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File metadata and controls

109 lines (74 loc) · 6.86 KB

Logging requirements

Certain logs will be dumped as json into %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Fiddler2/Captures/YgoMasterUpdate/ when the log is clicked and both YgoMaster tabs are selected.

Obtain all logs from the Steam version of the game. Not YgoMaster.

Card list / card craft list / ban list

  • Open the game using Steam (reopen it if it's already open)
  • Enter the game and log /ayk/api/ / /ayk/api/User.entry / /ayk/api/User.home
  • Copy the following files from YgoMasterUpdate/ to YgoMaster/Data/
  • CardCraftableList.json, CardList.json, Regulation.json, RegulationIcon.json, RegulationInfo.json, StructureDecks.json, TitleLoop.json

Structure decks

  • Run YgoMaster.exe --extractstructure to extract those structure decks from the previous step into individual files which get placed into the StructureDecks folder.
  • Delete YgoMaster/Data/StructureDecks.json


  • Click SOLO to log /ayk/api/
  • Copy YgoMasterUpdate/Solo.json to YgoMaster/Data/Solo.json
  • Log /ayk/api/Duel.begin for each duel (loaner deck only)
  • Log /ayk/api/Solo.detail for each duel
  • Copy all files in YgoMasterUpdate/SoloDuels/ to YgoMaster/Data/SoloDuels/
  • Copy all files in YgoMasterUpdate/SoloNpcDeckIds/ to YgoMaster/Data/SoloNpcDeckIds/
  • Run YgoMaster.exe --merge-deckids to update SoloNpcDeckIds.json based on the SoloNpcDeckIds files

To log this data faster add "AlwaysWin": true to ClientSettings.json to win duels on the live game by surrendering.


For updating Shop.json...

  • Create a new Steam account
  • Complete the tutorial
  • Go to the SOLO screen and enter solo_clear into the client console - this will take some time to complete and will complete all solo content
  • Keep buying Master Pack bundles / packs until you have no gems
  • Go to the deck editor and enter dismantle_all_cards SuperRare UltraRare into the client console - this will dismantle every SR/UR you own
  • Go to the shop and enter craft_secrets into the client console - this will craft every missing secret pack
  • In the shop enter auto_free_pull into the client console - this will open every free pull secret pack (you will need to re-enter the shop and do the command multiple times until no more packs open)
  • Re-enter the shop to log /ayk/api/Shop.get_list
  • Save the log into YgoMaster/Data/ShopDumps/Shop.json
  • In game select Master Pack and click Cards included in this pack. Log Gacha.get_card_list to generate Gacha-10000001.json and copy it into ShopDumps
  • In game select Legacy Pack and click Cards included in this pack. Log Gacha.get_card_list to generate Gacha-10003001.json and copy it into ShopDumps
  • Run the YgoMaster.exe --mergeshops command to merge YgoMaster/Data/ShopDumps/ into YgoMaster/Data/AllShopsMerged.json
  • Copy everything from YgoMaster/Data/AllShopsMerged.json and paste it into YgoMaster/Data/Shop.json replacing anything that already exists (except from the top entries)

For any new packs with new pack images...

  • In the client console run packimages which will create dump-packimages.txt in the game folder. Copy the contents into Shop.json under the json entry PackShopImages.

For shop pack odds...

  • Log the odds from clicking the button in-game and copy the data into ShopPackOdds.json.


Docs/AltCardsYdk.json is used for mapping missing alt art card ids when generating YdkIds.txt

  • Run YgoMaster.exe --unknown-alt-cards which will print a list of missing alt card ids (or nothing if there's nothing new)
  • Navigate to (or, search the card, copy the alt art image url, take the number in the url to get the ydk id
  • Update Docs/AltCardsYdk.json manually based on the found card id / ydk id

NOTE: Card ids >= 30000 seem to be used for promotions / announcements and aren't real cards.


  • In the client console run carddata which should create YgoMaster/Data/ClientDataDump/Card/Data/{CLIENT_VERSION}/, move and rename the {CLIENT_VERSION} folder to YgoMaster/Data/CardData/. You must do this while using the English language setting.
  • Run YgoMaster.exe --updateydk to update YdkIds.txt.

PvP card data

  • To update PvP card data you must follow the above YdkIds.txt instructions. If you don't do this any newly added cards wont function correctly in PvP as the duel engine requires YgoMaster/Data/CardData/ being up to date.


  • In the client console run itemid which will create ItemID.json in the game folder.
  • Copy it over to YgoMaster/Data/ and remove any invalid entries (some make the client crash / are blank).

Enabling the client console

  • In ClientSettings.json set ShowConsole to true and run the YgoMasterClient.
  • You will probably want to inject into the live version of the game while doing this. See This is a requirement if you want to complete solo with the AlwaysWin setting.

Client updates

Client updates typically occur every few months (see Client changes often break YgoMaster and this requires coding knowledge to fix. The following can be used to get some insight about the changes to the client:

  • In the client console run updatediff which will create updatediff.cs in the game folder.
  • Run a diff against that file and /Docs/updatediff.cs. Update relevant code throughout YgoMaster based on the changes and then insert the new updatediff.cs.
  • After client updates enable ReflectionValidatorValidate in ClientSettings.json and check the output. Then disable it and enable ReflectionValidatorDump and run again to update ReflectionDump.json (after fixing any broken code from the previous step).
  • Update MultiplayerPvpClientDoCommandUserOffset / MultiplayerPvpClientRunDialogUserOffset in Settings.json to fix controlling the opponents hand in PvP (TODO: Provide a tool to do this)

Unity Engine updates

The following needs to be updated in ClientSettings.json if using custom content (sound images). See UnityPlayerPdb.cs

  • UnityPlayerRVA_AudioClip_CUSTOM_Construct_Internal
  • UnityPlayerRVA_AudioClip_CUSTOM_CreateUserSound
  • UnityPlayerRVA_AudioClip_CUSTOM_SetData
  • UnityPlayerRVA_DownloadHandlerTexture_CUSTOM_Create
  • UnityPlayerRVA_DownloadHandlerTexture_CUSTOM_InternalGetTextureNative