Google API Key
- must have for google maps.Google_services.json
- must have for firebase sdk.
Set environment variable GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY
to Google API Key
Make sure that you have running back-end.
Application uses configuration file. For now implementation has two different environments - dev and production.
Confiruguration files reside in assets/config as
- dev.json - development configuration
- prod.json - production configuration
Create mandatory and default configuration file dev.json
with following content:
"apiUrl": "<API_URL>"
Update packages
flutter pub get
Run builder (generating Freezed files)
# If you are on windows use prepared script
# If on *NIX system
flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
And run as release build (but with dev configuration)
flutter run --release
If you want run release environment - create prod.json
and run
flutter run -t lib/main_prod.dart --release
Two awesome packages. Without them it would be harder.
- flutter_bloc - BLoC pattern
- freezed - Heavily used for representing BLoC's events and states.
...and many more. Just open pubspec.yaml