- Expose metrics plugin hooks android #591 (@mrigankmg)
- Mrigank Mehta (@mrigankmg)
Data change listener fix (#572)
Fixed an issue in common-exprssion-plugin
where the array update via concat didn't trigger the data-change-listener
and view update
Update to explicitly call out the default value for dataPath (#584)
Updated docs for Shared Constants Plugin to highlight the default dataPath used for overriding values
- Release main #601 (@intuit-svc)
- Added typescript plugins dev guide #497 (@mrigankmg)
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md #596 (@brocollie08)
- Data change listener fix #572 (@cehan-Chloe)
- Update CODEOWNERS #592 (@KetanReddy)
- Moved AssetTest and Assertions into an android testutils package #586 (@mrigankmg)
- Expose onStart player hook for Android #587 (@mrigankmg)
- Revert "vector common scope" #587 (@brocollie08)
- Support Smoother Experience When Loading a Viewless Flow on iOS #570 (@nancywu1)
- Update to explicitly call out the default value for dataPath #584 (@A1shK)
- Hermes tracker update #580 (@brocollie08)
- vector common scope (@brocollie08)
- @A1shK
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- Chloeeeeeee (@cehan-Chloe)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Mrigank Mehta (@mrigankmg)
Data change listener fix (#572)
Fixed an issue in common-exprssion-plugin
where the array update via concat didn't trigger the data-change-listener
and view update
- Added typescript plugins dev guide #497 (@mrigankmg)
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md #596 (@brocollie08)
- Data change listener fix #572 (@cehan-Chloe)
- Update CODEOWNERS #592 (@KetanReddy)
- Moved AssetTest and Assertions into an android testutils package #586 (@mrigankmg)
- @brocollie08
- Chloeeeeeee (@cehan-Chloe)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Mrigank Mehta (@mrigankmg)
- Expose onStart player hook for Android #587 (@mrigankmg)
- Mrigank Mehta (@mrigankmg)
- vector common scope (@brocollie08)
- Revert "vector common scope" (@brocollie08)
Update to explicitly call out the default value for dataPath (#584)
Updated docs for Shared Constants Plugin to highlight the default dataPath used for overriding values
- Support Smoother Experience When Loading a Viewless Flow on iOS #570 (@nancywu1)
- Update to explicitly call out the default value for dataPath #584 (@A1shK)
- Hermes tracker update #580 (@brocollie08)
Fix Duplicate Date in Title for next
Changelog Entries (#569)
fix duplicate date in title for next changelogs
Fix Binding Instantiation of Escaped Numerical Bindings (#565)
Fixed instantiation of BindingInstance
s with escaped numerical segments
- Release main #581 (@intuit-svc)
- Check scope active for awaiting player #578 (@brocollie08)
- iOS: JavascriptCore Exceptions when finding classes #577 (@hborawski)
- Broken links fix for docs #573 (@chetanddesai)
- J2V8 Config from Consumer #576 (@brocollie08)
- Only mutate ManagedPlayerViewModel.loadingState on main thread #566 (@ap-for-work @hborawski)
- Fix Binding Instantiation of Escaped Numerical Bindings #565 (@KetanReddy)
- Fix Duplicate Date in Title for
Changelog Entries #569 (@KetanReddy)
- @ap-for-work
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- Chetan Desai (@chetanddesai)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Check scope active for awaiting player #578 (@brocollie08)
- iOS: JavascriptCore Exceptions when finding classes #577 (@hborawski)
- Broken links fix for docs #573 (@chetanddesai)
- Chetan Desai (@chetanddesai)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- J2V8 Config from Consumer #576 (@brocollie08)
Fix Duplicate Date in Title for next
Changelog Entries (#569)
fix duplicate date in title for next changelogs
- Only mutate ManagedPlayerViewModel.loadingState on main thread #566 (@ap-for-work @hborawski)
- Fix Duplicate Date in Title for
Changelog Entries #569 (@KetanReddy)
- @ap-for-work
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
Fix Binding Instantiation of Escaped Numerical Bindings (#565)
Fixed instantiation of BindingInstance
s with escaped numerical segments
- Fix Binding Instantiation of Escaped Numerical Bindings #565 (@KetanReddy)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
More Release Fixes (#558)
- Fix git push of changelog for next builds
- Fix stamping of search config for latest doc site releases
- Release main #568 (@intuit-svc)
- Hermes reference tracking #563 (@sugarmanz @brocollie08)
- Use m2 Medium executor #560 (@KetanReddy)
- More Release Fixes #558 (@KetanReddy)
- Updated Authoring content section in docs.mdx #567 (@AkshayArora-repo)
- @AkshayArora-repo
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
Fix Releases (#556)
Push up new changelog before continuing release process so new version is tagged to a commit that exists
Indicate the type of change your pull request is:
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Miscellaneous Maintainance Fixes (#555)
- Internal: Fix changelog creation for next releases
- Internal: Align on test file location for js packages
- Internal: Omit config files from coverage
Add Changelogs from next
releases to CHANGELOG.md file (#554)
Preserve next
releases in CHANGELOG.md file
Add Missing DSL Docs (#548)
Docs - Add DSL docs
Applicability docs (#544)
- Update applicability docs to reflect desired patterns and behaviors
- Fix flaky react reference asset test
- Fix misc vitest issues when running outside of bazel (cjs environment, excluded directories)
Indicate the type of change your pull request is:
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Remove unneeded dependency on pubsub-js
Remove dead dependencies
Indicate the type of change your pull request is:
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Minor Docs Fixes (#538)
- Fix search on
subdomain searching against and redirecting tolatest
- Update page description on the landing page
Indicate the type of change your pull request is:
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
More Doc Fixes (#532)
- Fix links for
pages - Add package manager tabs for js install instructions
- Fix version selector breaking on main page
Indicate the type of change your pull request is:
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Fix docs build visibility (#531)
Fix visibility of docs build
ios: enhance tapable logger to handle variadic args from the JS log (#524)
Prefixing message with the format [Player] [\(logLevel)]:
moved out of the Tapable logger and moved to PrintLoggerPlugin. Any consumers using their own LoggerPlugin will need to append the logLevel if they want to print it
public class CustomLoggingPlugin: NativePlugin {
public let pluginName = "CustomLoggingPlugin"
public func apply<P>(player: P) where P: HeadlessPlayer {
guard let player = player as? SwiftUIPlayer else { return }
player.logger.logLevel = .trace
player.logger.hooks.trace.tap(name: pluginName, { print("Custom message")\(($0))" ) })
public class CustomLoggingPlugin: NativePlugin {
public let pluginName = "CustomLoggingPlugin"
public func apply<P>(player: P) where P: HeadlessPlayer {
guard let player = player as? SwiftUIPlayer else { return }
player.logger.logLevel = .trace
let prefixedMessage = "[Player] [trace]: "
player.logger.hooks.trace.tap(name: pluginName, { print("\(prefixedMessage) Custom message \(($0))" ) })
Any usage of the player.logger.hooks
taps will have breaking changes in the callback because the calls have been changed to provide a [Any]
type instead of String
so it can be returned in the form of messages instead of a single message. Unless nothing is done in the callback to access the value but just to print it, there should be breaking changes
// this should be no breaking change
player.logger.hooks.trace.tap(name: "log", { print("\(($0))" ) })
// if `values` should be accessed in anyway, i.e want the first value, or want to seperate the values
player.logger.hooks.debug.tap(name: "log") { values in
// values is of type [Any], if you want to print only the first value
print("\((message as? [String])?.first))" )
- Release main #557 (@intuit-svc)
- Fix Releases #556 (@KetanReddy)
- Miscellaneous Maintainance Fixes #555 (@KetanReddy)
- Implemented cancelBeacon and buildBeacon hooks for Android #542 (@mrigankmg @brocollie08)
- Add Changelogs from
releases to CHANGELOG.md file #554 (@KetanReddy) - iOS ExternalActionViewModifierPlugin: make apply func open #539 (@nancywu1)
- JVM ConsoleLoggerPlugin #552 (@brocollie08)
- Applicability docs #544 (@KetanReddy @nancywu1)
- iOS: Expose builldBeacon and cancelBeacon hooks inside of BaseBeaconPlugin and make BeaconPlugin open class #536 (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Remove unneeded dependency on
#547 (@KetanReddy) - remove unneeded HTML report generation steps from build #545 (@nancywu1)
- Fix parsing of Bindings with Escaped Numbers #533 (@KetanReddy)
- Update getting-started.mdx #534 (@aarora-pm)
- More Doc Fixes #532 (@KetanReddy)
- Fix docs build visibility #531 (@KetanReddy)
- Fix CJS support for React Player #525 (@KetanReddy)
- iOS: Expand AnyType to handle deeply nested AnyType for beacon encoding #519 (@hborawski)
- Updating Main Page Content #508 (@KetanReddy @adierkens)
- Fix circleci badge in README #480 (@adierkens @KetanReddy)
- Add Missing DSL Docs #548 (@KetanReddy)
- improve prominence of bazel build guidance for iOS targets #546 (@hborawski)
- Minor Docs Fixes #538 (@KetanReddy)
- fix exports in docs #511 (@spentacular @KetanReddy)
- Docs refresh with Astro #506 (@adierkens @KetanReddy)
- @aarora-pm
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Mrigank Mehta (@mrigankmg)
- Niharika Motukuri (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Spencer Hamm (@spentacular)
Add Changelogs from next
releases to CHANGELOG.md file (#554)
Preserve next
releases in CHANGELOG.md file
- Add Changelogs from
releases to CHANGELOG.md file #554 (@KetanReddy)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Release main #518 (@intuit-svc)
- hermes_jni linkopt select #517 (@brocollie08)
- Remove FBJNI local binaries #516 (@brocollie08)
- revert async node flatten #512 (@cehan-Chloe)
- Hermes support Android 15 #509 (@brocollie08)
- Fix js Package Releases #507 (@KetanReddy)
- Update Custom Asset doc page with use cases on asset registering #348 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- iOS: move HeadlessPlayerImpl from PlayerUIInternalTestUtilities to PlayerUITestUtilitiesCore #500 (@nancywu1)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- Chloeeeeeee (@cehan-Chloe)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
Update Rules Versions (#496)
Update JS Rules to latest Aspect major
Android/JVM - expose constantController (#489)
Expose the core Player constantsController to Android/JVM consumers
AndroidPlayer provides top-level api and plugins access including constantsController
with AssetContext
Sample usage:
assetContext.player.constantsController.getConstants(key, namespace)
Storybook Addon Fixes (#449)
- Re-adds the ability to render Asset properties as a tab in storybook
- Re-adds the flow-refresh addon
- Fixes the dependencies & package layout for the storybook addon
- Fix dark-mode support
[Hermes] Android integration (#410)
Initial integration with the Hermes JavaScript runtime. This shows a tremendous size improvement over the existing J2V8 integration of ~70% (7.6 MB -> 2.3 MB, architecture dependent).
For now, the default runtime integration provided by the Android Player will still be com.intuit.playerui:j2v8-android
, but Hermes can be opted in manually by excluding the J2V8 transitive dependency and including the Hermes artifact:
dependencies {
// Android Player dependency
implementation("com.intuit.playerui", "android", PLAYER_VERSION) {
// J2V8 included for release versions
exclude(group = "com.intuit.playerui", module = "j2v8-android")
// Debuggable J2V8 included for canary versions
exclude(group = "com.intuit.playerui", module = "j2v8-android-debug")
// Override with Hermes runtime
implementation("com.intuit.playerui", "hermes-android", PLAYER_VERSION)
// Exclude J2V8 transitive dependency for all configurations in this module
configurations {
all {
exclude(group = "com.intuit.playerui", module = "j2v8-android")
// Debuggable J2V8 included for canary versions
exclude(group = "com.intuit.playerui", module = "j2v8-android-debug")
If your application includes dependencies that may transitively depend on com.intuit.playerui:android
, you would likely need to ensure the default runtime is transitively excluded from those as well, either manually or as a global strategy.
The AndroidPlayer
will pick the first runtime it finds on the classpath - you can at least verify which runtime was used for the Player
with a new log: Player created using $runtime
. But that won't tell you for certain if the other runtimes were successfully excluded. You'll need to examine your APK, or your apps dependency tree, to tell for sure that redundant runtimes aren't unintentionally included.
Most of the setup for this integration is done simply by including the right dependency (and excluding the wrong one), however, the hermes-android
integration also relies on the SoLoader for loading the native libraries. All that's needed is to initialize the SoLoader
(should be on your classpath with the hermes-android
dependency) with an Android Context
somewhere before you use the AndroidPlayer
, potentially in your activities onCreate
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
SoLoader.init(this, false)
// ...
- Storybook Addon Fixes #449 (@adierkens)
- [Hermes] Android integration #410 (@sugarmanz @brocollie08)
- Release main #501 (@intuit-svc)
- jvm and ios-async-node-ability-to-remove-resolved-async-node #488 (@sakuntala-motukuri @cehan-Chloe)
- Update Rules Versions #496 (@KetanReddy)
- fix:no matching toolchains:ninja_toolchain #490 (@cehan-Chloe @KetanReddy @brocollie08)
- Android/JVM - expose constantController #489 (@cehan-Chloe)
- ios expose constantsController #446 #487 (@cehan-Chloe)
- On update race condition #471 (@brocollie08)
- iOS: fix memory leak issues #486 (@sakuntala-motukuri @nancywu1)
- Remove async node dsl component #484 (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- [CI] Swap release script to use
#482 (@sugarmanz) - Async node android #469 (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Add recipes for just #468 (@adierkens)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- Chloeeeeeee (@cehan-Chloe)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Niharika Motukuri (@sakuntala-motukuri)
Docs and Release Fixes (#474)
- Fix next releases being tagged as latest on npm
- Fix doc site issues with github pages
- Fix missing dsl plugins page
Update to use TypeScript 5.5 and enable isolatedDeclarations
Update to use TypeScript 5.5 and enable isolatedDeclarations
bump js rules, use node 20 (#430)
Use Node 20 for builds
JS Package Cleanup (#442)
Fix migration issues in JS packages
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Bazel 6 Migration (#252)
Swaps the repo internals to use bazel@6
, rules_js
, bazel modules, vitest
and tsup
for the core + plugin builds
- Bazel 6 Migration #252 (@adierkens @hborawski @brocollie08 @KetanReddy @sugarmanz [email protected] @nancywu1 @mercillo @mrigankmg @sakuntala-motukuri)
- Release main #476 (@intuit-svc)
- Docsite Fixes #475 (@KetanReddy @mercillo)
- Docs and Release Fixes #474 (@KetanReddy @mercillo)
- Update rules1.1.2 #473 (@mercillo)
- Update to rules player 1.1.1 #472 (@mercillo)
- bazel - added rules player back for docs site #470 (@KetanReddy @mercillo)
- Fix J2V8 Debugger #443 (@brocollie08)
- fix: replace fuse.js with leven to fix no similar matching name error #452 (@cehan-Chloe)
- Fixed switch parsing syntax issue for dynamic switches #458 (@mrigankmg)
- View Parser Plugin Decomposition #413 (@mrigankmg)
- Ability to remove a resolved async node #404 (@sakuntala-motukuri @brocollie08)
- ReactAsset improve error messages #444 (@cehan-Chloe)
- JS Package Cleanup #442 (@KetanReddy)
- Specific Temurin Version #445 (@brocollie08)
- iOS: Canary release support + SPM automated releases #434 (@hborawski)
- apply strategy from pr builds to main & release builds #440 (@sugarmanz)
- Add dsl component to async node #439 (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Bazel clean up #435 (@brocollie08)
- [JVM] Publish next releases to release repository (fixed versions) #428 (@sugarmanz)
- This PR enables to add footer component to info reference asset in android #411 (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Fix NPM Registry URL #427 (@KetanReddy)
- Use smaller docker image for circle setup #456 (@adierkens)
- Log debug info for npm next release #454 (@adierkens)
- Remove alternate binding parsers from bundle #432 (@adierkens)
- Revert "[JVM] Publish next releases to release repository" #429 (@sugarmanz)
- [JVM] Publish next releases to release repository #426 (@sugarmanz)
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md #433 (@brocollie08)
- Update to use TypeScript 5.5 and enable
#431 (@KetanReddy) - bump js rules, use node 20 #430 (@KetanReddy @hborawski @mercillo)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- Chloe (@cehan-Chloe)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Marlon "Marky" Ercillo (@mercillo)
- Mrigank Mehta (@mrigankmg)
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
- Niharika Motukuri (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Release main #409 (@intuit-svc)
- ios buildabling on arm mac with rosetta + Aish's Android fixes #402 (@A1shK [email protected] @nancywu1)
- Update getting-started.mdx #393 (@brocollie08)
- Fix binding tracking for validations within nested multi-nodes #382 (@tmarmer)
- Adding troubleshooting info for
Module not found: six.moves
error #381 (@A1shK) - Update CONTRIBUTING.md to include python dependency. #380 (@A1shK)
- Player 8901 - Fix typings for onAsyncNode hook #371 (@sakuntala-motukuri)
- Add Info on Commit Signing to Docs. #375 (@KetanReddy)
- [Android] Allowing timeout to be configured through PlayerRuntimeConfig #359 (@A1shK)
- Fix false positive binding with opening { #342 (@DukeManh)
- @A1shK
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- @sakuntala-motukuri
- Duc Manh (@DukeManh)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
- Thomas Marmer (@tmarmer)
- Release main #353 (@intuit-svc)
- Trigger prerelease #352 (@sugarmanz)
- Parse multi node switch fixv1 #347 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- [Android] Reorganize
state updates #343 (@sugarmanz) - iOS: expose data controller onUpdate hook #336 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- Android Build Optimization Docs #308 ([email protected] @brocollie08)
- Add bazelisk to list of requirements; be more specific in Android build instructions #344 ([email protected])
- [Docs] DSL docs additions #339 (@lexfm)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- Alex Fimbres (@lexfm)
- brocollie08 ([email protected])
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- marky ercillo ([email protected])
- Marlon "Marky" Ercillo (@mercillo)
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
- Paul Millerd (@paulmillerd)
Update Player Tools Version (#334)
- Update Player Tools to latest
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Version Selector Fixes (#330)
Docs - Fix version selector not working and preserve route when changing versions
[Docs] Update the DSL Benefits in Schema Section (#326)
Docs - Update DSL Schema benefits section
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Expose More Information About Expression Parsing Errors (#328)
Types - Expose types/utilities around expression parsing errors
- Updated docs
- No Update needed
- Unable to update docs
Fix commaNumber
Formatting when Using a Precision of 0 (#319)
Common Types Plugin - Fix commaNumber
Formatting when Using a Precision of 0
Expression Parser Strictness (#315)
Expose Expression Parser's strictness option via the resolveOptions
- Release main #335 (@intuit-svc)
- Update Player Tools Version #334 (@KetanReddy)
- Version Selector Fixes #330 (@KetanReddy)
- Move managed player mock flows to shared reference asset mocks #217 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- Android: Preserve old rendering path for non-suspendable assets #314 (@sugarmanz @brocollie08)
- Expose More Information About Expression Parsing Errors #328 (@KetanReddy)
- update iOS contributing guide #323 (@hborawski)
- update rules_player to latest 0.12.0 #322 (@hborawski @brocollie08)
- Fix
Formatting when Using a Precision of 0 #319 (@KetanReddy) - Expression Parser Strictness #315 (@KetanReddy)
- Common Types Plugin restoring old dataRefs #302 ([email protected] @lexfm @KetanReddy)
- [Docs] Update the DSL Benefits in Schema Section #326 (@KetanReddy)
- refactor nav docs slightly to better call out onEnd expressions #321 (@hborawski)
- PR Checklist update #309 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- add syntax examples for default expressions #317 (@hborawski)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- afimbres ([email protected])
- Alex Fimbres (@lexfm)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Marlon "Marky" Ercillo (@mercillo)
- mercillo ([email protected])
- zwu01 ([email protected])
[Android] AsyncHydrationTrackerPlugin
Introduction of AsyncHydrationTrackerPlugin
to provide a mechanism for reacting when SuspendableAsset
hydration is completely finished.
androidPlayer.asyncHydrationTrackerPlugin!!.hooks.onHydrationComplete.tap(this::class.java.name) {
// process effects after hydration is complete
[Sync] Performance and Bugfix (#306)
- Skip view updates for silent data changes
- Replace
calls for performance reasons - Fix data change events not cascading properly when setting data
- Release main #313 (@intuit-svc)
- bump @player-tools packages to 0.5.1 #312 (@hborawski)
- iOS: prefix resource bundles to prevent naming collisions #310 (@hborawski)
- [Android]
#296 (@sugarmanz) - [Docs] Platform consolidation #287 (@sugarmanz [email protected])
- [JVM] Handle invalid JSON as Player error #303 (@sugarmanz)
- [Sync] Performance and Bugfix #306 ([email protected])
- Fix documentation error on custom asset #311 (@ktamilvanan)
- [Docs] Update: DSLSchema #304 ([email protected] @lexfm)
- @intuit-svc
- afimbres ([email protected])
- Alex Fimbres (@lexfm)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- KT (@ktamilvanan)
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
publishing scope (#253)
Embracing the player-ui
namespace, the base group ID, and correlating package scopes, have changed:
-> com.intuit.playerui
- Dropping
from non-android artifacts- This was originally done to leave room for intermediate JS resource artifacts. This is no longer necessary due to improvements in our build process, and enables us to remove this redundancy.
Artifact | Internal | External |
Headless Player | com.intuit.player.jvm:core |
com.intuit.playerui:core |
Android Player | com.intuit.player.android:player |
com.intuit.playerui:android |
Plugins | com.intuit.player.plugins com.intuit.player.jvm.plugins com.intuit.player.android.plugins |
com.intuit.playerui.plugins |
Refactor existing DSL docs. (#288)
Update DSL docs
Remove Applitools (#277)
Enhance AsyncViewStub.awaitView()
to ensure any child AsyncViewStub
s are resolved as well. This really only affects initial hydration, preventing weird isolated rendering jank by ensuring everything is ready to be shown on screen before actually rendering the top-level asset.
publishing scope #253 (@sugarmanz)- feat: add github.dev links to docs #278 ([email protected] @rafbcampos)
- Release main #301 (@intuit-svc)
- iOS: add asyncnodeplugin resource path to bazel.build zip #300 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- fix: missing docs/site on docs links #299 ([email protected] @rafbcampos)
- fix: help to improve docs links with relative path #298 ([email protected] @rafbcampos)
- Refactor existing DSL docs. #288 (@KetanReddy)
- AsyncNodePlugin- use named export, port iOS plugin #295 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- Fix broken link in CONTRIBUTING.md #291 (@KetanReddy)
- Remove Applitools #277 (@sugarmanz @hborawski)
- [Docs] plugin and cli updates, links fix #294 ([email protected] @lexfm)
- AssetProviderPlugin - Docs update #283 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- Plugins android clean up #290 ([email protected] [email protected] @brocollie08)
- docDays/updated FAQS #282 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- iOS: Update plugin documentation #284 (@hborawski [email protected])
- Update Team Page with New Members #280 (@KetanReddy)
- iOS: Update Writing Plugins guide #279 (@hborawski)
- [JVM] pom with minimal oss requirements #275 (@sugarmanz)
- Fix SwiftUIPendingTransactionPlugin Docs Page #276 (@KetanReddy)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- afimbres ([email protected])
- Alex Fimbres (@lexfm)
- brocollie08 ([email protected])
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Marlon "Marky" Ercillo (@mercillo)
- mercillo ([email protected])
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
- Rafael Campos (@rafbcampos)
- rcampos2 ([email protected])
- Latest sync including AsyncNodePlugin #263 ([email protected] @nancywu1 @brocollie08)
- Release main #274 (@intuit-svc)
- Playa 8756 - iOS add callTryCatchWrapper function on JSValue #270 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- Release main #273 (@intuit-svc)
- Fix
transitive deps #256 (@sugarmanz) - update iOS StageRevertDataPluginTests #264 ([email protected] @nancywu1)
- DSL documentation changes #266 ([email protected] @rafbcampos)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- brocollie08 ([email protected])
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- nancywu1 ([email protected])
- Rafael Campos (@rafbcampos)
- rcampos2 ([email protected])
- zwu01 ([email protected])
- Release main #259 (@intuit-svc)
- iOS - allow navigationFlowViewState attributes to take Any instead of string #258 (@zwu011 @nancywu1)
Sync Android and JVM packages to latest (#222)
- Sync Android and JVM packages to latest #222 (@Kiwiegg @sugarmanz)
- Release main #254 (@intuit-svc)
- @intuit-svc
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Larry (@Kiwiegg)
- Release main #251 (@intuit-svc)
- 177/ add plugin examples and managed player to demo app #215 (@zwu011 @nancywu1)
- iOS: add SwiftUIPendingTransactionPlugin to reference asset dependencies #250 (@hborawski)
- Mocks for plugins #206 ([email protected] @mercillo @zwu011 @hborawski @brocollie08 @adierkens @intuit-svc)
- store cancellables in ManagedPlayerViewModelTests #210 (@hborawski)
- apply swift 6 warning fix to flaky iOS tests #207 (@hborawski)
- iOS: make AssetBeacon equatable and add public init for metadata #248 (@hborawski)
- Singular workflow for CI #214 ([email protected] @brocollie08)
- update Gemfile.lock #208 (@hborawski)
- Update ruby version in build #246 (@adierkens)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- @zwu011
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- brocollie08 ([email protected])
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Marlon "Marky" Ercillo (@mercillo)
- mercillo ([email protected])
- Release main #249 (@intuit-svc)
- iOS: make AssetBeacon equatable and add public init for metadata #248 (@hborawski)
- Update ruby version in build #246 (@adierkens)
- @intuit-svc
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
Add Automation ID to Error Element in Storybook (#245)
Storybook error element has a data-automation-id
property which allows it to be programmably found in tests
- Release main #247 (@intuit-svc)
- Add Automation ID to Error Element in Storybook #245 (@KetanReddy)
- iOS: port async WrappedFunction update #244 (@hborawski)
- iOS: rewrite publisher assertions to be async #234 (@hborawski)
- Fix PR Titles Created During Release #242 (@KetanReddy)
- Update auto version. Filter release trigger from changelogs #243 (@adierkens)
- Update broken link in contributing docs #238 (@adierkens)
- @intuit-svc
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
Add better error messaging for failed expression eval and parsing (#239)
Improved error messages for parse and eval failures for expressions
- Release ${GITHUB_REF##*/} #241 (@intuit-svc)
- adding swiftuipendingtransactionplugin #237 (@zwu011 @nancywu1)
- Add better error messaging for failed expression eval and parsing #239 (@adierkens)
- @intuit-svc
- @nancywu1
- @zwu011
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
Pin @moncao-editor/react to non .mjs
Only Version (#230)
Pin @moncao-editor/react
to 4.3.1
- Release ${GITHUB_REF##*/} #236 (@intuit-svc)
- build: comment out major doc deploy for now #235 (@hborawski)
- Release ${GITHUB_REF##*/} #233 (@intuit-svc)
- remove version prefix from doc release path #232 (@hborawski)
- iOS: Update precompile script to source zshrc #226 (@hborawski)
- Release ${GITHUB_REF##*/} #231 (@intuit-svc)
- Pin @moncao-editor/react to non
Only Version #230 (@KetanReddy)
- @intuit-svc
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Ketan Reddy (@KetanReddy)
- Core package organization, and renaming to
#93 (@adierkens) - Enhancement/Parser Rewrite for plugins #80 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- Release main #101 (@intuit-svc)
- Update documentation #96 (@KVSRoyal)
- run a separate workflow for forked PRs without write capable cache keys #97 (@hborawski)
- [iOS] relax requirements for sending beacon metadata #88 (@hborawski)
- [iOS] fix TestPlayer test helper dependency #83 (@hborawski)
- [iOS] fix runtime warnings for published variables in Xcode14 #84 (@hborawski)
- [iOS] make some additional properties public #82 (@hborawski)
- change platform groupid #81 ([email protected] @brocollie08)
- [iOS] add registerPlugin(_:) to HeadlessPlayer API #79 (@hborawski)
- Cleanup Android dependencies #77 (@sugarmanz)
- Docs: fix sidenav scrolling on mobile #100 (@adierkens)
- Add algolia search to /latest/ site #76 (@adierkens)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- brocollie08 ([email protected])
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Kori South (@KVSRoyal)
- Marlon Ercillo (@mercillo)
- mercillo ([email protected])
- Sync changes up to 57537b9 #69 (@adierkens)
- Remove exit on error flag in release script #75 (@adierkens)
- Release main #73 (@intuit-svc)
- add delay before screenshotting for animations to finish #72 (@hborawski)
- Release main #71 (@intuit-svc)
- split out test helper functionality so XCTest isn't a hard requirement #70 (@hborawski)
- Remove unused react-types package #68 (@adierkens)
- switch removal from empty node #67 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- upgrade to xcode 13.4.1 #65 (@hborawski)
- dont use bazel to push since the stamping wont work after shipit #63 (@hborawski)
- try/catch pod push in plugin #62 (@hborawski)
- move pod push to afterShipIt to have upload-assets finish first #61 (@hborawski)
- Add workflow for fixing tags after failed release #60 (@adierkens)
- fix pod release plugin #59 (@hborawski)
- add local auto plugin to run bazel pod push after release #57 (@hborawski)
- Fix the bin entry for the cli #58 (@adierkens)
- allow caching ios tests again #56 (@hborawski)
- set applitools env variables for iOS tests #27 (@hborawski)
- fix IR backend for kotlinx serialization #55 (@sugarmanz)
- Add subpath support for published docs #54 (@adierkens)
- enhance error state deserialization & stacktrace logging in player view model #50 (@sugarmanz)
- added templates to content navigation, fixed the link to reference as⦠#51 ([email protected] @mercillo)
- @intuit-svc
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)
- Marlon Ercillo (@mercillo)
- mercillo ([email protected])
Fix version stamping. Add stamping to nextjs docs (#11)
- Fixes the stamping for version and sha in
modules - Stamps the nextjs docs for analytics id
NPM publishing support (#3)
Adding build integration to publish all js packages to npm
- Migrate from tapable to tapable-ts #14 (@adierkens)
- Release main #45 (@intuit-svc)
- rebuild pod zip in release #43 (@hborawski)
- Publish vscode extension #42 (@adierkens)
- persist iOS zip from iOS part of build #41 (@hborawski)
- remove version prefix #40 (@hborawski)
- add release flag to run command #39 (@hborawski)
- add proper flag to build for podspec stamping #38 (@hborawski)
- rebuild the podspec, not the pod #37 (@hborawski)
- change version to placeholder for stamping #36 (@hborawski)
- change version to placeholder for stamping #35 (@hborawski)
- update rules_player to 0.5.1 #34 (@hborawski)
- read sha as batch id #31 (@sugarmanz)
- Update default sideEffects flag for npm packages #33 (@adierkens)
- get directory of script instead of relative path #30 (@hborawski)
- Port android changes #29 ([email protected] @brocollie08)
- dont persist everything, just the ios-build-number #28 (@hborawski)
- CocoaPod publishing #20 (@hborawski)
- Applitools Test #10 ([email protected] @sugarmanz @brocollie08)
- Sync updates #26 (@adierkens)
- Fix validation namespace collision in compiled module #25 (@adierkens)
- bring over latest jvm code #22 (@sugarmanz)
- Use remote caching for bazel targets #21 (@adierkens)
- Add missing package.json attrs #15 (@adierkens)
- fix maven repos #18 (@sugarmanz)
- import GPG key #17 (@sugarmanz)
- configure JAR publishing to Maven Central via rules #16 (@sugarmanz)
- Fix version stamping. Add stamping to nextjs docs #11 (@adierkens)
- Analytics for docs #9 (@adierkens)
- Fix peer dependency in metrics plugin #6 (@adierkens)
- Bump rules_player. Fix package.json generation #5 (@adierkens)
- Add registry to cli pkg #4 (@adierkens)
- NPM publishing support #3 (@adierkens)
- Update build dependencies (@adierkens)
- project scaffold (@intuit-svc)
- Reorder docs match for CODEOWNERS #23 (@adierkens)
- Update code-owners #8 (@adierkens)
- Fix formatting in getting-started docs #7 (@adierkens)
- @brocollie08
- @intuit-svc
- Adam Dierkens (@adierkens)
- brocollie08 ([email protected])
- Harris Borawski (@hborawski)
- Jeremiah Zucker (@sugarmanz)