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USB 3.0 PCI Controller Pass through

pr1ntf edited this page Dec 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

1 Determine the bus/slot/function of the device that you want to pass through with 'pciconf -vl'.

My device is:

xhci1@pci0:8:0:0:	class=0x0c0330 card=0x34831106 chip=0x34831106 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'VIA Technologies, Inc.'
    class      = serial bus
    subclass   = USB

2 Disable the xhci driver in the FreeBSD kernel.

Compile a custom kernel without xhci driver

# cd /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf

Find and change lines as below:

#device		xhci			# XHCI PCI->USB interface (USB 3.0)

Save and exit

# cd /usr/src
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
# make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
# reboot

After reboot 'pciconf -vl' must return:

none0@pci0:8:0:0:	class=0x0c0330 card=0x34831106 chip=0x34831106 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'VIA Technologies, Inc.'
    class      = serial bus
    subclass   = USB

3 The device is ready for the pass through

# ee /boot/loader.conf

add this line:


save, exit, reboot and again:

# pciconf -vl

Now if the output is like:

ppt0@pci0:8:0:0:	class=0x0c0330 card=0x34831106 chip=0x34831106 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'VIA Technologies, Inc.'
    class      = serial bus
    subclass   = USB

4 Pass the device with iohyve:

# iohyve set bsd(linux)guest pcidev:1=passthru,8/0/0

That's all!