diff --git a/extensions/positron-python/src/client/common/installer/productInstaller.ts b/extensions/positron-python/src/client/common/installer/productInstaller.ts
index 8a2ac2d1a3a..d0d98c30b9c 100644
--- a/extensions/positron-python/src/client/common/installer/productInstaller.ts
+++ b/extensions/positron-python/src/client/common/installer/productInstaller.ts
@@ -304,7 +304,10 @@ export class DataScienceInstaller extends BaseInstaller {
             if (pipInstaller) {
                 traceInfo(`Installing pip as its not available to install ${moduleName}.`);
                 await pipInstaller
-                    .installModule(Product.pip, interpreter, cancel)
+                    // --- Start Positron ---
+                    // installAsProcess is required to respect the "Install in Terminal" setting?
+                    .installModule(Product.pip, interpreter, cancel, undefined, { installAsProcess: true })
+                    // --- End Positron ---
                     .catch((ex) =>
                             `Error in installing the module '${moduleName} as Pip could not be installed', ${ex}`,
@@ -418,17 +421,37 @@ export class DataScienceInstaller extends BaseInstaller {
     ): Promise<InstallerResponse> {
         // --- Start Positron ---
         const productName = ProductNames.get(product)!;
-        const install = await positron.window.showSimpleModalDialogPrompt(
-            l10n.t('Install Python package "{0}"?', productName),
-            message ??
-                l10n.t(
-                    'To enable Python support, Positron needs to install the package "{0}" for the active interpreter.',
-                    productName,
-                ),
-            l10n.t('Install'),
-        );
+        let hasPip = true;
+        if (_flags && _flags & ModuleInstallFlags.installPipIfRequired) {
+            const installer = this.serviceContainer.get<IInstaller>(IInstaller);
+            hasPip = await installer.isInstalled(Product.pip, resource);
+        }
+        let install;
+        if (hasPip) {
+            install = await positron.window.showSimpleModalDialogPrompt(
+                l10n.t('Install Python package "{0}"?', productName),
+                message ??
+                    l10n.t(
+                        'To enable Python support, Positron needs to install the package "{0}" for the active interpreter.',
+                        productName,
+                    ),
+                l10n.t('Install'),
+            );
+        } else {
+            install = await positron.window.showSimpleModalDialogPrompt(
+                l10n.t('Install Python packages "{0}" and "{1}"?', ProductNames.get(Product.pip)!, productName),
+                message ??
+                    l10n.t(
+                        'To enable Python support, Positron needs to install the package "{0}" for the active interpreter.',
+                        productName,
+                    ),
+                l10n.t('Install'),
+            );
+        }
         if (install) {
-            return this.install(product, resource, cancel, undefined, options);
+            return this.install(product, resource, cancel, _flags, options);
         // --- End Positron ---
         return InstallerResponse.Ignore;
diff --git a/extensions/positron-python/src/client/positron/session.ts b/extensions/positron-python/src/client/positron/session.ts
index 1d5fa5411c9..a856fc78db9 100644
--- a/extensions/positron-python/src/client/positron/session.ts
+++ b/extensions/positron-python/src/client/positron/session.ts
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import * as fs from 'fs';
 import * as vscode from 'vscode';
 import PQueue from 'p-queue';
 import { ProductNames } from '../common/installer/productNames';
-import { InstallOptions } from '../common/installer/types';
+import { InstallOptions, ModuleInstallFlags } from '../common/installer/types';
 import {
@@ -254,6 +255,9 @@ export class PythonRuntimeSession implements positron.LanguageRuntimeSession, vs
+            // Check if we have Pip installed, already
+            const hasPip = await installer.isInstalled(Product.pip, interpreter);
             // Pass a cancellation token to enable VSCode's progress indicator and let the user
             // cancel the install.
             const tokenSource = new vscode.CancellationTokenSource();
@@ -265,19 +269,32 @@ export class PythonRuntimeSession implements positron.LanguageRuntimeSession, vs
             const installOrUpgrade = hasCompatibleKernel === ProductInstallStatus.NeedsUpgrade ? 'upgrade' : 'install';
             const product = Product.ipykernel;
-            const message = vscode.l10n.t(
-                'To enable Python support, Positron needs to {0} the package <code>{1}</code> for the active interpreter {2} at: <code>{3}</code>.',
-                installOrUpgrade,
-                ProductNames.get(product)!,
-                `Python ${this.runtimeMetadata.languageVersion}`,
-                this.runtimeMetadata.runtimePath,
-            );
+            let message;
+            if (!hasPip) {
+                message = vscode.l10n.t(
+                    'To enable Python support, Positron needs to {0} the packages <code>{1}</code> and <code>{2}</code> for the active interpreter {3} at: <code>{4}</code>.',
+                    installOrUpgrade,
+                    ProductNames.get(Product.pip)!,
+                    ProductNames.get(product)!,
+                    `Python ${this.runtimeMetadata.languageVersion}`,
+                    this.runtimeMetadata.runtimePath,
+                );
+            } else {
+                message = vscode.l10n.t(
+                    'To enable Python support, Positron needs to {0} the package <code>{1}</code> for the active interpreter {2} at: <code>{3}</code>.',
+                    installOrUpgrade,
+                    ProductNames.get(product)!,
+                    `Python ${this.runtimeMetadata.languageVersion}`,
+                    this.runtimeMetadata.runtimePath,
+                );
+            }
             const response = await installer.promptToInstall(
-                undefined,
+                ModuleInstallFlags.installPipIfRequired,
diff --git a/extensions/positron-python/src/test/common/installer/productInstaller.unit.test.ts b/extensions/positron-python/src/test/common/installer/productInstaller.unit.test.ts
index 2aff33a552e..c804ce7fe9c 100644
--- a/extensions/positron-python/src/test/common/installer/productInstaller.unit.test.ts
+++ b/extensions/positron-python/src/test/common/installer/productInstaller.unit.test.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 // Licensed under the MIT License.
+// --- Start Positron ---
+// Disable eslint rules for our import block below. This appears at the top of the file to stop
+// auto-formatting tools from reordering the imports.
+/* eslint-disable import/no-duplicates */
+/* eslint-disable import/order */
+// --- End Positron ---
 'use strict';
@@ -8,6 +14,9 @@ import * as TypeMoq from 'typemoq';
 import { IApplicationShell } from '../../../client/common/application/types';
 import { DataScienceInstaller } from '../../../client/common/installer/productInstaller';
 import { IInstallationChannelManager, IModuleInstaller, InterpreterUri } from '../../../client/common/installer/types';
+// --- Start Positron ---
+import { ModuleInstallFlags } from '../../../client/common/installer/types';
+// --- End Positron ---
 import { InstallerResponse, Product } from '../../../client/common/types';
 import { Architecture } from '../../../client/common/utils/platform';
 import { IServiceContainer } from '../../../client/ioc/types';
@@ -220,4 +229,72 @@ suite('DataScienceInstaller install', async () => {
         const result = await dataScienceInstaller.install(Product.ipykernel, testEnvironment);
         expect(result).to.equal(InstallerResponse.Installed, 'Should be Installed');
+    // --- Start Positron ---
+    test('Will install pip if necessary', async () => {
+        const testEnvironment: PythonEnvironment = {
+            envType: EnvironmentType.VirtualEnv,
+            envName: 'test',
+            envPath: interpreterPath,
+            path: interpreterPath,
+            architecture: Architecture.x64,
+            sysPrefix: '',
+        };
+        const testInstaller = TypeMoq.Mock.ofType<IModuleInstaller>();
+        testInstaller.setup((c) => c.type).returns(() => ModuleInstallerType.Pip);
+        // Mock a function to install Product.pip
+        testInstaller
+            .setup((c) =>
+                c.installModule(
+                    TypeMoq.It.isValue(Product.pip),
+                    TypeMoq.It.isValue(testEnvironment),
+                    TypeMoq.It.isAny(),
+                    TypeMoq.It.isAny(),
+                    // We added the `options` param in https://github.com/posit-dev/positron-python/pull/66.
+                    TypeMoq.It.isAny(),
+                ),
+            )
+            .callback(() => {
+                // Add the testInstaller to the available channels once installModule is called
+                // with Product.pip
+                installationChannelManager
+                    .setup((c) => c.getInstallationChannels(TypeMoq.It.isAny()))
+                    .returns(() => Promise.resolve([testInstaller.object]));
+            })
+            .returns(() => Promise.resolve());
+        testInstaller
+            .setup((c) =>
+                c.installModule(
+                    TypeMoq.It.isValue(Product.ipykernel),
+                    TypeMoq.It.isValue(testEnvironment),
+                    TypeMoq.It.isAny(),
+                    TypeMoq.It.isAny(),
+                    // We added the `options` param in https://github.com/posit-dev/positron-python/pull/66.
+                    TypeMoq.It.isAny(),
+                ),
+            )
+            .returns(() => Promise.resolve());
+        serviceContainer
+            .setup((c) => c.getAll(TypeMoq.It.isValue(IModuleInstaller)))
+            .returns(() => [testInstaller.object]);
+        installationChannelManager
+            .setup((c) => c.getInstallationChannels(TypeMoq.It.isAny()))
+            // Specify no installation channels from the get-go
+            .returns(() => Promise.resolve([]));
+        const result = await dataScienceInstaller.install(
+            Product.ipykernel,
+            testEnvironment,
+            undefined,
+            // Pass in the flag to install Pip if it's not available yet
+            ModuleInstallFlags.installPipIfRequired,
+        );
+        expect(result).to.equal(InstallerResponse.Installed, 'Should be Installed');
+    });
+    // --- End Positron ---