- Closes #40.
Start calling xnew_data issue #40.
Closes #39.
Warn if in seq and ref closes #7.
Test xcast.
Obs_data to old_data.
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:poissonconsulting/newdata.
- Sync workflows (#36).
- Auto-update from GitHub Actions (#24).
Use Ubuntu 24.04 and styler PR (#33).
Correctly detect branch protection (#30).
Use stable pak (#29).
Latest changes (#27).
Use pkgdown branch (#26).
Install via R CMD INSTALL ., not pak (#25).
Install local package for pkgdown builds.
Improve support for protected branches with fledge.
Improve support for protected branches, without fledge.
Sync with latest developments.
Fix edge case of no suggested packages.
Use workflows from actions-sync.
Sync rcc workflows.
Sync codecov workflows.
- Xcoerce() (#18).
Merge pull request #23 from poissonconsulting/f-snapshots.
Merge pull request #21 from poissonconsulting/upkeep-2024-08.
Soft-deprecate all arguments to
- Same as previous version.
- Use standalone purrr (#14).
Fix bug in
not returning all levels of factor. -
Update authors.
Adding obs_only = FALSE argument to new_seq.
Merge pull request #13 from poissonconsulting/f-new-style-fun.
Set character vectors to be all by default.
Drop new_seq default.
Character new value now uses most common min value.
Ordered behaves like integer.
Factor and character now takes first to last.
New seq character now has length out argument.
New_value.Date() returns integer date.
Switch to testthat 3.
Adding examples new_seq() and new_value().
Added examples
- Add
. - Replaced error() with chk::err()
- Switch to Rmarkdown for roxygen
- check R >= 3.6
- Removed dependency on magrittr.
- Edited news file.
- Added
- Replace deprecated tibble::as_data_frame() with tibble::as_tibble().
- Edited news file.
- Same as previous version.
- Added
- Replace deprecated tibble::as_data_frame() with tibble::as_tibble().