A fast, easy-to-use and distraction-free Hacker News terminal client.
- Easy to use (arrow keys or hjkl navigation should be enough for the client to be fully usable)
- Distraction Free: articles, and comments are converted to simple readable text.
- Fast Navigation and Responsivity
- Navigation and opening pages (text-version): ←↓↑→ arrow keys (or hjkl) will navigate from the HN Frontpage → Comments Page → Article's Text and back.
- Open article in default's browser (SPACE key), Comment page ('c' key).
- Append "best" as argument if you want to see Hacker News Best page, instead of the default frontpage.

Key | Functionality |
Down Arrow (↓) or `j` | Down on the Frontpage Article List |
UP Arrow (↑) or `k` | Up on the Frontpage Article List |
Right Arrow (→) or `l` | Open Comment Page (while on frontpage) - Pressing again would open the article |
Left Arrow (←) or `h` | Go Back |
SPACE | Open Article on Browser (if for some reason not satisfied with text rendered version) |
`c` | Open Comments page on Browser |
`q` | Quit App |
`r` | Refresh HN Frontpage |
brew tap piqoni/hn-text
brew install hn-text
Download binaries for your OS at release page, and chmod +x the file to allow execution.
If you use GO, you can install it directly:
go install github.com/piqoni/hn-text@latest
Note: If you get "command not found", then likely your GOPATH/bin is not in your PATH. To add it, place the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depending on your shell:
export PATH=${PATH}:`go env GOPATH`/bin