0.2.5 (2024-12-19)
- feed post: gif thumbnail could break persistently (2e86b3f)
- header: special page title goes on top of header tabs, unlike a community's title (61e7c1d)
- post: format score with abbreviation (6ce7fa9)
- post: subscribe button wrapped incorrectly (9d20cc8)
- profile: keep showing the welcome info bar for the first few visits (d313a68)
- settings: "check for update" button didn't include apk case, now it can download the latest apk (8399174)
- spoiler: spoiler could appear bugged for posts with no content nor link, black background was too large (6ac1777)
- submit page: could return error 'publishCommentOptions.content is an empty string' (589f4bf)
- add blur for nsfw media or spoilers (2829e50)
- add p/mod feed for communities the user is moderating (6ec4f57)
- feed: add numbered row to count posts (84b1013)
- post: add nsfw label and thumbnail (a1b64f4)
- post: add spoiler thumbnail (851e0e8)
- post: align all posts by fixed thumbnail width and using thumbnail icons for links without media or text-only posts (72d77fa)
- reply: add colored "submitter" "[S]" next to user name if reply author is also the post author (59f1f1b)
- settings: add nsfw filters and filtering community by nsfw tag (5a078e7)
- subplebbit: show "are you over 18?" alert on communities tagged as nsfw (76a6fc6)
- index.html: preload UI assets and CSS (79423c3)
- media: fix thumbnails getting stuck due to incorrect memoization (9ff01c3)
0.2.4 (2024-12-09)
- electron: auto restart script more reliable (97221d6)
- electron: ipfs proxy should have error status code (c66d454)
- subplebbit settings: editing subplebbit challenge wouldn't work, fix loading state of settings, remove useless challenge setting when creating a sub, improve translations (654b427)
0.2.3 (2024-12-06)
- avatar settings: add timestamp field to let users add existing signature (4263b44)
- ellipsis animation: dots could appear cut off and cause displacement changing width of string (448673d)
- feed: posts could change position causing displacement (ecf6a7b)
- header: seedit logo should show in subs without their own logo (61c9f30)
- markdown: links in post content would not open new tab (4d30ad1)
- only show data path setting on electron (8db2c15)
- plebbit options: schema error prevented to save (dc3dddf)
- post page: loading text could cause horizontal scroll on mobile (580a598)
- post: editing comment content didn't work (540d4c7)
- reply form: only show offline info message if the user clicks on textarea (221dab8)
- reply: pending edit label appeared cut off (a02ed8f)
- settings: crypto address setting would show error for an already set address (9f73a49)
- sidebar: moderator tools wouldn't appear in post page for sub owner who is not mod (faf1718)
- electron: add http routers to electron (69726e1)
- post: updated design for deleted/removed replies to be more like old.reddit (6beb8b3)
- settings: add http routers setting to plebbit options (cfe004c)
- settings: add option to hide avatars from replies (b8ebef0)
0.2.2 (2024-11-11)
- post: content would not appear if link is webpage (a2516b5)
- post: expand button didn't appear for text with webpage link (80fcc58)
- sidebar: 0 score would show up as '•' (5785e0b)
- home: improve design of "show more posts" button in feed footer (e5fd224)
0.2.1 (2024-11-10)
- moderation: update to use new API schema (5e1902f)
- post: expand button would appear for webpage thumbnails (fddea3e)
- post: thumbnails would get stuck when navigating (b3b39f1)
0.2.0 (2024-11-08)
- profile: return 'not found' for non-existent pending comments (9eacdc5)
- subplebbit: show published comments instantly in feed (4b715c5)
0.1.17 (2024-10-29)
- header: sort buttons were displaced on android (59d0c60)
- home: auto time filter didn't show posts from last visit (aaa34b7)
- last visit time filter could show 'not found' page (5d859cb)
- release.yml: wrong java version prevented apk build (f87bb1f)
- router: a link could include '%23' instead of '#' (ae87561)
- search bar: fix overflow of text behind button, button resolution (c5406f2)
- homepage: add about page for FAQs and welcoming users (1a245b5)
- profile page: clicking "(edit)" next to display name redirects to setting and highlights it (aa242c3)
- profile: on first access, link to useful preferences and highlight them (557db8c)
0.1.16 (2024-10-23)
- android: icon was too big (6f3b721)
- electron: "ipfs warning" without error message would appear after closing the desktop app (faa33f0)
- electron: isElectron flag was missing (3a39eda)
- embed: reddit links have to include '/comments/' to be embeddable (1dd2a4c)
- package.json: add resolution for skia-canvas (0d23bdb)
- post: confirm dialog for delete button wasn't working (4aa54a5)
- post: don't show author edit reason if post is deleted or removed (6017ac2)
- post: reason field for author edit didn't work (808a388)
- post: score should show '•' if backend state is not 'succeeded' (a438daf)
- post: score should show "?" while loading (7f8dc16)
- post: webpage thumbnail was rendered as image from direct link (9678613)
- reply: permalink button could be clicked while post is pending (ccdacfe)
- submit page: don't link to subplebbit page from title unless the selected address is valid (4d6ea70)
- submit page: dropdown would stay opened and focused after selecting sub with keyboard (8ffa0d4)
- submit page: hitting enter key wouldn't select address in dropdown (bb92bd0)
- subplebbit description showed too much space between lines (906bb31)
- subplebbits: online/offline status of each sub would reload from scratch each time it was viewed (b90d0fb)
- account settings: alert user account is stored locally and specify location (d328c5c)
- embed: add support for youtube playlists, music.youtube links (c4d93fb)
- feat: add automatic last visit time filter (6823232)
- feed: show alert to help user change time filter if there aren't enough posts (35febb2)
- post: add client-side thumbnail fetching for webpage links from sites with CORS access (b3bbb9c)
- profile: add info message about account, on first access (6ddb4d7)
- profile: show info bar about newly created account on profile first access (9b701a5)
- reply form: alert user the subplebbit might be offline before publishing reply (58218a7)
- sidebar: add info next to red dot for offline subs without last update timestamp (5da4c02)
- submit page: alert user if selected subplebbit might be offline (7e565ab)
- subplebbit: inform user about time filter if active (352a74f)
- gifs: cache first frame so gifs don't reload all the time when navigating (e1c02cd)
- post: optimize post history resource consumption with memoization, virtualization, pagination, routing (9434a17)
0.1.15 (2024-09-09)
- electron: download url redirect status code changed (bb94bdf)
- hiding/blocking comments wouldn't work because useBlock takes cid, not address (e459132)
- import account: reload after import to ensure rpc starts (a5f5d24)
- offline indicator: change last online check from 30 to 60 minutes for a better estimate (dbb91bf)
- topbar: always show 'my communities' link (5a96239)
- add 'new posts' button to refresh feed and scroll to the top (0077df0)
- profile: add 'hidden' tab and feed for blocked comments (911fa76)
- public: add redirect.html (2ad3879)
- search bar: alert 'invalid subplebbit address' if the user forgot to type the tld (f4798f3)
- settings: add functionality to plebbit options settings (fe49694)
- subplebbit settings: when first creating a sub, show the captcha challenge already set as default (ea7853b)
- subplebbit: display error near state string in feed (a40442d)
- profile: too many comments could load at the same time (2295599)
0.1.14 (2024-05-22)
- loading state: position was bugged on post page and it wouldn't render on state 'failed' (f40665d)
- add plebchan mascot to 'page not found' (bb8ed53)
- app: return 'not found' for invalid pending comment indexes, subplebbit addresses and CIDs (bc84faf)
- change default communities order to respect category (plebbit, interests, random, projects, international) (5b05e2a)
- exclude nsfw communities from the default list (hide nsfw posts in home) (e978654)
0.1.13 (2024-05-06)
- embed: pass origin to youtube because popular videos won't load without it (4d60d9b)
- index.html: add no-referrer meta tag to resolve CORP-related media access issues (dcd06d3)
- loading ellipsis: was not aligned to text bottom (f184bb6)
- subplebbit settings: edits didn't work (3cb5229)
- subplebbit: show 'no posts' loading state if sub was just created, not yet published and there are no posts yet (owner can already post) (de5e999)
0.1.12 (2024-05-04)
- subplebbit settings: stupid typo prevented edit from working (6f67c26)
- use-default-subplebbits: memoize subscriptions (8470300)
0.1.11 (2024-04-27)
- creating a sub wouldn't work if fields were defined (2a4f057)
- embed: detect uppercase extension in link (18a63df)
- home: remove feed render delay for subscriptions (c383d90)
- reply: default vote count to 1 (ae3b28f)
- the position of subscribe buttons in p/all feed is bugged on narrow screen (7dd6846)
- topbar: last sub in the list was covered by the 'more' button (ce3ed14)
- electron: add window.plebbitRpcAuthKey (328e3a0)
- embed: add soundcloud embeds (4058df5)
- reply: add support for audio embeds, prefer hostname as link to show instead of full link (d457a50)
- settings: add plebbit options (5ab14bf)
- settings: add plebbit options route (25ff98e)
- topbar: add 'own communities' button in dropdown (0cf89c2)
- app: improve mobile design rensponsiveness (6fe43e4)
- media utils: optimize loading of media and link preview (177a994)
0.1.10 (2024-03-27)
- home: 'no communities found' would appear while loading multisub (a281a6f)
- pending post: don't expand media for visibility of the publishing state (3dc5940)
- post page: locked post state was missing in yellow banner alert (6041aa1)
- post page: reply form wouldn't appear until replies loaded, but the user can reply already (e276763)
- post: remove avatars from posts in feed, they are distracting and don't look good (929b648)
- post: video thumbnails were not showing on mobile, without preload (51cceae)
- reply: upvoting a reply of score 1 would keep its score at 1 (ce765b1)
- subplebbit: a community blocked by the user would show 'no posts', show 'you blocked this community' instead (e018205)
- subplebbit: a subplebbit address with emojis in it would cause bugs in the sub, such as broken links (5552285)
- wallet settings: signature shouldn't include wallet address, only plebbit author address (c45d2d3)
- home: optimize home feed content by limiting number of posts per sub (e8a136b)
- media utils: add embed support for custom youtube links, eg from invidious instances (4e07055)
- media utils: add support for Next.js image links (791e1ce)
- media utils: detect GIFs as separate type from image (7ad0953)
- thumbnails: render the first frame of gifs so they don't autoplay in the feed (7d8a80b)
- media utils: cache check for invidious yt links (7bf9c85)
0.1.9 (2024-03-20)
- mod menu: ban days input was too long on firefox (3f780a5)
- subplebbit settings: creating a subplebbit would clear all fields even when failing to create (81de00d)
0.1.8 (2024-03-14)
- comment edit form: author edit wasn't instant (38baa01)
- delete button: deleting own post wasn't instant (db801ab)
- inbox: show parent buttons were clickable outside of their space (13b7b94)
- markdown: replies had incorrect white-space and double returns needed margin on posts (ed02146)
- post: clicking near the 'comments' button would add the dotted border (400b4f2)
- post: dotted border for last visited post shouldn't appear in post page (121cf3d)
- posts: limit display name character count (ff4a97b)
- reply: spoiler styling couldn't be clicked (29b5f72)
- search bar: disable autocapitalize, autocorrect, autocomplete, spellcheck (8eebb0f)
- submit page: rules box would appear for sub with rules defined but empty (358d6c8)
- submit page: some fields would update incorrectly or return 'option is an empty string' error (24ab3c9)
- address settings: update setting for sol addresses, with guide on how to set up (430c597)
- context: allow any number as post context, always showing the top level reply (b9d050c)
- mod menu: community moderators can ban their users (22beb4e)
- post page: hide reply form and display 'loading comments...' while the post is loading (a068691)
- scripts: add old versions to folders e.g. seedit.eth.limo/0.1.1 (a384e7b)
- settings: add link to nft whitelist (f174602)
- settings: users can add crypto wallets to their plebbit account (75b25e7)
- subplebbit settings: add info on how to set up .sol crypto domain as sub address (5f54bbe)
0.1.7 (2024-03-06)
- disable buttons for comments that are failed, remove duplicate label from reply (6e341e3)
- app: redirect to link with hash on first load (365b40d)
- post: if post is removed, show locked info banner (2490bc3)
0.1.6 (2024-03-03)
- account settings: removed unnecessary reload when switching account, allow to delete last account (refreshing creates a new one) (51f7dba)
- author sidebar: hide +friends button until functionality is implemented (83ea30d)
- challenge modal: special characters couldn't get rendered in post content preview (9d2c01d)
- comment tools: don't show 'report' button if the user is the author (96fd888)
- don't reset time filter when changing sort in feeds (e2de559)
- embed: twitter embed width would glitch (0c415fa)
- embed: videos on mobile had wrong width (c560dd7)
- expando: clicking on video would redirect to external link (ff52a9a)
- hide buttons that aren't functional yet (save, crosspost, embed, report) (265f6c1)
- loading avatar should have empty space (4e8142c)
- mod menu: close modal when saving, instead of waiting for publishing (929514f)
- post: display title as dash if it's empty (712779d)
- post: dotted border for last visited post should only persist in the same window (0a67399)
- post: font size would bug out with overflowing title (5890b92)
- profile: hide 'saved' and 'hidden' tabs until functional (ad5f73f)
- reply form: couldn't reply from inbox page because subplebbit address wasn't defined (c31b7eb)
- settings: display name setting wouldn't reset on account change (b961626)
- sidebar: 'created by u/' link shouldn't be a link because it has no cid (1e73aee)
- sidebar: hide 'about moderation team' button, not functional yet (f887dc2)
- sidebar: show moderation tools to sub owner without role (15921ef)
- submit: address wasn't selected when clicking it in the dropdown (c55cd75)
- subplebbit settings: don't add empty exclude group when adding challenge (2465a8b)
- subplebbit settings: read only address would overflow if too long (f02c71f)
- subplebbit settings: read only description needed word wrap (6fdecce)
- subplebbit settings: read only exclude setting wasn't displayed properly (2f81578)
- subplebbit settings: reset store, challenges setting would not update on subplebbitAddress change (e0862a8)
- subplebbit settings: when adding an exclude group for challenges, the roles should not be checked by default (7dc0297)
- subplebbit: scroll position wasn't retained (f74ce22)
- subplebbits: show subplebbit run in local node in mod/admin/owner tabs regardless of role (32a6c01)
- add 'edit content' functionality to edit button for replies and posts, show asterisk in date with timestamp title (5055fde)
- add 'not found' page for invalid links (e8ee496)
- add 'pending edit' and 'failed edit' labels for mod and author edits (3bf9ead)
- add "delete" button for user's posts (1918ee9)
- add author edit reason, spoiler (11cc1a4)
- add mod edit reason to posts and replies (dd6744a)
- add spoiler styling as black overlay above post or reply content (d9e5086)
- communities: add markdown to each sub expandable description (486710c)
- feed: add dotted border to last visited post (6e5d644)
- header: add 'all' title to p/all header (6273029)
- hide media of removed posts and replies, blur title and media in feed for mods (dbbe9b0)
- implement community creation on desktop app (p2p full node) (b724894)
- inbox: add functionality to "show parent" button in comment replies (3443445)
- markdown: add same markdown styling and rules as reddit (83c2b3c)
- post: add '+' subscribe button to posts in p/all (5699739)
- post: add small profile nft avatar next to username (da6e474)
- post: show "[deleted]" as content if user deletes his own post (26ae8ea)
- reply form: add formatting help table for markdown (1c73e70)
- reply: add deleted (by author) styling, hide media (d3e8b89)
- reply: display nft profile picture if set (14c2cec)
- settings: add 'check for updates' button (1acab82)
- settings: add 'contribute to github' link to translations setting (5804c7d)
- settings: add button to copy full account address (306919c)
- settings: add double confirm when deleting account, red color (5afcf5c)
- settings: add link to ipfs stats on desktop full node, version info (d833a89)
- settings: add profile avatar setting (4b90287)
- show avatar in profile page sidebar (d3e85ab)
- submit: add markdown preview for post content (5c5273f)
- submit: add media preview to url field (2d6e7dd)
- subplebbit settings: add delete community button (615bd0d)
- subplebbit settings: add markdown preview for description (30caa7e)
- topbar: add create community button to 'my communities' dropdown, so it's easier to find on mobile (55a30e8)
- topbar: add link to default communities in "my communities" dropdown, rename "edit" link to "more" (09a7e63)
- inbox: memoize filters to avoid recalculation at every render (f6caf90)
- markdown: only render links in content if its length is less than 10000, to avoid lag (0edca2a)
- media utils: memoize link media info (caa5390)
- post page: optimize load time (369360c)
- reply form: faster replying by passing cid and sub address without having to load the post; fix no sub address error (3b40538)
- settings: remove unnecessary useEffect from crypto address and displayName functions (a2ade9f)
- settings: use default value and inline fallback for dynamic strings, instead of useEffect (1c4883e)
- Revert "Update subplebbit-settings.tsx" (d16c354)
0.1.5 (2024-02-04)
- electron: make sure repo is migrated when starting ipfs (e3804e3)
- submit: don't spellcheck and autocorrect in url input and community address input (65ea473)
- subplebbit settings: in challenge exclude, non-actions were incorrectly checked by their counterparts (0b193ad)
- add 'continue this thread' nested replies limit (d4f66ac)
- add service worker (PWA) (8c7ebf2)
- android: add android build script (f58827a)
- author sidebar: show avatar if set (3574546)
- implement text challenge modal (bf8b575)
- inbox: add functionality to 'context' button, highlighting reply in single comment thread (7537cba)
- post: add single comment's thread view (a605bdd)
- submit: add arrow keys control to community address dropdown items (aea68e6)
- update app icon design (b3a37d5)
0.1.4 (2024-01-30)
- account settings: prevent deleting last account, reload page when changing active account (14fde38)
- home: some text would be cut on mobile, padding-right was needed (e599393)
- index.html: disable auto zoom on safari mobile (497b8d6)
- markdown: add regex to fix newlines in list items separated by empty lines (b65e9aa)
- markdown: remove regex, adopting conventional markdown rules (337373f)
- markdown: use regex and a custom remark plugin to correctly style quotes and lists (361a479)
- media utils: add m.youtube (c81d240)
- post: author address wouldn't underline on mouse over (cfcda0f)
- post: fix virtuoso zero-sized element error (b2cbacc)
- sidebar: don't render rules if they are an empty array (ad91dd7)
- submit: show suggested communities if subs are less than 5, update translation, fix state (c56b944)
- subplebbits: don't show offline label if updatedAt is undefined (9d0bd81)
- subplebbit: selecting the time filter would bug the header title and topbar (90f9d35)
- time utils: show 1 minute if 1.x minutes (8f941c1)
- topbar: subscriptions were showing in default sub list (dbd2f34)
- unescape html encoded tags in i18next trans element (76065a8)
- add mobile about page to home, p/all (e1e28b9)
- add offline/online title to indicator (8a56bf1)
- edit menu: implemented instant author edits to delete post, mark as spoiler (33d1e6b)
- electron: improve navigation labels (32dd697)
- home: default time filter to 1 week to avoid showing old posts (16b0f39)
- home: implement last visit time filter, automatically selected (5f651fc)
- implement markdown, styled, in posts, replies and sidebars (5e61fd6)
- label: add removed and deleted labels, don't hide post when deleting to allow other edits (5314d10)
- mod menu: allow multiple instant edits (f887972)
- mod menu: show mod menu for single replies, put it last in tools for quicker access (3c1da1c)
- sidebar: add desktop app banner (4266964)
- sidebar: add dev version commit ref with link to the commit (052aad9)
- sidebar: add download links for the desktop client (2578249)
- sidebar: add footer with version and link to release (218840f)
- sidebar: add moderation tools and community settings link (7b1ebf7)
- sidebar: detect OS for 'download app' button in footer (103a209)
- sidebar: version footer links to specific version changelog (cf6f7d9)
- submit: 'submit to' page title links to subplebbit, passing link element to translation (8fd70b6)
- submit: suggest random communities when subscriptions are zero (9ed7c42)
- subplebbit settings: add challenges UI from API (d2f9249)
- subplebbit settings: add combinations for exclude from challenge settings (1e93bad)
- subplebbit settings: add exceptions setting to challenges (416f097)
- subplebbit settings: add functional setting for adding/removing moderators and changing roles (4680021)
- subplebbit settings: add functional settings for subplebbit title, description, address, avatar, rules, settings json (0d3622f)
- subplebbit settings: add functionality to add and remove challenges, include challenge details and exclude values (dc36065)
- subplebbit settings: add info banners for required admin role and desktop app (118ba4a)
- subplebbit settings: add logo preview (7a451df)
- subplebbit settings: add negative action exclusion types for challenges (afe9746)
- subplebbit settings: add read-only challenge type and description (87e305f)
- subplebbit settings: add UI (5f70b02)
- subplebbit settings: allow to define custom challenges in default types, using strings as values (8216994)
- subplebbit settings: allow to define exceptions for each challenge, defining exclude array (c2c68be)
- subplebbit settings: automatically show settings of a challenge when adding it (3495fee)
- subplebbit settings: exclude specific user addresses from challenges, minimum user karma (592a889)
- subplebbit settings: exclude users from challenge by account age, and by free actions per hour (52533e8)
- subplebbits: add 'all' tab to 'my communities' (d408cc5)
- subplebbits: add 'passed' and 'rejected' tabs to vote page (fcdb478)
- subplebbits: add avatars to communities page (10a4b46)
- subplebbits: add default subs view, subscriptions view (b9efbc9)
- subplebbits: add filtering by user role in 'my communities' tab, routes (7dfc053)
- subplebbits: add flair for user role if any (9cb27c1)
- subplebbits: link to communities, show empty subscriptions view to user, empty moderating subs page (a485bc9)
- time filter: default to 1m for new users (8166d0f)
- topbar: add 'edit subscriptions' button (e14fe49)
- topbar: show 'edit subscriptions' button in 'my communities' dropdown (3b13281)
- inbox: improve loading of notification details (11ddd46)
0.1.3 (2024-01-05)
- author sidebar: handle nullish values in karma calculation to prevent NaN (faed873)
- author sidebar: undefined (85e3930)
- embed: remove noreferrer for youtube-nocookie because it prevented some videos from loading (8d0e73b)
- header: add missing translation (b094523)
- header: correct height on mobile submit page (a68b009)
- language settings: trigger page refresh at language change because some strings get stuck (0304b5c)
- media utils: use 0.jpg instead of sddefault for youtube thumbnails, some wouldn't load the specific sd res (8bcded4)
- mod menu: don't show locked option for replies, they can't be locked (4ad46b6)
- submit: limit input resizing to fit in UI (b794ea7)
- submit: set min height/width of input elements (a6a1795)
- add subplebbits component and header (69f3d20)
- comment tools: show mod if mod, else show report, move some buttons to menus only on mobile, show them on desktop (b62831b)
- inbox: add red info text for no notifications found (5d4ca28)
- post: add locked post info banner (d5a9472)
- post: implement instant edits (0a9b154)
- reply: add pinned replies ('stickied comment') (f04ef91)
- reply: implement instant edits (38cb7d9)
- sidebar: add community settings button (dbbba07)
- subplebbit settings: add initial UI (f4634b6)
- subplebbits: add 'my communities' routes and tabs (79c8682)
- subplebbits: add initial UI (12306a6)
- subplebbits: add online indicator (e24aa06)
- subplebbits: add page title (1eb75fa)
- subplebbits: add responsive design, vote buttons, preferences button (e1d1682)
- subplebbits: add settings route, header title (91be80f)
0.1.2 (2023-12-25)
- comment tools: close menu when option is clicked, use dropdown styling (486e0b4)
- hide menu: only close menu when hiding post (00072bb)
- post: link to pending page if cid is undefined (10ddcfe)
- post: set width of voting column taking into account high vote counts (8448206)
- reply: don't show long subplebbit addresses, shorten them instead (f1c8249)
- share menu: add 'link copied' text with timeout and don't close the menu (67ac476)
- share menu: don't open for pending comments, fix share link div (c0edbf6)
- share menu: remove browser outline (ba5eca3)
- share menu: remove focus outline on open (686c5b1)
- sidebar: fix undefined submit link in pending page (e9d9fc5)
- sidebar: hide title section on pending page (853d88a)
- submit: subplebbit address wasn't selected by autocomplete (87fee93)
- topbar: fix z-index, dropdown was behind account bar (2573be4)
- add pending post view (f451bbe)
- comment tools: add share menu with share link and links to other clients (560a90a)
- comment tools: clicking on pending comment tools links to its pending page (0a0d96c)
- header: add inbox header tabs (1bdfe44)
- header: add pending page header (02199c0)
- hide menu: show on replies and collapse reply if blocked (f31f2b8)
- inbox: add filters for "comment replies", "post replies", unread (ffcfe37)
- post: redirect to post view when cid is received for pending post (ef1b385)
- profile: add functional sort by new or old (7314db2)
- reply: add inbox reply design for notifications (e7daa04)
- search bar: automatically focus search bar when clicked from account bar (6ab2ce8)
- sidebar: tell user to create a community with plebbit-cli (c484783)
- inbox: filter with useCallback, don't memo result (9f46922)
- profile: memoize sorting of comments (0374c14)
0.1.1 (2023-12-20)
- account settings: do not remove signer (a3408cc)
- electron: don't spam user with ipfs errors (795d390)
- post: fix state string placement (efa6fef)
- profile settings: signer can be undefined (b93a72e)
- reply: show parent of pending reply (81efaa7)
- reply form: allow posting replies with a link and no content (158aefe)
0.1.0 (2023-12-18)
- accidental global styling rule (beadb2c)
- account bar: hide submit button on desktop (8e80474)
- account bar: link to subplebbit-specific submit route (13f50a7)
- account bar: search bar text overlapped icon (c21dd56)
- author sidebar: don't render karma as NaN (15e8e8b)
- author sidebar: don't show friends and block if it's the user's own profile (f928a33)
- author: fix loading string and add ellipsis animation (78498f7)
- author: remove unnecessary redirect to profile (5491460)
- comment tools: fix mod tools publishing logic (17b5913)
- comments buttons: add media rule for mobile (3164fef)
- comments buttons: fix flexbox positioning (7ee59b9)
- comments: wrong useeffect logic (06d79d8)
- embed: wrong srcdoc class syntax prevented some embeds from loading (f6f0089)
- expando: add line breaks (4618e6e)
- feed post: add pluralization of reply count (8ffbe69)
- feed post: add try block for link hostname (6f274ed)
- feed post: don't render link url if it's undefined (7440fe0)
- feed post: enable external embed links (fc9a865)
- feed post: only show hostname of links (2147c96)
- feed post: remove 'thumbnail' alt onError for img elements, prettify (959d5b3)
- feed post: remove www in links (04b6fc2)
- feed post: use Comment type from API in props interface (1618108)
- feed post: use subplebbit.shortAddress instead of slice (0fd9fbb)
- header: add functionality to profile view buttons (be3a555)
- header: add responsiveness (0d433ca)
- header: adjust mobile positioning (d1cf663)
- header: auto select hot short at first load (bf8add3)
- header: consistent mobile height and padding (4b63130)
- header: don't select sort type in mobile about page (6194130)
- header: fix buttons positioning, header title size, container height on mobile (6a69f4e)
- header: fix padding, cursor (908f001)
- header: fix styling z-index, positioning on different languages (f1e4ed9)
- header: remove "top" sort (777d4ee)
- header: use transform for pixel decimals (9aa9d4e)
- header: wrong assets url for desktop (9c27746)
- home: add event.preventDefault() for links, adjust styling (7c1962a)
- home: delay feed rendering until all subscription addresses are fetched, virtuoso seemed to glitch (7dfa624)
- home: set max width for statestring for wrap (df6ad98)
- label: wrap for padding, add failed label to feed posts and pending posts, darker colors for dark mode (1816c30)
- loading ellipsis: sometimes would display misaligned (d599b49)
- post tools: cid was rendered as label (68e1d0b)
- post tools: default replycount to zero if isNaN (bab7092)
- post tools: disable reply button for pending replies (d959093)
- post tools: fix labels spacing (b32a553)
- post tools: hide reply button on pending reply (32b557d)
- post: add undefined type to cid to show pending label (8363bd9)
- post: clicking on post title should only link to post page (3c4d5f4)
- post: displayName should link to user, using full address (96fd07e)
- post: don't display "posted to p/" info in subplebbit view (aa867f4)
- post: fix isInPostView including pending view (b1acbae)
- post: fix overflow for verified address css animation (ec19e72)
- post: fix undefined (84e836a)
- post: fix undefined (63310c7)
- post: footer isn't needed (17f4533)
- post: handle undefined in document title (16bcb7a)
- post: handle undefined values with empty strings (d7fb21e)
- post: max title length is 300 chars not 90 (c95672d)
- post: overflow clip bugs out on webkit (eb2f293)
- post: remove pending reply count (c882679)
- post: remove unnecessary margin, might glitch virtuoso (29d22ec)
- post: state typo caused wrong expando behavior (9cfa43d)
- post: unset overflow on webkit because it adds unwanted margin (31dc1d2)
- profile sidebar: check length of object keys to render conditionally, render 'no posts', prettify (afa2d61)
- profile sidebar: default account age to date now, conditionally render mod list (fd6f4a8)
- reply form: textarea overflowed on mobile (3285e7d)
- reply: enable author page link, fix undefined (b4e0722)
- reply: ensure failed label only renders if state is failed (8983b70)
- reply: key is better as string of index and cid (200e5ba)
- reply: missing prop (8681a7e)
- reply: only show state string if state is pending (71c239f)
- search bar: fix warning (7c465f5)
- settings: adjust logic to check if crypto address is resolved to another account, fix styling (c1e6731)
- settings: handle createAccount async to switch automatically to new account (f875f27)
- settings: misplaced media rule (fe62aa3)
- settings: wrong account value for alert (483dbdc)
- sidebar: adjust margin if sub has no title (f0f6d1a)
- sidebar: prevent linking to inexistent route (b61a15d)
- sidebar: react fragment caused key warning (78ddf0c)
- sidebar: use short address for sub creator, only consider owner as creator (beae439)
- sort buttons: add media rule for mobile (310a215)
- sticky header: don't run sticky menu animation on mobile overscroll behavior (cfef4d9)
- sticky header: fix overscroll behavior bug, remove debug logs (8192504)
- sticky header: hide on desktop (2a64d4a)
- style: body background color defaulted to light on dark mode when scrolling fast (bb0291e)
- submit: default selected subplebbit title if not found, add margin (d88f6e3)
- submit: define subplebbitAddress store if automatically filled (960a2ea)
- submit: fix type and empty strings instead of undefined (d3f4ada)
- submit: handle async state of publishComment (452029f)
- submit: improve logic (a6d864d)
- submit: scroll to top at first load (e72d6ab)
- submit: selecting a sub address should show its rules (b54f00a)
- submit: selecting a sub address shouldn't link to it, hide overflow (d9c24ad)
- submit: selecting a subscription wouldn't show its rules (f9f622a)
- submit: use onChange for publishComment store, fix undefined, fix dropdown conditional rendering (8cb421b)
- subplebbit: don't render ellipsis for failed string (a14a93d)
- subplebbit: state string should wrap next to sidebar (4f07474)
- themes: don't style placeholder, it bugs out in different browsers (e66280c)
- time filter: close dropdown when choice is selected (fc29c1e)
- time filter: wrong ref (b0418f4)
- topbar: classname typo (46e12a5)
- topbar: clicking a subscription should close the dropdown (805b42a)
- topbar: close dropdown when choice is selected (c956f98)
- topbar: hide scrollbar on chromium and webkit (e7e696f)
- topbar: highlight home button only in homepage (70be116)
- topbar: prevent clicking the subs dropdown if there are no subs (1e6fdff)
- topbar: subscriptions didn't highlight on hover (5d2b20d)
- topbar: tell user if subscriptions are empty (8a3b139)
- topbar: use shortAddress from API for subscriptions (1648107)
- topbar: wrong ref (53d031e)
- topbar: wrong z-index (dc8e7da)
- use-theme: forgot to default to light theme, not dark (3140f82)
- utils: remove broken bitchute patternThumbnailUrl (28705cf)
- utils: remove unnecessary log (cff13e5)
- view utils: check timefilterkey when detecting home view (f1204a7)
- about: add about view for sidebar on mobile (b1c4b9b)
- about: add post-specific about page with post stats (eaa4d75)
- account bar: add dropdown with arrow next to username, username is link to user page (ca939cf)
- account bar: add functionality to search bar (cf7584b)
- account bar: add search bar to connect to a sub (cc9a040)
- account bar: change submit link depending on location (bc2dae7)
- account bar: clicking the language name switches the language, for testing (12afc82)
- account settings: export or import account as json file (e533317)
- add complete p/all view (cd5b617)
- add functional author page (3c3a4f5)
- add inbox view, to be tested with publishing (e90115b)
- add profile view (5cd1c03)
- app: add routes, comments view, topbar as layout route to prevent it from rerendering (2cda0dc)
- app: update routes (330c88c)
- author sidebar: add author address (ae319cf)
- author sidebar: add author post karma estimation (73c9902)
- author sidebar: add block/unblock user (b79c725)
- author sidebar: add moderating list for authors, user displayName (2154e35)
- author sidebar: add subscribe (friends) button (0d65f58)
- author sidebar: add to author and profile mobile views on top of posts, remove about tab (1e07ce2)
- author: add 'comments' (replies) and 'submitted' (posts) tabs and feeds (9bfa9fe)
- author: add single reply rendering (bf964c5)
- author: redirect to profile if author is account (422ef01)
- challenge modal: add functional challenge modal (d3e8e44)
- challenge modal: add title and subtitle to identify post and community (14cbeb3)
- challenge modal: preview publication content also for votes (304c313)
- comment tools: add hide tools (533412f)
- comment tools: make permalink and context buttons partly functional by linking to the post (7198e0b)
- comments: add comments view (179d2f5)
- comments: add replies including nested and reply media (bf296b6)
- comments: add textarea section (832001b)
- comments: add thread op in comments with expanded media and text, no thumbnail (f140750)
- electron: add electron (b6d5285)
- feed post: add audio embed (2fe0309)
- feed post: add buttons (cac7d19)
- feed post: add expandos for posts text content and related buttons (86331eb)
- feed post: add flair (9e26af4)
- feed post: add iframe embeds (88c2e1d)
- feed post: add images and videos with dimensions from API and wrapper (1419306)
- feed post: add link contents after scroll optimization (ac046d5)
- feed post: add posts to homepage, initial design, optimized scrolling for virtuoso (452e06d)
- feed post: translate post UI (0d08489)
- feed post: translate timestamp (ef6091c)
- header: add account bar with username (4e8843b)
- header: add horizontal scrolling for overflowing tabs on mobile (6f08efe)
- header: add settings header, add settings view util (a3bd954)
- header: add subscribe button for mobile (5c0306e)
- header: clicking subplebbit avatar takes to subplebbit home (50a570f)
- header: implement profile view like subplebbit, showing avatar instead of logo (ad0a955)
- header: subplebbit avatar replaces seedit logo (0c87e13)
- header: use author nft avatar instead of app logo (91795cf)
- home: add loading state string for feed (a3777df)
- home: add sidebar (138feb1)
- home: add subscriptions to feed (4425676)
- home: add top bar with sub lists (7bb6e48)
- home: added header with logo and sort types (b902094)
- hooks: add use-challenges (1dd1d8c)
- inbox: add unread overlay and initial view styling (82ae452)
- label: add failed label for replies, improve position (9885553)
- pending post: add pending post component and route (5ff9d30)
- pending post: add state string (07145fa)
- post tools label: add spoiler label next to post tools buttons (64087f6)
- post tools: add functional mod tools (8d80863)
- post tools: add functional share button (ea1a201)
- post tools: add pending label (ea6202e)
- post: add displayName to post cards (f149c0d)
- post: add functional upvote and downvote (c2d2540)
- post: add hidden post (5dd66e7)
- post: add loading state string (f6d3a70)
- post: add moderator role to post card with colors (56befbf)
- post: add pinned style and "announcement" tag (f41fe07)
- post: add spoiler to reply form, rename translations, (4d6d8c0)
- post: add url field, fields placeholders, translated (1f8dc0e)
- post: clear textarea after publishing a reply (fb4987a)
- post: clicking on post title in comments view redirects to link if defined (362c8fb)
- post: clicking on post title redirects to link if defined, else to the post page (035d0d9)
- profile settings: return with alert if crypto address input doesn't include tld (bda0937)
- profile: add 'comments' (replies) and 'submitted' (posts) tabs and feeds (7a339fe)
- profile: add lastVirtuosoState (d51183f)
- profile: add replies to overview feed with parent link (f71b749)
- profile: add sidebar, about page, styling, header link (3c919d7)
- profile: add upvoted and downvoted views (af2c6b6)
- reply form: add functional reply form component with dynamic rendering for replies of replies (90499a3)
- reply form: add options button to show or hide spoiler and url fields (a4a93a8)
- reply form: automatically focus the textarea when replying to a reply (9e104b0)
- reply: add depth to pending replies (470a5d6)
- reply: add flairs (8c6f597)
- reply: add functional upvote and downvote, ensure they don't run for pending comments (7e4e579)
- reply: add mod roles and colors to reply card (4311491)
- reply: add state string to pending replies (0bb9cfb)
- reply: click to enlarge effect for images, right/left click difference (route/media link), conditionally rendered expand button and text link for iframe/webpage types (d729e2d)
- reply: collapse replies and show children counter (755efd6)
- reply: display link embedded in reply above its content, keep embed button (49d1a32)
- reply: if removed, change the content to "[removed]" (5d34625)
- reply: implement vote score, translated (7873689)
- reply: show cid for reference, and add u/ to user address for consistency (6d0cbd2)
- reply: use single reply layout for author page, with full comments button and link to OP (ce74a60)
- search bar: on mobile, hide when clicking outside of it (dbb1da1)
- search bar: show animated expando box when clicking search bar for multiple search functions (9780f05)
- settings: add functional crypto address setting with resolve check (1e1fd24)
- settings: add functional settings (a1e5914)
- settings: add functionality to username setting (c4edf32)
- sidebar: add block community button (f4caa56)
- sidebar: add create community button (390680a)
- sidebar: add moderators list (e6b2cc3)
- sidebar: add post-specific sidebar with stats (708b3bb)
- sidebar: add rules list (0c698ba)
- sidebar: add search bar for feed filtering (f1fd4fb)
- sidebar: add sidebar (3e1ab75)
- sidebar: add submit a new post button, move create community button next to it (eaf46eb)
- sidebar: tell user if owner role is unset (004e394)
- sort dropdown: add sort UI to author and profile (4ac0d44)
- sticky header: add functionality to account select element (8b1d9f9)
- sticky header: add new design and functionality (8c12813)
- sticky header: add sorttype navigation, improve styling (dd5751b)
- sticky header: add sticky menu with animation (6e93f03)
- sticky header: disappear when near the top of the page (02fe2d0)
- sticky header: hide at first load (6e642e7)
- sticky header: only show on mobile (d44289d)
- submit: add publishing functionality (a1a2c47)
- submit: add submit form UI (5e232e4)
- submit: add submit route, component, button (b4f5a4a)
- submit: add subscriptions list to quickly select a sub to post to (57593b5)
- submit: auto select current sub address (6edf456)
- submit: show subplebbit rules if any as the user types a valid subplebbit address (42b4bce)
- submit: typing sub address shows a dropdown with possible matches of default sub addresses (fe82d0a)
- subplebbit: add feed sorting (6187438)
- subplebbit: add route and component (7ae14c4)
- subplebbit: add subplebbit feed, enable links to it (c48cd07)
- subscribe button: add functional join/leave button (e6fd214)
- thread: add loading state string for replies (619ef97)
- time filter: add time filter UI (52998e1)
- time utils: differentiate between 'time ago' adding function for formatted time duration (f6aa70b)
- topbar: add scrollable sub list (8cee962)
- topbar: display subplebbit addresses from defaults and subs with proper formatting (647a7ed)
- topbar: get sort label translation and display it as dropdown title (3f053a6)
- translations: add ar, es, hi, ja, pt, zh (cfa8993)
- translations: add English and Italian (a4217a8)
- translations: add most spoken languages for a total of 35 (37d895f)
- translations: add select element for many translations (862abf1)
- use-current-view: add isPendingView (3e33f50)
- use-pending-replycount: implement useAccountComments with filter to get total reply count including pending replies (050dfcc)
- use-reply: implement replying to a post (34d380e)
- use-time-filter: implement time filters (3ec7555)
- user utils: find subplebbit creator for sidebar 'created by' (c09bae3)
- utils: add alert for failed challenge verification (a5e8580)
- utils: add isValidENS, isValidIPFS, isValidURL (99bc823)
- addresses utils: use object instead of array for useDefaultAndSubscriptionsSubplebbits (8ed60f9)
- app: use route outlet for home layout (e607fa7)
- comments: avoid unmounting home by rendering comments as modal in it, so the feed is already loaded when navigating back to it (dfa4383)
- comments: memoize isCommentsModalOpen (0d50537)
- expando: refactor, only load videos and audios when expanded (e8d7a22)
- feed post: fix img source impacted scroll performance (a7fd5dd)
- feed post: fix virtuoso scrolling smoothness removing all margin and adding render optimizations (319dd23)
- home: add overscan to virtuoso (725a2e4)
- home: double increaseViewportBy in Virtuoso so it's harder to reach the bottom of the loaded posts on low resource (06f5226)
- home: when navigating, render comments view instantly by conditionally rendering virtuoso in home (12c90c7)
- media: use else if statements instead of dynamic jsx object (6da0790)
- post: use verified addresses with css effect to avoid virtuoso glitch (c739801)
- profile settings: better state management (fcd2d6c)
- profile settings: pre-load address resolve, only show status when clicking check, reset state after clicking save (b7e059b)
- reduce calls of plebbit-react-hooks (c1514a9)
- sidebar: use components instead of variables for conditional rendering (7f73939)
- use-default-subplebbits: cache hook for faster navigation (1fc9fce)
- use-default-subplebbits: optimize cache (9673b08)
- use-default-subplebbits: switch to multisub.json and return cache for faster navigation (35846f7)
- Revert "chore(package.json): upgrade plebbit-react-hooks" (2307bc2)
- Revert "chore(translations): translate "settings", rename account_bar_preferences to settings" (d79f5dd)
- Revert "style(header): remove wiki button, because of inconsistent UI and not enough space" (e940379)
- Revert "style: convert all css modules to scss" (f1dfafe)