- 修复预览问题 (ef94d88)
- conflict: 修复合并引起的冲突 (c46b88c)
- fe: modify readme (920f758)
- fe: modify readme (9aab2c5)
- front: modify readme (c0ddbc3)
- modify: modify readme.md (2606e7d)
- modify: modify webpack.dev.config.js webpack.prod.config.js readme.md (0e01f24)
- modify: 修改文件名从时间戳改到hash文件名 (08993f1)
- modifywebpack: understand commonChunk and extract-text problem (a0251ee)
- readme: modify readme (c71390f)
- readme: modify readme makedown (592147d)
- transform-runtime: add babel plugin (572d7ce)
- 更新依赖,css-loader 去掉 options 中 minimize 参数,需要压缩可使用mini-css-extract-plugin (56b60d1)
- add: 增加webpack-bundle-analyzer分析bundle,vue2.0 路由懒加载 (e3d9ab2)
- addDll: 增加DllPlugin 与 DllReferencePlugin优化构建打包速度 (061004e)
- bable: add bable-polyfill and babel-preset-stage-2 (69514cb)
- commitValidate: add husky and validate-commit-msg use as a githooks to validate the commit message (5dbbf3e)
- docs: add progressBar.vue (41a8095)
- front-end-navigator: 增加快速分类、增加排序 (1f4254e)
- happypack: add happypack and UglifyJsParallelPlugin and babel-polyfill提高性能 (afc2c98)
- modifyreadme: add webpack in readme (ea8b9b8)
- separation: 分离VUE到页面script引入,减少打包大小 (e1debb5)
- test: test new Vue and components different (51ae20d)
- update: adjustment webpack3.0 config (e2e97d5)
- update: update changelog (79789f6)
- update: update modules (a401eda)
- update: update webpack3.0 (890e4fc)
- update: update webpack3.1.0 add koa2+koa-webpack-middleware (34dff03)
- 修改readme: 修改readme (248f806)
- 修改readme: 增加优化点文档 (9051429)
- 增加service: 增加service-worker变更通知更新 (4852f35)