Breaking changes:
- add item here
New features:
- add item here
Bug fixes:
- add item here
- Fixed error caused by PAS inserting
in the openid query. Fixes issue 10. [maurits]
- Removed unused testing code with dependency to PloneTestCase [tomgross]
- Ported tests to [tomgross]
- Replace deprecated test assert statements. [timo]
- Use system random when available. This is part of the fix for [davisagli]
- Fixed extractCredentials to strip whitespaces around __ac_identity_url. This fixes [datakurre]
- Fixed to store timestamp as part of nonce. This fixes [datakurre]
- Add [WouterVH]
- Package metadata cleanup and definition of all package dependencies. [hannosch]
- Relicense to BSD. [Plone Foundation]
- Refactor tests to be simple python test cases. This removes all dependencies on Plone code. [wichert]
- Specify package dependencies. [hannosch]
- Handle the case where the handles for a given domain are empty but a request for them is made anyway. This fixes [jvloothuis]
- Fixed bug where you could not log in via OpenID, immediately log out, and then immediately log in again. [davisagli]
- Upgraded to python-openid>=2.2.1 to fix handling of OpenID providers that use identifier recycling. (c.f. This closes [davisagli]
- Use the OpenID "claimed identifier" so that the proper identity URL is displayed when using delegation. [davisagli]
- Writing test and fixes for bug #7176 whereby a traceback was produced when an empty string identity was placed in the openid login form. [andrewb]
- Do not enable OpenID support if python has no SSL support. [wichert]
- Also accept https URLs as valid identifiers. This fixes [wichert]
- First stable release [wichert]