This one was a real pain in the ass. I started using edit-indirect
to edit
code blocks when writing in markdown, with C-C '
, which I absolutely love,
the only problem was that my ruby mode is configured to load flycheck, and
includes the ruby-rubocop
checker by default, which I usually want when I
write real ruby, but for reasons I really don't understand, was throwing an
error when loaded in the indirect buffer:
So, because I don't really care about rubocop checks when editing a small code
block, I wanted to just turn it off in this context, it took me ages to figure
out how to do it and I ended up with the following in my
file (I use prelude)
(add-hook 'edit-indirect-after-creation-hook
(setq flycheck-disabled-checkers '(ruby-rubocop))))
I found the edit indirect hook by looking at the code on GitHub:
Three hours I'll never get back 😭