diff --git a/templates/joomla-5.template.yaml b/templates/joomla-5.template.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42d760b --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/joomla-5.template.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Platform.sh template for unofficial Joomla! support. + +version: 1 + +info: + # Unique machine name, prefaced by a vendor or organization identifier. + id: joomla/joomla-5 + + # The human-readable name of the template. This is how the template will be named in the user interface. + name: Joomla! 5 + + # Human-readable descriptive text for the template. Supports limited HTML. + description: | +

This unofficial template allows a hassle-free, automated installation of Joomla! 5


It aims to strike a balance between the devops provided by Platform.sh and Joomla's ability to manage itself.


Joomla! itself is stored in a mount, allowing it to self-update and install extensions, while custom templates are stored in git and synced into the web directory at deploy time.

+ + tags: + - PHP + - CMS + - Joomla + + image: data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' width='120' height='60'%3E%3Cg transform='matrix(.405563 0 0 .405563 -15.905752 -.396933)'%3E%3Cg fill='%233b3a40'%3E%3Cpath d='M153.976 58.437v21.355c0 1.9.136 3.684-1.57 4.98-1.57 1.296-4.23 1.706-7.096 1.706-4.367 0-9.006-1.023-9.006-1.023l-1.023 2.73s6.482 1.365 11.19 1.433c3.957.068 7.437-.82 9.347-3.002 1.57-1.774 2.047-3.82 1.98-7.3V58.437h-3.82'/%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23B'/%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23B' x='33.567'/%3E%3Cpath d='M265.73 69.695c-2.047-1.228-4.708-1.842-7.846-1.842-4.025 0-7.232 1.228-9.688 3.684-2.32-2.456-5.595-3.684-9.62-3.684-3.275 0-5.936.682-7.983 1.98v-1.706h-3.616v21.218h3.616V74.88c.273-1.023.955-1.98 2.047-2.797 1.5-1.023 3.4-1.57 5.8-1.57 2.115 0 3.9.4 5.4 1.296 1.774 1.023 2.593 2.388 2.593 4.298V89.48h3.548V76.04c0-1.9.82-3.275 2.593-4.298 1.5-.82 3.343-1.296 5.458-1.296s3.957.4 5.458 1.296c1.774 1.023 2.593 2.388 2.593 4.298v13.372h3.616V76.517c-.068-3.002-1.433-5.322-3.957-6.823m6.744-11.257v30.975h3.616V58.437h-3.616m43.938 0v23.948h3.616V58.437h-3.616m-9.484 9.688v3.616c-3.07-2.593-7.164-3.957-12.213-3.957-4.025 0-7.505.75-10.37 2.32-3.548 1.98-5.4 4.844-5.4 8.665 0 3.752 1.842 6.686 5.526 8.597 2.866 1.57 6.345 2.32 10.37 2.32 1.98 0 3.957-.205 5.73-.682 2.524-.682 4.64-1.637 6.277-2.934v3.275h3.616v-21.22h-3.548m-24.152 10.712c0-2.797 1.365-4.98 3.957-6.482 2.183-1.228 4.98-1.842 8.187-1.842 3.957 0 7.027.955 9.2 2.866 1.9 1.706 2.866 3.9 2.866 6.55v2.524c-1.5 1.706-3.752 3.002-6.618 3.9-1.706.546-3.548.82-5.458.82-3.275 0-6.004-.614-8.187-1.774-2.66-1.57-3.957-3.684-3.957-6.55zm35.5 6.55c-2.524 0-2.865 1.296-2.865 2.115s.4 2.115 2.865 2.115c2.524 0 2.866-1.365 2.866-2.115s-.4-2.115-2.866-2.115z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M66.592 75.2l-1.4-1.4c-4.5-4.5-5.8-10.8-4.2-16.5-4.5-1-7.8-5-7.8-9.8 0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10 5 0 9.1 3.6 9.9 8.4 5.4-1.3 11.3.2 15.5 4.4l.6.6-7.4 7.4-.6-.6a6.16 6.16 0 0 0-8.7 0 6.16 6.16 0 0 0 0 8.7l16.6 16.6-7.4 7.4-7.8-7.8z' fill='%237ac143'/%3E%3Cpath d='M74.892 67l16.6-16.6c4.4-4.4 10.8-5.8 16.4-4.2.7-4.9 4.9-8.6 9.9-8.6 5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10 0 5.1-3.8 9.3-8.7 9.9 1.6 5.6.2 11.9-4.2 16.3l-.6.6-7.2-7.4.6-.6a6.16 6.16 0 0 0 0-8.7 6.16 6.16 0 0 0-8.7 0l-16.6 16.6z' fill='%23f9a541'/%3E%3Cpath d='M108.192 104.3c-5.7 1.7-12.1.4-16.6-4.1l-.6-.6 7.4- 6.16 0 0 0 8.7 0 6.16 6.16 0 0 0 0-8.7l-16.6-16.6 7.4-7.4 16.7 16.7c4.2 4.2 5.7 10.2 4.4 15.7 4.9.7 8.6 4.9 8.6 9.9 0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10-5-.1-9.1-3.6-10-8.1z' fill='%23f44321'/%3E%3Cpath d='M105.292 83.5l-16.6 16.6c-4.3 4.3-10.3 5.7-15.7 4.4-1 4.5-5 7.8-9.8 7.8-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10 0-4.7 3.3-8.7 7.7-9.7-1.4-5.6 0-11.6 4.3-15.9l.6-.6 7.4 7.4-.6.6a6.16 6.16 0 0 0 0 8.7 6.16 6.16 0 0 0 8.7 0l16.6-16.6z' fill='%235091cd'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cdefs %3E%3Cpath id='B' d='M185.838 70.24c-2.866-1.57-6.345-2.388-10.302-2.388-3.89 0-7.368.82-10.302 2.388-3.684 1.98-5.526 4.912-5.526 8.597s1.842 6.618 5.526 8.597c2.934 1.57 6.345 2.388 10.302 2.388 3.89 0 7.368-.82 10.234-2.388 3.684-1.98 5.526-4.912 5.526-8.597 0-3.752-1.842-6.618-5.458-8.597m-2.25 15c-2.25 1.296-4.912 1.9-8.05 1.9-3.207 0-5.936-.614-8.12-1.842-2.66-1.5-3.957-3.616-3.957-6.482 0-2.797 1.365-4.98 3.957-6.482 2.183-1.228 4.912-1.842 8.12-1.842 3.138 0 5.867.614 8.12 1.842 2.593 1.5 3.957 3.684 3.957 6.482-.068 2.73-1.365 4.912-4.025 6.413z'/%3E%3C/defs%3E%3C/svg%3E + + # Additional notes displayed in the template's detail view. + notes: + - heading: "Apps & Services" + content: "PHP 8.2
MariaDB 11.2" + +initialize: + repository: https://gitlab.com/woolwichweb/joomla-on-platformsh.git + config: null + files: [] + profile: PHP