Bug fixes:
- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)
Bug fixes:
- Drop dependency on plone.app.form [MatthewWilkes]
Bug fixes:
- Fix import location for Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces. [thet]
- Use zope.interface decorator. [gforcada]
- Fixed to work with Plone 5. [vangheem]
- Updated to work with new plone.batching
selector as well as with old one. [thet]
- Do not fail if a level of the path we are adding the object using the ReferenceBrowser widget is not accessible by the current user. [gbastien]
- Show elements that the reader has no access to as "Undisclosed" instead of throwing Unauthorized. [pbauer]
- Follow README/CHANGES best practice. [tisto]
- saner check for isNotSelf(), which was throwing KeyError [alecpm, tkimnguyen]
#23 added parameter 'use_wildcard_search' to widget, True by default [gbastien]
usage with$
[keul]Fixing reference sorting issue due to global function refactoring done on recent versions [keul]
Add labels for images in the popup widget. [mitakas]
#16 fix browsing for widgets in case field has set
(Warning: changed return value of view/getResult from [`brain1, brain2,..]` to
[dict(item=brain1,browsable=True, referenceable=False),...]
in case you customized popup.pt) [fRiSi]
- Fix the "Clear Reference" button, which was not working due to the refbrowser_removeReference function hidden in a anonymous function. [thet]
- fixed allowed_types [agitator]
- Fix JavaScript for compatibility with jQuery 1.9 by using jQuery's
, attached to document, instead oflive
. [thet] - Use foward compatable test for checked items with jQuery >=1.7 fixes https://dev.plone.org/ticket/13853 [arterrey]
- Fix non-multi reference selection when the referenced object no longer exists. [mattss]
- Do not use portal_interface tool but @@plone_interface_info (PLIP #13770). [ale-rt]
- Filter out references that are None. This may happen when the reference_catalog has links from a source to a no longer existing target. [maurits]
- Modified pagination links selector to use only ".listingBar" instead of "div.listingBar". The batchnavigation.pt template can be customized in a theme and use a different structure, "ul.listingBar" for example. [vincentfretin]
- If we have a sort_on parameter in base_query, use it instead of getObjPositionInParent to display folder content. [thomasdesvenain]
- Added two widget properties that allow to add help messages on popup, in two slots (top and bottom). [thomasdesvenain]
- Added css ids in popup. [thomasdesvenain]
- Wrap jQuery functions for better compatibility. [esteele]
- 2.4.15 broke non-multi reference selection. Added code to discriminate between multi and single widget id. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/ticket/13402 [smcmahon]
- Add an option of searching for related items by path. [plamut]
- Make new added references sortable with already existing ones while editing a content. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/13271 [gbastien]
- Use HTML5 placeholder attribute on search box. Replaces deprecated inputLabel class. [danjacka]
- Fixed typo [tomgross]
- Use normalizeString to create class names for an item's portal type and review state. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11400. [danjacka]
- don't let search fail on broken catalog [tomgross]
- Restored a "view" link on linkable items (as with Plone 3): It will open a preview of the element in a popup window. [keul]
- Fixed referenced elements sort order on widget view. [gbastien]
- Take search_index into account while used in popup search form. [gbastien]
- Show item icons in popup. [thomasdesvenain]
- Limit the width of checkboxes column in popup. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fixed breadcrumbs internationalization in popup. [thomasdesvenain]
- We can restrict browsable types, with browsable_types parameter on widget. [thomasdesvenain]
- updated query to take allowed_types into account [hpeteragitator]
- fixed form submission issue in ie #11984 [tom_gross]
- Completed MANIFEST.in [tom_gross]
- Added MANIFEST.in [tom_gross]
- Fixed release [tom_gross]
- Fixed tests for plone.uuid >= 1.0.2 [tom_gross]
- Fix: text searches should search outside navigation root [gotcha]
- Use label tags for selectable items. [esteele]
- Fix: text search searches from navigation root. [thomasdesvenain]
- moved checkPermission from widget template to helper [tom_gross]
- Fix referencebrowser.js error when using allow_sorting = 1 [toutpt]
- Fix: overlay is not closed at item selection when field is multivalued. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fix undefined variable checkPermission [kiorky]
- Fix error in refbrowser_moveReferenceDown and refbrowser_moveReferenceUp which caused page reloads when a referenced item was moved twice. Refs http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11859 [cewing]
- Fix errors in sorting scripts which caused failure to detect items at head or tail of list of referenced items. Refs http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11859 [cewing]
- Add js hack to move overlay div to be a direct child of body to avoid IE7 z-index bug. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11465. [smcmahon]
- Fix regression in UID lookup in cases where plone.uuid is present, but not used for Archetypes content (such as with plone.app.discussion 1.0 on Plone 4.0) [davisagli]
- Fixed: widget did not work when search was disallowed. [thomasdesvenain]
- Fixed getStartupDirectory method if a startup_directory_method was defined, which cannot be traversed to. [hannosch]
- check the references in the overlay that are checked in the widget when the overlay is constructed or refreshed. [csenger]
- Don't disable checkboxes in overlay when an item is selected. Remove the item from the value list when it is unchecked in the value list. fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10786 [csenger]
- Don't issue deprecation-warnings on Zope 2.13 [tom_gross]
- Fixed title display for images with preview http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11290 [tom_gross]
- Fixed: do not return results that are outside of startup directory if browse is restricted to it. [thomasdesvenain]
- Qualify input tag id to avoid name-clashing. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11325. [malthe]
- Made sure to always quote
when forwarding it in the templates. [deo] - Use URL quoting of
everywhere and quote in Python code not in templates. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11297 [tom_gross] - Cleaned breadcrumb code Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11289 [tom_gross]
- Fixed i18n of "You are here:". [vincentfretin]
- Set a minimum version for jquerytools, to avoid this problem #10939 [do3cc]
- Encode search-URL. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10942 [tom_gross]
- Make sure the popup can be closed by the same ways as other popups in Plone 4. Fixes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10773 [davisagli]
- Fixed bug: pop-up didn't render id of file with empty title because of improper use of TALES Path expression. Now uses browser method instead. [kleist]
- Fixed link rebinding of pagination links (thanks Mustapha Benali!) [tom_gross]
- Fixed display of title (introduced in 2.0b3)
- Use getOverlay() instead of the deprecated getContent() Closes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10548 [esteele]
- Use content icons from sprite Closes http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10543 [tom_gross]
- Adding missing return falses to prevent page reloads on reordering [cah190,esteele]
- Mark already related objects visually in referencebrowser [tom_gross]
- Only show sorting arrows on adding, if field is really sortable [tom_gross]
- use Python doctest instead of zope.testing.doctest [tom_gross]
- Updated package description [tom_gross]
- Merged javascript files to one, which is included only with the widget [tom_gross]