diff --git a/docs/practices/discussions/retrospective.md b/docs/practices/discussions/retrospective.md index 27b7ba57..7bd3934b 100644 --- a/docs/practices/discussions/retrospective.md +++ b/docs/practices/discussions/retrospective.md @@ -6,13 +6,12 @@ A regular group discussion to share experiences about a previous period of work. A Retrospective is carried out at the conclusion of a significant piece of work, e.g. major feature delivered or project delivered. -Feedback should be captured during a retropective and action points identified, along with a person responsible to ensure that action is completed. +Feedback should be captured during a retropective and action points identified, along with a person responsible to ensure that action is completed. ??? HINT "Shared Drawing tool for Retrospectives" - Many online drawing tools provide features to support an online interactive tool for retrospectives, e.g + Many online drawing tools provide features to support an online interactive tool for retrospectives, e.g - [:globe_with_meridians: Atlassian Confluence retrospective template](https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/templates/retrospective -){target=_blank .md-button} + [:globe_with_meridians: Atlassian Confluence retrospective template](https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/templates/retrospective){target=_blank .md-button} [:globe_with_meridians: Miro retrospective templates](https://miro.com/templates/retrospective/){target=_blank .md-button} @@ -28,4 +27,3 @@ Feedback should be captured during a retropective and action points identified, [:globe_with_meridians: Retrospective - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrospective){target=_blank .md-button} [:globe_with_meridians: Agile Retrospective Resource Wiki](https://retrospectivewiki.org/index.php?title=Agile_Retrospective_Resource_Wiki){target=_blank .md-button} -