- Vastly simplify the templating. This introduces major backward incompatibility.
- Implement caching to speed up the Explorer.
- Added a cached loader to speed up rendering during development.
- Django 1.11 compatibility.
- Simplify layout and models. This introduces some backward incompatibility with 0.2.1. You may need to update your templates.
- Vastly simplify the RESTful API.
- PyPy and Python 3.5 compatibility.
- Consider the entire nested structure when computing a cache key.
- Deepmerge now merges through nested lists.
- Deepmerge now does automatic type conversion from a dictionary to a dictionary in a list if required.
- Make it possible to override iframe.html for each project.
- New UI theme.
- Django template and RESTful API.
- Inevitable rename to avoid name collision.
- First release.