abo uhlala nabo bakunyango lwe-TB na. Ukuba awusazi isimo sakho se-" -"HIV, yiya ekliniki wenze uvavanyo lwasimahla lwe-HIV. Emva koko hlola i-TB " -"kwakhona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1174 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1505 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1179 -msgid "" -"We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To " -"continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE." -msgstr "" -"Siza kusebenzisa olu lwazi ukubona ukuba le-TB HealthCheck inceda abantu.\n" -"Ukuqhubeka phendula u EWE. Ukuze ufumane okungakumbi ngeTB HealthCheck kunye " -"nophando, phendula NGAKUMBI." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1184 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1208 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1229 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1250 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1272 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1294 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1349 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1542 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1562 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1582 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1604 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1624 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1645 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1659 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1673 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Enter the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" -"Uxolo, asiqondi. Nceda zama kwakhona. \n" -"\n" -"Faka inombolo ehambelana nempendulo yakho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1192 -msgid "More" -msgstr "Ngakumbi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" -msgstr "Ingaba ufumene i-TB HealthCheck iluncedo? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1216 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1237 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1258 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1280 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1550 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1570 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1590 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1612 -msgid "Don't know" -msgstr "Andiyazi " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1225 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do " -"you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Khange ndiye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB kuba kuthatha ixesha elininzi.\n" -"Uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1236 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1257 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1279 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1611 -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "Vuma" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1238 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1259 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1281 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1613 -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "Andivumelani" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1246 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close " -"to me." -msgstr "" -"Khange ndiye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB kuba akukho ziklinikhi ezikufutshane " -"kum.\n" -"Uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1267 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think " -"about having TB. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Khange ndiye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB kuba andifuni ukucinga malunga ne-" -"TB.\n" -"Uyavuma? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1289 -msgid "" -"Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?" -"Reply in your own words." -msgstr "" -"Ngaba zikho ezinye izizathu zokuba ungayi ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB? " -"Phendula ngamazwi akho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1345 -msgid "" -"Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" -msgstr "" -"Enkosi ngokuthatha inxaxheba kuphando. I - airtime yakho ye - R15 " -"isendleleni!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1392 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1398 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1457 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Buyela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1393 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1399 -msgid "Exit" -msgstr "Phuma" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1403 -msgid "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?" -msgstr "I-FAQ ithunyelwe kuwe nge-SMS. Ingaba ungathanda ukwenza ntoni?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1407 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1430 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1449 -msgid "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "Khetha ulwimi ngokombono wakho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1427 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1446 -msgid "What would you like to know?" -msgstr "Ungathanda ukwazi ntoni?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1435 -msgid "More about the research?" -msgstr "Ngaba ungandixelela ngakumbi malunga nophando?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1436 -msgid "What information will you ask me for?" -msgstr "Luluphi ulwazi oza kundibuza ngalo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1437 -msgid "Why did I get the SMS?" -msgstr "Kutheni ndifumene le SMS?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1438 -msgid "What I'll need to do?" -msgstr "Ndiza kwenza ntoni?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1453 -msgid "Can I stop halfway through?" -msgstr "Ndingayeka phakathi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1454 -msgid "Are there costs or risks?" -msgstr "Ngaba zikho iindleko/umngcipheko?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1455 -msgid "What happens to the info?" -msgstr "Kwenzeka ntoni kulwazi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1456 -msgid "What to do if I am unhappy?" -msgstr "Kuthekani ukuba andingonwabanga?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1515 -msgid "" -"Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your " -"answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." -msgstr "" -"Abantu abaninzi abayiqondi into yokuba i-TB iyanyangeka kwaye bathatha " -"uvavanyo emva kwexesha elide kakhulu. Iimpendulo zakho ziya kusinceda " -"siqonde ukuba ngaba i-TB HealthCheck iyabanceda ngenene na abantu. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1539 -msgid "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" -msgstr "Ngaba i-TB HealthCheck ikukhuthazile ukuva uvavanywe?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1559 -msgid "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Ngaba ubuya kuvavanywa ngaphandle kweTB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1579 -msgid "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Ngaba ubuzakulibazisa ngakumbi uvavanyo ngaphandle kweTB Healthcheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1599 -msgid "" -"The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n" -"\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Amaxesha okulinda ezikliniki ayemade kakhulu. \n" -"\n" -"Uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1621 -msgid "How was your experience at the clinic?" -msgstr "Ebenjani amava akho ekliniki?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1631 -msgid "Bad" -msgstr "Imbi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1632 -msgid "Ok" -msgstr "Kulungile" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1633 -msgid "Good" -msgstr "Intle" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1641 -msgid "" -"Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of " -"any problems you experienced." -msgstr "" -"Ngaba kwakunzima ukufumana uvavanyo lwe-TB? Nceda uphendule ngeenkcukacha " -"zazo naziphi na iingxaki othe wadibana nazo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1656 -msgid "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" -msgstr "Kutheni uye ekliniki kuvavanyo lwe-TB?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1670 -msgid "Can we phone you to get more information?" -msgstr "Ngaba singakutsalela umnxeba ukufumana ulwazi oluthe kratya?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Unfortunately you cant participate in the study if you are younger than " -#~ "18." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ngelishwa awunakuthatha inxaxheba kuphononongo ukuba ungaphantsi " -#~ "kweminyaka eyi-18. " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in " -#~ "the study" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Usenako ukuqhubeka nokuhlolwa kwe-TB kodwa awuzukuqukwa kuphononongo." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dikarabo tsa hao ho dipotso di bontsha hore o hloka tlhahlobo ea TB " -#~ "bekeng ena!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don't delay, test today!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test. " -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ukufunywanwa ngethuba, i-TB inokunyangeka. Ungalibazisi, vavanya " -#~ "namhlanje!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Ndwendwela ikliniki yengingqi yakho ukwenza uvavanyo lwe-TB lwamahala." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Here are some tips to help you plan:" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Yiya ekliniki uyokuvavanya i-TB simahla. Nceda unxibe imaski phambi " -#~ "kokuba ungene eklinikhi" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "* Make the time. Your health is a priority!\n" -#~ "* Pick the most convenient clinic for your test\n" -#~ "* Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing\n" -#~ "Monday to Friday mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Yenza ixesha. Impilo yakho ibalulekile!\n" -#~ "Khetha eyona klinikhi elula kakhulu kuwe ukwenza uvavanyo lwakho.\n" -#~ " Ngezantsi ziikliniki ezi-5 ezikufutshane kuwe." - -#~ msgid "Where will you go for your test? Reply with the clinic" -#~ msgstr "Uza kuvavanywa phi? Phendula ngekliniki" - -#~ msgid "Well done for planning to get your test!" -#~ msgstr "Wenze kakuhle ngokucwangcisa ukufumana uvavanyo lwe-TB!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "* Go to your local clinic for a free TB test." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Iimpendulo zakho zibonisa ukuba udinga uxilongo lwe TB kule veki!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Yiya ekliniki uyokuvavanya i-TB simahla. Nceda unxibe imaski phambi " -#~ "kokuba ungene eklinikhi" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dikarabo tsa hao ho dipotso di bontsha hore o hloka tlhahlobo ea TB " -#~ "bekeng ena." - -#~ msgid "Do you commit to getting tested?" -#~ msgstr "Ingaba uyazibophelela ukuba uzakuvavanya?" - -#~ msgid "Please reply with numbers. Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "Ngaba uzimisele ukuthatha inxaxheba?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "We may ask you a few questions for research after you've completed your " -#~ "TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Singakubuza imibuzo embalwa yophando emva kokuba ugqibe i-TB HealthCheck " -#~ "yakho.\n" -#~ "Ngaba uzimisele ukuthatha inxaxheba?" - -#~ msgid "More info" -#~ msgstr "Iinkcukacha ezithe vetshe" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing Monday to Friday " -#~ "mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Fika kwangexesha! iiKlinikhi zivulwa ukuba ufumane uvavanyo lweTB " -#~ "ngoMvulo ukuya ngoLwesihlanu kusasa." - -#~ msgid "Back to all questions" -#~ msgstr "Buyela kuyo yonke imibuzo" - -#~ msgid "Back to survey" -#~ msgstr "Buyela kuphando" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Many people don't realise that " -#~ "TB is cureable and test too late." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Enkosi ngokuthatha inxaxheba kuphando.\n" -#~ "Abantu abaninzi abayazi ukuba i-TB iyanyangeka kwaye bavavanya emva " -#~ "kwexesha." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please TYPE your home address (or the address where you are currently " -#~ "staying). Give the street number, street name, suburb/township/town/" -#~ "village (or nearest)." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Nceda FAKA idilesi yekhaya (okanye apho uhlala khona). Nika inombolo " -#~ "yesitalato, isitalato, ihlomela ledolophu / ilokishi / idolophu / ilali " -#~ "(okanye kufuphi)." diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.zul_ZA.json b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.zul_ZA.json deleted file mode 100644 index d167f34a..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.zul_ZA.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,547 +0,0 @@ -{ - "": { - "project-id-version": "", - "pot-creation-date": "2023-10-26 02:59:+0000", - "po-revision-date": "2023-10-26 21:54+0200", - "last-translator": "", - "language-team": "", - "language": "zu_ZA", - "mime-version": "1.0", - "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit", - "plural-forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n==0 || n==1);", - "x-generator": "Poedit 3.4" - }, - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck": [ - null, - "Siyakwamukela futhi kwi-HealthCheck ye-TB yoMnyango Kazwelonke Wezempilo" - ], - "Continue where I left off": [ - null, - "Qhubeka la engigcine khona" - ], - "Start over": [ - null, - "Qala phansi" - ], - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study.": [ - null, - "Ngeshwa, awukwazi ukubamba iqhaza ocwaningweni ngaphezu kokukodwa.Ungaqhubeka nge TB Check kodwa ngeke ufakwe ocwaningweni." - ], - "Continue": [ - null, - "Qhubeka" - ], - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.": [ - null, - "Le sevisi isebenza kahle kakhulu uma ukhetha izinketho zezinombolo ohlwini." - ], - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.": [ - null, - "UMnyango Wezempilo Kazwelonke uyabonga ngokusiza ukuvikela impilo yezakhamizi zaseNingizimu Afrika. Misa ukusabalala TB." - ], - "START": [ - null, - "QALA" - ], - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.": [ - null, - "Lesevisi ye-NDoH inikeza imininingwane yezempilo kphela. Scela uvume ukuth unegunya lokunakekelwa nokwelashwa kwakho." - ], - "YES": [ - null, - "YEBO" - ], - "NO": [ - null, - "CHA" - ], - "MORE INFO": [ - null, - "IMINININGWANE ENGAPHEZULU" - ], - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Buyela ukusebenzisa le sevisi noma kunini. Khumbula, uma ucabanga ukuthi une-TB, gwema ukuxhumana nabanye abantu futhi uyohlolwa emtholampilo oseduzane nawe." - ], - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.": [ - null, - "I-TB HealthCheck ayithathi indawo yezeluleko zezokwelapha. Thola izeluleko zomhlinzeki wezempilo oqeqeshiwe ngesimo sakho sezempilo nokunakekelwa." - ], - "Next": [ - null, - "Olandelayo" - ], - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care": [ - null, - "Usebenzisa lolulwazi ngokuzibeka wena egcupheni. Vuma ukungazibi nokungabambezeleli ukthola iseluleko ngokwelashwa noma ukunakekelwa" - ], - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.": [ - null, - "Imininingwane yakho ivikelwe yi-POPI Act futhi ngokuya ngemigomo yeSaziso Sobumfihlo se-TB HealthCheck esithunyelwe kuwe nge-SMS." - ], - "ACCEPT": [ - null, - "YAMUKELA" - ], - "Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Khetha ulimi lwakho oluthandayo" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Khetha ulimi lwakho oluthandayo" - ], - "English": [ - null, - "English" - ], - "isiZulu": [ - null, - "isiZulu" - ], - "Afrikaans": [ - null, - "Afrikaans" - ], - "isiXhosa": [ - null, - "isiXhosa" - ], - "Sesotho": [ - null, - "Sesotho" - ], - "Setswana": [ - null, - "Setswana" - ], - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Uma uvuma sizosebenzisa ulwazi lwakho ukubona ukuthi i-TB Check iyabasiza yini abantu.\nIngabe uyavuma?" - ], - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe uyavuma?" - ], - "Yes": [ - null, - "Yebo" - ], - "No": [ - null, - "Cha" - ], - "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.": [ - null, - "FAQ, mayelana ne TBCheck kanye nocwaningo." - ], - "How old are you?": [ - null, - "Uneminyaka emingaki?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nHow old are you?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini.\n\nUneminyaka emingaki ?" - ], - "under 18": [ - null, - "ngaphansi kwa-18" - ], - "18-39": [ - null, - "18-39" - ], - "40-65": [ - null, - "40-65" - ], - "over 65": [ - null, - "ngaphezu kwa-65" - ], - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.": [ - null, - "Kulungile ayikho inkinga. Angeke ufakwe ocwaningweni, kodwa ungaqhubheka ubone ukuthi awudingi na ukuhlolelwa i-TB. " - ], - "Which gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Ubuphi ubulili ozibona uyibo?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\n\nWhich gender do you identify as?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini.\n\nUbuphi ubulili ozikhomba kubo?" - ], - "MALE": [ - null, - "OWESILISA" - ], - "FEMALE": [ - null, - "OWESIFAZANE" - ], - "OTHER": [ - null, - "OKUNYE" - ], - "RATHER NOT SAY": [ - null, - "NGINCAMELA UKUNGASHO" - ], - "Choose your province": [ - null, - "Khetha isfundazwe sakho" - ], - "E. CAPE": [ - null, - "EMPUMALANGA KAPA" - ], - "FREE STATE": [ - null, - "EFULEYISITATA" - ], - "GAUTENG": [ - null, - "EGOLI" - ], - "KWAZULU NATAL": [ - null, - "KWAZULU NATAL" - ], - "LIMPOPO": [ - null, - "LIMPOPO" - ], - "MPUMALANGA": [ - null, - "MPUMALANGA" - ], - "NORTH WEST": [ - null, - "ENYAKATHO-NTSHONALANGA" - ], - "N. CAPE": [ - null, - "ENYAKATHO KAPA" - ], - "W. CAPE": [ - null, - "ENTSHONALANGA KAPA" - ], - "Please type the name of the street where you live.": [ - null, - "Sicela uthayiphe igama lomgwaqo walapho ohlala khona." - ], - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.": [ - null, - "Sicela uthayiphe igama ledolobha/ilokishi/isigodi salapho ohlala khona." - ], - "Please type the name of the city where you live.": [ - null, - "Sicela uthayiphe igama ledolobha lalapho ohlala khona." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nPlease type the name of the city where you live": [ - null, - "Siyaxolisa, asiqondi. Ngicela uzame futhi.\n\nSicela uthayiphe igama ledolobha lalapho ohlala khona" - ], - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:\n{{ address }}": [ - null, - "Sicela ubheke ukuthi ikheli elingezansi lilungile futhi lihambisana nemininingwane osinike yona:\n{{ address }}" - ], - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Asiboneuzizwa kanjani namuhla. Uyakhwehlela?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list.\nDo you have a cough?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini.\nUyakhwehlela?" - ], - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Unemfiva? (uma uthinta isiphongo sakho, usizwa sishisa?)" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Unemfiva? (uma uthinta isiphongo sakho, usizwa sishisa?)" - ], - "Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Ingabe ujuluka ngaphezu kokujwayelekile ebusuku?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe ujuluka ngaphezu kokujwayelekile ebusuku?" - ], - "Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Ngabe uyancipha emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ngabe uyancipha emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - ], - "Are you at high risk of TB?\n\nRisk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+": [ - null, - "Ingabe usengozini enkulu ye-TB? \n\nIngozi isho ukuhlala nomuntu one-TB NOMA ubene-TB kuminyaka emi-2 edlule NOMA u-HIV+" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe usengozini enkulu ye-TB?" - ], - "Yes high risk": [ - null, - "Yebo ingozi inkulu" - ], - "Dont know": [ - null, - "Angazi" - ], - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?": [ - null, - "Sesicela uvume ukuthi imininingwane osinikeze yona iyiqiniso nokuthi unikeza iNDoH imvume yokuxhumana nawe uma kudingeka?" - ], - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct.": [ - null, - "Ekugcineni, ngicela uvume ukuthi imininingwane owabelane ngayo iyiqiniso ngokwazi kwakho." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like to receive follow-up messages?": [ - null, - "Siyabonga ngempendulo yakho. Imiphumela yakho izothunyelwa nge-SMS kungekudala. Ungathanda ukuthola imilayezo ezolandelela?" - ], - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Siyabonga ngokukhetha ukuthola imilayezo yethu ezolandelela." - ], - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.": [ - null, - "Kulungile siyabonga, ngeke uthole imilayezo ezolandelela." - ], - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS.": [ - null, - "Siyabonga ngempendulo yakho. Imiphumela yakho izothunyelwa nge-SMS kungekudala." - ], - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list": [ - null, - "Le sevisi isebenza kahle kakhulu uma ukhetha izinketho zezinombolo ohlwini" - ], - "See Results": [ - null, - "Bona imiphumela" - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nVisit your local clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli sonto!\n\nVakashela umtholampilo wangakini ukuze uhlolelwe i-TB mahhala." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n\nWith early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!": [ - null, - "Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli sonto!\n\nNgokuxilonga kusenesikhathi, i-TB ingelapheka. Ungalibali, hlola namuhla!" - ], - "You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n\nDo you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Uzothola i-airtime ye-R15 uma uzibophezela ukuthi uzohlola.\n\nIngabe uyazibophezela ukuthi uhlole?" - ], - "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?": [ - null, - "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe uyazibophezela ekuhlolweni?" - ], - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.": [ - null, - "Ngisho noma ungakwazi ukuzinikelela manje, kusabalulekile ukuthi uhlole." - ], - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day": [ - null, - "Uzoya nini ukuyohlolwa kwakho? Phendula ngosuku " - ], - "MONDAY": [ - null, - "MSOMBULUKO" - ], - "TUESDAY": [ - null, - "LWESIBILI" - ], - "WEDNESDAY": [ - null, - "LWESITHATHU" - ], - "THURSDAY": [ - null, - "ULWESINE" - ], - "FRIDAY": [ - null, - "LWESIHLANU" - ], - "Well done for committing to your health!": [ - null, - "Wenze kahle ngokubophezela impilo yakho!" - ], - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Awuyidingi i-test ye-TB manje, kodwa uma uba nokukhwehlela, imfiva, ukuncipha ngokomzimba noma ukujuluka ebusuku vakashela umtholampilo oseduzane nawe." - ], - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n\nGo to your clinic for a free TB test.": [ - null, - "Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli viki!\n\n* Hamba emtholampilo wangakini uyohlolelwa i-TB mahhala." - ], - "You don't need a TB test at present.\n\nIf you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.": [ - null, - "Awuyidingi i-test ye-TB manje.\n\nUma uba nokukhwehlela, imfiva, ukuncipha ngokomzimba noma ukujuluka ebusuku vakashela umtholampilo oseduzane nawe." - ], - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again.": [ - null, - "Bheka ukuthi labo ohlala nabo balashelwa i-TB na. Uma ungasazi isimo sakho se-HIV, vakashela umtholampilo uyohlolelwa i-HIV mahhala. Bese uphinde uhlole i-TB." - ], - "None": [ - null, - "Lutho" - ], - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE.": [ - null, - "Sizosebenzisa lemininingwane ukuze sibone ukuthi le-TB HealthCheck iyabasiza yini abantu.\nUkuze uqhubeke phendula ngo-\"YEBO\". Ukuze uthole kabanzi nge-TB HealthCheck kanye nocwaningo, phendula OKWENGEZIWE." - ], - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n\nEnter the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Siyaxolisa, asiqondi. Ngicela uzame futhi.\n\nFaka inombolo ehambisana nempendulo yakho." - ], - "More": [ - null, - "Okwengeziwe" - ], - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?": [ - null, - "Ingabe uthole ukuthi i-TB HealthCheck iwusizo?" - ], - "Don't know": [ - null, - "Angazi " - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Angizange ngiye emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB ngoba kuthatha isikhathi eside. \nIngabe uyavuma?" - ], - "Agree": [ - null, - "Ngiyavuma" - ], - "Disagree": [ - null, - "Angivumi" - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close to me.": [ - null, - "Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ha ho na ditleliniki tse haufi le nna." - ], - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think about having TB. Do you agree?": [ - null, - "Angizange ngiye emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB ngoba angifuni ukuyicabanga indaba yokuba ne-TB.Ingabe uyavuma? " - ], - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?Reply in your own words.": [ - null, - "Zikhona ezinye izizathu ezichaza ukuthi kungani ungayanga emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB? Phendula ngamazwi akho." - ], - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!": [ - null, - "Siyabonga ngokubamba iqhaza kuhlolovo. U-R15 wakho we-airtime usendleleni!" - ], - "Back": [ - null, - "Emuva" - ], - "Exit": [ - null, - "Phuma" - ], - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?": [ - null, - "I-FAQ ithunyelwe kuwe nge-SMS. Ungathanda ukwenzani? " - ], - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer.": [ - null, - "Khetha ulimi lwakho oluthandayo." - ], - "What would you like to know?": [ - null, - "Yini ofuna ukuyazi?" - ], - "More about the research?": [ - null, - "Ungangitshela kabanzi ngocwaningo?" - ], - "What information will you ask me for?": [ - null, - "Imiphi imininingwane ozongibuza yona?" - ], - "Why did I get the SMS?": [ - null, - "Kungani ngithole i-SMS?" - ], - "What I'll need to do?": [ - null, - "Yini okuzodingeka ngiyenze?" - ], - "Can I stop halfway through?": [ - null, - "Ngingayeka yini phakathi?" - ], - "Are there costs or risks?": [ - null, - "Ingabe kukhona izindleko/ubungozi?" - ], - "What happens to the info?": [ - null, - "Kwenzekani ngolwazi?" - ], - "What to do if I am unhappy?": [ - null, - "Kuthiwani uma ngingajabuli?" - ], - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people.": [ - null, - "Abantu abaningi ababoni ukuthi i-TB iyelapheka futhi bahlola sekudlule isikhathi eside. Impendulo yakho izosisiza siqonde ukuba i-TB HealthCheck ibasiza ngempela yini abantu." - ], - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?": [ - null, - "Ubuzohlola na ngaphandle kwe-TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Ubuzohlola na ngaphandle kwe-TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?": [ - null, - "Ubuzokuhlehlisa ukuhlola ngaphandle kwe-TB HealthCheck?" - ], - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n\nDo you agree?": [ - null, - "Isikhathi sokulinda emtholampilo besiside kakhulu. \n\nIngabe uyavuma?" - ], - "How was your experience at the clinic?": [ - null, - "Besinjani isikhathi sakho emtholampilo? " - ], - "Bad": [ - null, - "Kubi" - ], - "Ok": [ - null, - "Kulungile" - ], - "Good": [ - null, - "Kuhle" - ], - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of any problems you experienced.": [ - null, - "Kwakunzima ukufinyelela ukuhlolwa kwe-TB? Sicela uphendule ngemininingwane yanoma yiziphi izinkinga ohlangabezane nazo." - ], - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?": [ - null, - "Kungani uye emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB? " - ], - "Can we phone you to get more information?": [ - null, - "Singakwazi ukuk'fonela ukuze sithole kabanzi ulwazi? " - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.zul_ZA.po b/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.zul_ZA.po deleted file mode 100644 index 3aa11908..00000000 --- a/config/go-app-ussd_tb_check.zul_ZA.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,913 +0,0 @@ -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-26 02:59:+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-26 21:54+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: \n" -"Language-Team: \n" -"Language: zu_ZA\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n==0 || n==1);\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 3.4\n" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:79 -msgid "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" -msgstr "" -"Siyakwamukela futhi kwi-HealthCheck ye-TB yoMnyango Kazwelonke Wezempilo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:84 -msgid "Continue where I left off" -msgstr "Qhubeka la engigcine khona" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:85 -msgid "Start over" -msgstr "Qala phansi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:161 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1526 -msgid "" -"Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than once. You can " -"still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in the study." -msgstr "" -"Ngeshwa, awukwazi ukubamba iqhaza ocwaningweni ngaphezu kokukodwa." -"Ungaqhubeka nge TB Check kodwa ngeke ufakwe ocwaningweni." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:168 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Qhubeka" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:173 -msgid "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." -msgstr "" -"Le sevisi isebenza kahle kakhulu uma ukhetha izinketho zezinombolo ohlwini." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:176 -msgid "" -"The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " -"health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." -msgstr "" -"UMnyango Wezempilo Kazwelonke uyabonga ngokusiza ukuvikela impilo " -"yezakhamizi zaseNingizimu Afrika. Misa ukusabalala TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:184 -msgid "START" -msgstr "QALA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:194 src/ussd_tb_check.js:200 -msgid "" -"This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " -"responsible for your own medical care and treatment." -msgstr "" -"Lesevisi ye-NDoH inikeza imininingwane yezempilo kphela. Scela uvume ukuth " -"unegunya lokunakekelwa nokwelashwa kwakho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:208 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:786 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:817 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1012 -msgid "YES" -msgstr "YEBO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:209 src/ussd_tb_check.js:703 src/ussd_tb_check.js:720 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:730 src/ussd_tb_check.js:740 src/ussd_tb_check.js:787 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:818 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1013 -msgid "NO" -msgstr "CHA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:210 -msgid "MORE INFO" -msgstr "IMINININGWANE ENGAPHEZULU" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:217 -msgid "" -"Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " -"avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Buyela ukusebenzisa le sevisi noma kunini. Khumbula, uma ucabanga ukuthi une-" -"TB, gwema ukuxhumana nabanye abantu futhi uyohlolwa emtholampilo oseduzane " -"nawe." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:227 -msgid "" -"TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get " -"a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." -msgstr "" -"I-TB HealthCheck ayithathi indawo yezeluleko zezokwelapha. Thola izeluleko " -"zomhlinzeki wezempilo oqeqeshiwe ngesimo sakho sezempilo nokunakekelwa." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:232 src/ussd_tb_check.js:243 src/ussd_tb_check.js:418 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:999 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1356 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1439 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Olandelayo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:238 -msgid "" -"You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " -"Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" -msgstr "" -"Usebenzisa lolulwazi ngokuzibeka wena egcupheni. Vuma ukungazibi " -"nokungabambezeleli ukthola iseluleko ngokwelashwa noma ukunakekelwa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:288 -msgid "" -"Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance with " -"the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Imininingwane yakho ivikelwe yi-POPI Act futhi ngokuya ngemigomo yeSaziso " -"Sobumfihlo se-TB HealthCheck esithunyelwe kuwe nge-SMS." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:293 -msgid "ACCEPT" -msgstr "YAMUKELA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:307 src/ussd_tb_check.js:341 -msgid "Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "Khetha ulimi lwakho oluthandayo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:308 src/ussd_tb_check.js:342 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Khetha ulimi lwakho oluthandayo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:311 src/ussd_tb_check.js:345 -msgid "English" -msgstr "English" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:312 src/ussd_tb_check.js:346 -msgid "isiZulu" -msgstr "isiZulu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:313 src/ussd_tb_check.js:347 -msgid "Afrikaans" -msgstr "Afrikaans" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:314 src/ussd_tb_check.js:348 -msgid "isiXhosa" -msgstr "isiXhosa" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:315 src/ussd_tb_check.js:349 -msgid "Sesotho" -msgstr "Sesotho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:316 -msgid "Setswana" -msgstr "Setswana" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:369 -msgid "" -"If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps " -"people.\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Uma uvuma sizosebenzisa ulwazi lwakho ukubona ukuthi i-TB Check iyabasiza " -"yini abantu.\n" -"Ingabe uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:373 -msgid "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" -msgstr "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:378 src/ussd_tb_check.js:626 src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1191 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1217 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1549 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1569 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1589 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1680 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Yebo" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:379 src/ussd_tb_check.js:627 src/ussd_tb_check.js:765 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:844 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1215 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1551 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1571 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1591 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1681 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Cha" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:380 -msgid "FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." -msgstr "FAQ, mayelana ne TBCheck kanye nocwaningo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:397 -msgid "How old are you?" -msgstr "Uneminyaka emingaki?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:398 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"How old are you?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini.\n" -"\n" -"Uneminyaka emingaki ?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:401 -msgid "under 18" -msgstr "ngaphansi kwa-18" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:402 -msgid "18-39" -msgstr "18-39" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:403 -msgid "40-65" -msgstr "40-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:404 -msgid "over 65" -msgstr "ngaphezu kwa-65" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:412 -msgid "" -"Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, but you can " -"still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." -msgstr "" -"Kulungile ayikho inkinga. Angeke ufakwe ocwaningweni, kodwa ungaqhubheka " -"ubone ukuthi awudingi na ukuhlolelwa i-TB. " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:435 -msgid "Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "Ubuphi ubulili ozibona uyibo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:436 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"\n" -"Which gender do you identify as?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini.\n" -"\n" -"Ubuphi ubulili ozikhomba kubo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:445 -msgid "MALE" -msgstr "OWESILISA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:446 -msgid "FEMALE" -msgstr "OWESIFAZANE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:447 -msgid "OTHER" -msgstr "OKUNYE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:448 -msgid "RATHER NOT SAY" -msgstr "NGINCAMELA UKUNGASHO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:465 -msgid "Choose your province" -msgstr "Khetha isfundazwe sakho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:468 -msgid "E. CAPE" -msgstr "EMPUMALANGA KAPA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:469 -msgid "FREE STATE" -msgstr "EFULEYISITATA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:470 -msgid "GAUTENG" -msgstr "EGOLI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:471 -msgid "KWAZULU NATAL" -msgstr "KWAZULU NATAL" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:472 -msgid "LIMPOPO" -msgstr "LIMPOPO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:473 -msgid "MPUMALANGA" -msgstr "MPUMALANGA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:474 -msgid "NORTH WEST" -msgstr "ENYAKATHO-NTSHONALANGA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:475 -msgid "N. CAPE" -msgstr "ENYAKATHO KAPA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:476 -msgid "W. CAPE" -msgstr "ENTSHONALANGA KAPA" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:491 -msgid "Please type the name of the street where you live." -msgstr "Sicela uthayiphe igama lomgwaqo walapho ohlala khona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:514 -msgid "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." -msgstr "" -"Sicela uthayiphe igama ledolobha/ilokishi/isigodi salapho ohlala khona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:542 -msgid "Please type the name of the city where you live." -msgstr "Sicela uthayiphe igama ledolobha lalapho ohlala khona." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:546 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Please type the name of the city where you live" -msgstr "" -"Siyaxolisa, asiqondi. Ngicela uzame futhi.\n" -"\n" -"Sicela uthayiphe igama ledolobha lalapho ohlala khona" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:618 -msgid "" -"Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information " -"you gave us:\n" -"{{ address }}" -msgstr "" -"Sicela ubheke ukuthi ikheli elingezansi lilungile futhi lihambisana " -"nemininingwane osinike yona:\n" -"{{ address }}" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:690 -msgid "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "Asiboneuzizwa kanjani namuhla. Uyakhwehlela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:693 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list.\n" -"Do you have a cough?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini.\n" -"Uyakhwehlela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:710 -msgid "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "Unemfiva? (uma uthinta isiphongo sakho, usizwa sishisa?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:713 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " -"forehead, does it feel hot?)" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Unemfiva? (uma uthinta isiphongo " -"sakho, usizwa sishisa?)" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:727 -msgid "Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "Ingabe ujuluka ngaphezu kokujwayelekile ebusuku?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:728 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe ujuluka ngaphezu " -"kokujwayelekile ebusuku?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:737 -msgid "Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "Ngabe uyancipha emzimbeni ngaphandle kokuzama?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:738 -msgid "" -"Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ngabe uyancipha emzimbeni " -"ngaphandle kokuzama?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:754 -msgid "" -"Are you at high risk of TB?\n" -"\n" -"Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 " -"years OR you are HIV+" -msgstr "" -"Ingabe usengozini enkulu ye-TB? \n" -"\n" -"Ingozi isho ukuhlala nomuntu one-TB NOMA ubene-TB kuminyaka emi-2 edlule " -"NOMA u-HIV+" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:761 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe usengozini enkulu ye-TB?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:764 -msgid "Yes high risk" -msgstr "Yebo ingozi inkulu" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:766 -msgid "Dont know" -msgstr "Angazi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:775 src/ussd_tb_check.js:779 -msgid "" -"Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the " -"NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" -msgstr "" -"Sesicela uvume ukuthi imininingwane osinikeze yona iyiqiniso nokuthi unikeza " -"iNDoH imvume yokuxhumana nawe uma kudingeka?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:808 src/ussd_tb_check.js:811 -msgid "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." -msgstr "" -"Ekugcineni, ngicela uvume ukuthi imininingwane owabelane ngayo iyiqiniso " -"ngokwazi kwakho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:832 src/ussd_tb_check.js:838 -msgid "" -"Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you " -"like to receive follow-up messages?" -msgstr "" -"Siyabonga ngempendulo yakho. Imiphumela yakho izothunyelwa nge-SMS " -"kungekudala. Ungathanda ukuthola imilayezo ezolandelela?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:938 -msgid "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages." -msgstr "Siyabonga ngokukhetha ukuthola imilayezo yethu ezolandelela." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:941 -msgid "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages." -msgstr "Kulungile siyabonga, ngeke uthole imilayezo ezolandelela." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:945 -msgid "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS." -msgstr "" -"Siyabonga ngempendulo yakho. Imiphumela yakho izothunyelwa nge-SMS " -"kungekudala." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:948 -msgid "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" -msgstr "" -"Le sevisi isebenza kahle kakhulu uma ukhetha izinketho zezinombolo ohlwini" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:956 -msgid "See Results" -msgstr "Bona imiphumela" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:981 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli " -"sonto!\n" -"\n" -"Vakashela umtholampilo wangakini ukuze uhlolelwe i-TB mahhala." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:992 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -"\n" -"With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" -msgstr "" -"Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli " -"sonto!\n" -"\n" -"Ngokuxilonga kusenesikhathi, i-TB ingelapheka. Ungalibali, hlola namuhla!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1005 -msgid "" -"You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.\n" -"\n" -"Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" -"Uzothola i-airtime ye-R15 uma uzibophezela ukuthi uzohlola.\n" -"\n" -"Ingabe uyazibophezela ukuthi uhlole?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1010 -msgid "Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?" -msgstr "" -"Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe uyazibophezela ekuhlolweni?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1045 -msgid "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested." -msgstr "" -"Ngisho noma ungakwazi ukuzinikelela manje, kusabalulekile ukuthi uhlole." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1054 -msgid "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" -msgstr "Uzoya nini ukuyohlolwa kwakho? Phendula ngosuku " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1059 -msgid "MONDAY" -msgstr "MSOMBULUKO" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1060 -msgid "TUESDAY" -msgstr "LWESIBILI" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1061 -msgid "WEDNESDAY" -msgstr "LWESITHATHU" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1062 -msgid "THURSDAY" -msgstr "ULWESINE" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1063 -msgid "FRIDAY" -msgstr "LWESIHLANU" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1108 -msgid "Well done for committing to your health!" -msgstr "Wenze kahle ngokubophezela impilo yakho!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1129 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " -"or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." -msgstr "" -"Awuyidingi i-test ye-TB manje, kodwa uma uba nokukhwehlela, imfiva, " -"ukuncipha ngokomzimba noma ukujuluka ebusuku vakashela umtholampilo " -"oseduzane nawe." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1135 -msgid "" -"Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -"\n" -"Go to your clinic for a free TB test." -msgstr "" -"Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli " -"viki!\n" -"\n" -"* Hamba emtholampilo wangakini uyohlolelwa i-TB mahhala." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1148 -msgid "" -"You don't need a TB test at present.\n" -"\n" -"If you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest " -"clinic." -msgstr "" -"Awuyidingi i-test ye-TB manje.\n" -"\n" -"Uma uba nokukhwehlela, imfiva, ukuncipha ngokomzimba noma ukujuluka ebusuku " -"vakashela umtholampilo oseduzane nawe." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1161 -msgid "" -"Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know your HIV " -"status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." -msgstr "" -"Bheka ukuthi labo ohlala nabo balashelwa i-TB na. Uma ungasazi isimo sakho " -"se-HIV, vakashela umtholampilo uyohlolelwa i-HIV mahhala. Bese uphinde " -"uhlole i-TB." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1174 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1505 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Lutho" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1179 -msgid "" -"We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. To " -"continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, reply MORE." -msgstr "" -"Sizosebenzisa lemininingwane ukuze sibone ukuthi le-TB HealthCheck iyabasiza " -"yini abantu.\n" -"Ukuze uqhubeke phendula ngo-\"YEBO\". Ukuze uthole kabanzi nge-TB " -"HealthCheck kanye nocwaningo, phendula OKWENGEZIWE." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1184 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1208 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1229 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1250 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1272 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1294 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1349 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1542 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1562 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1582 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1604 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1624 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1645 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1659 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1673 -msgid "" -"Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.\n" -"\n" -"Enter the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "" -"Siyaxolisa, asiqondi. Ngicela uzame futhi.\n" -"\n" -"Faka inombolo ehambisana nempendulo yakho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1192 -msgid "More" -msgstr "Okwengeziwe" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1205 -msgid "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" -msgstr "Ingabe uthole ukuthi i-TB HealthCheck iwusizo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1216 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1237 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1258 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1280 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1550 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1570 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1590 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1612 -msgid "Don't know" -msgstr "Angazi " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1225 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because it takes too much time. Do " -"you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Angizange ngiye emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB ngoba kuthatha isikhathi " -"eside. \n" -"Ingabe uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1236 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1257 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1279 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1611 -msgid "Agree" -msgstr "Ngiyavuma" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1238 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1259 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1281 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1613 -msgid "Disagree" -msgstr "Angivumi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1246 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because there are no clinics close " -"to me." -msgstr "" -"Ha keya ya tleliniking bakeng sa tlhahlobo ya LEFUBA hobane ha ho na " -"ditleliniki tse haufi le nna." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1267 -msgid "" -"I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because I do not want to think " -"about having TB. Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Angizange ngiye emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB ngoba angifuni ukuyicabanga " -"indaba yokuba ne-TB.Ingabe uyavuma? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1289 -msgid "" -"Are there any other reasons why you did not go to the clinic for a TB test?" -"Reply in your own words." -msgstr "" -"Zikhona ezinye izizathu ezichaza ukuthi kungani ungayanga emtholampilo " -"ukuyohlola i-TB? Phendula ngamazwi akho." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1345 -msgid "" -"Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" -msgstr "" -"Siyabonga ngokubamba iqhaza kuhlolovo. U-R15 wakho we-airtime usendleleni!" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1392 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1398 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1457 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Emuva" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1393 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1399 -msgid "Exit" -msgstr "Phuma" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1403 -msgid "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?" -msgstr "I-FAQ ithunyelwe kuwe nge-SMS. Ungathanda ukwenzani? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1407 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1430 -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1449 -msgid "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." -msgstr "Khetha ulimi lwakho oluthandayo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1427 src/ussd_tb_check.js:1446 -msgid "What would you like to know?" -msgstr "Yini ofuna ukuyazi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1435 -msgid "More about the research?" -msgstr "Ungangitshela kabanzi ngocwaningo?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1436 -msgid "What information will you ask me for?" -msgstr "Imiphi imininingwane ozongibuza yona?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1437 -msgid "Why did I get the SMS?" -msgstr "Kungani ngithole i-SMS?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1438 -msgid "What I'll need to do?" -msgstr "Yini okuzodingeka ngiyenze?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1453 -msgid "Can I stop halfway through?" -msgstr "Ngingayeka yini phakathi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1454 -msgid "Are there costs or risks?" -msgstr "Ingabe kukhona izindleko/ubungozi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1455 -msgid "What happens to the info?" -msgstr "Kwenzekani ngolwazi?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1456 -msgid "What to do if I am unhappy?" -msgstr "Kuthiwani uma ngingajabuli?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1515 -msgid "" -"Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. Your " -"answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." -msgstr "" -"Abantu abaningi ababoni ukuthi i-TB iyelapheka futhi bahlola sekudlule " -"isikhathi eside. Impendulo yakho izosisiza siqonde ukuba i-TB HealthCheck " -"ibasiza ngempela yini abantu." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1539 -msgid "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" -msgstr "Ubuzohlola na ngaphandle kwe-TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1559 -msgid "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Ubuzohlola na ngaphandle kwe-TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1579 -msgid "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" -msgstr "Ubuzokuhlehlisa ukuhlola ngaphandle kwe-TB HealthCheck?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1599 -msgid "" -"The waiting times at the clinic were too long.\n" -"\n" -"Do you agree?" -msgstr "" -"Isikhathi sokulinda emtholampilo besiside kakhulu. \n" -"\n" -"Ingabe uyavuma?" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1621 -msgid "How was your experience at the clinic?" -msgstr "Besinjani isikhathi sakho emtholampilo? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1631 -msgid "Bad" -msgstr "Kubi" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1632 -msgid "Ok" -msgstr "Kulungile" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1633 -msgid "Good" -msgstr "Kuhle" - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1641 -msgid "" -"Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? Please reply with details of " -"any problems you experienced." -msgstr "" -"Kwakunzima ukufinyelela ukuhlolwa kwe-TB? Sicela uphendule ngemininingwane " -"yanoma yiziphi izinkinga ohlangabezane nazo." - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1656 -msgid "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" -msgstr "Kungani uye emtholampilo ukuyohlola i-TB? " - -#: src/ussd_tb_check.js:1670 -msgid "Can we phone you to get more information?" -msgstr "Singakwazi ukuk'fonela ukuze sithole kabanzi ulwazi? " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Unfortunately you cant participate in the study if you are younger than " -#~ "18." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ngeshwa awukwazi ukubamba iqhaza ocwaningweni uma ungaphansi kweminyaka " -#~ "engu-18. " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not be included in " -#~ "the study" -#~ msgstr "Ungaqhubeka nge TB Check kodwa ngeke ufakwe ocwaningweni. " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolwa kwe-TB kuleli " -#~ "viki!" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don't delay, test today!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test. " -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ngokuxilonga kusenesikhathi, i-TB ingelapheka. Ungalibali, hlola " -#~ "namuhla!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Vakashela umtholampilo wangakini ukuze uhlolelwe i-TB mahhala. " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Here are some tips to help you plan:" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Izimpendulo zakho kulembuzo zibonisa ukuth udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB " -#~ "kuleviki! \n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Nawa amathiphu angakusiza ukuthi uhlele:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "* Make the time. Your health is a priority!\n" -#~ "* Pick the most convenient clinic for your test\n" -#~ "* Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing\n" -#~ "Monday to Friday mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Yenza isikhathi. Impilo yakho ibalulekile!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Khetha umtholampilo okulungele. Ngezansi imitholampilo eseduze nawe. " - -#~ msgid "Where will you go for your test? Reply with the clinic" -#~ msgstr "Uzoya kuphi lapho uhlolwa? Phendula ngomtholampilo" - -#~ msgid "Well done for planning to get your test!" -#~ msgstr "Wenze kahle ngokukhetha usuku lokuyohlolelwa isifo sofuba (i-TB)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "* Go to your local clinic for a free TB test." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB kuleli " -#~ "viki!\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "* Hamba emtholampilo wangakini uyohlolelwa i-TB mahhala." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Izimpendulo zakho zemibuzo zibonisa ukuthi udinga ukuhlolwa kwe-TB kuleli " -#~ "viki." - -#~ msgid "Do you commit to getting tested?" -#~ msgstr "Ingabe uyazibophezela ukuthi uhlole?" - -#~ msgid "Please reply with numbers. Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Sicela usebenzise izinombolo ezisohlwini. Ingabe uzimisele ukuba " -#~ "yingxenye?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "We may ask you a few questions for research after you've completed your " -#~ "TB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Are you willing to take part?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Singase sikubuze imibuzo embalwa ukuze sizocwaninga ngemva kokuqeda " -#~ "eyakho iTB HealthCheck.\n" -#~ "Uzimisele ukubamba iqhaza?" - -#~ msgid "More info" -#~ msgstr "Ulwazi olwengeziwe" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Get there early! Clinics are open for TB testing Monday to Friday " -#~ "mornings." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Fika kusenesikhathi! Imitholampilo ivulelwa ukuhlola i-TB ngoMsombuluko " -#~ "kuya kuLwesihlanu ekuseni." - -#~ msgid "Back to all questions" -#~ msgstr "Buyela emuva kuyo yonke imibuzo" - -#~ msgid "Back to survey" -#~ msgstr "Buyela kunhlolovo" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Thank you for taking part in the survey. Many people don't realise that " -#~ "TB is cureable and test too late." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Siyabonga ngokubamba iqhaza kwinhlolovo.\n" -#~ "Abantu abaningi ababoni ukuthi i-TB iyelapheka bese behlola sekuhambe " -#~ "iskhathi eside." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " -#~| "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?\n" -#~| "\n" -#~| "Reply 1 or 2" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " -#~ "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Sesicela uvume ukuthi imininingwane osinikeze yona iyiqiniso nokuthi " -#~ "unikeza iNDoH imvume yokuxhumana nawe uma kudingeka? \n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Phendula 1 noma 2" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please TYPE your home address (or the address where you are currently " -#~ "staying). Give the street number, street name, suburb/township/town/" -#~ "village (or nearest)." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Scela UFAKE ikheli lasekhaya kini (noma ikheli ohlala kulo manje). Faka " -#~ "inombolo yomgwaqo, igama lomgwaqo, indawo / ilokishi / idolobha/ isigodi " -#~ "(noma eduzane)." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.\n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Go to your clinic for a free TB test. Please put on a face mask before " -#~ "you enter the clinic" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "I'mpendulo zakho kulembuzo zibonisa ukuth udinga ukuhlolelwa i-TB " -#~ "kuleviki. \n" -#~ "\n" -#~ "Iya e-Clinic yakho ukuhlola i-TB mahhala. Cela ufake isfonyo ungakangeni " -#~ "khona" diff --git a/go-app-ussd_tb_check.js b/go-app-ussd_tb_check.js deleted file mode 100644 index edcea705..00000000 --- a/go-app-ussd_tb_check.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1886 +0,0 @@ -var go = {}; -go; - -go.RapidPro = function() { - var vumigo = require('vumigo_v02'); - var url_utils = require('url'); - var events = vumigo.events; - var Eventable = events.Eventable; - - var RapidPro = Eventable.extend(function(self, json_api, base_url, auth_token) { - self.json_api = json_api; - self.base_url = base_url; - self.auth_token = auth_token; - self.json_api.defaults.headers.Authorization = ['Token ' + self.auth_token]; - self.json_api.defaults.headers['User-Agent'] = ['NDoH-JSBox/RapidPro']; - - self.get_contact = function(filters) { - filters = filters || {}; - var url = self.base_url + "/api/v2/contacts.json"; - - return self.json_api.get(url, {params: filters}) - .then(function(response){ - var contacts = response.data.results; - if(contacts.length > 0){ - return contacts[0]; - } - else { - return null; - } - }); - }; - - self.update_contact = function(filter, details) { - var url = self.base_url + "/api/v2/contacts.json"; - return self.json_api.post(url, {params: filter, data: details}) - .then(function(response) { - return response.data; - }); - }; - - self.create_contact = function(details) { - var url = self.base_url + "/api/v2/contacts.json"; - return self.json_api.post(url, {data: details}) - .then(function(response) { - return response.data; - }); - }; - - self._get_paginated_response = function(url, params) { - /* Gets all the pages of a paginated response */ - return self.json_api.get(url, {params: params}) - .then(function(response){ - var results = response.data.results; - if(response.data.next === null) { - return results; - } - - var query = url_utils.parse(response.data.next).query; - return self._get_paginated_response(url, query) - .then(function(response) { - return results.concat(response); - }); - }); - }; - - self.get_flows = function(filter) { - var url = self.base_url + "/api/v2/flows.json"; - return self._get_paginated_response(url, filter); - }; - - self.get_flow_by_name = function(name) { - name = name.toLowerCase().trim(); - return self.get_flows().then(function(flows){ - flows = flows.filter(function(flow) { - return flow.name.toLowerCase().trim() === name; - }); - if(flows.length > 0) { - return flows[0]; - } else { - return null; - } - }); - }; - - self.start_flow = function(flow_uuid, contact_uuid, contact_urn, extra) { - var url = self.base_url + "/api/v2/flow_starts.json"; - var data = {flow: flow_uuid}; - if(contact_uuid) { - data.contacts = [contact_uuid]; - } - if(contact_urn) { - data.urns = [contact_urn]; - } - if(extra) { - data.extra = extra; - } - return self.json_api.post(url, {data: data}); - }; - - self.get_global_flag = function(global_name) { - var url = self.base_url + "/api/v2/globals.json"; - return self.json_api.get(url, {params: {key: global_name}}) - .then(function(response){ - var results = response.data.results; - if(results.length > 0){ - return results[0].value.toLowerCase() === "true"; - } - else { - return false; - } - }); - }; - }); - - return RapidPro; -}(); - -go.app = function () { - var vumigo = require("vumigo_v02"); - var _ = require("lodash"); - var App = vumigo.App; - var Choice = vumigo.states.Choice; - var EndState = vumigo.states.EndState; - var JsonApi = vumigo.http.api.JsonApi; - var MenuState = vumigo.states.MenuState; - var FreeText = vumigo.states.FreeText; - var ChoiceState = vumigo.states.ChoiceState; - var utils = require("seed-jsbox-utils").utils; - - var GoNDOH = App.extend(function (self) { - App.call(self, "state_start"); - var $ = self.$; - self.init = function() { - self.rapidpro = new go.RapidPro( - new JsonApi(self.im, {headers: {'User-Agent': ["Jsbox/TBCheck"]}}), - self.im.config.rapidpro.base_url, - self.im.config.rapidpro.token - ); - }; - - self.sessionID = function () { - return '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10); - }; - - self.calculate_risk = function () { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - - if (answers.state_exposure == "yes") { - return "high"; - } - - var symptom_count = _.filter([ - answers.state_fever, - answers.state_sweat, - answers.state_weight, - ]).length; - - if (answers.state_cough == "yes" || symptom_count >= 1) { - return "moderate"; - } - - return "low"; - }; - - self.get_activation = function () { - if (!self.im.config.activations) return null; - var to_regex = new RegExp(self.im.config.activations.to_regex); - var to_addr = self.im.msg.to_addr; - - if (!to_addr) return null; - - var groups = to_addr.match(to_regex); - if (!groups) return null; - - var code_map = self.im.config.activations.code_map; - var to_code = groups[1]; - - if (!(to_code in code_map)) return null; - - return code_map[to_code]; - }; - - self.add = function (name, creator) { - self.states.add(name, function (name, opts) { - if (self.im.msg.session_event !== "new") return creator(name, opts); - - var timeout_opts = opts || {}; - - timeout_opts.name = name; - return self.states.create("state_timed_out", timeout_opts); - }); - }; - - self.states.add("state_timed_out", function (name, creator_opts) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice(creator_opts.name, $("Continue where I left off")), - new Choice("state_start", $("Start over")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_start", function (name, opts) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - return self.states.create("state_is_activation_active"); - } - else{ - return self.states.create("state_get_contact"); - } - }); - - self.states.add("state_get_contact", function (name, opts) { - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn(self.im.user.addr, "ZA"); - var activation; - if (self.im.user.answers.activation !== undefined){ - activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - } - else{ - activation = self.get_activation(); - } - - if (activation === "tb_study_a_survey_group1" || activation === "tb_study_a_survey_group2") { - return self.states.create("state_survey_start"); - } - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .get( - self.im.config.healthcheck.url + - "/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/" + - msisdn + - "/", - { - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TBCheck-USSD"], - }, - } - ) - .then( - function (response) { - self.im.user.answers = { - activation: activation, - returning_user: true, - state_gender: response.data.gender, - state_province: response.data.province, - state_city: response.data.city ? response.data.city : "", - city_location: response.data.city_location, - state_age: response.data.age, - state_language: response.data.language, - state_research_consent: response.data.research_consent, - state_privacy_policy_accepted: _.get(response.data, "data.tb_privacy_policy_accepted"), - study_completed: response.data.activation, - }; - - if ((activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c") && - (response.data.activation === "tb_study_a" || response.data.activation === "tb_study_b" || - response.data.activation === "tb_study_c")) { - return self.states.create("state_study_already_completed"); - } - - if (response.data.language != "eng"){ - self.im.user.set_lang(response.data.language) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create("state_terms"); - }); - } - - return self.states.create("state_welcome"); - }, - function (e) { - // If it's 404, new user - if (_.get(e, "response.code") === 404) { - self.im.user.answers = { returning_user: false, activation: activation }; - return self.states.create("state_terms"); - } - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_study_already_completed", function(name) { - self.im.user.answers = { activation: null }; - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more " + - "than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but " + - "you will not be included in the study." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_welcome", $("Continue"))] - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_welcome", function (name) { - var error = $( - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." - ); - var question = $( - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." - ); - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_age", $("START"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_terms", function (name) { - var next = "state_send_privacy_policy_sms"; - if (self.im.user.answers.returning_user) { - return self.states.create(next); - } - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - [ - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " + - "responsible for your own medical care and treatment." - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $( - [ - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " + - "responsible for your own medical care and treatment." - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice(next, $("YES")), - new Choice("state_end", $("NO")), - new Choice("state_more_info_pg1", $("MORE INFO")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_end", function (name) { - return new EndState(name, { - text: $( - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " + - "avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." - ), - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_more_info_pg1", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get" + - " a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_more_info_pg2", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_more_info_pg2", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " + - "Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_terms", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_send_privacy_policy_sms", function(name, opts) { - var next_state = "state_privacy_policy_accepted"; - if (self.im.user.answers.state_privacy_policy_accepted == "yes") { - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - - var flow_uuid = self.im.config.rapidpro.privacy_policy_sms_flow; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - var data = {"hc_type": "tb"}; - if (self.im.user.answers.state_language) { - data.language = self.im.user.answers.state_language; - } - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow(flow_uuid, null, "tel:" + msisdn, data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create("state_privacy_policy_accepted"); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if(opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", {return_state: name}); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_privacy_policy_accepted", function(name) { - var next_state = "state_language"; - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if(!activation){ - next_state = "state_core_language"; - } - if (self.im.user.answers.state_privacy_policy_accepted == "yes") { - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance " + - "with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(next_state, $("ACCEPT"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_core_language", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_welcome"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_language) { - return self.im.user.set_lang(self.im.user.answers.state_language) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Choose your preferred language"), - error: $("Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("eng", $("English")), - new Choice("zul", $("isiZulu")), - new Choice("afr", $("Afrikaans")), - new Choice("xho", $("isiXhosa")), - new Choice("sot", $("Sesotho")), - new Choice("set", $("Setswana")), - ], - next: function(choice) { - self.im.user.answers.state_language = choice.value; - if (choice.value != "eng"){ - return self.im.user.set_lang(choice.value) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - }); - }); - - self.add("state_language", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_welcome"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_language) { - return self.im.user.set_lang(self.im.user.answers.state_language) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Choose your preferred language"), - error: $("Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("eng", $("English")), - new Choice("zul", $("isiZulu")), - new Choice("afr", $("Afrikaans")), - new Choice("xho", $("isiXhosa")), - new Choice("sot", $("Sesotho")), - ], - next: function(choice) { - if (choice.value != "eng"){ - return self.im.user.set_lang(choice.value) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - }); - }); - - self.add("state_research_consent", function(name) { - if (self.im.user.answers.state_age === "<18"){ - return self.states.create("state_gender"); - } - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people."+ - "\nDo you agree?" - ), - error: $( - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_gender", $("Yes")), - new Choice("state_research_consent_no", $("No")), - new Choice("state_faq", $("FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_age", function (name) { - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - var next_state = "state_gender"; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c") { - next_state = "state_research_consent"; - } - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_age) { - return self.states.create("state_gender"); - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("How old are you?"), - error: $(["Please use numbers from list.", "", "How old are you?"].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("<18", $("under 18")), - new Choice("18-40", $("18-39")), - new Choice("40-65", $("40-65")), - new Choice(">65", $("over 65")), - ], - next: next_state, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_research_consent_no", function(name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, "+ - "but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_gender", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_gender", function (name) { - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - var next = "state_province"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_gender && activation != "undefined") { - next = "state_cough"; - } - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c") { - next = "state_cough"; - } - - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Which gender do you identify as?"), - error: $( - [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "", - "Which gender do you identify as?", - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("male", $("MALE")), - new Choice("female", $("FEMALE")), - new Choice("other", $("OTHER")), - new Choice("not_say", $("RATHER NOT SAY")), - ], - next: next, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_province", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_suburb_name"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_age === "<18"){ - next_state = "state_cough"; - } - else if (self.im.user.answers.state_province) { - return self.states.create("state_suburb_name"); - } - - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Choose your province"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("ZA-EC", $("E. CAPE")), - new Choice("ZA-FS", $("FREE STATE")), - new Choice("ZA-GT", $("GAUTENG")), - new Choice("ZA-NL", $("KWAZULU NATAL")), - new Choice("ZA-LP", $("LIMPOPO")), - new Choice("ZA-MP", $("MPUMALANGA")), - new Choice("ZA-NW", $("NORTH WEST")), - new Choice("ZA-NC", $("N. CAPE")), - new Choice("ZA-WC", $("W. CAPE")), - ], - next: next_state, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_street_name", function (name) { - if ((_.toUpper(self.im.user.answers.state_confirm_city)) != "STATE_STREET_NAME") - { - if (self.im.user.answers.state_street_name && - self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name) { - return self.states.create("state_city"); - } - } - - var question = $( - "Please type the name of the street where you live." - ); - return new FreeText(name, { - question: question, - check: function (content) { - // Ensure that they're not giving an empty response - if (!content.trim()) { - return question; - } - }, - next: "state_suburb_name", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_suburb_name", function (name) { - if ((_.toUpper(self.im.user.answers.state_confirm_city)) != "STATE_STREET_NAME") - { - if (self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name) { - return self.states.create("state_city"); - } - } - - var question = $( - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." - ); - return new FreeText(name, { - question: question, - check: function (content) { - // Ensure that they're not giving an empty response - if (!content.trim()) { - return question; - } - }, - next: "state_city", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_city", function (name) { - if ( - self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name && - self.im.user.answers.state_city && - self.im.user.answers.city_location - ) { - return self.states.create("state_cough"); - } - - if(self.im.user.answers.state_age === "<18") { - self.im.user.answers.state_city = ""; - return self.states.create("state_cough"); - } - var question = $( - "Please type the name of the city where you live." - ); - if (self.im.user.answers.state_city_error === "TRUE"){ - question = $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Please type the name of the city where you live" - ].join("\n")); - } - return new FreeText(name, { - question: question, - check: function (content) { - // Ensure that they're not giving an empty response - if (!content.trim()) { - return question; - } - }, - next: "state_google_places_lookup", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_google_places_lookup", function (name, opts) { - var street_name = self.im.user.answers.state_street_name; - var suburb = self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name; - var city_trunc = self.im.user.answers.state_city; - var full_address = (suburb + ',' + city_trunc).slice(0, 160 - 101); - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a") { - full_address = (street_name + ',' + suburb + ',' + city_trunc).slice(0, 160 - 101); - } - self.im.user.answers.state_city = full_address; - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .get("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json", { - params: { - input: self.im.user.answers.state_city, - key: self.im.config.google_places.key, - sessiontoken: self.im.user.answers.google_session_token, - language: "en", - components: "country:za", - }, - headers: { - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }) - .then( - function (response) { - if (_.get(response.data, "status") !== "OK") { - self.im.user.answers.state_city_error = "TRUE"; - return self.states.create("state_city"); - } - var first_result = response.data.predictions[0]; - self.im.user.answers.place_id = first_result.place_id; - self.im.user.answers.state_city = first_result.description; - return self.states.create("state_confirm_city"); - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.add("state_confirm_city", function (name, opts) { - - var state_city = (self.im.user.answers.state_city).slice(0, 36); - var no_next_state = "state_suburb_name"; - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "{{ address }}" - ].join("\n") - ).context({ address: state_city }), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_place_details_lookup", $("Yes")), - new Choice(no_next_state, $("No")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.pad_location = function (location, places) { - // Pads the integer part of the number to places - // Ensures that there's always a sign - // Ensures that there's always a decimal part - var sign = "+"; - if (location < 0) { - sign = "-"; - location = location * -1; - } - location = _.split(location, ".", 2); - var int = location[0]; - var dec = location[1] || 0; - return sign + _.padStart(int, places, "0") + "." + dec; - }; - - self.add("state_place_details_lookup", function (name, opts) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .get("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json", { - params: { - key: self.im.config.google_places.key, - place_id: self.im.user.answers.place_id, - sessiontoken: self.im.user.answers.google_session_token, - language: "en", - fields: "geometry", - }, - headers: { - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }) - .then( - function (response) { - if (_.get(response.data, "status") !== "OK") { - return self.states.create("__error__"); - } - var location = response.data.result.geometry.location; - self.im.user.answers.city_location = - self.pad_location(location.lat, 2) + - self.pad_location(location.lng, 3) + - "/"; - answers.location_lat = location.lat; - answers.location_lng = location.lng; - return self.states.create("state_cough"); - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.add("state_cough", function (name) { - var question = $( - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "Do you have a cough?" - ].join("\n") - ); - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("yes", $("YES")), new Choice("no", $("NO"))], - next: "state_fever", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_fever", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" - ), - error: $( - [ - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " + - "forehead, does it feel hot?)", - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(true, $("YES")), new Choice(false, $("NO"))], - next: "state_sweat", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_sweat", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Are you sweating more than usual at night?"), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(true, $("YES")), new Choice(false, $("NO"))], - next: "state_weight", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_weight", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Have you been losing weight without trying?"), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(true, $("YES")), new Choice(false, $("NO"))], - next: "state_exposure", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_exposure", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_tracing"; - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - next_state = "state_study_tracing"; - } - - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - [ - "Are you at high risk of TB?", - "", - "Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+" - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes high risk")), - new Choice("no", $("No")), - new Choice("not_sure", $("Dont know")), - ], - next: next_state, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_tracing", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_opt_in"; - - var question = $( - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " + - "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " + - "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" - ].join("\n") - ); - var choices = [ - new Choice(true, $("YES")), - new Choice(false, $("NO")), - ]; - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: choices, - next: function (response) { - return next_state; - }, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_study_tracing", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_opt_in"; - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - next_state = "state_submit_data"; - } - - var question = $( - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." - ].join("\n") - ); - var choices = [ - new Choice(true, $("YES")), - new Choice(false, $("NO")), - ]; - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: choices, - next: function (response) { - return next_state; - }, - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_opt_in", function (name) { - var question = $( - [ - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like " + - "to receive follow-up messages?" - ].join("\n") - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like " + - "to receive follow-up messages?" - ].join("\n") - ); - var choices = [new Choice(true, $("Yes")), new Choice(false, $("No"))]; - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: choices, - next: "state_submit_data", - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_submit_data", function (name, opts) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn(self.im.user.addr, "ZA"); - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - self.im.user.answers.state_tracing = answers.state_study_tracing; - } - - var payload = { - data: { - msisdn: msisdn, - source: "USSD", - language: answers.state_language, - province: answers.state_province ? answers.state_province : "", - city: answers.state_city ? answers.state_city : "", - age: answers.state_age, - gender: answers.state_gender, - cough: answers.state_cough, - fever: answers.state_fever, - sweat: answers.state_sweat, - weight: answers.state_weight, - exposure: answers.state_exposure, - tracing: answers.state_tracing, - risk: self.calculate_risk(), - activation: activation, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes" - } - }, - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }; - - if (typeof self.im.user.answers.state_research_consent != "undefined"){ - if (answers.state_research_consent === "state_gender"){ - payload.data.research_consent = true; - payload.data.follow_up_optin = true; - } - else{ - payload.data.research_consent = false; - payload.data.follow_up_optin = false; - } - } - else{ - payload.data.follow_up_optin = answers.state_opt_in; - } - - if(self.im.user.answers.state_age !== "<18") { - payload.data.city_location = answers.city_location; - } - else{ - payload.data.research_consent = false; - } - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .post(self.im.config.healthcheck.url + "/v2/tbcheck/", payload) - .then( - function (response) { - answers.group_arm = response.data.profile.tbconnect_group_arm; - answers.tbcheck_id = response.data.id; - - return self.states.create("state_complete"); - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_complete", function (name) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - var text = $("Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages."); - - if (!answers.state_opt_in) { - text = $("Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages."); - } - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - text = $("Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS."); - } - - var error = $( - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" - ); - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: text, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_display_arm_message", $("See Results"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_display_arm_message", function (name) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var arm = answers.group_arm; - var consent; - - if (typeof self.im.user.answers.state_research_consent === "undefined"){ - consent = answers.research_consent; - } - else { - consent = answers.state_research_consent; - } - - if (consent===true || consent === "state_gender" && arm){ - return self.states.create("state_" + arm); - } - return self.states.create("state_show_results"); - }); - - self.states.add("state_control", function(name) { - return new EndState(name, { - next: "state_start", - text: $([ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." - ].join("\n") - ) - }); - }); - - self.add("state_soft_commitment_plus", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $([ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_commit_to_get_tested", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_commit_to_get_tested", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $(["You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.", - "", - "Do you commit to getting tested?" - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_send_facilities_link_sms", $("YES")), - new Choice("state_submit_test_commit", $("NO"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_send_facilities_link_sms", function(name, opts) { - var next_state = "state_clinic_visit_day"; - var flow_uuid = self.im.config.rapidpro.tb_study_facilities_uuid; - var language = self.im.user.answers.state_language; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - var data = { - language: language - }; - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow(flow_uuid, null, "tel:" + msisdn, data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if(opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", {return_state: name}); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.add("state_commit_to_get_tested_no", function(name) { - return new EndState(name, { - next: "state_start", - text: $([ - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.", - ].join("\n") - ), - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_clinic_visit_day", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("mon", $("MONDAY")), - new Choice("tue", $("TUESDAY")), - new Choice("wed", $("WEDNESDAY")), - new Choice("thu", $("THURSDAY")), - new Choice("fri", $("FRIDAY")) - ], - next: "state_submit_test_commit" - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_submit_test_commit", function (name, opts) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var id = answers.tbcheck_id; - - var payload = { - data: { - commit_get_tested: answers.state_commit_to_get_tested === "state_send_facilities_link_sms" ? "yes" : "no", - "source": "USSD", - clinic_visit_day: answers.clinic_visit_day, - }, - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }; - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .patch(self.im.config.healthcheck.url + "/v2/tbcheck/"+ id +"/", payload) - .then( - function () { - if (answers.state_commit_to_get_tested === "state_send_facilities_link_sms"){ - return self.states.create("state_commitment"); - } - else{ - return self.states.create("state_commit_to_get_tested_no"); - } - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_commitment", function (name) { - var text = $("Well done for committing to your health!"); - - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_reached_capacity", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $(["The SUN Research Study has reached capacity. WCDoH strongly encourages you to screen for your own benefit.", - "", - "Do you want to screen?" - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Do you want to screen?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_welcome", $("YES")), - new Choice("state_reached_capacity_no_option", $("NO"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_reached_capacity_no_option", function (name) { - var text = $("Come back and use this service any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic."); - - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_show_results", function (name) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var risk = self.calculate_risk(); - var arm = answers.group_arm; - var tbcheck_id = answers.tbcheck_id; - var consent; - - if (typeof self.im.user.answers.state_research_consent === "undefined"){ - consent = answers.research_consent; - } - else { - consent = answers.state_research_consent; - } - var text = $( - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " + - "or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." - ); - - if (risk == "high" || risk == "moderate") { - text = $( - [ - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.", - "", - "Go to your clinic for a free TB test." - ].join("\n") - ).context({ - arm: arm, - consent: consent, - tbcheck_id: tbcheck_id - }); - } - else if (answers.state_exposure == "not_sure") { - text = $( - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know " + - "your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." - ); - } - return new EndState(name, { - next: "state_start", - text: text, - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_is_activation_active", function (name, opts) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - var payload = { - data: {activation: activation}, - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }; - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .post(self.im.config.healthcheck.url + "/v1/tbactivationstatus", payload) - .then( - function (response) { - // Get activation status - var is_active = response.data.is_activation_active; - - if (is_active){ - self.im.user.answers.state_city = activation; - return self.states.create("state_get_contact"); - } - else{ - // Set activation to Null if activation is not active - self.im.user.answers.state_city = undefined; - return self.states.create("state_reached_capacity"); - } - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_survey_start", function (name) { - var end = "state_survey_double_participation"; - var survey_complete = _.toUpper(_.get(self.im.user.get_answer("contact"), "fields.survey_complete", $("None"))); - if (survey_complete === "TRUE") { - return self.states.create(end); - } - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. " + - "To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, " + - "reply MORE." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option", $("Yes")), - new Choice("state_faq_metrics", $("More")) - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option", function (name) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - var next = "state_submit_clinic_delay"; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a_survey_group2"){ - next = "state_encouraged_to_test"; - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("no", $("No")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")) - ], - next: next, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_clinic_delay", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because " + - "it takes too much time. Do you agree?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_submit_clinic_proximity", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_clinic_proximity", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because " + - "there are no clinics close to me." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_submit_trauma", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_trauma", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because " + - "I do not want to think about having TB. " + - "Do you agree?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_submit_clinic_feedback", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_clinic_feedback", function (name) { - return new FreeText(name, { - question: $( - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go " + - "to the clinic for a TB test?" + - "Reply in your own words." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - next: "state_trigger_rapidpro_survey_flow", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_trigger_rapidpro_survey_flow", function(name, opts) { - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn(self.im.user.addr, "ZA"); - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var activation = self.get_activation(); - var data = { - activation: activation, - efficacy: answers.state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option, - clinic_delay: answers.state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option, - proximity: answers.state_submit_clinic_proximity, - trauma: answers.state_submit_trauma, - clinic_feedback: answers.state_submit_clinic_feedback, - encouraged_to_test: answers.state_encouraged_to_test, - tested_without_tb: answers.state_tested_without_tb, - further_delayed: answers.state_further_delayed, - clinic_waiting_time: answers.state_clinic_waiting_time, - clinic_experience: answers.state_clinic_experience, - clinic_experience_feedback: answers.state_clinic_experience_feedback, - reason_for_testing: answers.state_reason_for_testing, - contact_for_more_info: answers.state_contact_for_more_info - }; - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow( - self.im.config.rapidpro.tbcheck_survey_flow_uuid, - null, - "whatsapp:" + _.trim(msisdn, "+"), data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create("state_survey_thanks_airtime"); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { - return_state: name - }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.add("state_survey_thanks_airtime", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. " + - "Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_survey_end", $("Next")) - ], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_send_faq_sms", function(name, opts) { - var next_state = "state_sms_complete"; - var flow_uuid = self.im.config.rapidpro.faq_sms_flow_uuid; - var faq = self.im.user.answers.faq; - var language = self.im.user.answers.state_language; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - var data = { - faq: faq, - language: language - }; - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow(flow_uuid, null, "tel:" + msisdn, data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if(opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", {return_state: name}); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.add("state_sms_complete", function (name) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - var choice_list = [ - new Choice("state_survey_start", $("Back")), - new Choice("state_end", $("Exit")), - ]; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - choice_list = [ - new Choice("state_research_consent", $("Back")), - new Choice("state_end", $("Exit")), - ]; - } - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. " + - "What would you like to do?" - ), - error: $([ - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: choice_list, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_metrics", function (name) { - self.im.log("Logging FAQ metrics"); - var sessionID = self.sessionID(); - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - self.im.log("source: " + "USSD", "msisdn: " + msisdn, "sessionID: " + sessionID); - return self.states.create("state_faq"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "What would you like to know?" - ), - error: $([ - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_faq_research", $("More about the research?")), - new Choice("state_faq_information", $("What information will you ask me for?")), - new Choice("state_faq_sms", $("Why did I get the SMS?")), - new Choice("state_faq_next_steps", $("What I'll need to do?")), - new Choice("state_faq_2", $("Next")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_2", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "What would you like to know?" - ), - error: $( - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer."), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_faq_midway", $("Can I stop halfway through?")), - new Choice("state_faq_risks", $("Are there costs or risks?")), - new Choice("state_faq_privacy", $("What happens to the info?")), - new Choice("state_faq_unhappy", $("What to do if I am unhappy?")), - new Choice("state_faq", $("Back")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_research", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_research"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_information", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_information"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_sms", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_sms"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_next_steps", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_next_steps"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_midway", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_midway"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_risks", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_risks"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_privacy", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_privacy"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_unhappy", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_unhappy"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_survey_sort", function (name) { - var end = "state_survey_end"; - var start = "state_survey_start"; - var survey_complete = _.toUpper(_.get(self.im.user.get_answer("contact"), "fields.survey_complete", $("None"))); - if (survey_complete === "TRUE") { - return self.states.create(end); - } - else { - return self.states.create(start); - } - }); - - self.states.add("state_survey_end", function (name) { - var text = $( - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. " + - "Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." - ); - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_survey_double_participation", function (name) { - var text = $( - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than " + - "once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not " + - "be included in the study." - ); - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_encouraged_to_test", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_tested_without_tbcheck", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_tested_without_tbcheck", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_further_delayed", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_further_delayed", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_clinic_waiting_time", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_clinic_waiting_time", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $([ - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.", - "", - "Do you agree?" - ].join("\n")), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_clinic_experience", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_clinic_experience", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "How was your experience at the clinic?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("bad", $("Bad")), - new Choice("ok", $("Ok")), - new Choice("good", $("Good")) - ], - next: "state_clinic_experience_feedback", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_clinic_experience_feedback", function (name) { - return new FreeText(name, { - question: $( - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? "+ - "Please reply with details of any problems you experienced." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - next: "state_reason_for_testing", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_reason_for_testing", function (name) { - return new FreeText(name, { - question: $( - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - next: "state_contact_for_more_info", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_contact_for_more_info", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Can we phone you to get more information?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_trigger_rapidpro_survey_flow", - }); - }); - }); - - return { - GoNDOH: GoNDOH, - }; -}(); -/* globals api */ - -go.init = function() { - var vumigo = require('vumigo_v02'); - var InteractionMachine = vumigo.InteractionMachine; - var GoNDOH = go.app.GoNDOH; - - - return { - im: new InteractionMachine(api, new GoNDOH()) - }; -}(); diff --git a/src/ussd_tb_check.js b/src/ussd_tb_check.js deleted file mode 100644 index 19aee999..00000000 --- a/src/ussd_tb_check.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1757 +0,0 @@ -go.app = function () { - var vumigo = require("vumigo_v02"); - var _ = require("lodash"); - var App = vumigo.App; - var Choice = vumigo.states.Choice; - var EndState = vumigo.states.EndState; - var JsonApi = vumigo.http.api.JsonApi; - var MenuState = vumigo.states.MenuState; - var FreeText = vumigo.states.FreeText; - var ChoiceState = vumigo.states.ChoiceState; - var utils = require("seed-jsbox-utils").utils; - - var GoNDOH = App.extend(function (self) { - App.call(self, "state_start"); - var $ = self.$; - self.init = function() { - self.rapidpro = new go.RapidPro( - new JsonApi(self.im, {headers: {'User-Agent': ["Jsbox/TBCheck"]}}), - self.im.config.rapidpro.base_url, - self.im.config.rapidpro.token - ); - }; - - self.sessionID = function () { - return '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10); - }; - - self.calculate_risk = function () { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - - if (answers.state_exposure == "yes") { - return "high"; - } - - var symptom_count = _.filter([ - answers.state_fever, - answers.state_sweat, - answers.state_weight, - ]).length; - - if (answers.state_cough == "yes" || symptom_count >= 1) { - return "moderate"; - } - - return "low"; - }; - - self.get_activation = function () { - if (!self.im.config.activations) return null; - var to_regex = new RegExp(self.im.config.activations.to_regex); - var to_addr = self.im.msg.to_addr; - - if (!to_addr) return null; - - var groups = to_addr.match(to_regex); - if (!groups) return null; - - var code_map = self.im.config.activations.code_map; - var to_code = groups[1]; - - if (!(to_code in code_map)) return null; - - return code_map[to_code]; - }; - - self.add = function (name, creator) { - self.states.add(name, function (name, opts) { - if (self.im.msg.session_event !== "new") return creator(name, opts); - - var timeout_opts = opts || {}; - - timeout_opts.name = name; - return self.states.create("state_timed_out", timeout_opts); - }); - }; - - self.states.add("state_timed_out", function (name, creator_opts) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice(creator_opts.name, $("Continue where I left off")), - new Choice("state_start", $("Start over")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_start", function (name, opts) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - return self.states.create("state_is_activation_active"); - } - else{ - return self.states.create("state_get_contact"); - } - }); - - self.states.add("state_get_contact", function (name, opts) { - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn(self.im.user.addr, "ZA"); - var activation; - if (self.im.user.answers.activation !== undefined){ - activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - } - else{ - activation = self.get_activation(); - } - - if (activation === "tb_study_a_survey_group1" || activation === "tb_study_a_survey_group2") { - return self.states.create("state_survey_start"); - } - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .get( - self.im.config.healthcheck.url + - "/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/" + - msisdn + - "/", - { - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TBCheck-USSD"], - }, - } - ) - .then( - function (response) { - self.im.user.answers = { - activation: activation, - returning_user: true, - state_gender: response.data.gender, - state_province: response.data.province, - state_city: response.data.city ? response.data.city : "", - city_location: response.data.city_location, - state_age: response.data.age, - state_language: response.data.language, - state_research_consent: response.data.research_consent, - state_privacy_policy_accepted: _.get(response.data, "data.tb_privacy_policy_accepted"), - study_completed: response.data.activation, - }; - - if ((activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c") && - (response.data.activation === "tb_study_a" || response.data.activation === "tb_study_b" || - response.data.activation === "tb_study_c")) { - return self.states.create("state_study_already_completed"); - } - - if (response.data.language != "eng"){ - self.im.user.set_lang(response.data.language) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create("state_terms"); - }); - } - - return self.states.create("state_welcome"); - }, - function (e) { - // If it's 404, new user - if (_.get(e, "response.code") === 404) { - self.im.user.answers = { returning_user: false, activation: activation }; - return self.states.create("state_terms"); - } - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_study_already_completed", function(name) { - self.im.user.answers = { activation: null }; - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more " + - "than once. You can still continue with a TB Check but " + - "you will not be included in the study." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_welcome", $("Continue"))] - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_welcome", function (name) { - var error = $( - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list." - ); - var question = $( - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB." - ); - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_age", $("START"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_terms", function (name) { - var next = "state_send_privacy_policy_sms"; - if (self.im.user.answers.returning_user) { - return self.states.create(next); - } - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - [ - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " + - "responsible for your own medical care and treatment." - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $( - [ - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you are " + - "responsible for your own medical care and treatment." - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice(next, $("YES")), - new Choice("state_end", $("NO")), - new Choice("state_more_info_pg1", $("MORE INFO")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_end", function (name) { - return new EndState(name, { - text: $( - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " + - "avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic." - ), - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_more_info_pg1", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get" + - " a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_more_info_pg2", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_more_info_pg2", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " + - "Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_terms", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_send_privacy_policy_sms", function(name, opts) { - var next_state = "state_privacy_policy_accepted"; - if (self.im.user.answers.state_privacy_policy_accepted == "yes") { - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - - var flow_uuid = self.im.config.rapidpro.privacy_policy_sms_flow; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - var data = {"hc_type": "tb"}; - if (self.im.user.answers.state_language) { - data.language = self.im.user.answers.state_language; - } - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow(flow_uuid, null, "tel:" + msisdn, data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create("state_privacy_policy_accepted"); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if(opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", {return_state: name}); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_privacy_policy_accepted", function(name) { - var next_state = "state_language"; - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if(!activation){ - next_state = "state_core_language"; - } - if (self.im.user.answers.state_privacy_policy_accepted == "yes") { - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance " + - "with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(next_state, $("ACCEPT"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_core_language", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_welcome"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_language) { - return self.im.user.set_lang(self.im.user.answers.state_language) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Choose your preferred language"), - error: $("Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("eng", $("English")), - new Choice("zul", $("isiZulu")), - new Choice("afr", $("Afrikaans")), - new Choice("xho", $("isiXhosa")), - new Choice("sot", $("Sesotho")), - new Choice("set", $("Setswana")), - ], - next: function(choice) { - self.im.user.answers.state_language = choice.value; - if (choice.value != "eng"){ - return self.im.user.set_lang(choice.value) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - }); - }); - - self.add("state_language", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_welcome"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_language) { - return self.im.user.set_lang(self.im.user.answers.state_language) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Choose your preferred language"), - error: $("Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("eng", $("English")), - new Choice("zul", $("isiZulu")), - new Choice("afr", $("Afrikaans")), - new Choice("xho", $("isiXhosa")), - new Choice("sot", $("Sesotho")), - ], - next: function(choice) { - if (choice.value != "eng"){ - return self.im.user.set_lang(choice.value) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }); - } - return self.states.create(next_state); - } - }); - }); - - self.add("state_research_consent", function(name) { - if (self.im.user.answers.state_age === "<18"){ - return self.states.create("state_gender"); - } - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people."+ - "\nDo you agree?" - ), - error: $( - "Please reply with numbers. Do you agree?" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_gender", $("Yes")), - new Choice("state_research_consent_no", $("No")), - new Choice("state_faq", $("FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research.")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_age", function (name) { - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - var next_state = "state_gender"; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c") { - next_state = "state_research_consent"; - } - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_age) { - return self.states.create("state_gender"); - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("How old are you?"), - error: $(["Please use numbers from list.", "", "How old are you?"].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("<18", $("under 18")), - new Choice("18-40", $("18-39")), - new Choice("40-65", $("40-65")), - new Choice(">65", $("over 65")), - ], - next: next_state, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_research_consent_no", function(name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, "+ - "but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test." - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_gender", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_gender", function (name) { - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - var next = "state_province"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_gender && activation != "undefined") { - next = "state_cough"; - } - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c") { - next = "state_cough"; - } - - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Which gender do you identify as?"), - error: $( - [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "", - "Which gender do you identify as?", - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("male", $("MALE")), - new Choice("female", $("FEMALE")), - new Choice("other", $("OTHER")), - new Choice("not_say", $("RATHER NOT SAY")), - ], - next: next, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_province", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_suburb_name"; - - if (self.im.user.answers.state_age === "<18"){ - next_state = "state_cough"; - } - else if (self.im.user.answers.state_province) { - return self.states.create("state_suburb_name"); - } - - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Choose your province"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("ZA-EC", $("E. CAPE")), - new Choice("ZA-FS", $("FREE STATE")), - new Choice("ZA-GT", $("GAUTENG")), - new Choice("ZA-NL", $("KWAZULU NATAL")), - new Choice("ZA-LP", $("LIMPOPO")), - new Choice("ZA-MP", $("MPUMALANGA")), - new Choice("ZA-NW", $("NORTH WEST")), - new Choice("ZA-NC", $("N. CAPE")), - new Choice("ZA-WC", $("W. CAPE")), - ], - next: next_state, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_street_name", function (name) { - if ((_.toUpper(self.im.user.answers.state_confirm_city)) != "STATE_STREET_NAME") - { - if (self.im.user.answers.state_street_name && - self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name) { - return self.states.create("state_city"); - } - } - - var question = $( - "Please type the name of the street where you live." - ); - return new FreeText(name, { - question: question, - check: function (content) { - // Ensure that they're not giving an empty response - if (!content.trim()) { - return question; - } - }, - next: "state_suburb_name", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_suburb_name", function (name) { - if ((_.toUpper(self.im.user.answers.state_confirm_city)) != "STATE_STREET_NAME") - { - if (self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name) { - return self.states.create("state_city"); - } - } - - var question = $( - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live." - ); - return new FreeText(name, { - question: question, - check: function (content) { - // Ensure that they're not giving an empty response - if (!content.trim()) { - return question; - } - }, - next: "state_city", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_city", function (name) { - if ( - self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name && - self.im.user.answers.state_city && - self.im.user.answers.city_location - ) { - return self.states.create("state_cough"); - } - - if(self.im.user.answers.state_age === "<18") { - self.im.user.answers.state_city = ""; - return self.states.create("state_cough"); - } - var question = $( - "Please type the name of the city where you live." - ); - if (self.im.user.answers.state_city_error === "TRUE"){ - question = $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Please type the name of the city where you live" - ].join("\n")); - } - return new FreeText(name, { - question: question, - check: function (content) { - // Ensure that they're not giving an empty response - if (!content.trim()) { - return question; - } - }, - next: "state_google_places_lookup", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_google_places_lookup", function (name, opts) { - var street_name = self.im.user.answers.state_street_name; - var suburb = self.im.user.answers.state_suburb_name; - var city_trunc = self.im.user.answers.state_city; - var full_address = (suburb + ',' + city_trunc).slice(0, 160 - 101); - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a") { - full_address = (street_name + ',' + suburb + ',' + city_trunc).slice(0, 160 - 101); - } - self.im.user.answers.state_city = full_address; - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .get("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json", { - params: { - input: self.im.user.answers.state_city, - key: self.im.config.google_places.key, - sessiontoken: self.im.user.answers.google_session_token, - language: "en", - components: "country:za", - }, - headers: { - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }) - .then( - function (response) { - if (_.get(response.data, "status") !== "OK") { - self.im.user.answers.state_city_error = "TRUE"; - return self.states.create("state_city"); - } - var first_result = response.data.predictions[0]; - self.im.user.answers.place_id = first_result.place_id; - self.im.user.answers.state_city = first_result.description; - return self.states.create("state_confirm_city"); - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.add("state_confirm_city", function (name, opts) { - - var state_city = (self.im.user.answers.state_city).slice(0, 36); - var no_next_state = "state_suburb_name"; - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "{{ address }}" - ].join("\n") - ).context({ address: state_city }), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_place_details_lookup", $("Yes")), - new Choice(no_next_state, $("No")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.pad_location = function (location, places) { - // Pads the integer part of the number to places - // Ensures that there's always a sign - // Ensures that there's always a decimal part - var sign = "+"; - if (location < 0) { - sign = "-"; - location = location * -1; - } - location = _.split(location, ".", 2); - var int = location[0]; - var dec = location[1] || 0; - return sign + _.padStart(int, places, "0") + "." + dec; - }; - - self.add("state_place_details_lookup", function (name, opts) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .get("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json", { - params: { - key: self.im.config.google_places.key, - place_id: self.im.user.answers.place_id, - sessiontoken: self.im.user.answers.google_session_token, - language: "en", - fields: "geometry", - }, - headers: { - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }) - .then( - function (response) { - if (_.get(response.data, "status") !== "OK") { - return self.states.create("__error__"); - } - var location = response.data.result.geometry.location; - self.im.user.answers.city_location = - self.pad_location(location.lat, 2) + - self.pad_location(location.lng, 3) + - "/"; - answers.location_lat = location.lat; - answers.location_lng = location.lng; - return self.states.create("state_cough"); - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.add("state_cough", function (name) { - var question = $( - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?" - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "Do you have a cough?" - ].join("\n") - ); - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("yes", $("YES")), new Choice("no", $("NO"))], - next: "state_fever", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_fever", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)" - ), - error: $( - [ - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch your " + - "forehead, does it feel hot?)", - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(true, $("YES")), new Choice(false, $("NO"))], - next: "state_sweat", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_sweat", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Are you sweating more than usual at night?"), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Are you sweating more than usual at night?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(true, $("YES")), new Choice(false, $("NO"))], - next: "state_weight", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_weight", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $("Have you been losing weight without trying?"), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice(true, $("YES")), new Choice(false, $("NO"))], - next: "state_exposure", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_exposure", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_tracing"; - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - next_state = "state_study_tracing"; - } - - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - [ - "Are you at high risk of TB?", - "", - "Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+" - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes high risk")), - new Choice("no", $("No")), - new Choice("not_sure", $("Dont know")), - ], - next: next_state, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_tracing", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_opt_in"; - - var question = $( - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " + - "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give " + - "the NDoH permission to contact you if needed?" - ].join("\n") - ); - var choices = [ - new Choice(true, $("YES")), - new Choice(false, $("NO")), - ]; - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: choices, - next: function (response) { - return next_state; - }, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_study_tracing", function (name) { - var next_state = "state_opt_in"; - var activation = self.im.user.answers.activation; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - next_state = "state_submit_data"; - } - - var question = $( - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Finally, please agree that the info you shared is correct." - ].join("\n") - ); - var choices = [ - new Choice(true, $("YES")), - new Choice(false, $("NO")), - ]; - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: choices, - next: function (response) { - return next_state; - }, - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_opt_in", function (name) { - var question = $( - [ - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like " + - "to receive follow-up messages?" - ].join("\n") - ); - var error = $( - [ - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like " + - "to receive follow-up messages?" - ].join("\n") - ); - var choices = [new Choice(true, $("Yes")), new Choice(false, $("No"))]; - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: question, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: choices, - next: "state_submit_data", - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_submit_data", function (name, opts) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn(self.im.user.addr, "ZA"); - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - self.im.user.answers.state_tracing = answers.state_study_tracing; - } - - var payload = { - data: { - msisdn: msisdn, - source: "USSD", - language: answers.state_language, - province: answers.state_province ? answers.state_province : "", - city: answers.state_city ? answers.state_city : "", - age: answers.state_age, - gender: answers.state_gender, - cough: answers.state_cough, - fever: answers.state_fever, - sweat: answers.state_sweat, - weight: answers.state_weight, - exposure: answers.state_exposure, - tracing: answers.state_tracing, - risk: self.calculate_risk(), - activation: activation, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes" - } - }, - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }; - - if (typeof self.im.user.answers.state_research_consent != "undefined"){ - if (answers.state_research_consent === "state_gender"){ - payload.data.research_consent = true; - payload.data.follow_up_optin = true; - } - else{ - payload.data.research_consent = false; - payload.data.follow_up_optin = false; - } - } - else{ - payload.data.follow_up_optin = answers.state_opt_in; - } - - if(self.im.user.answers.state_age !== "<18") { - payload.data.city_location = answers.city_location; - } - else{ - payload.data.research_consent = false; - } - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .post(self.im.config.healthcheck.url + "/v2/tbcheck/", payload) - .then( - function (response) { - answers.group_arm = response.data.profile.tbconnect_group_arm; - answers.tbcheck_id = response.data.id; - - return self.states.create("state_complete"); - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_complete", function (name) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - var text = $("Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages."); - - if (!answers.state_opt_in) { - text = $("Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages."); - } - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - text = $("Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS."); - } - - var error = $( - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list" - ); - - return new MenuState(name, { - question: text, - error: error, - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_display_arm_message", $("See Results"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_display_arm_message", function (name) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var arm = answers.group_arm; - var consent; - - if (typeof self.im.user.answers.state_research_consent === "undefined"){ - consent = answers.research_consent; - } - else { - consent = answers.state_research_consent; - } - - if (consent===true || consent === "state_gender" && arm){ - return self.states.create("state_" + arm); - } - return self.states.create("state_show_results"); - }); - - self.states.add("state_control", function(name) { - return new EndState(name, { - next: "state_start", - text: $([ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." - ].join("\n") - ) - }); - }); - - self.add("state_soft_commitment_plus", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $([ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!" - ].join("\n") - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_commit_to_get_tested", $("Next"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_commit_to_get_tested", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $(["You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.", - "", - "Do you commit to getting tested?" - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Do you commit to getting tested?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_send_facilities_link_sms", $("YES")), - new Choice("state_submit_test_commit", $("NO"))], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_send_facilities_link_sms", function(name, opts) { - var next_state = "state_clinic_visit_day"; - var flow_uuid = self.im.config.rapidpro.tb_study_facilities_uuid; - var language = self.im.user.answers.state_language; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - var data = { - language: language - }; - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow(flow_uuid, null, "tel:" + msisdn, data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if(opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", {return_state: name}); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.add("state_commit_to_get_tested_no", function(name) { - return new EndState(name, { - next: "state_start", - text: $([ - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested.", - ].join("\n") - ), - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_clinic_visit_day", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day" - ), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("mon", $("MONDAY")), - new Choice("tue", $("TUESDAY")), - new Choice("wed", $("WEDNESDAY")), - new Choice("thu", $("THURSDAY")), - new Choice("fri", $("FRIDAY")) - ], - next: "state_submit_test_commit" - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_submit_test_commit", function (name, opts) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var id = answers.tbcheck_id; - - var payload = { - data: { - commit_get_tested: answers.state_commit_to_get_tested === "state_send_facilities_link_sms" ? "yes" : "no", - "source": "USSD", - clinic_visit_day: answers.clinic_visit_day, - }, - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }; - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .patch(self.im.config.healthcheck.url + "/v2/tbcheck/"+ id +"/", payload) - .then( - function () { - if (answers.state_commit_to_get_tested === "state_send_facilities_link_sms"){ - return self.states.create("state_commitment"); - } - else{ - return self.states.create("state_commit_to_get_tested_no"); - } - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_commitment", function (name) { - var text = $("Well done for committing to your health!"); - - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_reached_capacity", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $(["The SUN Research Study has reached capacity. WCDoH strongly encourages you to screen for your own benefit.", - "", - "Do you want to screen?" - ].join("\n") - ), - error: $("Please use numbers from list. Do you want to screen?"), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [new Choice("state_welcome", $("YES")), - new Choice("state_reached_capacity_no_option", $("NO"))], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_reached_capacity_no_option", function (name) { - var text = $("Come back and use this service any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic."); - - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_show_results", function (name) { - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var risk = self.calculate_risk(); - var arm = answers.group_arm; - var tbcheck_id = answers.tbcheck_id; - var consent; - - if (typeof self.im.user.answers.state_research_consent === "undefined"){ - consent = answers.research_consent; - } - else { - consent = answers.state_research_consent; - } - var text = $( - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " + - "or night sweats visit your nearest clinic." - ); - - if (risk == "high" || risk == "moderate") { - text = $( - [ - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.", - "", - "Go to your clinic for a free TB test." - ].join("\n") - ).context({ - arm: arm, - consent: consent, - tbcheck_id: tbcheck_id - }); - } - else if (answers.state_exposure == "not_sure") { - text = $( - "Check if those you live with are on TB treatment. If you don't know " + - "your HIV status, visit the clinic for a free HIV test. Then do the TB check again." - ); - } - return new EndState(name, { - next: "state_start", - text: text, - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_is_activation_active", function (name, opts) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - var payload = { - data: {activation: activation}, - headers: { - Authorization: ["Token " + self.im.config.healthcheck.token], - "User-Agent": ["Jsbox/TB-Check-USSD"], - }, - }; - - return new JsonApi(self.im) - .post(self.im.config.healthcheck.url + "/v1/tbactivationstatus", payload) - .then( - function (response) { - // Get activation status - var is_active = response.data.is_activation_active; - - if (is_active){ - self.im.user.answers.state_city = activation; - return self.states.create("state_get_contact"); - } - else{ - // Set activation to Null if activation is not active - self.im.user.answers.state_city = undefined; - return self.states.create("state_reached_capacity"); - } - }, - function (e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { return_state: name }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - } - ); - }); - - self.states.add("state_survey_start", function (name) { - var end = "state_survey_double_participation"; - var survey_complete = _.toUpper(_.get(self.im.user.get_answer("contact"), "fields.survey_complete", $("None"))); - if (survey_complete === "TRUE") { - return self.states.create(end); - } - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "We will use this information to see if TB HealthCheck helps people. " + - "To continue, reply YES. For more on TB HealthCheck and the research, " + - "reply MORE." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option", $("Yes")), - new Choice("state_faq_metrics", $("More")) - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option", function (name) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - var next = "state_submit_clinic_delay"; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a_survey_group2"){ - next = "state_encouraged_to_test"; - } - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("no", $("No")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")) - ], - next: next, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_clinic_delay", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because " + - "it takes too much time. Do you agree?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_submit_clinic_proximity", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_clinic_proximity", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because " + - "there are no clinics close to me." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_submit_trauma", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_trauma", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "I did not go to the clinic for a TB test because " + - "I do not want to think about having TB. " + - "Do you agree?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_submit_clinic_feedback", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_submit_clinic_feedback", function (name) { - return new FreeText(name, { - question: $( - "Are there any other reasons why you did not go " + - "to the clinic for a TB test?" + - "Reply in your own words." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - next: "state_trigger_rapidpro_survey_flow", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_trigger_rapidpro_survey_flow", function(name, opts) { - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn(self.im.user.addr, "ZA"); - var answers = self.im.user.answers; - var activation = self.get_activation(); - var data = { - activation: activation, - efficacy: answers.state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option, - clinic_delay: answers.state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option, - proximity: answers.state_submit_clinic_proximity, - trauma: answers.state_submit_trauma, - clinic_feedback: answers.state_submit_clinic_feedback, - encouraged_to_test: answers.state_encouraged_to_test, - tested_without_tb: answers.state_tested_without_tb, - further_delayed: answers.state_further_delayed, - clinic_waiting_time: answers.state_clinic_waiting_time, - clinic_experience: answers.state_clinic_experience, - clinic_experience_feedback: answers.state_clinic_experience_feedback, - reason_for_testing: answers.state_reason_for_testing, - contact_for_more_info: answers.state_contact_for_more_info - }; - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow( - self.im.config.rapidpro.tbcheck_survey_flow_uuid, - null, - "whatsapp:" + _.trim(msisdn, "+"), data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create("state_survey_thanks_airtime"); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if (opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", { - return_state: name - }); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.add("state_survey_thanks_airtime", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. " + - "Your R15 in airtime is on its way!" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_survey_end", $("Next")) - ], - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_send_faq_sms", function(name, opts) { - var next_state = "state_sms_complete"; - var flow_uuid = self.im.config.rapidpro.faq_sms_flow_uuid; - var faq = self.im.user.answers.faq; - var language = self.im.user.answers.state_language; - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - var data = { - faq: faq, - language: language - }; - return self.rapidpro - .start_flow(flow_uuid, null, "tel:" + msisdn, data) - .then(function() { - return self.states.create(next_state); - }).catch(function(e) { - // Go to error state after 3 failed HTTP requests - opts.http_error_count = _.get(opts, "http_error_count", 0) + 1; - if(opts.http_error_count === 3) { - self.im.log.error(e.message); - return self.states.create("__error__", {return_state: name}); - } - return self.states.create(name, opts); - }); - }); - - self.add("state_sms_complete", function (name) { - var activation = self.get_activation(); - - var choice_list = [ - new Choice("state_survey_start", $("Back")), - new Choice("state_end", $("Exit")), - ]; - - if (activation === "tb_study_a" || activation === "tb_study_b" || activation === "tb_study_c"){ - choice_list = [ - new Choice("state_research_consent", $("Back")), - new Choice("state_end", $("Exit")), - ]; - } - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. " + - "What would you like to do?" - ), - error: $([ - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: choice_list, - }); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_metrics", function (name) { - self.im.log("Logging FAQ metrics"); - var sessionID = self.sessionID(); - var msisdn = utils.normalize_msisdn( - _.get( - self.im.user.answers, "state_enter_msisdn", self.im.user.addr), "ZA"); - self.im.log("source: " + "USSD", "msisdn: " + msisdn, "sessionID: " + sessionID); - return self.states.create("state_faq"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "What would you like to know?" - ), - error: $([ - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_faq_research", $("More about the research?")), - new Choice("state_faq_information", $("What information will you ask me for?")), - new Choice("state_faq_sms", $("Why did I get the SMS?")), - new Choice("state_faq_next_steps", $("What I'll need to do?")), - new Choice("state_faq_2", $("Next")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_2", function (name) { - return new MenuState(name, { - question: $( - "What would you like to know?" - ), - error: $( - "Please reply with the number that matches your answer."), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("state_faq_midway", $("Can I stop halfway through?")), - new Choice("state_faq_risks", $("Are there costs or risks?")), - new Choice("state_faq_privacy", $("What happens to the info?")), - new Choice("state_faq_unhappy", $("What to do if I am unhappy?")), - new Choice("state_faq", $("Back")), - ], - }); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_research", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_research"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_information", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_information"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_sms", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_sms"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_next_steps", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_next_steps"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_midway", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_midway"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_risks", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_risks"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_privacy", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_privacy"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_faq_unhappy", function (name) { - self.im.user.answers.faq = "state_faq_unhappy"; - return self.states.create("state_send_faq_sms"); - }); - - self.add("state_survey_sort", function (name) { - var end = "state_survey_end"; - var start = "state_survey_start"; - var survey_complete = _.toUpper(_.get(self.im.user.get_answer("contact"), "fields.survey_complete", $("None"))); - if (survey_complete === "TRUE") { - return self.states.create(end); - } - else { - return self.states.create(start); - } - }); - - self.states.add("state_survey_end", function (name) { - var text = $( - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. " + - "Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." - ); - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.states.add("state_survey_double_participation", function (name) { - var text = $( - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study more than " + - "once. You can still continue with a TB Check but you will not " + - "be included in the study." - ); - return new EndState(name, { - text: text, - next: "state_start", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_encouraged_to_test", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_tested_without_tbcheck", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_tested_without_tbcheck", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_further_delayed", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_further_delayed", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_clinic_waiting_time", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_clinic_waiting_time", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $([ - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.", - "", - "Do you agree?" - ].join("\n")), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Agree")), - new Choice("unsure", $("Don't know")), - new Choice("no", $("Disagree")) - ], - next: "state_clinic_experience", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_clinic_experience", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "How was your experience at the clinic?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("bad", $("Bad")), - new Choice("ok", $("Ok")), - new Choice("good", $("Good")) - ], - next: "state_clinic_experience_feedback", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_clinic_experience_feedback", function (name) { - return new FreeText(name, { - question: $( - "Was it difficult to get access to a TB test? "+ - "Please reply with details of any problems you experienced." - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - next: "state_reason_for_testing", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_reason_for_testing", function (name) { - return new FreeText(name, { - question: $( - "Why did you go to the clinic for a TB test?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - next: "state_contact_for_more_info", - }); - }); - - self.add("state_contact_for_more_info", function (name) { - return new ChoiceState(name, { - question: $( - "Can we phone you to get more information?" - ), - error: $([ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Enter the number that matches your answer." - ].join("\n")), - accept_labels: true, - choices: [ - new Choice("yes", $("Yes")), - new Choice("no", $("No")) - ], - next: "state_trigger_rapidpro_survey_flow", - }); - }); - }); - - return { - GoNDOH: GoNDOH, - }; -}(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/ussd_tb_check.test.js b/test/ussd_tb_check.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4bdd2686..00000000 --- a/test/ussd_tb_check.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2760 +0,0 @@ -var _ = require("lodash"); -var vumigo = require("vumigo_v02"); -var AppTester = vumigo.AppTester; -var assert = require("assert"); -var fixtures_rapidpro = require("./fixtures_rapidpro")(); - -describe("ussd_tb_check app", function () { - var app; - var tester; - - beforeEach(function () { - app = new go.app.GoNDOH(); - tester = new AppTester(app); - tester.setup.config.app({ - healthcheck: { - url: "http://healthcheck", - token: "testtoken", - }, - google_places: { - key: "googleplaceskey", - }, - rapidpro: { - base_url: "https://rapidpro", - token: "rapidpro-token", - privacy_policy_sms_flow: "privacy-policy-flow-uuid", - tbcheck_survey_flow_uuid: "tbcheck-survey-flow-uuid", - faq_sms_flow_uuid: "faq-sms-flow-uuid", - tb_study_facilities_uuid: "tb-study-facilities-uuid" - }, - activations: { - to_regex: "\\\*\\d\+\\\*\\d\+\\\*\(\[\\d\]\+\)#", - code_map: { - "8": "tb_soccer_1_2022", - "9": "tb_soccer_2_2022", - "6": "skip_location_2022", - "7": "tb_study_a", - "2": "tb_study_b", - "3": "tb_study_c", - "5": "tb_study_a_survey_group1", - "4": "tb_study_a_survey_group2", - "11": "tb_school_1", - "12": "tb_school_2", - "13": "tb_school_3", - "14": "tb_school_4", - "15": "tb_school_5", - "16": "tb_school_6", - "17": "tb_school_7", - "18": "tb_school_8", - "19": "tb_school_9", - "20": "tb_school_10", - } - } - }); - }); - - describe("set_activation", function() { - it("should set activation for new user", function() { - return tester - .setup.user.state("state_get_contact") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 404, - data: { - detail: "Not found." - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "new", to_addr: "*123*123*8#" }) - .check.user.answer("activation", "tb_soccer_1_2022") - .check.user.state("state_terms") - .run(); - }); - it("should set activation for returning user", function() { - return tester - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - activation: null, - state_gender: "MALE", - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: "Cape Town, South Arica", - city_location: "+00-025/", - state_age: "18-39", - state_language: "eng", - data: {tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes"}, - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "resume", to_addr: "*123*123*8#" }) - .check.user.answer("activation", "tb_soccer_1_2022") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - it("should not set activation for non activation", function() { - return tester - .setup.user.answers({ - activation: null, - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 404, - data: { - detail: "Not found." - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "new", to_addr: "*123*123*0#" }) - .check.user.answer("activation", null) - .check.user.state("state_terms") - .run(); - }); - it("should set activation for new user to skip location", function() { - return tester - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 404, - data: { - detail: "Not found." - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "new", to_addr: "*123*123*6#" }) - .check.user.answer("activation", "skip_location_2022") - .check.user.state("state_terms") - .run(); - }); - it("should set activation for new user using school activation", function() { - return tester - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 404, - data: { - detail: "Not found." - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "new", to_addr: "*123*123*11#" }) - .check.user.answer("activation", "tb_school_1") - .check.user.state("state_terms") - .run(); - }); - it("should set school activation for returning user", function() { - return tester - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - activation: null, - state_gender: "MALE", - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: "KZN, South Arica", - city_location: "+00-025/", - state_age: "18-39", - state_language: "eng", - data: {tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes"}, - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "new", to_addr: "*123*123*15#" }) - .check.user.answer("activation", "tb_school_5") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("calculate_risk", function () { - it("No cough, no symptoms, no exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "no", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "low"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("No cough, 1+ symptoms, no exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: true, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "no", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "moderate"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("No cough, no symptoms, exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "yes", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "high"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("No cough, 1+ symptom, exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: true, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "yes", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "high"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("Cough, no symptoms, no exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "yes", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "no", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "moderate"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("Cough, 1+ symptoms, no exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "yes", - state_fever: true, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "no", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "moderate"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("Cough, 1+ symptoms, unknown exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "yes", - state_fever: true, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "not_sure", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "moderate"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("Cough, no symptoms, high risk", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "yes", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "yes", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "high"); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("No cough, no symptoms, unknown exposure", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answers({ - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "not_sure", - }) - .check(function (api) { - assert.equal(app.calculate_risk(), "low"); - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - - describe("state_timed_out", function () { - it("should ask the user if they want to continue", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_timed_out") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_timed_out", - reply: [ - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck", - "1. Continue where I left off", - "2. Start over", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 140, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should repeat question on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_timed_out") - .inputs({ session_event: "resume" }, "A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_timed_out", - reply: [ - "Welcome back to the The National Department of Health's TB HealthCheck", - "1. Continue where I left off", - "2. Start over", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 140, - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - - describe("state_welcome", function () { - it("should show welcome message", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_welcome") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_welcome", - reply: [ - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect the " + - "health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.", - "1. START", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 140, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display an error message on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_welcome") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_welcome", - reply: [ - "This service works best when you choose number options from the list.", - "1. START", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 140, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_language for 1", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_welcome") - .setup(function(api) { - api.http.fixtures.add( - fixtures_rapidpro.start_flow( - "privacy-policy-flow-uuid", null, "tel:+27123456789", {"hc_type": "tb"} - ) - ); - }) - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_age") - .run(); - }); - }); - - describe("state_language", function () { - it("should show available languages", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_language") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_language", - reply: [ - "Choose your preferred language", - "1. English", - "2. isiZulu", - "3. Afrikaans", - "4. isiXhosa", - "5. Sesotho", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show error on invalid option", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_language") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_language", - reply: [ - "Please reply with numbers. Choose your preferred language", - "1. English", - "2. isiZulu", - "3. Afrikaans", - "4. isiXhosa", - "5. Sesotho", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_province for valid option", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_language") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_age for in lang of the valid option", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_language") - .input("2") - .check.user.lang("zul") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_terms for english lang option", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_language") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_welcome", - reply: [ - "The National Department of Health thanks you for helping to protect "+ - "the health of all SA citizens. Stop the spread of TB.", - "1. START"].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for language", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_language") - .setup.user.answer("state_language", "eng") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - }); - - describe("state_terms", function () { - it("should show the terms", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_terms") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_terms", - reply: [ - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you " + - "are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - "3. MORE INFO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display an error message on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_terms") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_terms", - reply: [ - "This NDoH service only provides health info. Please agree that you " + - "are responsible for your own medical care and treatment.", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - "3. MORE INFO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_privacy_policy_accepted for yes", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_terms") - .setup(function(api) { - api.http.fixtures.add( - fixtures_rapidpro.start_flow( - "privacy-policy-flow-uuid", null, "tel:+27123456789", {"hc_type": "tb"} - ) - ); - }) - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_privacy_policy_accepted for returning users", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answer("returning_user", true) - .setup(function(api) { - api.http.fixtures.add( - fixtures_rapidpro.start_flow( - "privacy-policy-flow-uuid", null, "tel:+27123456789", {"hc_type": "tb"} - ) - ); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_terms") - .check.user.state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .run(); - }); - it("should include language if available", function () { - return tester - .setup.user.answers({ - returning_user: true, - state_language: "afr", - }) - .setup(function(api) { - api.http.fixtures.add( - fixtures_rapidpro.start_flow( - "privacy-policy-flow-uuid", - null, - "tel:+27123456789", - { - "hc_type": "tb", - "language": "afr" - } - ) - ); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_terms") - .check.user.state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_end for no", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_terms") - .input("2") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_end", - reply: - "Return to use this service at any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " + - "avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .check.reply.ends_session() - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_more_info for more info", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_terms") - .input("3") - .check.user.state("state_more_info_pg1") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_privacy_policy_accepted", function () { - it("should prompt the user to accept", function() { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_privacy_policy_accepted", - reply: [ - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance " + - "with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.", - "1. ACCEPT" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should repeat the question on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_privacy_policy_accepted", - reply: [ - "Your personal information is protected under POPIA and in accordance " + - "with the provisions of the TB HealthCheck Privacy Notice sent to you by SMS.", - "1. ACCEPT" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for original", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("state_privacy_policy_accepted", "yes") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .check.user.state("state_language") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for core line", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("state_privacy_policy_accepted", "yes") - .check.user.state("state_core_language") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for a study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("state_privacy_policy_accepted", "yes") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .check.user.state("state_language") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_language if study is active", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_language") - .run(); - }); - it("should show an error if users already completed a study", function () { - return tester - .setup.user.state("state_get_contact") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - activation: "tb_study_a", - state_gender: "MALE", - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: null, - city_location: "+00-025/", - state_age: "18-39", - state_language: "eng", - data: {tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes"}, - } - } - }); - }) - .input({ session_event: "new", to_addr: "*123*123*7#" }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_study_already_completed", - reply: [ - "Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the study "+ - "more than once. You can still continue with a TB Check "+ - "but you will not be included in the study.", - "1. Continue" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display gender for minor", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent") - .setup.user.answer("state_age", "<18") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_gender", - reply: [ - "Which gender do you identify as?", - "1. MALE", - "2. FEMALE", - "3. OTHER", - "4. RATHER NOT SAY" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_research_consent_no for research consent NO", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_gender") - .run(); - }); - it("should show research consent after research consent no", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent_no") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_gender") - .run(); - }); - it("display research consent for the study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent") - .setup.user.answer("state_age", "18-39") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_research_consent", - reply: [ - "If you agree, we will use your information to see if this TB Check helps people.", - "Do you agree?", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - "3. FAQ for more info on TBCheck and the research." - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("display research consent for user older than 18", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent") - .setup.user.answer("state_age", "18-39") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_gender", - reply: [ - "Which gender do you identify as?", - "1. MALE", - "2. FEMALE", - "3. OTHER", - "4. RATHER NOT SAY" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display language", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_language", - reply: [ - "Choose your preferred language", - "1. English", - "2. isiZulu", - "3. Afrikaans", - "4. isiXhosa", - "5. Sesotho" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display core languages", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("activation", null) - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_core_language", - reply: [ - "Choose your preferred language", - "1. English", - "2. isiZulu", - "3. Afrikaans", - "4. isiXhosa", - "5. Sesotho", - "6. Setswana", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_research_consent on yes consent", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_gender", - reply: [ - "Which gender do you identify as?", - "1. MALE", - "2. FEMALE", - "3. OTHER", - "4. RATHER NOT SAY" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_research_consent_no on no consent", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_research_consent") - .input("2") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_research_consent_no", - reply: [ - "Okay, no problem. You will not be included in the research, "+ - "but you can still continue to check if you need to take a TB test.", - "1. Next" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_more_info", function () { - it("should display more info pg 1", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_more_info_pg1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_more_info_pg1", - reply: [ - "TB HealthCheck does not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Get" + - " a qualified health provider's advice on your medical condition and care.", - "1. Next", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display more info pg 2", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_more_info_pg1") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_more_info_pg2", - reply: [ - "You use this info at your own risk. This tool cannot replace medical advice. " + - "Agree not to ignore or delay getting medical advice on treatment or care", - "1. Next", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go back to state_terms when the info is finished", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_more_info_pg2") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_terms") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_province", function () { - it("should show the provinces", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_province") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_province", - reply: [ - "Choose your province", - "1. E. CAPE", - "2. FREE STATE", - "3. GAUTENG", - "4. KWAZULU NATAL", - "5. LIMPOPO", - "6. MPUMALANGA", - "7. NORTH WEST", - "8. N. CAPE", - "9. W. CAPE", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should repeat the question on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_province") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_province", - reply: [ - "Choose your province", - "1. E. CAPE", - "2. FREE STATE", - "3. GAUTENG", - "4. KWAZULU NATAL", - "5. LIMPOPO", - "6. MPUMALANGA", - "7. NORTH WEST", - "8. N. CAPE", - "9. W. CAPE", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have province", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_province") - .setup.user.answer("state_province", "ZA-WC") - .check.user.state("state_suburb_name") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_street_name", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_province") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_suburb_name") - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_research_consent for back option", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_sms_complete") - .inputs({ session_event: "continue", to_addr: "*123*123*3#" }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_sms_complete", - reply:[ - "The FAQ has been sent to you by SMS. What would you like to do?", - "1. Back", - "2. Exit"].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_research_consent for back option", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_sms_complete") - .inputs("1") - .check.user.state("state_survey_start") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_city", function () { - it("should ask for the city", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_city") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_city", - reply: - "Please type the name of the city where you live.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should ask again for invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_city") - .input(" \t\n") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_city", - reply: - "Please type the name of the city where you live.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_cough if age <18", function () { - return tester - .setup.user.answer("state_age", "<18") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: 'ZA-GT' - }) - .setup.user.state("state_city") - .check.user.state("state_cough") - .run(); - }); - it("should not skip state_city if age is not <18", function () { - return tester - .setup.user.answer("state_age", ">65") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: 'ZA-GT' - }) - .setup.user.state("state_city") - .check.user.state("state_city") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_confirm_city", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answer("google_session_token", "testsessiontoken") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: - "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json", - params: { - input: "Fresnaye,cape town", - key: "googleplaceskey", - sessiontoken: "testsessiontoken", - language: "en", - components: "country:za", - }, - method: "GET", - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - status: "OK", - predictions: [ - { - description: "Fresnaye, Cape Town, South Africa", - place_id: "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ", - }, - ], - }, - }, - }); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Fresnaye") - .input("cape town") - .check.user.state("state_confirm_city") - .check.user.answer("state_city", "Fresnaye, Cape Town, South Africa") - .check.user.answer("place_id", "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_confirm_city and check context", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answer("google_session_token", "testsessiontoken") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: - "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json", - params: { - input: "Fancy Apartment,Fresnaye,Cape Town", - key: "googleplaceskey", - sessiontoken: "testsessiontoken", - language: "en", - components: "country:za", - }, - method: "GET", - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - status: "OK", - predictions: [ - { - description: "54321 Fancy Apartment,Fresnaye,Cape Town, South Africa", - place_id: "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ", - }, - ], - }, - }, - }); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Fresnaye") - .setup.user.answer("state_street_name", "Fancy Apartment") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .input("Cape Town") - .check.user.state("state_confirm_city") - .check.user.answer("state_city", "54321 Fancy Apartment,Fresnaye,Cape Town, South Africa") - .check.user.answer("place_id", "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_confirm_city", - reply: [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "54321 Fancy Apartment,Fresnaye,Cape ", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for the city", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Fresnaye") - .setup.user.answer("state_city", "Cape Town, South Africa") - .setup.user.answer("city_location", "+00-025/") - .check.user.state("state_cough") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for the city for the study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_city") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .setup.user.answer("state_street_name", "54321 Fancy Apartment") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Fresnaye") - .setup.user.answer("state_city", "Cape Town, South Africa") - .setup.user.answer("city_location", "+00-025/") - .check.user.state("state_cough") - .run(); - }); - }); - it("should ask for the street name", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_street_name") - .input(" \t\n") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_street_name", - reply: - "Please type the name of the street where you live.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should ask again for suburb invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_suburb_name") - .input(" \t\n") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_suburb_name", - reply: - "Please type the name of the suburb/township/village where you live.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should ask again for state city invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_city") - .input(" \t\n") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_city", - reply: - "Please type the name of the city where you live.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have province with null fof study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_province") - .setup.user.answer("state_province", "ZA-GP") - .setup.user.answer("activation", null) - .check.user.state("state_suburb_name") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have street name and suburb", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_street_name") - .setup.user.answer("state_street_name", "7 soteba str") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Soweto") - .check.user.state("state_city") - .run(); - }); - it("should not skip street name for users who want to change it", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_street_name") - .setup.user.answer("state_street_name", "7 soteba str") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Soweto") - .setup.user.answer("state_confirm_city", "state_street_name") - .check.user.state("state_street_name") - .run(); - }); - it("should not skip suburb name for users who want to change it", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_suburb_name") - .setup.user.answer("state_street_name", "7 soteba str") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Soweto") - .setup.user.answer("state_confirm_city", "state_street_name") - .check.user.state("state_suburb_name") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_city for incorrect input place lookup", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answer("google_session_token", "testsessiontoken") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: - "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json", - params: { - input: "Greater Tuang,cape town", - key: "googleplaceskey", - sessiontoken: "testsessiontoken", - language: "en", - components: "country:za", - }, - method: "GET", - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - status: "ERROR", - predictions: [ - { - description: "Greater Tuang,cape town, South Africa", - place_id: "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ", - }, - ], - }, - }, - }); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Greater Tuang") - .input("cape town") - .check.user.state("state_city") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_city", - reply: [ - "Sorry, we don't understand. Please try again.", - "", - "Please type the name of the city where you live" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_confirm_city", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .answer("google_session_token", "testsessiontoken") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: - "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json", - params: { - input: "Fresnaye,cape town", - key: "googleplaceskey", - sessiontoken: "testsessiontoken", - language: "en", - components: "country:za", - }, - method: "GET", - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - status: "OK", - predictions: [ - { - description: "Fresnaye, Cape Town, South Africa", - place_id: "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ", - }, - ], - }, - }, - }); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_suburb_name", "Fresnaye") - .input("cape town") - .check.user.state("state_confirm_city") - .check.user.answer("state_city", "Fresnaye, Cape Town, South Africa") - .check.user.answer("place_id", "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ") - .run(); - }); - describe("state_confirm_city", function () { - it("should ask to confirm the city", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_confirm_city") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .setup.user.answer( - "state_city", "54321 Fancy Apartment,Fresnaye,Cape Town") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_confirm_city", - reply: [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "54321 Fancy Apartment,Fresnaye,Cape ", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should ask to confirm the city without street name", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_confirm_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_city", "Fresnaye,Cape Town") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_confirm_city", - reply: [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "Fresnaye,Cape Town", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should ask to confirm the city with long address", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_confirm_city") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .setup.user.answer( - "state_city", "54321 Fancy Apartment,12345 Really really long address,Fres" - ) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_confirm_city", - reply: [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "54321 Fancy Apartment,12345 Really r", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("go back to state_city if user selects no", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_confirm_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_city", "Cape Town, South Africa") - .input("2") - .check.user.state("state_suburb_name") - .run(); - }); - it("go to state_cough if user selects yes", function () { - return tester - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json", - params: { - key: "googleplaceskey", - place_id: "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ", - sessiontoken: "testsessiontoken", - language: "en", - fields: "geometry", - }, - method: "GET", - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - status: "OK", - result: { - geometry: { - location: { - lat: -3.866651, - lng: 51.195827, - }, - }, - }, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .setup.user.state("state_confirm_city") - .setup.user.answer("state_city", "Cape Town, South Africa") - .setup.user.answer("place_id", "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ") - .setup.user.answer("google_session_token", "testsessiontoken") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_cough") - .check.user.answer("city_location", "-03.866651+051.195827/") - .run(); - }); - it("should ask to confirm the city with longer then 36 characters", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_confirm_city") - .setup.user.answer( - "state_city", "15 voortrekker road, goodwood estate,Cape Town, South africa" - ) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_confirm_city", - reply: [ - "Please check that the address below is correct and matches the information you gave us:", - "15 voortrekker road, goodwood estate", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_age", function () { - it("should ask for their age", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_age") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_age", - reply: [ - "How old are you?", - "1. under 18", - "2. 18-39", - "3. 40-65", - "4. over 65", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_age") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_age", - reply: [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "", - "How old are you?", - "1. under 18", - "2. 18-39", - "3. 40-65", - "4. over 65", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_gender", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_age") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_gender") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_research_consent for the study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_age") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .input("2") - .check.user.state("state_research_consent") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for age", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_age") - .setup.user.answer("state_age", "18-40") - .check.user.state("state_gender") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_gender", function () { - it("should ask for their gender", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_gender") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_gender", - reply: [ - "Which gender do you identify as?", - "1. MALE", - "2. FEMALE", - "3. OTHER", - "4. RATHER NOT SAY", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_gender") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_gender", - reply: [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "", - "Which gender do you identify as?", - "1. MALE", - "2. FEMALE", - "3. OTHER", - "4. RATHER NOT SAY", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_province", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_gender") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_province") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip state_province and location for the study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_gender") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_b") - .input("2") - .check.user.state("state_cough") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_cough", function () { - it("should ask if they have a cough", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_cough") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_cough", - reply: [ - "Let's see how you're feeling today. Do you have a cough?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_cough") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_cough", - reply: [ - "Please use numbers from list.", - "Do you have a cough?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_fever", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_cough") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_fever") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_fever", function () { - it("should ask if they have a fever", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_fever") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_fever", - reply: [ - "Do you have a fever? (when you touch your forehead, does it feel hot?)", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_fever") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_fever", - reply: [ - "Please use numbers from list. Do you have a fever? (when you touch " + - "your forehead, does it feel hot?)", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_sweat", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_fever") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_sweat") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_weight", function () { - it("should ask if they have lost weight", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_weight") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_weight", - reply: [ - "Have you been losing weight without trying?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_weight") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_weight", - reply: [ - "Please use numbers from list. Have you been losing weight without trying?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_sweat", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_weight") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_exposure") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_exposure", function () { - it("should ask if they have been exposed to the virus", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_exposure") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_exposure", - reply: [ - "Are you at high risk of TB?", - "", - "Risk means you live with someone who has TB OR you had TB in the last 2 years OR you are HIV+", - "1. Yes high risk", - "2. No", - "3. Dont know", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_exposure") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_exposure", - reply: [ - "Please use numbers from list. Are you at high risk for TB?", - "1. Yes high risk", - "2. No", - "3. Dont know", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_tracing", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_exposure") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_tracing") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_study_tracing for tb_study_a", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_exposure") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_a") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_study_tracing") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_study_tracing for tb_study_b ", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_exposure") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_b") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_study_tracing") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_study_tracing for tb_study_c", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_exposure") - .setup.user.answer("activation", "tb_study_c") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_study_tracing") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_tracing", function () { - it("should ask if the DoH can trace them", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_tracing") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_tracing", - reply: [ - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH" + - " permission to contact you if needed?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display the error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_tracing") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_tracing", - reply: [ - "Now, please agree that the info you shared is correct and that you give the NDoH" + - " permission to contact you if needed?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_opt_in", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_tracing") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_opt_in") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_opt_in", function () { - it("should ask the user to opt in to follow up messages", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_opt_in", - reply: [ - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like " + - "to receive follow-up messages?", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("display an error on invalid input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .input("A") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_opt_in", - reply: [ - "Thanks for your answers. Your result will be sent soon by SMS. Would you like " + - "to receive follow-up messages?", - "1. Yes", - "2. No", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("go to state_complete for valid answer", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: "Cape Town", - city_location: "+00-025/", - state_age: ">65", - state_gender: "male", - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_tracing: true, - state_exposure: "no", - state_language: "eng", - state_research_consent: "state_gender" - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/", - method: "POST", - data: { - msisdn: "+27123456789", - source: "USSD", - language: "eng", - province: "ZA-WC", - city: "Cape Town", - city_location: "+00-025/", - age: ">65", - gender: "male", - cough: "no", - fever: false, - sweat: false, - weight: false, - exposure: "no", - tracing: true, - follow_up_optin: true, - risk: "low", - activation: null, - research_consent: true, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes" - } - }, - }, - response: { - code: 201, - data: { - id: 10, - profile: { - accepted: true, - tbconnect_group_arm: "control", - }, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_complete") - .run(); - }); - it("go to state_complete for valid answer and age < 18", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: "", - state_age: "<18", - state_gender: "male", - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_tracing: true, - state_exposure: "no", - state_language: "eng", - - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/", - method: "POST", - data: { - msisdn: "+27123456789", - source: "USSD", - language: "eng", - province: "ZA-WC", - city: "", - age: "<18", - gender: "male", - cough: "no", - fever: false, - sweat: false, - weight: false, - exposure: "no", - tracing: true, - follow_up_optin: true, - risk: "low", - activation: null, - research_consent: false, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes", - - } - }, - }, - response: { - code: 201, - data: { - id: 20, - profile: { - accepted: true, - research_consent: false, - }, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_complete") - .run(); - }); - }); - - describe("state_complete", function () { - it("should say thanks for opt in", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: "Cape Town", - state_age: ">65", - state_gender: "male", - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_tracing: true, - state_exposure: "no", - state_language: "eng", - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/", - method: "POST", - data: { - msisdn: "+27123456789", - source: "USSD", - language: "eng", - province: "ZA-WC", - city: "Cape Town", - age: ">65", - gender: "male", - cough: "no", - fever: false, - sweat: false, - weight: false, - exposure: "no", - tracing: true, - follow_up_optin: true, - risk: "low", - activation: null, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes" - } - }, - }, - response: { - code: 201, - data: { - id: 45, - profile: { - accepted: true, - tbconnect_group_arm: "health_consequence", - }, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_complete", - reply: [ - "Thanks for choosing to get our follow-up messages.", - "1. See Results", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should confirm no message if no opt in", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: "Cape Town", - state_age: ">65", - state_gender: "male", - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_tracing: true, - state_exposure: "no", - state_language: "eng", - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/", - method: "POST", - data: { - msisdn: "+27123456789", - source: "USSD", - language: "eng", - province: "ZA-WC", - city: "Cape Town", - age: ">65", - gender: "male", - cough: "no", - fever: false, - sweat: false, - weight: false, - exposure: "no", - tracing: true, - follow_up_optin: false, - risk: "low", - activation: null, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes" - } - }, - }, - response: { - code: 201, - data: { - id: 22, - profile: { - accepted: true, - tbconnect_group_arm: "control", - }, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .input("2") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_complete", - reply: [ - "Okay thanks, you won't get any follow-up messages.", - "1. See Results", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should display error message for incorrect input", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_complete") - .input("2") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_complete", - reply: [ - "This service works best when you select numbers from the list", - "1. See Results", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_display_arm_message", function () { - it("should show the control message", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: "control", - research_consent: true, - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_control", - reply:[ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test.", - ].join("\n"), - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show the soft_commitment_plus next message", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_soft_commitment_plus") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_commit_to_get_tested", - reply: [ - "You will get R15 airtime within 1 hour if you commit to get tested.", - "", - "Do you commit to getting tested?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show the state_soft_commitment_plus message", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: "soft_commitment_plus", - research_consent: true, - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_soft_commitment_plus", - reply:[ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "With early diagnosis, TB can be cured. Don’t delay, test today!", - "1. Next", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show the state_show_results message if user is not assigned to any arm", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: null, - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_show_results", - reply: - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show the state_show_results message if user is not assigned to any arm and activation", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: "control", - activation: "tb_test", - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_show_results", - reply: - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_control message if user is did gave consent", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: "control", - activation: null, - research_consent: true, - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_control", - reply:[ - "Your replies to the questions show that you need a TB test this week!", - "", - "Visit your local clinic for a free TB test." - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_show_results message if user is did not give consent", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: "control", - activation: null, - research_consent: null, - }) - .check.user.state("state_show_results") - .run(); - }); - it("should show the day of visit options message", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_clinic_visit_day") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_clinic_visit_day", - reply:[ - "When will you go for your test? Reply with the day", - "1. MONDAY", - "2. TUESDAY", - "3. WEDNESDAY", - "4. THURSDAY", - "5. FRIDAY", - ].join("\n"), - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_submit_test_commit", function () { - it("should say well done when user commit to get tested", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_submit_test_commit") - .setup.user.answers({ - tbcheck_id: 22, - state_commit_to_get_tested: "state_send_facilities_link_sms", - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/" + 22 + "/", - method: "PATCH", - data: { - commit_get_tested: "yes", - source: "USSD", - }, - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - accepted: true, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_commitment", - reply: - "Well done for committing to your health!", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should say can't commit now when user not commit to get tested", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_submit_test_commit") - .setup.user.answers({ - tbcheck_id: 22, - state_commit_to_get_tested: "state_submit_test_commit", - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/" + 22 + "/", - method: "PATCH", - data: { - commit_get_tested: "no", - source: "USSD", - }, - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - accepted: true, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_commit_to_get_tested_no", - reply:[ - "Even if you can’t commit now, it is still important to get tested." - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - describe("state_start_and_city", function () { - it("should set city to not collected for null city", function() { - return tester - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - activation: null, - state_gender: "MALE", - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: null, - city_location: "+00-025/", - state_age: "18-39", - state_language: "eng", - data: {tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes"}, - } - } - }); - }) - .check.user.answer("state_city", "") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - }); - }); - describe("survey_states", function () { - it("should show efficacy state", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_survey_start") - .input("Yes") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option", - reply: [ - "Did you find TB HealthCheck useful?", - "1. No", - "2. Don't know", - "3. Yes", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("state_start skip to survey", function() { - - return tester - .setup.user.state("state_get_contact") - .inputs({ session_event: "continue", to_addr: "*123*123*5#" }) - .check.user.state("state_survey_start") - .run(); - }); - it("should show FAQ menu < 160", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_survey_start") - .input("More") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_faq", - reply: [ - "What would you like to know?", - "1. More about the research?", - "2. What information will you ask me for?", - "3. Why did I get the SMS?", - "4. What I'll need to do?", - "5. Next" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show FAQ_2 menu < 160", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_faq") - .input("5") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_faq_2", - reply: [ - "What would you like to know?", - "1. Can I stop halfway through?", - "2. Are there costs or risks?", - "3. What happens to the info?", - "4. What to do if I am unhappy?", - "5. Back" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show FAQ sms complete screen", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_faq") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_language: "zul" - }) - .setup(function(api) { - api.http.fixtures.add( - fixtures_rapidpro.start_flow( - "faq-sms-flow-uuid", null, "tel:+27123456789", { - "faq": "state_faq_research", - "language": "zul" - } - ) - ); - }) - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_sms_complete") - .run(); - }); - it("should end if contact has already completed the survey", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_survey_sort") - .setup.user.answer("contact", {fields: {survey_complete: "TRUE"}}) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_survey_end", - reply: [ - "Many people don't realise that TB is cureable and test too late. " + - "Your answers will help us understand whether TB HealthCheck really helps people." - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should submit survey replies to Rapidpro", function() { - return tester - .setup.user.state("state_submit_clinic_feedback") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_submit_tb_check_efficacy_option: "yes", - state_submit_clinic_delay: "yes", - state_submit_clinic_proximity: "yes", - state_submit_trauma: "yes" - }) - .setup(function(api) { - api.http.fixtures.add( - fixtures_rapidpro.start_flow( - "tbcheck-survey-flow-uuid", null, "whatsapp:27123456789", { - activation: null, - efficacy: "yes", - clinic_delay: "yes", - proximity: "yes", - trauma: "yes", - clinic_feedback: "The long waiting time discourages me", - } - ) - ); - }) - .input("The long waiting time discourages me") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_survey_thanks_airtime", - reply: - "Thank you for taking part in the survey. " + - "Your R15 in airtime is on its way!\n" + - "1. Next" - }) - .check(function(api) { - assert.equal(api.http.requests.length, 1); - var urls = _.map(api.http.requests, "url"); - assert.deepEqual(urls, [ - "https://rapidpro/api/v2/flow_starts.json" - ]); - assert.equal(api.log.error.length, 0); - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_encouraged_to_test", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_encouraged_to_test") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_encouraged_to_test", - reply: [ - "Did TB HealthCheck encourage you to get tested?", - "1. Yes", - "2. Don't know", - "3. No" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_tested_without_tbcheck as next state", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_encouraged_to_test") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_tested_without_tbcheck", - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_tested_without_tbcheck", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_tested_without_tbcheck") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_tested_without_tbcheck", - reply: [ - "Would you have tested without TB HealthCheck?", - "1. Yes", - "2. Don't know", - "3. No" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_further_delayed as next state", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_tested_without_tbcheck") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_further_delayed", - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_further_delayed", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_further_delayed") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_further_delayed", - reply: [ - "Would you have further delayed testing without TB HealthCheck?", - "1. Yes", - "2. Don't know", - "3. No" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_clinic_waiting_time as next state", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_further_delayed") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_clinic_waiting_time", - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_clinic_waiting_time", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_clinic_waiting_time") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_clinic_waiting_time", - reply: [ - "The waiting times at the clinic were too long.", - "", - "Do you agree?", - "1. Agree", - "2. Don't know", - "3. Disagree" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_further_delayed as next state", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_clinic_waiting_time") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_clinic_experience", - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_clinic_experience", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_clinic_experience") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_clinic_experience", - reply: [ - "How was your experience at the clinic?", - "1. Bad", - "2. Ok", - "3. Good" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_clinic_experience_feedback as next state", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_clinic_experience") - .input("1") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_clinic_experience_feedback", - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_contact_for_more_info", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_contact_for_more_info") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_contact_for_more_info", - reply: [ - "Can we phone you to get more information?", - "1. Yes", - "2. No" - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state_privacy_policy_accepted for users who already have this info and go to state_core_language", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("state_privacy_policy_accepted", "yes") - .setup.user.answer("activation", null) - .check.user.state("state_core_language") - .run(); - }); - it("should skip the state for users who already have this info for a study", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_privacy_policy_accepted") - .setup.user.answer("state_privacy_policy_accepted", "yes") - .setup.user.answer("activation", null) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_core_language", - reply: [ - "Choose your preferred language", - "1. English", - "2. isiZulu", - "3. Afrikaans", - "4. isiXhosa", - "5. Sesotho", - "6. Setswana", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160,}) - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_no_province", function () { - it("go to state_complete for valid answer and assign to null for non province", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_opt_in") - .setup.user.answers({ - state_province: null, - state_city: "JHB", - state_age: "<18", - state_gender: "male", - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_tracing: true, - state_exposure: "no", - state_language: "eng", - }) - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/tbcheck/", - method: "POST", - data: { - msisdn: "+27123456789", - source: "USSD", - language: "eng", - province: "", - city: "JHB", - age: "<18", - gender: "male", - cough: "no", - fever: false, - sweat: false, - weight: false, - exposure: "no", - tracing: true, - follow_up_optin: true, - risk: "low", - activation: null, - research_consent: false, - data: { - tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes" - } - }, - }, - response: { - code: 201, - data: { - id: 20, - profile: { - accepted: true, - research_consent: false, - }, - }, - }, - }); - }) - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_complete") - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("state_show_results", function () { - it("should show the state_show_results message for moderate risk", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: null, - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: true, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "no", - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_show_results", - reply: [ - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.", - "", - "Go to your clinic for a free TB test." - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show the state_show_results message for low risk", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: null, - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "no", - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_show_results", - reply: - "You don't need a TB test now, but if you develop cough, fever, weight loss " + - "or night sweats visit your nearest clinic.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show the state_show_results message for high risk", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_display_arm_message") - .setup.user.answers({ - group_arm: null, - state_cough: "no", - state_fever: false, - state_sweat: false, - state_weight: false, - state_exposure: "yes", - }) - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_show_results", - reply: [ - "Your replies to the questions show you need a TB test this week.", - "", - "Go to your clinic for a free TB test."].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - }); - describe("State_start with activations", function(){ - it("should ask if they want to continue with screening", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_reached_capacity") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_reached_capacity", - reply: [ - "The SUN Research Study has reached capacity. WCDoH strongly "+ - "encourages you to screen for your own benefit.", - "", - "Do you want to screen?", - "1. YES", - "2. NO", - ].join("\n"), - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_welcome if they want to continue with screening", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_reached_capacity") - .input("1") - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - it("should go to state_reached_capacity_no_option if they don't want to continue", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_reached_capacity") - .input("2") - .check.interaction({ - state: "state_reached_capacity_no_option", - reply: - "Come back and use this service any time. Remember, if you think you have TB, " + - "avoid contact with other people and get tested at your nearest clinic.", - char_limit: 160, - }) - .run(); - }); - it("should show state_reached_capacity_no_option if they don't want to continue with screening", function () { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_reached_capacity") - .input("2") - .check.user.state("state_reached_capacity_no_option") - .run(); - }); - it("Should get state_is_activation_active status", function() { - return tester.setup.user - .state("state_is_activation_active") - .setup(function (api) { - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v1/tbactivationstatus", - method: "POST", - data: { - "activation": "tb_study_a" - }, - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: {is_activation_active: true}, - }, - }); - - api.http.fixtures.add({ - request: { - url: "http://healthcheck/v2/healthcheckuserprofile/+27123456789/", - method: "GET" - }, - response: { - code: 200, - data: { - activation: null, - state_gender: "MALE", - state_province: "ZA-WC", - state_city: null, - city_location: "+00-025/", - state_age: "18-39", - state_language: "eng", - data: {tb_privacy_policy_accepted: "yes"}, - } - } - }); - }) - .inputs({ session_event: "continue", to_addr: "*123*123*7#" }) - .check.user.state("state_welcome") - .run(); - }); - }); -});