diff --git a/docs/section23/Rule23-6.md b/docs/section23/Rule23-6.md index f456fd80ca..2c45d43e61 100644 --- a/docs/section23/Rule23-6.md +++ b/docs/section23/Rule23-6.md @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ 1. get_baseline_system_types() 2. baseline_system_type_compare() +3. get_dict_of_zones_and_terminal_units_served_by_hvac_sys() +4. baseline_system_type_compare() **Applicability Checks:** @@ -37,19 +39,17 @@ - add the hvac_ids for this system type to the list of eligible_systems: `eligible_systems += baseline_hvac_system_dict[baseline_system_type]` -- For each zone in B_RMR: `for zone_b in B_RMI...zones:` +- get a dictionary of hvac systems, their zones and terminal units using the function get_dict_of_zones_and_terminal_units_served_by_hvac_sys : `dict_of_zones_and_terminal_units_served_by_hvac_sys = get_dict_of_zones_and_terminal_units_served_by_hvac_sys(B_RMI)` +- loop through the hvac systems in the dictionary: `for hvac_b_id in dict_of_zones_and_terminal_units_served_by_hvac_sys:` + - Check if HVAC system is type 6, 8, 8a, 6b, 8b: `if hvac_b_id in eligible_systems:` + - we do the rule check for each terminal: `for terminal_b_id in dict_of_zones_and_terminal_units_served_by_hvac_sys[hvac_b_id]["Terminal_Unit_List"]:` + - get the terminal unit associated with the id: `terminal_b = match_data_element(B_RMI,Terminal,terminal_b_id)` - - For each terminal in zone: `for terminal_b in zone_b.terminals:` +**Rule Assertion:** - - Get HVAC system serving terminal: `hvac_b = terminal_b.served_by_heating_ventilating_air_conditioning_system` - - - Check if HVAC system is type 6, 8, 8a, 6b, 8b: `if hvac_b.id in eligible_systems:` + - Case 1: For each terminal that is served by HVAC system that is Type-6, 8, 8a, 6b, 8b, if fan in parallel VAV-powered box is sized for 50% of the peak design primary air (from the VAV air-handling unit) flow rate (CFM) and is modeled with 0.35W/cfm fan power: `if ( terminal_b.fan.design_airflow == terminal_b.primary_airflow * 0.5 ) AND ( terminal_b.fan.design_electric_power == 0.35 * terminal_b.fan.design_airflow ): PASS` - **Rule Assertion:** - - - Case 1: For each terminal that is served by HVAC system that is Type-6, 8, 8a, 6b, 8b, if fan in parallel VAV-powered box is sized for 50% of the peak design primary air (from the VAV air-handling unit) flow rate (CFM) and is modeled with 0.35W/cfm fan power: `if ( terminal_b.fan.design_airflow == terminal_b.primary_airflow * 0.5 ) AND ( terminal_b.fan.design_electric_power == 0.35 * terminal_b.fan.design_airflow ): PASS` - - - Case 2: Else: `else: FAIL` + - Case 2: Else: `else: FAIL` **Notes:** 1. Updated the Rule ID from 23-5 to 23-6 on 11/28/2022