diff --git a/electron/preload.js b/electron/preload.js
index 16ae2761..7876481b 100644
--- a/electron/preload.js
+++ b/electron/preload.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const defaultPlebbitOptions = {
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('defaultPlebbitOptions', defaultPlebbitOptions);
// expose a flag to indicate that we are running in electron
-contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', { isElectron: true });
+contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('isElectron', true);
// uncomment for logs
// localStorage.debug = 'plebbit-js:*,plebbit-react-hooks:*,seedit:*'
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 369f5cb2..27d9dcdb 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-dom": "18.2.0",
"react-i18next": "13.2.2",
- "react-markdown": "9.0.1",
+ "react-markdown": "8.0.6",
"react-router-dom": "6.16.0",
"react-scripts": "5.0.1",
"react-virtuoso": "4.6.0",
- "rehype-sanitize": "6.0.0",
- "remark-breaks": "^4.0.0",
+ "rehype-sanitize": "5.0.1",
+ "remark-breaks": "3.0.2",
"remark-gfm": "4.0.0",
"tcp-port-used": "1.0.2",
"typescript": "5.2.2",
diff --git a/public/apple-touch-icon.png b/public/apple-touch-icon.png
index 0863d423..85a10e14 100644
Binary files a/public/apple-touch-icon.png and b/public/apple-touch-icon.png differ
diff --git a/public/assets/buttons/continue-this-thread-arrow-dark.png b/public/assets/buttons/continue-this-thread-arrow-dark.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98b15bdb
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/assets/buttons/continue-this-thread-arrow-dark.png differ
diff --git a/public/assets/buttons/continue-this-thread-arrow.png b/public/assets/buttons/continue-this-thread-arrow.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e26fd61e
Binary files /dev/null and b/public/assets/buttons/continue-this-thread-arrow.png differ
diff --git a/public/electron-tray-icon.png b/public/electron-tray-icon.png
index 0863d423..85a10e14 100644
Binary files a/public/electron-tray-icon.png and b/public/electron-tray-icon.png differ
diff --git a/public/icon.png b/public/icon.png
index ab957948..c5cfb24a 100644
Binary files a/public/icon.png and b/public/icon.png differ
diff --git a/public/manifest-icon-192x192.png b/public/manifest-icon-192x192.png
index 4bfcebd9..939b5cf9 100644
Binary files a/public/manifest-icon-192x192.png and b/public/manifest-icon-192x192.png differ
diff --git a/public/manifest-icon-512x512.png b/public/manifest-icon-512x512.png
index ab957948..7558d617 100644
Binary files a/public/manifest-icon-512x512.png and b/public/manifest-icon-512x512.png differ
diff --git a/public/translations/ar/default.json b/public/translations/ar/default.json
index 5774593b..2a2c24fd 100644
--- a/public/translations/ar/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/ar/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "أدناه هي المجتمعات التي أنت مستخدم معتمد فيها.",
"below_moderator_access": "أدناه هي المجتمعات التي لديك وصولاً كمشرف إليها.",
"not_moderator": "أنت لست مشرفًا على أي مجتمع.",
- "create_community": "إنشاء مجتمع"
+ "create_community": "إنشاء مجتمع",
+ "single_comment_notice": "أنت تشاهد موضوع تعليق واحد فقط",
+ "single_comment_link": "عرض بقية التعليقات",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "لا يمكن الاتصال بعقدة P2P للمجتمع - يمكن لمالك المجتمع فقط تحرير إعداداته.",
+ "preview": "معاينة",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "يُعرَض في الشريط الجانبي لمجتمعك",
+ "community_logo_info": "قم بتعيين شعار المجتمع باستخدام رابط صورة مباشر (منتهي بـ .jpg أو .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "اسمح للمستخدمين الآخرين بالتدخل والنشر دون تحديات",
+ "vote": "صوت",
+ "passing": "مرور",
+ "rejecting": "رفض",
+ "add_moderator": "إضافة مشرف",
+ "add_rule": "إضافة قاعدة",
+ "json_settings": "إعدادات JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "نسخ أو لصق إعدادات المجتمع بسرعة",
+ "address_setting_info": "قم بتعيين عنوان مجتمع قابل للقراءة باستخدام ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/bn/default.json b/public/translations/bn/default.json
index b5ad5d40..fa23da65 100644
--- a/public/translations/bn/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/bn/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "নীচে সেটি সম্প্রদায়গুলি যেগুলি আপনি অনুমোদিত ব্যবহারকারী।",
"below_moderator_access": "নীচে সেটি সম্প্রদায়গুলি যেগুলি আপনি মডারেটরেটর অ্যাক্সেস রাখেন।",
"not_moderator": "আপনি কোনও সম্প্রদায়ে মডারেটর নন।",
- "create_community": "সম্প্রদায় তৈরি করুন"
+ "create_community": "সম্প্রদায় তৈরি করুন",
+ "single_comment_notice": "আপনি একটি মন্তব্যের থ্রেড দেখছেন",
+ "single_comment_link": "আরও মন্তব্য দেখুন",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "সম্প্রদায়ের P2P নোডে সংযোগ স্থাপন করতে পারেন না - একটি সম্প্রদায়ের মালিকদের মাত্র তার সেটিংস সম্পাদনা করতে পারেন।",
+ "preview": "পূর্বরূপ",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "আপনার সম্প্রদায়ের সাইডবারে দেখানো হয়",
+ "community_logo_info": "একটি সম্প্রদায়ের লোগো সেট করতে তার সরাসরি ইমেজ লিঙ্ক ব্যবহার করুন (.jpg, .png দিয়ে শেষ হলে)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "অন্যান্য ব্যবহারকারীদের সম্মোদন করতে এবং চ্যালেঞ্জ ছাড়া পোস্ট করতে দিন",
+ "vote": "ভোট দাও",
+ "passing": "পাস",
+ "rejecting": "বাতিল",
+ "add_moderator": "একটি মডারেটর যোগ করুন",
+ "add_rule": "একটি নিয়ম যোগ করুন",
+ "json_settings": "JSON সেটিংস",
+ "json_settings_info": "দ্রুত সমুদায়ের সেটিংস অনুলিপি বা পেস্ট করুন",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains ব্যবহার করে একটি পঠনীয় সমুদায় ঠিকানা সেট করুন"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/cs/default.json b/public/translations/cs/default.json
index e3635a38..cc57f3a6 100644
--- a/public/translations/cs/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/cs/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Níže jsou komunity, na kterých jste schváleným uživatelem.",
"below_moderator_access": "Níže jsou komunity, ke kterým máte moderátorský přístup.",
"not_moderator": "Nejste moderátorem žádné komunity.",
- "create_community": "Vytvořit komunitu"
+ "create_community": "Vytvořit komunitu",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Prohlížíte si vlákno jednoho komentáře",
+ "single_comment_link": "Zobrazit zbytek komentářů",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "Nelze se připojit k uzlu komunity P2P - pouze vlastník komunity může upravit její nastavení.",
+ "preview": "Náhled",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "zobrazeno na boční liště vaší komunity",
+ "community_logo_info": "Nastavte logo komunity pomocí jeho přímého odkazu na obrázek (končícího na .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "nechte ostatní uživatele moderovat a přispívat bez výzev",
+ "vote": "hlasovat",
+ "passing": "projde",
+ "rejecting": "zamítání",
+ "add_moderator": "přidat moderátora",
+ "add_rule": "přidat pravidlo",
+ "json_settings": "JSON nastavení",
+ "json_settings_info": "Rychle zkopírujte nebo vložte nastavení komunity",
+ "address_setting_info": "nastavte čitelnou adresu komunity pomocí ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/da/default.json b/public/translations/da/default.json
index b352fa61..f007206f 100644
--- a/public/translations/da/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/da/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Nedenfor er de fællesskaber, hvor du er en godkendt bruger.",
"below_moderator_access": "Nedenfor er de fællesskaber, du har moderatoradgang til.",
"not_moderator": "Du er ikke moderator på nogen fællesskab.",
- "create_community": "Opret fællesskab"
+ "create_community": "Opret fællesskab",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Du ser en tråd med kun en kommentar",
+ "single_comment_link": "Se resten af kommentarerne",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "Kan ikke forbinde til samfunds P2P-node - kun ejeren af et samfund kan redigere dets indstillinger.",
+ "preview": "Forhåndsvisning",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "vist i sidepanelet for din samfund",
+ "community_logo_info": "Indstil et fællesskabslogo ved hjælp af dets direkte billedlink (slutter i .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "lad andre brugere moderere og poste uden udfordringer",
+ "vote": "stemme",
+ "passing": "bestået",
+ "rejecting": "afvisning",
+ "add_moderator": "tilføj en moderator",
+ "add_rule": "tilføj en regel",
+ "json_settings": "JSON indstillinger",
+ "json_settings_info": "Hurtigt kopier eller indsæt fællesskabsindstillinger",
+ "address_setting_info": "indstil en læsbar fællesskabsadresse ved hjælp af ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/de/default.json b/public/translations/de/default.json
index 981852f0..daa567a8 100644
--- a/public/translations/de/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/de/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Hier sind die Gemeinschaften, auf denen du ein genehmigter Benutzer bist.",
"below_moderator_access": "Hier sind die Gemeinschaften, auf die Sie als Moderator zugreifen können.",
"not_moderator": "Du bist kein Moderator in einer Gemeinschaft.",
- "create_community": "Gemeinschaft erstellen"
+ "create_community": "Gemeinschaft erstellen",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Sie sehen einen Thread mit nur einem Kommentar",
+ "single_comment_link": "Den Rest der Kommentare anzeigen",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "Kann keine Verbindung zum P2P-Knoten der Community herstellen - nur der Eigentümer einer Community kann deren Einstellungen bearbeiten.",
+ "preview": "Vorschau",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "im Seitenbereich Ihrer Community angezeigt",
+ "community_logo_info": "Legen Sie ein Gemeinschaftslogo mit seinem direkten Bildlink fest (endet in .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "lassen Sie andere Benutzer moderieren und posten, ohne Herausforderungen",
+ "vote": "abstimmen",
+ "passing": "bestanden",
+ "rejecting": "ablehnend",
+ "add_moderator": "einen Moderator hinzufügen",
+ "add_rule": "eine Regel hinzufügen",
+ "json_settings": "JSON-Einstellungen",
+ "json_settings_info": "Gemeinschaftseinstellungen schnell kopieren oder einfügen",
+ "address_setting_info": "Setzen Sie eine lesbare Community-Adresse mit ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/el/default.json b/public/translations/el/default.json
index fd1a7e11..c97f40a6 100644
--- a/public/translations/el/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/el/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Παρακάτω βρίσκονται οι κοινότητες στις οποίες είστε εγκεκριμένος χρήστης.",
"below_moderator_access": "Παρακάτω βρίσκονται οι κοινότητες στις οποίες έχετε πρόσβαση ως διαχειριστής.",
"not_moderator": "Δεν είστε διαχειριστής σε καμία κοινότητα.",
- "create_community": "Δημιουργία κοινότητας"
+ "create_community": "Δημιουργία κοινότητας",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Βλέπετε ένα νήμα με έναν μόνο σχολιασμό",
+ "single_comment_link": "Προβολή των υπολοίπων σχολίων",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η σύνδεση με τον κόμβο P2P της κοινότητας - μόνο ο ιδιοκτήτης μιας κοινότητας μπορεί να επεξεργαστεί τις ρυθμίσεις της.",
+ "preview": "Προεπισκόπηση",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "εμφανίζεται στην πλευρική μπάρα της κοινότητάς σας",
+ "community_logo_info": "Ορίστε ένα λογότυπο κοινότητας χρησιμοποιώντας τον απευθείας σύνδεσμο εικόνας του (τελειώνοντας σε .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "αφήστε άλλους χρήστες να διαμεσολαβούν και να δημοσιεύουν χωρίς προκλήσεις",
+ "vote": "ψηφίστε",
+ "passing": "πέρασμα",
+ "rejecting": "απόρριψη",
+ "add_moderator": "προσθέστε έναν διαχειριστή",
+ "add_rule": "προσθέστε μια κανόνα",
+ "json_settings": "Ρυθμίσεις JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "Γρήγορη αντιγραφή ή επικόλληση των ρυθμίσεων της κοινότητας",
+ "address_setting_info": "ορίστε μια αναγνώσιμη διεύθυνση κοινότητας χρησιμοποιώντας το ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/en/default.json b/public/translations/en/default.json
index 1e08f90e..cabb3276 100644
--- a/public/translations/en/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/en/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Below are the communities that you are an approved user on.",
"below_moderator_access": "Below are the communities that you have moderator access to.",
"not_moderator": "You are not a moderator on any community.",
- "create_community": "Create community"
+ "create_community": "Create community",
+ "single_comment_notice": "You are viewing a single comment's thread",
+ "single_comment_link": "View the rest of the comments",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "can't connect to community p2p node - only the owner of a community can edit its settings.",
+ "preview": "preview",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "shown in the sidebar of your community",
+ "community_logo_info": "set a community logo using its direct image link (ending in .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "let other users moderate and post without challenges",
+ "vote": "vote",
+ "passing": "passing",
+ "rejecting": "rejecting",
+ "add_moderator": "add a moderator",
+ "add_rule": "add a rule",
+ "json_settings": "JSON settings",
+ "json_settings_info": "quickly copy or paste the community settings",
+ "address_setting_info": "set a readable community address using ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/es/default.json b/public/translations/es/default.json
index a0fe13b8..59fb572d 100644
--- a/public/translations/es/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/es/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "A continuación se muestran las comunidades en las que eres un usuario aprobado.",
"below_moderator_access": "A continuación se muestran las comunidades a las que tienes acceso como moderador.",
"not_moderator": "No eres moderador en ninguna comunidad.",
- "create_community": "Crear comunidad"
+ "create_community": "Crear comunidad",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Estás viendo un hilo de un solo comentario",
+ "single_comment_link": "Ver el resto de los comentarios",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "no se puede conectar al nodo P2P de la comunidad; solo el propietario de una comunidad puede editar sus configuraciones.",
+ "preview": "vista previa",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "mostrado en la barra lateral de tu comunidad",
+ "community_logo_info": "establecer un logotipo de comunidad utilizando su enlace de imagen directa (terminando en .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "permita que otros usuarios moderen y publiquen sin desafíos",
+ "vote": "votar",
+ "passing": "aprobado",
+ "rejecting": "rechazo",
+ "add_moderator": "agregar un moderador",
+ "add_rule": "agregar una regla",
+ "json_settings": "Configuración JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "copiar o pegar rápidamente la configuración de la comunidad",
+ "address_setting_info": "establezca una dirección de comunidad legible utilizando ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/fa/default.json b/public/translations/fa/default.json
index a82188a5..4477af0b 100644
--- a/public/translations/fa/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/fa/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "در زیر جوامعی که در آنها کاربر تاییدشده هستید، نمایش داده میشود.",
"below_moderator_access": "در زیر جوامعی که به عنوان مدیر دسترسی دارید، نمایش داده میشوند.",
"not_moderator": "شما مدیر در هیچ جامعه نیستید.",
- "create_community": "ایجاد اجتماع"
+ "create_community": "ایجاد اجتماع",
+ "single_comment_notice": "شما در حال مشاهده تاییده یک نظر هستید",
+ "single_comment_link": "مشاهده بقیه نظرات",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "نمیتوان به گره P2P اجتماع متصل شد - تنها مالک یک اجتماع میتواند تنظیمات آن را ویرایش کند.",
+ "preview": "پیشنمایش",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "در نوار کناری اجتماع شما نشان داده میشود",
+ "community_logo_info": "یک لوگوی اجتماعی با استفاده از پیوند تصویر مستقیم آن (پایان یافته به .jpg یا .png) تنظیم کنید",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "به کاربران دیگر اجازه دهید که بدون چالش ها مدیریت و ارسال کنند",
+ "vote": "رأی دادن",
+ "passing": "گذراندن",
+ "rejecting": "رد کردن",
+ "add_moderator": "افزودن یک ناظر",
+ "add_rule": "افزودن یک قانون",
+ "json_settings": "تنظیمات JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "سریعاً تنظیمات اجتماعی را کپی یا پیست کنید",
+ "address_setting_info": "تنظیم یک آدرس مشترک قابل خواندن با استفاده از ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/fi/default.json b/public/translations/fi/default.json
index 1d552f6e..47b2ec39 100644
--- a/public/translations/fi/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/fi/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Alla ovat yhteisöt, joissa olet hyväksytty käyttäjä.",
"below_moderator_access": "Alla ovat yhteisöt, joissa sinulla on moderaattoripääsy.",
"not_moderator": "Et ole moderaattori missään yhteisössä.",
- "create_community": "Luo yhteisö"
+ "create_community": "Luo yhteisö",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Katsotte yhden kommentin keskustelua",
+ "single_comment_link": "Näytä loput kommentit",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "ei voi muodostaa yhteyttä yhteisön P2P-solmuun - vain yhteisön omistaja voi muokata sen asetuksia.",
+ "preview": "esikatselu",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "näytetään yhteisösi sivupalkissa",
+ "community_logo_info": "aseta yhteisön logo sen suoran kuvan linkin avulla (päättyen .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "anna muiden käyttäjien moderoida ja lähettää ilman haasteita",
+ "vote": "äänestää",
+ "passing": "läpäisy",
+ "rejecting": "hylkääminen",
+ "add_moderator": "lisää moderaattori",
+ "add_rule": "lisää sääntö",
+ "json_settings": "JSON-asetukset",
+ "json_settings_info": "kopioi tai liitä yhteisön asetukset nopeasti",
+ "address_setting_info": "aseta luettava yhteisön osoite käyttäen ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/fil/default.json b/public/translations/fil/default.json
index 00f4f0a5..aeaa89d9 100644
--- a/public/translations/fil/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/fil/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Narito ang mga komunidad na ikaw ay isang inaprubahang tagagamit.",
"below_moderator_access": "Narito ang mga komunidad na mayroon kang access bilang moderator.",
"not_moderator": "Hindi ka moderator sa anumang komunidad.",
- "create_community": "Lumikha ng komunidad"
+ "create_community": "Lumikha ng komunidad",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Nakikita mo ang isang thread ng isang komento lamang",
+ "single_comment_link": "Tingnan ang iba pang mga komento",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "hindi makakonekta sa komunidad ng p2p node - tanging ang may-ari ng isang komunidad ang makakapag-edit ng mga setting nito.",
+ "preview": "preview",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "ipinapakita sa sidebar ng iyong komunidad",
+ "community_logo_info": "itakda ang logo ng komunidad gamit ang direktang link ng larawan nito (natatapos sa .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "pabayaang mag-moderate at mag-post ang iba pang mga gumagamit nang walang mga hamon",
+ "vote": "bumoto",
+ "passing": "pumapasa",
+ "rejecting": "tanggihan",
+ "add_moderator": "magdagdag ng isang moderator",
+ "add_rule": "magdagdag ng isang patakaran",
+ "json_settings": "Mga setting ng JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "mabilis na kopya o i-paste ang mga setting ng komunidad",
+ "address_setting_info": "itakda ang isang mababasa oso ng komunidad gamit ang ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/fr/default.json b/public/translations/fr/default.json
index a38feb46..c2d495ef 100644
--- a/public/translations/fr/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/fr/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Ci-dessous se trouvent les communautés où vous êtes un utilisateur approuvé.",
"below_moderator_access": "Ci-dessous se trouvent les communautés auxquelles vous avez accès en tant que modérateur.",
"not_moderator": "Vous n'êtes pas modérateur dans aucune communauté.",
- "create_community": "Créer une communauté"
+ "create_community": "Créer une communauté",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Vous regardez le fil d'un seul commentaire",
+ "single_comment_link": "Voir le reste des commentaires",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "impossible de se connecter au nœud P2P de la communauté - seul le propriétaire d'une communauté peut éditer ses paramètres.",
+ "preview": "aperçu",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "affiché dans la barre latérale de votre communauté",
+ "community_logo_info": "définir un logo de communauté à l'aide de son lien direct vers une image (se terminant par .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "laissez d'autres utilisateurs modérer et publier sans défis",
+ "vote": "voter",
+ "passing": "passage",
+ "rejecting": "rejet",
+ "add_moderator": "ajouter un modérateur",
+ "add_rule": "ajouter une règle",
+ "json_settings": "Paramètres JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "copier ou coller rapidement les paramètres de la communauté",
+ "address_setting_info": "définissez une adresse de communauté lisible en utilisant ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/he/default.json b/public/translations/he/default.json
index b4bd452e..60296a7c 100644
--- a/public/translations/he/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/he/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "למטה תוכלו למצוא את הקהילות בהן אתם משתמשים מאושרים.",
"below_moderator_access": "למטה תוכלו למצוא את הקהילות בהם יש לך גישה כמנהל.",
"not_moderator": "אינך מודרטור בקהילה אחת.",
- "create_community": "צור קהילה"
+ "create_community": "צור קהילה",
+ "single_comment_notice": "אתה צופה בנושא של תגובה אחת בלבד",
+ "single_comment_link": "צפייה בשאר התגובות",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "אין אפשרות להתחבר לצומת P2P של הקהילה - רק בעל הקהילה יכול לערוך את הגדרותיה.",
+ "preview": "תצוגה מקדימה",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "מוצג בסרגל הצד של הקהילה שלך",
+ "community_logo_info": "הגדר לוגו של הקהילה באמצעות הקישור הישיר לתמונה (מסתיים ב-.jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "תאפשר למשתמשים אחרים להנהיג ולפרסם בלי אתגרים",
+ "vote": "להצביע",
+ "passing": "עובר",
+ "rejecting": "דחיה",
+ "add_moderator": "הוסף מנהל",
+ "add_rule": "הוסף כלל",
+ "json_settings": "הגדרות JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "העתיק או הדביק מהר את ההגדרות של הקהילה",
+ "address_setting_info": "קבע כתובת קהילה קריאה באמצעות ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/hi/default.json b/public/translations/hi/default.json
index c9754315..20201234 100644
--- a/public/translations/hi/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/hi/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "नीचे वे समुदाय हैं जिनमें आप मंजूर उपयोगकर्ता हैं।",
"below_moderator_access": "नीचे वे समुदाय हैं जिनकी आपके पास मॉडरेटर एक्सेस है।",
"not_moderator": "आप किसी भी समुदाय में मॉडरेटर नहीं हैं।",
- "create_community": "समुदाय बनाएं"
+ "create_community": "समुदाय बनाएं",
+ "single_comment_notice": "आप केवल एक टिप्पणी की थ्रेड देख रहे हैं",
+ "single_comment_link": "बाकी टिप्पणियों को देखें",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "समुदाय के P2P नोड से जुड़ नहीं सकते - केवल समुदाय के मालिक ही उसकी सेटिंग्स को संपादित कर सकते हैं।",
+ "preview": "पूर्वावलोकन",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "आपके समुदाय के साइडबार में दिखाया जाता है",
+ "community_logo_info": "अपने समुदाय का लोगो सीधे छवि लिंक का उपयोग करके सेट करें (जो .jpg, .png में समाप्त होता है)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "अन्य उपयोगकर्ताओं को बिना चुनौतियों के मॉडरेट और पोस्ट करने दें",
+ "vote": "वोट दें",
+ "passing": "बरताना",
+ "rejecting": "अस्वीकृत करना",
+ "add_moderator": "मॉडरेटर जोड़ें",
+ "add_rule": "नियम जोड़ें",
+ "json_settings": "JSON सेटिंग्स",
+ "json_settings_info": "समुदाय की सेटिंग्स को तेजी से कॉपी या पेस्ट करें",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains का उपयोग करके एक पठनीय समुदाय पता सेट करें"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/hu/default.json b/public/translations/hu/default.json
index b384d4df..e230d4cd 100644
--- a/public/translations/hu/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/hu/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Lent láthatók azok a közösségek, amelyekben jóváhagyott felhasználó vagy.",
"below_moderator_access": "Lent láthatók azok a közösségek, amelyekhez moderátorként hozzáférhet.",
"not_moderator": "Nem vagy moderátor egyetlen közösségben sem.",
- "create_community": "Közösség létrehozása"
+ "create_community": "Közösség létrehozása",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Egyetlen hozzászólás szála van megtekintés alatt",
+ "single_comment_link": "Tekintse meg a többi megjegyzést",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "nem lehet kapcsolódni a közösség P2P csomópontjához - csak egy közösség tulajdonosa szerkesztheti a beállításait.",
+ "preview": "előnézet",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "megjelenik a közösséged oldalsávjában",
+ "community_logo_info": "állítsa be a közösség logóját a közvetlen képlinkjének használatával (.jpg, .png befejezése)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "engedje meg más felhasználóknak a moderálást és a bejegyzést kihívások nélkül",
+ "vote": "szavaz",
+ "passing": "átmenő",
+ "rejecting": "elutasítás",
+ "add_moderator": "moderátort hozzáad",
+ "add_rule": "szabály hozzáadása",
+ "json_settings": "JSON beállítások",
+ "json_settings_info": "gyorsan másolja vagy illessze be a közösség beállításait",
+ "address_setting_info": "állítson be egy olvasható közösségi címet az ens.domains segítségével"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/id/default.json b/public/translations/id/default.json
index 51869c7e..442cf398 100644
--- a/public/translations/id/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/id/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Di bawah ini adalah komunitas di mana Anda adalah pengguna yang disetujui.",
"below_moderator_access": "Di bawah ini adalah komunitas yang Anda miliki akses moderator.",
"not_moderator": "Anda bukan moderator di komunitas mana pun.",
- "create_community": "Buat komunitas"
+ "create_community": "Buat komunitas",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Anda sedang melihat benang komentar tunggal",
+ "single_comment_link": "Lihat sisa komentar",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "tidak dapat terhubung ke node P2P komunitas - hanya pemilik komunitas yang dapat mengedit pengaturannya.",
+ "preview": "pratinjau",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "ditampilkan di bilah samping komunitas Anda",
+ "community_logo_info": "setel logo komunitas menggunakan tautan gambar langsungnya (berakhir dengan .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "biarkan pengguna lain memoderasi dan memposting tanpa tantangan",
+ "vote": "memilih",
+ "passing": "lulus",
+ "rejecting": "menolak",
+ "add_moderator": "tambahkan moderator",
+ "add_rule": "tambahkan aturan",
+ "json_settings": "Pengaturan JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "salin atau tempel cepat pengaturan komunitas",
+ "address_setting_info": "atur alamat komunitas yang dapat dibaca menggunakan ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/it/default.json b/public/translations/it/default.json
index f7e2a14c..1278a34c 100644
--- a/public/translations/it/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/it/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Di seguito sono elencate le comunità in cui sei un utente approvato.",
"below_moderator_access": "Di seguito sono elencate le comunità alle quali hai accesso come moderatore.",
"not_moderator": "Non sei un moderatore in nessuna comunità.",
- "create_community": "Crea comunità"
+ "create_community": "Crea comunità",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Stai vedendo una discussione derivante da un commento",
+ "single_comment_link": "Guarda il resto dei commenti",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "non è possibile connettersi al nodo P2P della comunità - solo il proprietario di una comunità può modificare le sue impostazioni.",
+ "preview": "anteprima",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "mostrato nella barra laterale della tua comunità",
+ "community_logo_info": "imposta un logo di comunità utilizzando il suo link diretto all'immagine (che termina in .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "lascia che altri utenti moderino e pubblichino senza sfide",
+ "vote": "vota",
+ "passing": "in approvazione",
+ "rejecting": "in rifiuto",
+ "add_moderator": "aggiungi un moderatore",
+ "add_rule": "aggiungi una regola",
+ "json_settings": "impostazioni JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "copia o incolla rapidamente le impostazioni della comunità",
+ "address_setting_info": "imposta un indirizzo di comunità leggibile utilizzando ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/ja/default.json b/public/translations/ja/default.json
index 8ddb60ca..5c716be2 100644
--- a/public/translations/ja/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/ja/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "以下は、承認されたユーザーであるコミュニティです。",
"below_moderator_access": "以下は、あなたがモデレーターアクセス権を持つコミュニティです。",
"not_moderator": "あなたはどのコミュニティでもモデレーターではありません。",
- "create_community": "コミュニティを作成"
+ "create_community": "コミュニティを作成",
+ "single_comment_notice": "1つのコメントのスレッドを表示しています",
+ "single_comment_link": "他のコメントを表示",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "コミュニティのP2Pノードに接続できません - コミュニティの所有者のみが設定を編集できます。",
+ "preview": "プレビュー",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "あなたのコミュニティのサイドバーに表示されます",
+ "community_logo_info": "直接の画像リンクを使用してコミュニティのロゴを設定します(.jpg、.pngで終了)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "他のユーザーにチャレンジなしでモデレートおよび投稿を許可",
+ "vote": "投票する",
+ "passing": "合格",
+ "rejecting": "拒否",
+ "add_moderator": "モデレーターを追加",
+ "add_rule": "ルールを追加",
+ "json_settings": "JSON設定",
+ "json_settings_info": "コミュニティの設定を素早くコピーまたは貼り付ける",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domainsを使用して読み取り可能なコミュニティのアドレスを設定"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/ko/default.json b/public/translations/ko/default.json
index 8fcaaf2c..99e50d99 100644
--- a/public/translations/ko/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/ko/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "아래에서 승인된 사용자인 커뮤니티를 확인할 수 있습니다.",
"below_moderator_access": "아래에서는 관리자로 액세스 할 수있는 커뮤니티가 나열되어 있습니다.",
"not_moderator": "어떤 커뮤니티에서도 모더레이터가 아닙니다.",
- "create_community": "커뮤니티 만들기"
+ "create_community": "커뮤니티 만들기",
+ "single_comment_notice": "하나의 댓글 스레드를 보고 있습니다",
+ "single_comment_link": "나머지 댓글 보기",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "커뮤니티 P2P 노드에 연결할 수 없습니다 - 커뮤니티의 소유자만이 해당 설정을 편집할 수 있습니다.",
+ "preview": "미리보기",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "귀하의 커뮤니티 사이드바에 표시됩니다",
+ "community_logo_info": "직접 이미지 링크를 사용하여 커뮤니티 로고를 설정하세요 (.jpg, .png 로 끝남)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "다른 사용자가 도전 없이 중재하고 게시하도록 허용합니다",
+ "vote": "투표",
+ "passing": "통과",
+ "rejecting": "거부",
+ "add_moderator": "모더레이터 추가",
+ "add_rule": "규칙 추가",
+ "json_settings": "JSON 설정",
+ "json_settings_info": "커뮤니티 설정을 빠르게 복사 또는 붙여넣기",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains를 사용하여 읽기 쉬운 커뮤니티 주소 설정"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/mr/default.json b/public/translations/mr/default.json
index a2d3736d..9d90c9b5 100644
--- a/public/translations/mr/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/mr/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "खाली तुम्ही मान्यता प्राप्त वापरकर्ता आहात ते समुदाय दिले आहे.",
"below_moderator_access": "खाली तुम्ही मॉडरेटर ऍक्सेस असलेल्या कम्युनिटीस दिलेली आहे.",
"not_moderator": "तुम्ही कोणत्याही संघटनेत मॉडरेटर नाही.",
- "create_community": "समुदाय तयार करा"
+ "create_community": "समुदाय तयार करा",
+ "single_comment_notice": "तुम्ही एक टिप्पणीच्या थ्रेडला पहात आहात",
+ "single_comment_link": "शिल्लक टिप्पण्यांची तपासणी करा",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "समुदायाच्या P2P नोडकिंवा कनेक्ट करू शकत नाही - केवळ समुदायाच्या मालकाने त्याच्या सेटिंग्ज संपादित करू शकतात.",
+ "preview": "पूर्वावलोकन",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "तुमच्या समुदायाच्या साइडबारमध्ये दर्शविले जाते",
+ "community_logo_info": "सीध्या चित्र लिंक वापरून एक समुदाय लोगो सेट करा (जे .jpg, .png ने समाप्त होते)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "इतर वापरकर्त्यांना चॅलेंज न करून मॉडरेट आणि पोस्ट करू द्या",
+ "vote": "वोट द्या",
+ "passing": "अशीत करणे",
+ "rejecting": "अस्वीकृत करणारे",
+ "add_moderator": "मॉडरेटर जोडा",
+ "add_rule": "नियम जोडा",
+ "json_settings": "JSON सेटिंग्ज",
+ "json_settings_info": "समुदाय सेटिंग्ज कॉपी किंवा पेस्ट करा",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains वापरून एक वाचनीय समुदाय पत्ता सेट करा"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/nl/default.json b/public/translations/nl/default.json
index bbb418c6..8c667994 100644
--- a/public/translations/nl/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/nl/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Hieronder staan de gemeenschappen waarop je een goedgekeurde gebruiker bent.",
"below_moderator_access": "Hieronder staan de gemeenschappen waarop u moderator toegang heeft.",
"not_moderator": "Je bent geen moderator in een gemeenschap.",
- "create_community": "Gemeenschap creëren"
+ "create_community": "Gemeenschap creëren",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Je bekijkt een draad van slechts één opmerking",
+ "single_comment_link": "Bekijk de rest van de opmerkingen",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "kan geen verbinding maken met de P2P-node van de community - alleen de eigenaar van een community kan de instellingen ervan bewerken.",
+ "preview": "voorbeeld",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "getoond in de zijbalk van uw gemeenschap",
+ "community_logo_info": "stel een gemeenschapslogo in met behulp van de directe afbeeldingslink (eindigend op .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "laat andere gebruikers modereren en posten zonder uitdagingen",
+ "vote": "stemmen",
+ "passing": "slagen",
+ "rejecting": "afwijzing",
+ "add_moderator": "een moderator toevoegen",
+ "add_rule": "een regel toevoegen",
+ "json_settings": "JSON-instellingen",
+ "json_settings_info": "snel de gemeenschapsinstellingen kopiëren of plakken",
+ "address_setting_info": "stel een leesbaar gemeenschapsadres in met behulp van ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/no/default.json b/public/translations/no/default.json
index b8aeb732..2d1535a5 100644
--- a/public/translations/no/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/no/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Nedenfor er samfunnene du er en godkjent bruker på.",
"below_moderator_access": "Nedenfor er samfunnene du har moderator tilgang til.",
"not_moderator": "Du er ikke moderator i noen fellesskap.",
- "create_community": "Opprett fellesskap"
+ "create_community": "Opprett fellesskap",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Du ser på en tråd med kun en kommentar",
+ "single_comment_link": "Se resten av kommentarene",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "kan ikke koble til samfunnets P2P-node - kun eieren av et samfunn kan redigere innstillingene.",
+ "preview": "forhåndsvisning",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "vist i sidepanelet for din fellesskap",
+ "community_logo_info": "sett et fellesskapslogo ved hjelp av den direkte bildelenken (som slutter i .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "la andre brukere moderere og poste uten utfordringer",
+ "vote": "stemme",
+ "passing": "bestått",
+ "rejecting": "avvisning",
+ "add_moderator": "legg til en moderator",
+ "add_rule": "legg til en regel",
+ "json_settings": "JSON-innstillinger",
+ "json_settings_info": "raskt kopiere eller lime inn fellesskapsinnstillinger",
+ "address_setting_info": "sett en lesbar fellesskapsadresse ved hjelp av ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/pl/default.json b/public/translations/pl/default.json
index 10c7862a..0f7a77ad 100644
--- a/public/translations/pl/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/pl/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Poniżej znajdują się społeczności, na których jesteś zaakceptowanym użytkownikiem.",
"below_moderator_access": "Poniżej znajdują się społeczności, do których masz dostęp jako moderator.",
"not_moderator": "Nie jesteś moderatorem w żadnej społeczności.",
- "create_community": "Utwórz społeczność"
+ "create_community": "Utwórz społeczność",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Przeglądasz wątek jednego komentarza",
+ "single_comment_link": "Zobacz resztę komentarzy",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "nie można połączyć się z węzłem P2P społeczności - tylko właściciel społeczności może edytować jej ustawienia.",
+ "preview": "podgląd",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "wyświetlane na pasku bocznym twojej społeczności",
+ "community_logo_info": "ustaw logo społeczności za pomocą bezpośredniego linku do obrazu (zakończonego na .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "pozwól innym użytkownikom moderować i publikować bez wyzwań",
+ "vote": "głosować",
+ "passing": "zaliczenie",
+ "rejecting": "odrzucanie",
+ "add_moderator": "dodaj moderatora",
+ "add_rule": "dodaj regułę",
+ "json_settings": "Ustawienia JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "szybko kopiuj lub wklej ustawienia społeczności",
+ "address_setting_info": "ustaw czytelny adres społeczności za pomocą ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/pt/default.json b/public/translations/pt/default.json
index 457e6908..4005b17e 100644
--- a/public/translations/pt/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/pt/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Abaixo estão as comunidades em que você é um usuário aprovado.",
"below_moderator_access": "Abaixo estão as comunidades às quais você tem acesso como moderador.",
"not_moderator": "Você não é moderador em nenhuma comunidade.",
- "create_community": "Criar comunidade"
+ "create_community": "Criar comunidade",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Você está visualizando o tópico de um único comentário",
+ "single_comment_link": "Ver o resto dos comentários",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "não é possível conectar ao nó P2P da comunidade - apenas o proprietário de uma comunidade pode editar suas configurações.",
+ "preview": "pré-visualização",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "mostrado na barra lateral da sua comunidade",
+ "community_logo_info": "defina um logotipo da comunidade usando o link direto da imagem (terminando em .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "deixe que outros usuários moderem e postem sem desafios",
+ "vote": "votar",
+ "passing": "passando",
+ "rejecting": "rejeitando",
+ "add_moderator": "adicionar um moderador",
+ "add_rule": "adicionar uma regra",
+ "json_settings": "Configurações JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "copie ou cole rapidamente as configurações da comunidade",
+ "address_setting_info": "defina um endereço de comunidade legível usando ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/ro/default.json b/public/translations/ro/default.json
index 7a9807ad..71690980 100644
--- a/public/translations/ro/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/ro/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Mai jos sunt comunitățile unde ești un utilizator aprobat.",
"below_moderator_access": "Mai jos sunt comunitățile la care aveți acces ca moderator.",
"not_moderator": "Nu ești moderator în nicio comunitate.",
- "create_community": "Creați comunitate"
+ "create_community": "Creați comunitate",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Vizualizați un fir de discuție cu un singur comentariu",
+ "single_comment_link": "Vizualizați restul comentariilor",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "nu se poate conecta la nodul P2P al comunității - doar proprietarul unei comunități poate edita setările sale.",
+ "preview": "previzualizare",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "afișat în bara laterală a comunității tale",
+ "community_logo_info": "setați un logo de comunitate folosind link-ul direct al imaginii (care se termină în .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "permiteți altor utilizatori să modereze și să posteze fără provocări",
+ "vote": "vota",
+ "passing": "trecere",
+ "rejecting": "respingere",
+ "add_moderator": "adăugați un moderator",
+ "add_rule": "adăugați o regulă",
+ "json_settings": "Setări JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "copiați sau lipiți rapid setările comunității",
+ "address_setting_info": "setați o adresă de comunitate citibilă folosind ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/ru/default.json b/public/translations/ru/default.json
index d647e65a..4d53b929 100644
--- a/public/translations/ru/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/ru/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Ниже представлены сообщества, в которых вы являетесь одобренным пользователем.",
"below_moderator_access": "Ниже представлены сообщества, в которые у вас есть доступ в качестве модератора.",
"not_moderator": "Вы не являетесь модератором ни в одном сообществе.",
- "create_community": "Создать сообщество"
+ "create_community": "Создать сообщество",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Вы просматриваете тему с единственным комментарием",
+ "single_comment_link": "Просмотреть остальные комментарии",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "не удается подключиться к узлу P2P сообщества - только владелец сообщества может редактировать его настройки.",
+ "preview": "просмотр",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "отображается в боковой панели вашего сообщества",
+ "community_logo_info": "установите логотип сообщества, используя его прямую ссылку на изображение (заканчивается на .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "позвольте другим пользователям модерировать и публиковать без вызовов",
+ "vote": "голосовать",
+ "passing": "проходящий",
+ "rejecting": "отклонение",
+ "add_moderator": "добавить модератора",
+ "add_rule": "добавить правило",
+ "json_settings": "Настройки JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "быстро копировать или вставить настройки сообщества",
+ "address_setting_info": "установите читаемый адрес сообщества с помощью ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/sq/default.json b/public/translations/sq/default.json
index 893b71eb..826c8e4b 100644
--- a/public/translations/sq/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/sq/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Më poshtë janë komunitetet që jeni një përdorues i miratuar në to.",
"below_moderator_access": "Më poshtë janë komunitetet në të cilat keni akses si moderator.",
"not_moderator": "Ju nuk jeni moderator në asnjë komunitet.",
- "create_community": "Krijo komunitetin"
+ "create_community": "Krijo komunitetin",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Po shikoni një diskutim të një vetëm komenti",
+ "single_comment_link": "Shiko pjesën tjetër të komenteve",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "nuk mund të lidhet me një nodë P2P të komunitetit - vetëm pronari i një komuniteti mund ta redaktojë konfigurimin e tij.",
+ "preview": "paraprake",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "të shfaqet në anën e majtë të komunitetit tuaj",
+ "community_logo_info": "vendosni një logon e komunitetit duke përdorur lidhjen e drejtpërdrejtë të imazhit të tij (përfundon në .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "lejojini të tjerët të moderohen dhe të postohen pa sfida",
+ "vote": "voto",
+ "passing": "kalimi",
+ "rejecting": "refuzim",
+ "add_moderator": "shtoni një moderator",
+ "add_rule": "shtoni një rregull",
+ "json_settings": "Cilësimet JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "kopjoni ose ngjitni shpejt konfigurimet e komunitetit",
+ "address_setting_info": "vendosni një adresë të lexueshme të komunitetit duke përdorur ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/sv/default.json b/public/translations/sv/default.json
index b8a42c17..7870cba6 100644
--- a/public/translations/sv/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/sv/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Nedan finns de gemenskaper där du är en godkänd användare.",
"below_moderator_access": "Nedan finns de gemenskaper som du har moderatoråtkomst till.",
"not_moderator": "Du är inte moderator i någon community.",
- "create_community": "Skapa gemenskap"
+ "create_community": "Skapa gemenskap",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Du tittar på en tråd med en enda kommentar",
+ "single_comment_link": "Visa resten av kommentarerna",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "kan inte ansluta till samhällets P2P-nod - endast ägaren till ett samhälle kan redigera dess inställningar.",
+ "preview": "förhandsvisning",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "visas i din kommunitets sidofält",
+ "community_logo_info": "ställ in en gemenskapslogotyp med hjälp av dess direkta bildlänk (slutar på .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "låt andra användare moderera och posta utan utmaningar",
+ "vote": "rösta",
+ "passing": "godkänd",
+ "rejecting": "avvisar",
+ "add_moderator": "lägg till en moderator",
+ "add_rule": "lägg till en regel",
+ "json_settings": "JSON-inställningar",
+ "json_settings_info": "snabbt kopiera eller klistra in samhällets inställningar",
+ "address_setting_info": "sätt en läsbar samhällsadress med hjälp av ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/te/default.json b/public/translations/te/default.json
index 78344fc6..3ad5db4f 100644
--- a/public/translations/te/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/te/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "కిందివరకు మీరు అనుమోదించబడిన కమ్యూనిటీలు ఉన్నాయి.",
"below_moderator_access": "క్రింద మీరు మోడరేటర్ యాక్సెస్ గా ఉన్న కమ్యూనిటీలు చూపబడ్డాయి.",
"not_moderator": "మీరు ఏ కమ్యూనిటీలో మాడరేటర్ కాదు.",
- "create_community": "కమ్యూనిటీని సృష్టించండి"
+ "create_community": "కమ్యూనిటీని సృష్టించండి",
+ "single_comment_notice": "మీరు ఒక కమ్మెంట్ యొక్క థ్రెడ్ ను చూచున్నారు",
+ "single_comment_link": "మిగతా వ్యాఖ్యలను చూడండి",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "సముదాయం P2P నోడ్ను కనెక్ట్ చేయలేక పోయింది - సముదాయం యొక్క మాలికుడు మాత్రమే దాని సెట్టింగులను సవరించగలరు.",
+ "preview": "ప్రీవ్యూ",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "మీ కమ్యూనిటీ సైడ్బార్లో చూపించబడుతుంది",
+ "community_logo_info": "దాని నుండి (ఎండింగ్లో .jpg, .png) పూర్తించే చిత్ర లింక్ను ఉపయోగించి కమ్యూనిటీ లోగో సెట్ చేయండి",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "ఇతర వాడకులను చేలెన్జీలేక మాడాలి మరియు పోస్ట్ చేయాలి",
+ "vote": "వోటు వేయండి",
+ "passing": "పాస్",
+ "rejecting": "తిరస్కరిస్తోంది",
+ "add_moderator": "ఒక నిర్వాహకును చేర్చండి",
+ "add_rule": "ఒక నిబంధన చేయండి",
+ "json_settings": "JSON సెట్టింగులు",
+ "json_settings_info": "సముదాయ సెట్టింగులను త్వరగా కాపీ చేయండి లేదా పేస్ట్ చేయండి",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains ఉపయోగించి ఒక చదివే అభియంత్రణ చలనా వ్యాఖ్యానము సెట్టింగులను నియంత్రించండి"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/th/default.json b/public/translations/th/default.json
index dbefcad7..2c3ffa58 100644
--- a/public/translations/th/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/th/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "ด้านล่างนี้คือชุมชนที่คุณเป็นสมาชิกที่ได้รับการอนุมัติ",
"below_moderator_access": "ด้านล่างนี้คือชุมชนที่คุณสามารถเข้าถึงในฐานะผู้ดูแลได้",
"not_moderator": "คุณไม่ได้เป็นผู้ดูแลในชุมชนใด ๆ",
- "create_community": "สร้างชุมชน"
+ "create_community": "สร้างชุมชน",
+ "single_comment_notice": "คุณกำลังดูกระทู้ของความคิดเห็นเพียงอย่างเดียว",
+ "single_comment_link": "ดูความคิดเห็นที่เหลือ",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "ไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อกับโหนด P2P ของชุมชนได้ - เฉพาะเจ้าของชุมชนเท่านั้นที่สามารถแก้ไขการตั้งค่าได้",
+ "preview": "ตัวอย่าง",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "แสดงในแถบข้างของชุมชนของคุณ",
+ "community_logo_info": "ตั้งค่าโลโก้ของชุมชนโดยใช้ลิงก์รูปภาพโดยตรง (ลงท้ายด้วย .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้คนอื่นๆ ตรวจสอบและโพสต์โดยไม่มีความท้าทาย",
+ "vote": "ลงคะแนนเสียง",
+ "passing": "ผ่าน",
+ "rejecting": "ปฏิเสธ",
+ "add_moderator": "เพิ่มผู้ดูแล",
+ "add_rule": "เพิ่มกฎ",
+ "json_settings": "การตั้งค่า JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "คัดลอกหรือวางการตั้งค่าของชุมชนอย่างรวดเร็ว",
+ "address_setting_info": "ตั้งค่าที่อยู่ชุมชนที่อ่านได้โดยใช้ ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/tr/default.json b/public/translations/tr/default.json
index 976debb1..1a4b6751 100644
--- a/public/translations/tr/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/tr/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Aşağıda onaylı bir kullanıcı olduğunuz topluluklar bulunmaktadır.",
"below_moderator_access": "Aşağıda moderatör erişimine sahip olduğunuz topluluklar bulunmaktadır.",
"not_moderator": "Hiçbir topluluğun moderatörü değilsiniz.",
- "create_community": "Topluluk oluştur"
+ "create_community": "Topluluk oluştur",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Tek bir yorumun konusunu görüntülüyorsunuz",
+ "single_comment_link": "Diğer yorumları görüntüle",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "topluluğun P2P düğümüne bağlanılamıyor - sadece bir topluluğun sahibi ayarlarını düzenleyebilir.",
+ "preview": "önizleme",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "topluluğunuzun yan çubuğunda gösterilir",
+ "community_logo_info": "doğrudan görüntü bağlantısını kullanarak bir topluluk logosu ayarlayın (.jpg, .png ile bitiyor)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "diğer kullanıcıların sorunsuzca moderasyon yapmasına ve göndermesine izin verin",
+ "vote": "oy vermek",
+ "passing": "geçen",
+ "rejecting": "reddetme",
+ "add_moderator": "bir moderatör ekleyin",
+ "add_rule": "bir kural ekleyin",
+ "json_settings": "JSON ayarları",
+ "json_settings_info": "topluluk ayarlarını hızlı bir şekilde kopyala veya yapıştır",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains kullanarak okunabilir bir topluluk adresi ayarlayın"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/uk/default.json b/public/translations/uk/default.json
index af131559..df72174a 100644
--- a/public/translations/uk/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/uk/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Нижче подані спільноти, на яких ви є схваленим користувачем.",
"below_moderator_access": "Нижче наведено спільноти, до яких у вас є доступ у ролі модератора.",
"not_moderator": "Ви не є модератором жодної спільноти.",
- "create_community": "Створити спільноту"
+ "create_community": "Створити спільноту",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Ви переглядаєте тему лише з одним коментарем",
+ "single_comment_link": "Переглянути решту коментарів",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "не вдається підключитися до вузла P2P спільноти - тільки власник спільноти може редагувати її налаштування.",
+ "preview": "попередній перегляд",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "відображається в бічній панелі вашої спільноти",
+ "community_logo_info": "встановіть логотип спільноти, використовуючи його пряме посилання на зображення (закінчується на .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "дозвольте іншим користувачам модерувати та публікувати без викликів",
+ "vote": "голосувати",
+ "passing": "проходження",
+ "rejecting": "відхилення",
+ "add_moderator": "додайте модератора",
+ "add_rule": "додайте правило",
+ "json_settings": "Налаштування JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "швидко копіюйте або вставте налаштування спільноти",
+ "address_setting_info": "встановіть читабельну адресу спільноти за допомогою ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/ur/default.json b/public/translations/ur/default.json
index 3ccbc543..b34de040 100644
--- a/public/translations/ur/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/ur/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "نیچے وہ کمیونٹیاں ہیں جو آپ ایک منظور شدہ صارف ہیں۔",
"below_moderator_access": "نیچے وہ کمیونٹیز ہیں جن کا موڈریٹر رسائی ہے۔",
"not_moderator": "آپ کسی بھی کمیونٹی پر موڈریٹر نہیں ہیں۔",
- "create_community": "کمیونٹی بنائیں"
+ "create_community": "کمیونٹی بنائیں",
+ "single_comment_notice": "آپ صرف ایک تبصرے کی تھریڈ دیکھ رہے ہیں",
+ "single_comment_link": "بقیہ تبصرے دیکھیں",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "کمیونٹی کے P2P نوڈ کے ساتھ منسلک نہیں ہو سکتا - صرف کمیونٹی کے مالک ہی اس کی ترتیبات میں ترمیم کر سکتے ہیں۔",
+ "preview": "پیشنظارہ",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "آپ کے کمیونٹی کے سائیڈبار میں دکھایا جاتا ہے",
+ "community_logo_info": "ان کی سیدھی تصویر لنک کا استعمال کرکے ایک کمیونٹی کا لوگو ترتیب دیں (جو .jpg، .png میں ختم ہوتا ہے)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "دوسرے صارفین کو معتدل کرنے اور بغیر چیلنج کے پوسٹ کرنے کی اجازت دیں",
+ "vote": "ووٹ دیں",
+ "passing": "گزرنے والا",
+ "rejecting": "مسترد کرنے والا",
+ "add_moderator": "ایک موڈریٹر شامل کریں",
+ "add_rule": "ایک قاعدہ شامل کریں",
+ "json_settings": "JSON ترتیبات",
+ "json_settings_info": "جلدی سے کمیونٹی کی ترتیبات کاپی یا پیسٹ کریں",
+ "address_setting_info": "ens.domains کا استعمال کرکے پڑھنے کے قابل کمیونٹی ایڈریس ترتیب دیں"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/vi/default.json b/public/translations/vi/default.json
index 694d41dc..374d1ac1 100644
--- a/public/translations/vi/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/vi/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "Dưới đây là các cộng đồng mà bạn là một người dùng được phê duyệt.",
"below_moderator_access": "Dưới đây là các cộng đồng mà bạn có quyền truy cập với tư cách là người quản trị viên.",
"not_moderator": "Bạn không phải là người quản trị viên trên bất kỳ cộng đồng nào.",
- "create_community": "Tạo cộng đồng"
+ "create_community": "Tạo cộng đồng",
+ "single_comment_notice": "Bạn đang xem một luồng bình luận duy nhất",
+ "single_comment_link": "Xem phần còn lại của các bình luận",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "không thể kết nối với nút P2P của cộng đồng - chỉ chủ sở hữu của một cộng đồng mới có thể chỉnh sửa cài đặt của nó.",
+ "preview": "xem trước",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "được hiển thị ở thanh bên của cộng đồng của bạn",
+ "community_logo_info": "đặt một biểu trưng cộng đồng bằng cách sử dụng liên kết hình ảnh trực tiếp của nó (kết thúc bằng .jpg, .png)",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "cho phép người dùng khác kiểm duyệt và đăng bài mà không cần đối mặt với thách thức",
+ "vote": "bỏ phiếu",
+ "passing": "đi qua",
+ "rejecting": "từ chối",
+ "add_moderator": "thêm một quản trị viên",
+ "add_rule": "thêm một quy tắc",
+ "json_settings": "Cài đặt JSON",
+ "json_settings_info": "nhanh chóng sao chép hoặc dán cài đặt của cộng đồng",
+ "address_setting_info": "đặt một địa chỉ cộng đồng có thể đọc bằng cách sử dụng ens.domains"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/translations/zh/default.json b/public/translations/zh/default.json
index 7f96b22f..833e4e8c 100644
--- a/public/translations/zh/default.json
+++ b/public/translations/zh/default.json
@@ -210,5 +210,20 @@
"below_approved_user": "下面是您是批准用户的社区。",
"below_moderator_access": "以下是您作为版主拥有访问权限的社区。",
"not_moderator": "您不是任何社区的版主。",
- "create_community": "创建社区"
+ "create_community": "创建社区",
+ "single_comment_notice": "您正在查看单个评论的主题",
+ "single_comment_link": "查看其余评论",
+ "owner_settings_notice": "无法连接到社区P2P节点 - 只有社区的所有者才能编辑其设置。",
+ "preview": "预览",
+ "shown_in_sidebar": "显示在您社区的侧边栏中",
+ "community_logo_info": "使用其直接图像链接(以.jpg、.png结尾)设置社区徽标",
+ "moderators_setting_info": "允许其他用户在没有挑战的情况下进行管理和发布",
+ "vote": "投票",
+ "passing": "通过",
+ "rejecting": "拒绝",
+ "add_moderator": "添加一名版主",
+ "add_rule": "添加一条规则",
+ "json_settings": "JSON设置",
+ "json_settings_info": "快速复制或粘贴社区设置",
+ "address_setting_info": "使用 ens.domains 设置可读的社区地址"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/post/post.tsx b/src/components/post/post.tsx
index 77623c6b..914b71ec 100644
--- a/src/components/post/post.tsx
+++ b/src/components/post/post.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { useState } from 'react';
import styles from './post.module.css';
import { Link, useLocation, useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { Comment, useAuthorAddress, useBlock, useEditedComment, useSubplebbit } from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks';
+import { Comment, useAuthorAddress, useBlock, useComment, useEditedComment, useSubplebbit } from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { isPendingView, isPostView, isSubplebbitView } from '../../lib/utils/view-utils';
import { getCommentMediaInfoMemoized, getHasThumbnail } from '../../lib/utils/media-utils';
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ interface PostProps {
const Post = ({ post = {}, index }: PostProps) => {
+ // handle single comment thread
+ const op = useComment({ commentCid: post?.parentCid ? post?.postCid : '' });
+ if (post?.parentCid) {
+ post = op;
+ }
// handle pending mod or author edit
const { editedComment: editedPost } = useEditedComment({ comment: post });
if (editedPost) {
diff --git a/src/components/reply/reply.module.css b/src/components/reply/reply.module.css
index 747969da..5bf6e429 100644
--- a/src/components/reply/reply.module.css
+++ b/src/components/reply/reply.module.css
@@ -121,6 +121,11 @@
color: var(--markdown-link) !important;
+.singleCommentHighlight {
+ background-color: var(--yellow-highlight);
+ padding: 2px 5px;
.usertext a {
color: var(--text);
text-decoration: none;
@@ -242,4 +247,27 @@
.pinned {
color: var(--green);
text-transform: lowercase;
+.continueThisThread {
+ display: block;
+ margin: 10px 0 0 25px;
+ border-left: 1px dotted #DDF;
+ font-size: 12px;
+.continueThisThread a {
+ color: var(--text-primary);
+ text-decoration: none;
+ margin-left: 3px;
+.continueThisThread a::after {
+ background-image: var(--continue-thread-arrow);
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ content: " ";
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 9px;
+ margin: 5px 0 0 5px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/reply/reply.tsx b/src/components/reply/reply.tsx
index 431754dd..c45a7c1c 100644
--- a/src/components/reply/reply.tsx
+++ b/src/components/reply/reply.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
+import { Fragment, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { Comment, useAccountComment, useAuthorAddress, useBlock, useComment, useEditedComment, useSubplebbit } from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks';
import { flattenCommentsPages } from '@plebbit/plebbit-react-hooks/dist/lib/utils';
import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';
@@ -186,11 +186,12 @@ interface ReplyProps {
depth?: number;
index?: number;
isNotification?: boolean;
- isSingle?: boolean;
+ isSingleComment?: boolean;
+ isSingleReply?: boolean;
reply: Comment | undefined;
-const Reply = ({ depth = 0, isSingle, isNotification = false, reply = {} }: ReplyProps) => {
+const Reply = ({ depth = 0, isSingleComment, isSingleReply, isNotification = false, reply = {} }: ReplyProps) => {
// handle pending mod or author edit
const { editedComment: editedPost } = useEditedComment({ comment: reply });
if (editedPost) {
@@ -274,9 +275,9 @@ const Reply = ({ depth = 0, isSingle, isNotification = false, reply = {} }: Repl
return (