- Remove unmaintained django-pagination-fork dependency and replace with
. - Add Python 3.5 tests.
- Drop Django 1.9 support.
- Add missing migrations.
- Simplify as_leaf_class method. It was erroneously assuming it was saving a database query.
- Add DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly permissions to jmbo-modelbase-permitted API endpoint.
- Use django-sortedm2m because it does proper sorting at ORM level.
- Compatibility with Django Rest Framework 3.6
- Django 1.9 - 1.11 compatibility.
- This release deprecates the items marked for deprecation in the 2.x versions.
- Fixed an issue where the patched photologue may flip the image.
- Special migration handling for a special database - Oracle.
- Move to tox for unit testing.
- Add indexes for
- Add database index to
- Safe handling for missing image on an object.
- The fix for 2.0.10 was incomplete. Fix it properly.
- Fix missing
in migrations. It would always try to pull in django-atlas without it.
- Add a model that allows a specific curated image to override a scale that would normally be generated.
- The
view now respects template_name set at class level.
- Simplify template inclusion tags.
- The detail and list views now respect the model attribute.
- Make object detail template resolution follow the standard Django naming conventions. Backward compatibility is preserved.
- Move test templates into tests directory.
- Add dependency on
and deferjmbocache
template tag toultracache
template tag.
- Gracefully handle missing images in the API.
- Change the site information in the unicode method to be less overwhelming.
- Use built-in jQuery for autosave function.
- Patch ImageModel delete to handle null image.
- Limit photologue to <3.2 because they have stopped supporting Django 1.6.
- Disable more filters so Oracle can work.
- Disable advanced admin change list filtering if Oracle is the database. The Oracle adapter is buggy.
- Allow per content type customization of object header and footer.
- Select all sites initially for new items.
- The API now dereferences resource URI to the leaf class if possible.
- Ensure image field is optional on ModelBase database table as well.
- Move to Django 1.6 support. Django 1.4 support is deprecated. For Django 1.4 use Jmbo 1.x.
- Add Clone this item button to change forms.
- Deprecate gizmo, "wide" template, Pin class.
- Deprecate own class based generic views in favour of Django's equivalent.
- Deprecate views related to show objects per category. jmbo-foundry offers a much more powerful solution and scales better.
- Limit Relation change form to only ModelBase subclasses.
- Deprecate smart_url template tag because Django url template tag does the same now.
- Move back to mainline django-photologue.
- API now includes image detail url.
- Use renamed django-photologue-praekelt.
- SEO optimizations in templates.
- Make it possible to reach a detail page through a category.
- Bump to resolve missing version bump in setup.py.
- API now includes image detail url.
- URL pattern to resolve detail page through category.
- Ignore result of celery tasks as appropriate.
- Relax uniqueness constraint on slugs.
- Fix modelbase editing where location field was added to wrong fieldset.
- Add logging to jmbocache template tag.
- Add a template base.html so unit tests that render detail pages work.
- Reshuffle the test layout.
- Location aware functionality now only takes effect if both 'django-atlas` and django.contrib.gis are installed.
- django-photologue 2.10 is now the minimum version.
- Add rel="nofollow" on view modifier links.
- Fix render_object where context was copied instead of using push and pop.
- Simplify sharing link creation.
- Fix a broken find link in setup.py.
- Fix incorrect file permissions.
- Add functionality to periodically autosave certain fields on the change form.
- Change change list ordering to be -publish_on, -created.
- Change get_related_items ordering to be -publish_on, -created.
- Use a celery task to publish content.
- Permalink now links to all sites.
- Change secretballot usage so it does not hijack the objects manager anymore.
- Add owner_override and image_attribution fields.
- Change permitted manager and generic object detail so staff can preview unpublished content.
- Aggregate total comments and likes onto ModelBase to prevent expensive queries.
- Add caching template tag jmbocache which automatically adds the SITE_ID as part of the cache key.
- Generic caching on detail templates.
- Share on Google.
- Add a list filter in admin to filter ModelBase objects by site and site group.
- ModelBase.__unicode__ includes the site name - non-admin templates that rely on __unicode__ will have to be updated.
- Set title, description and keywords meta tags on detail page.
- comment_count is now aware that multiple sites may comprise a logical site.
- Make jmbo_publish command timezone-aware, ensuring that it works with old, naive timestamps.
- Restore crop from field to a more prominent position.
- Simplify the change form. Move advanced fields into their own section.
- Ensure the leaf object is passed to template tags in modelbase_detail.html.
- get_related_items parameter name is now optional. The sorting has changed to reverse on modified (our default sorting).
- as_leaf_class method would break if two models had the same name. Fixed.
- Jmbo is now location aware. This requires a manual upgrade of libraries and existing databases. DO NOT UPGRADE to 1.0 without preparation. If you are on Ubuntu then it is as simple as running the interactive
- modelbase_detail inclusion template now has a block for easier re-use.
- Simplified paginator. No more breadcrumbs.
- Introduce object_footer template which shows sharing links.
has an API change. It has always only been used internally and should not cause problems.- README.rst gets friendlier documentation.
- Pin Django on 1.4.x range.
- Add Save and publish and Save and unpublish buttons to edit form.
- Use django.jQuery instead of $ to trigger publish ajax call. $ is not necessarily available.
signal receivers now only checksModelBase
based objects. Also updated for compatibility withdjango-likes
0.0.8, which updated its signal'sobj
param to conventionalinstance
>= 0.0.8 is now required for correct operation.
- Django 1.4 compatible release. Django 1.4 is now required.
- Detail templates can now be customized per model. Create {app_label}/{model}_detail.html.
- publish_on and retract_on filters are now applied via management command jmbo_publish. Run it via cron.
- Published state is not directly editable through change form anymore. It is now an action.
- Natural key support for dumping and loading data.
- Use Pillow instead of PIL.
- Use slug for lookups in tastypie API.
- Add a decorator register_tag that can accept a softcoded list of templates.
- django-tastypie support added
- Add image_list_url to Modelbase.
- Pin django-setuptest to 0.0.6 because of issue in 0.0.7
- Admin category filtering now filters on both categories and primary_category fields.
- Remove dependency links in setup.py.
- render_object tag now fails with clear TemplateDoesNot exist exception.
- Include category filtering in admin.
- Find links in setup.py
- Add Opengraph metadata tags to detail view.
- Add dependency on django-sites-groups.
- Setup South migration chain.
- Bring pager HTML and CSS in line with django-pagination.
- Add wrapping div to comments UI.
- Fix admin interface bug where some fields were duplicated.
- Reverse lookup for <content_type>_object_detail now works for model names that may contain spaces, eg. 'Blog Post'.
- Add fallback to modelbase detail view to get_absolute_url.
- Add ability to limit size of queryset for generic views.
- Afrikaans and French translations.
- Make it possible to specify a custom photosize per content type.
- Introduce a new optional field 'subtitle' for friendlier admin UI.
- Add South migrations. Existing installations must be upgraded using ./manage.py migrate jmbo 0001 --fake and then ./manage.py migrate jmbo.
- Added primary category field on ModelBase.
- Allow for modifier on humanize time diff tag.
- Added category pin model and admin override.
- Jmbo rename.
- Added state admin bulk actions.
- Use photologue 2.6.praekelt
- Generate slug optimization.
- Refactored ModelBase.comment_count to resolve comments for leaf class or modelbase content types.
- Generic form issues corrected.
- Use django-photologue 2.5.praekelt
- Improved generate_slug utils method.
- Removed ModelBaseAdminForm.