This is a 14 day crash course of Data Structures and Algorithms which will cover almost all the basics required for the interviews.
- Slides for the most important DSA topics
- 40+ Quality Questions
- 90+ MCQ
- 3 Practice contest
- Books and other resources provided for DSA preparation
DAY | Topics Covered |
1 | Introduction to Data Structures, Time and Space Complexities |
2 | Arrays, Linked list |
3 | Recursion , Stack , Queues |
4 | Trees, BST |
5 | Heaps |
6 | Introduction to Algorithms, Sorting and Searching Algorithms |
7 | Divide and Conquer |
8 | Greedy Algorithms |
9 | Backtracking |
10-11 | [Dynamic Programming](Day 10-11/Readme_of_day10-11.html) |
12-13 | [Graph Algorithms](Day 12-13/Readme_of_day12-13.html) |
14 | [STL and Problem Solving Sessions](Day 14/Readme_of_day14.html) |