diff --git a/src/components/phylogeny/Phylotree.vue b/src/components/phylogeny/Phylotree.vue
index 6b2db1c2..1186811c 100644
--- a/src/components/phylogeny/Phylotree.vue
+++ b/src/components/phylogeny/Phylotree.vue
@@ -52,7 +52,16 @@ export default {
name: "Phylotree",
props: {
phylogeny: Object, // The phylogeny to render.
- phyloref: Object, // The phyloreference to highlight.
+ phylorefs: {
+ // The phyloreferences to highlight as an array of dictionaries.
+ // In the future we might use this to build a sophisticated interface allowing several phyloreferences to
+ // be displayed at once, but for now mainly used for two purposes:
+ // 1. Distinguishing when we need to highlight a single phyloreference and when we need to highlight multiple.
+ // 2. When highlighting multiple, we always provide the list of all phyloreferences in the current Phyx file,
+ // but in the future it might be useful to highlight only a subset of phyloreferences for some reason.
+ type: Array,
+ default: [],
+ },
spacingX: {
// Spacing in the X axis in pixels.
type: Number,
@@ -68,6 +77,14 @@ export default {
type: String,
required: false,
+ supportTreeViewer: {
+ // TreeViewer (https://treeviewer.org/) is a fairly recent phylogenetic tree viewing software that
+ // has a slightly different idea about how annotations should be formatted in NEXUS files.
+ // Given its newness, we're not going to support it at present, but at some point we might want to
+ // support it -- in which case this boolean flag will allow you to turn on and off TreeViewer support.
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: false,
+ }
data() {
return {
@@ -107,15 +124,6 @@ export default {
tree() {
// Set up Phylotree.
return new phylotree(this.parsedNewick.json);
- /*
- , {
- 'internal-names': false,
- transitions: false,
- 'left-right-spacing': 'fit-to-size',
- 'top-bottom-spacing': 'fixed-step',
- }
- */
watch: {
@@ -152,14 +160,61 @@ export default {
// Export this phylogeny as a Nexus string in a .nex file for download.
const newickStr = this.tree.getNewick((node) => {
// Is the resolved node for this phyloref? If so, let's make an annotation.
- if (
- this.phyloref !== undefined &&
- has(node, "data") &&
- has(node.data, "@id")
- ) {
- const annotations = [];
+ if (has(node, "data") && has(node.data, "@id")) {
+ // We collect annotations by key -- so you can have as many phyloref:actual/phyloref:expected/etc. annotations
+ // on this node as you like. We then combine them at the end (so that `phyloref:actual = ['#A', '#B']`
+ // becomes `phyloref:actual="#A||#B"`.
+ const annotations = {
+ "phyloref:actual": [],
+ "phyloref:actualLabel": [],
+ "phyloref:expected": [],
+ "phyloref:expectedLabel": [],
+ };
const data = node.data;
+ this.phylorefs.forEach((phyloref) => {
+ // Is this node one of the resolved nodes for this phyloreference? If so, pull out the @id and label.
+ if (
+ this.$store.getters
+ .getResolvedNodesForPhylogeny(this.phylogeny, phyloref)
+ .includes(data["@id"])
+ ) {
+ if (has(phyloref, "@id")) {
+ annotations["phyloref:actual"].push(phyloref["@id"]);
+ }
+ if (has(phyloref, "label")) {
+ annotations["phyloref:actualLabel"].push(phyloref["label"]);
+ }
+ // We don't know what to call this phyloref, but nevertheless we'll tag it with an empty string so we
+ // know there's _something_ here.
+ if (!has(phyloref, "@id") && !has(phyloref, "label"))
+ annotations["phyloref:actual"].push("");
+ }
+ // Is this node one of the expected nodes for this phyloreference? If so, pull out the @id and label.
+ if (
+ this.selectedNodeLabel &&
+ this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() === data.name.toLowerCase()
+ ) {
+ if (has(this.phyloref, "@id")) {
+ annotations["phyloref:expected"].push(phyloref["@id"]);
+ }
+ if (has(phyloref, "label")) {
+ annotations["phyloref:expectedLabel"].push(phyloref["label"]);
+ }
+ // We don't know what to call this phyloref, but nevertheless we'll tag it with an empty string so we
+ // know there's _something_ here.
+ if (!has(phyloref, "@id") && !has(phyloref, "label"))
+ annotations["phyloref:expected"].push("");
+ }
+ });
+ // console.log("Annotations: ", annotations);
+ // Helper method to wrap annotation values.
const convertToNexusAnnotationValue = (str) => {
// We really just need to wrap this in double-quotes, which means we need to filter out existing double
// quotes. We can do that by replacing them with a single quote. However, if there are already single
@@ -174,59 +229,35 @@ export default {
return '"' + str.replaceAll('"', "'") + '"';
- if (
- this.$store.getters
- .getResolvedNodesForPhylogeny(this.phylogeny, this.phyloref)
- .includes(data["@id"])
- ) {
- if (has(this.phyloref, "@id")) {
- annotations.push(
- "phyloref:actual=" +
- convertToNexusAnnotationValue(this.phyloref["@id"])
- );
- }
+ // FigTree allows multiple annotations on a single node, but will only display the last one.
+ // So we combine annotations with the same name, with the values double-pipe-delimited.
+ const annotationList = [];
- if (has(this.phyloref, "label")) {
- annotations.push(
- "phyloref:actualLabel=" +
- convertToNexusAnnotationValue(this.phyloref["label"])
- );
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(annotations)) {
+ if (value.length > 0) {
+ // TreeViewer doesn't support ':' in key names, so instead we replace them with '.'.
+ const keyToUse = (!this.supportTreeViewer ? key : key.replace(":", "."));
+ annotationList.push(`${keyToUse}=${convertToNexusAnnotationValue(value.join("||"))}`);
- // We don't know what to call this phyloref, but nevertheless we label it minimally.
- if (!has(this.phyloref, "@id") && !has(this.phyloref, "label"))
- annotations.push("phyloref:actual=");
- if (
- this.selectedNodeLabel &&
- this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() === data.name.toLowerCase()
- ) {
- if (has(this.phyloref, "@id")) {
- annotations.push(
- "phyloref:expected=" +
- convertToNexusAnnotationValue(this.phyloref["@id"])
- );
+ // There are three differences between TreeViewer and other Nexus tools:
+ // - Nexus wants annotation comments to start with '&', but that confuses TreeViewer.
+ // - Nexus allows ':' in the annotation names, while TreeViewer doesn't, so we change them into '.'s.
+ if (this.supportTreeViewer) {
+ if (annotationList.length > 0) {
+ return `[${annotationList.join(",")}]`;
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
- if (has(this.phyloref, "label")) {
- annotations.push(
- "phyloref:expectedLabel=" +
- convertToNexusAnnotationValue(this.phyloref["label"])
- );
+ } else {
+ if (annotationList.length > 0) {
+ return `[&${annotationList.join(",")}]`;
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
- // We don't know what to call this phyloref, but nevertheless we label it minimally.
- if (!has(this.phyloref, "@id") && !has(this.phyloref, "label"))
- annotations.push("phyloref:expected=");
- console.log("Annotations: ", annotations);
- if (annotations.length === 0) return undefined;
- else return `[&${annotations.join(",")}]`;
- return undefined;
// Create a Nexus file to store this `klados_tree` in.
@@ -298,6 +329,10 @@ export default {
// duplicates. Since this is a local variable, it should be wiped every time redrawTree() is called.)
const pinningNodeChildrenIRIs = new Set();
+ // Store the phylorefs that resolves to each node ID. The exact order in which this dictionary gets filled
+ // depends on how phylotree.js draws the tree.
+ const phylorefsByNodeId = {};
// Resize the tree to the size of the container.
const container = jQuery(`#phylogeny${this.phylogenyIndex}`);
const width = container.innerWidth();
@@ -324,169 +359,215 @@ export default {
const wrappedPhylogeny = new PhylogenyWrapper(this.phylogeny || {});
// Wrap the phyloref is there is one.
- const wrappedPhyloref = new PhylorefWrapper(this.phyloref || {});
- // Make sure we don't already have an internal label node on this SVG node!
- let textLabel = element.selectAll("text");
+ this.phylorefs.forEach((phyloref) => {
+ const wrappedPhyloref = new PhylorefWrapper(phyloref || {});
- if (has(data, "name") && data.name !== "" && data.children) {
- // If the internal label has the same label as the currently
- // selected phyloreference, add an 'id' so we can jump to it
- // and a CSS class to render it differently from other labels.
- if (
- // Display a label if:
- // (1) No selectedNodeLabel was provided to us (i.e. display all node labels), or
- // (2) We are currently rendering the selectedNodeLabel.
- !this.selectedNodeLabel ||
- this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() === data.name.toLowerCase()
- ) {
- if (textLabel.empty()) textLabel = element.append("text");
- textLabel
- .classed("internal-label", true)
- .text(data.name)
- .attr("dx", "0.3em")
- .attr("dy", "0.35em");
+ // Make sure we don't already have an internal label node on this SVG node!
+ let textLabel = element.selectAll("text");
- // Is this the currently selected internal label?
+ if (has(data, "name") && data.name !== "" && data.children) {
+ // If the internal label has the same label as the currently
+ // selected phyloreference, add an 'id' so we can jump to it
+ // and a CSS class to render it differently from other labels.
if (
- this.selectedNodeLabel &&
+ // Display a label if:
+ // (1) No selectedNodeLabel was provided to us (i.e. display all node labels), or
+ // (2) We are currently rendering the selectedNodeLabel.
+ !this.selectedNodeLabel ||
this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() === data.name.toLowerCase()
) {
- textLabel.attr(
- "id",
- `current_expected_label_phylogeny_${this.phylogenyIndex}`
+ if (textLabel.empty()) textLabel = element.append("text");
+ textLabel
+ .classed("internal-label", true)
+ .text(data.name)
+ .attr("dx", "0.3em")
+ .attr("dy", "0.35em");
+ // Is this the currently selected internal label?
+ if (
+ this.selectedNodeLabel &&
+ this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() ===
+ data.name.toLowerCase()
+ ) {
+ textLabel.attr(
+ "id",
+ `current_expected_label_phylogeny_${this.phylogenyIndex}`
+ );
+ textLabel.classed("selected-internal-label", true);
+ }
+ } else if (!textLabel.empty()) textLabel.remove();
+ }
+ // Clear any existing menu items.
+ node.menu_items = [];
+ // Add a custom menu item to allow us to rename this node.
+ // console.log("node", node);
+ addCustomMenu(
+ node,
+ (node) => "Rename this node",
+ () => {
+ const node = data;
+ const existingName = node.name || "(none)";
+ const newName = window.prompt(
+ `Rename node named '${existingName}' to:`
- textLabel.classed("selected-internal-label", true);
- }
- } else if (!textLabel.empty()) textLabel.remove();
- }
+ if (newName === null) {
+ // This means the user clicked "Cancel", so don't do anything.
+ } else if (!newName || newName === "undefined") {
+ // Apparently IE7 and IE8 will return the string 'undefined' if the user doesn't
+ // enter anything.
+ //
+ // Remove the current label.
+ node.name = "";
+ } else {
+ // Set the new label.
+ node.name = newName;
+ }
+ // Export the entire phylogeny as a Newick string, and store that
+ // in the phylogeny object.
+ const updatedNewickString = this.tree.getNewick();
+ console.log("updatedNewickString", updatedNewickString);
+ this.$store.commit("setPhylogenyProps", {
+ phylogeny: this.phylogeny,
+ newick: updatedNewickString,
+ });
+ },
+ (node) => true // We can replace this with a condition that indicates whether this node should be displayed.
+ );
- // Clear any existing menu items.
- node.menu_items = [];
- // Add a custom menu item to allow us to rename this node.
- console.log("node", node);
- addCustomMenu(
- node,
- (node) => "Rename this node",
- () => {
- const node = data;
- const existingName = node.name || "(none)";
- const newName = window.prompt(
- `Rename node named '${existingName}' to:`
+ // If the internal label has the same IRI as the currently selected
+ // phyloreference's reasoned node, further mark or label it as the resolved node.
+ //
+ // Note that this node might NOT be labeled, in which case we need to
+ // label it now!
+ if (
+ phyloref !== undefined &&
+ has(data, "@id") &&
+ this.$store.getters
+ .getResolvedNodesForPhylogeny(this.phylogeny, phyloref)
+ .includes(data["@id"])
+ ) {
+ // We found another pinning node!
+ if(!(data["@id"] in phylorefsByNodeId)) {
+ phylorefsByNodeId[data["@id"]] = new Set();
+ }
+ phylorefsByNodeId[data["@id"]].add(phyloref);
+ this.recurseNodes(data, (node) =>
+ pinningNodeChildrenIRIs.add(node["@id"])
- if (newName === null) {
- // This means the user clicked "Cancel", so don't do anything.
- } else if (!newName || newName === "undefined") {
- // Apparently IE7 and IE8 will return the string 'undefined' if the user doesn't
- // enter anything.
- //
- // Remove the current label.
- node.name = "";
+ // Mark this node as the pinning node.
+ element.classed("pinning-node", true);
+ // If there is no circle, add one.
+ if (element.select("circle").empty()) {
+ element.append("circle").attr("cx", -3).attr("r", 4);
} else {
- // Set the new label.
- node.name = newName;
+ // Make the pinning node circle larger (slightly larger than its usual size of 3).
+ element.select("circle").attr("r", 4);
- // Export the entire phylogeny as a Newick string, and store that
- // in the phylogeny object.
- const updatedNewickString = this.tree.getNewick();
- console.log("updatedNewickString", updatedNewickString);
- this.$store.commit("setPhylogenyProps", {
- phylogeny: this.phylogeny,
- newick: updatedNewickString,
- });
- },
- (node) => true // We can replace this with a condition that indicates whether this node should be displayed.
- );
- // If the internal label has the same IRI as the currently selected
- // phyloreference's reasoned node, further mark it as the resolved node.
- //
- // Note that this node might NOT be labeled, in which case we need to
- // label it now!
- if (
- this.phyloref !== undefined &&
- has(data, "@id") &&
- this.$store.getters
- .getResolvedNodesForPhylogeny(this.phylogeny, this.phyloref)
- .includes(data["@id"])
- ) {
- // We found another pinning node!
- this.recurseNodes(data, (node) =>
- pinningNodeChildrenIRIs.add(node["@id"])
- );
+ // Set its id to 'current_pinning_node_phylogeny{{phylogenyIndex}}'
+ element.attr(
+ "id",
+ `current_pinning_node_phylogeny_${this.phylogenyIndex}`
+ );
- // Mark this node as the pinning node.
- element.classed("pinning-node", true);
+ // Make sure we don't already have an internal label node on this SVG node!
+ let textLabel = element.selectAll("text");
+ // console.log(`Looking for textLabel for phyloref ${wrappedPhyloref.label} on node ${data['@id']}: `, textLabel);
+ if (textLabel.empty()) element.append("text");
+ // if (!textLabel.empty()) textLabel.remove();
+ // textLabel = element.append("text");
+ const textLabels = [];
+ textLabels.push(data.name);
+ // Determine all the phyloref labels for this node.
+ const phylorefLabels = [...phylorefsByNodeId[data["@id"]]].map(phyloref => new PhylorefWrapper(phyloref).label).sort();
+ textLabels.push(...phylorefLabels);
+ console.log(`Found phylorefs for node ${data['@id']}: `, textLabels);
+ let sortedTextLabels = [...new Set(textLabels
+ .filter(label => label && label !== '') // Filter out undefined or blank label.
+ .map(label => label.trim()))] // Trim all labels
+ .filter(label => label !== data.name); // We're going to promote the actual node label, so don't include it here.
+ let textLabelText = data.name;
+ if (this.phylorefs.length === 1 && sortedTextLabels.length > 0) {
+ textLabelText = `${data.name} (${sortedTextLabels.join(", ")})`;
+ }
- // Make the pinning node circle larger (twice its usual size of 3).
- element.select("circle").attr("r", 6);
+ console.log(`Found phyloref ${wrappedPhyloref.label}, assigned label '${textLabelText}' to ${data['@id']} from textLabels: `, textLabels);
- // Set its id to 'current_pinning_node_phylogeny{{phylogenyIndex}}'
- element.attr(
- "id",
- `current_pinning_node_phylogeny_${this.phylogenyIndex}`
- );
- }
- // Maybe this isn't a pinning node, but it is a child of a pinning node.
- if (has(data, "@id") && pinningNodeChildrenIRIs.has(data["@id"])) {
- // Apply a class.
- // Note that this applies to the resolved-node too.
- element.classed("descendant-of-pinning-node-node", true);
- }
+ textLabel
+ .classed("internal-label", true)
+ .text(textLabelText)
+ .attr("dx", "0.3em")
+ .attr("dy", "0.35em");
+ }
- if (data.name !== undefined && data.children === undefined) {
- // Labeled leaf node! Look for taxonomic units.
- const tunits = wrappedPhylogeny.getTaxonomicUnitsForNodeLabel(
- data.name
- );
+ // Maybe this isn't a pinning node, but it is a child of a pinning node.
+ if (has(data, "@id") && pinningNodeChildrenIRIs.has(data["@id"])) {
+ // Apply a class.
+ // Note that this applies to the resolved-node too.
+ element.classed("descendant-of-pinning-node-node", true);
+ }
- if (tunits.length === 0) {
- element.classed("terminal-node-without-tunits", true);
- } else if (this.phyloref !== undefined) {
- // If this is a terminal node, we should set its ID to
- // `current_expected_label_phylogeny${phylogenyIndex}` if it is
- // the currently expected node label.
- if (
- has(this.phyloref, "label") &&
- this.selectedNodeLabel &&
- this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() === data.name.toLowerCase()
- ) {
- textLabel.attr(
- "id",
- `current_expected_label_phylogeny_${this.phylogenyIndex}`
- );
- }
+ if (data.name !== undefined && data.children === undefined) {
+ // Labeled leaf node! Look for taxonomic units.
+ const tunits = wrappedPhylogeny.getTaxonomicUnitsForNodeLabel(
+ data.name
+ );
- // We should highlight internal specifiers.
- if (has(this.phyloref, "internalSpecifiers")) {
+ if (tunits.length === 0) {
+ element.classed("terminal-node-without-tunits", true);
+ } else if (phyloref !== undefined) {
+ // If this is a terminal node, we should set its ID to
+ // `current_expected_label_phylogeny${phylogenyIndex}` if it is
+ // the currently expected node label.
if (
- this.phyloref.internalSpecifiers.some((specifier) =>
- wrappedPhylogeny
- .getNodeLabelsMatchedBySpecifier(specifier)
- .includes(data.name)
- )
+ has(phyloref, "label") &&
+ this.selectedNodeLabel &&
+ this.selectedNodeLabel.toLowerCase() ===
+ data.name.toLowerCase()
) {
- element.classed("internal-specifier-node", true);
+ textLabel.attr(
+ "id",
+ `current_expected_label_phylogeny_${this.phylogenyIndex}`
+ );
- }
- // We should highlight external specifiers.
- if (has(this.phyloref, "externalSpecifiers")) {
- if (
- this.phyloref.externalSpecifiers.some((specifier) =>
- wrappedPhylogeny
- .getNodeLabelsMatchedBySpecifier(specifier)
- .includes(data.name)
- )
- ) {
- element.classed("external-specifier-node", true);
+ // We should highlight internal specifiers.
+ if (has(phyloref, "internalSpecifiers")) {
+ if (
+ phyloref.internalSpecifiers.some((specifier) =>
+ wrappedPhylogeny
+ .getNodeLabelsMatchedBySpecifier(specifier)
+ .includes(data.name)
+ )
+ ) {
+ element.classed("internal-specifier-node", true);
+ }
+ }
+ // We should highlight external specifiers.
+ if (has(phyloref, "externalSpecifiers")) {
+ if (
+ phyloref.externalSpecifiers.some((specifier) =>
+ wrappedPhylogeny
+ .getNodeLabelsMatchedBySpecifier(specifier)
+ .includes(data.name)
+ )
+ ) {
+ element.classed("external-specifier-node", true);
+ }
- }
+ });
"edge-styler": (element, data) => {
// const data = node.data;
@@ -504,10 +585,12 @@ export default {
// Is the source ID part of this phylogeny? If so, we want to highlight it!
if (
- this.phyloref !== undefined &&
- this.$store.getters
- .getResolvedNodesForPhylogeny(this.phylogeny, this.phyloref)
- .includes(source_id)
+ this.phylorefs.length > 0 &&
+ this.phylorefs.some((phyloref) =>
+ this.$store.getters
+ .getResolvedNodesForPhylogeny(this.phylogeny, phyloref)
+ .includes(source_id)
+ )
) {
this.recurseNodes(source, (node) => {
@@ -568,8 +651,7 @@ export default {
/* Labels for internal nodes, whether phylorefs or not */
.internal-label {
font-family: serif;
- font-size: 16pt;
- font-style: italic;
+ font-size: 12pt;
text-anchor: start; /* Align text so it starts at the coordinates provided */
alignment-baseline: middle;
@@ -593,7 +675,7 @@ export default {
/* The selected internal label on a phylogeny, whether determined to be the pinning node or not. */
.selected-internal-label {
- font-size: 16pt;
+ font-size: 12pt !important;
fill: rgb(0, 24, 168);
@@ -603,15 +685,16 @@ export default {
* than as an .internal-specifier-node.
.pinning-node text {
- fill: black !important;
+ fill: black;
font-weight: bolder;
+ font-size: 14pt !important;
* Increase the font size to make the node text more readable.
.phylotree-node-text {
- font-size: 12pt !important;
+ font-size: 12pt;
diff --git a/src/components/phyloref/PhylorefView.vue b/src/components/phyloref/PhylorefView.vue
index 6f433567..b16ef5fc 100644
--- a/src/components/phyloref/PhylorefView.vue
+++ b/src/components/phyloref/PhylorefView.vue
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@