The instagram API is really a pain. Here, I tried to document the needed steps to get to an image from a feed. In short:
- Create a "facebook app"
- Configure "Instagram Basic Display"
- Add test user to Instagram "app"
- Get authentication code (only with a browser - no automatic here)
- Convert authentication code into a short-live token
- Convert short-live token into a long-live token (from 1h to 60days)
- Refresh a long-live token (optional - only if expire date is near)
- Request the feed from instagram with it's posts
In detail:
First of all follow steps 1-3 of the officially documenation:
Write down this values (needed in the next steps):
- Instagram App ID (client id)
- Instagram App secret
- Return/Redirect URL (important: every character counts - even the trailing slash!)
Usage in browser like:,user_media&response_type=code
This will redirect the browser to something like:
The extracted code is the GET param - so:
Note: Code is needed for next step
Usage via CURL on cli:
curl -X POST -F client_id=123456 -F client_secret=123secret -F grant_type=authorization_code -F redirect_uri= -F code=codeABC1234
Example return value as JSON:
{"access_token": "token1234567", "user_id": 98765432}
Note: User ID is important for step 4, access_token for the next step
Usage via CURL on cli:
curl -i -X GET ""
Example return value as JSON:
Note: access_token is renewed here
Usage via CURL on cli:
curl -i -X GET ""
Example return value as JSON:
Note: access_token is renewed here
Usage via CURL on cli:
curl -X GET ',username,media,caption,id,media_type,media_url,permalink,thumbnail_url,timestamp,username,children&access_token=newtoken987654'
Example return value as JSON:
{"data":[{"id":"17883083885121876","username":"","caption":"Nice image","media_type":"IMAGE","media_url":"https:\/\/","permalink":"https:\/\/\/p\/CMOnBpsM0Rn\/","timestamp":"2021-03-12T14:27:57+0000"},{...}],"paging":{...}}