This release contains fixes for a few important bugs that have caught Rhino users out in the field.
- Do not throw a Java exception from array.prototype.sort() no matter how weird the user-supplied comparator function is. This is a major difference between JavaScript and Java and has caused us to avoid using "Arrays.sort" on JavaScript arrays.
- Fix incorrect offsets in the "DataView" class.
It also includes several other fixes:
- Always append a column number to V8-style stack traces. (Unfortunately it is always "0".)
- Support and Object.assign.
- Make the Symbol implementation match the spec (for VERSION_ES6 and up only).
- Avoid throwing internal Java exceptions for certain native objects in "toJSON".
- Allow subclassing of ContinuationPending.
- For VERSION_ES6 and up, sort properties in the spec-defined order (int property names first).
- Fix stack overflow in string concatenation.
- Improve performance of ConsString.toString
The next release is likely to be 1.7.8.
This release fixes a few critical bugs that were affecting code in the field:
- Improve String.prototype.repeat to work more efficiently and to not overflow
- Fix CallSite.isNative() and isTopLevel() so that they do not throw fatal errors
- Replace the implementation of the "YearFromTime" internal method for the Date class to avoid large CPU loops
Specific Changes:
Formatting issue with SourceReader.
Fix CallSite.isNative() and isTopLevel() to not throw.
Make String.prototype.repeat not overflow for large values, and change code style a bit.
Add tests from 1.7.7.
Add Gradle code from 1.7.7.
Replace YearFromTime with code from jsdate.cpp to avoid long CPU loops.
Major changes in this release:
Specific changes:
- Issue 202 Initial support for ECMA Script 6 "method definitions".
- Issue 201 Make sure that all native Error instances can be converted to JSON.
- Issue 184 Fix compile encoding errors.
- Issue 178 Support build using Gradle (build using Ant is still supported but will be removed in a future release.)
- Issue 176 Add ScriptRuntime.throwCustomError to make it easier to re-throw Java exceptions
- Issue 166 Support many ES6 additions to the Math class.
- Issue 165 Support many ES6 additions to the Number class.
- Issue 163 Support ES6 additions to the String class.
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Ahmed Ashour (3):
Add .gitattributes for End-Of-Line automatic handling
Remove extra space
Update .gitignore for eclipse generated files.
Evgeny Shepelyuk (45):
Implementing possibility of writing JS tests code inside JUnit Test.
+ gradle wrapper + sources and test compilation + jar building
+ More JUnit style for Gradle compatibility - disabled test removed
+ running tests
+ benchmark test changes for Gradle compaibility + run benchmark from Gradle + publishing artifacts from Gradle
+ benchmark test changes for Gradle compaibility + run benchmark from Gradle + publishing artifacts from Gradle
+ publishing artifacts to maven compatible repositories
+ releasing with Gradle
+ releasing with Gradle
+ releasing with Gradle
+ releasing with Gradle
[Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '1.7.8'.
+ releasing with Gradle
+ releasing with Gradle
+ releasing with Gradle
[Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '1.7.8'.
Revert "+ publishing artifacts to maven compatible repositories"
rollback gradle release
+ properly populating manifest + exclude unnecesary files from jar
+ adding license to jar
+ build will not fail when maven credentials are not defined
+ getting rhino display version from MANIFEST
* modifying README with Gradle details
Improving reporting of MozillaSuiteTest tests
Improving reporting of MozillaSuiteTest tests
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.includes
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.includes
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.includes
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.startsWith
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.startsWith
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.endsWith
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.endsWith
+ initial implementation of String.prototype.endsWith
+ implementation of String.prototype.normalize
+ implementation of String.prototype.normalize
+ implementation of String.prototype.normalize
+ implementation of String.prototype.repeat
+ implementation of String.prototype.repeat
+ implementation of String.prototype.codePointAt
+ implementation of String.prototype.codePointAt
* fixing tests after implementation of ES6 string methods + implementing RequireObjectCoercible from ECMA spec
* fixing tests after implementation of ES6 string methods + implementing RequireObjectCoercible from ECMA spec
* fixing tests after implementation of ES6 string methods + implementing RequireObjectCoercible from ECMA spec
Better exception reporting
Gregory Brail (16):
Update for new development iteration.
Read manifest URLs in a loop until we find the right one when trying to determine the implementation version.
Permissions fix.
Fix potential NPE in ComplianceTest.
Re-run IDMap on NativeString.
Merge branch 'issue_176_2' of into raimi-issue_176_2
Merge branch 'master' of into asashour-master
Add .gitattributes.
Re-arrange "global variables" regression tests for fewer spurious failures under Gradle.
Don't make "javaException" and "rhinoException" on the NativeError object enumerable, because they cannot be converted to JSON.
Fix file name for V8 benchmark results.
Add some ES6 methods to Math and Number.
"BigO" regression test exhibits different and inconsistent behavior on Java 8. So fix it.
Fix a bug in Math.hypot().
Added a constant for ECMAScript 6 language level: Context.VERSION_ES6.
Add "readline" and "write" to console.
Raimund Jacob (5):
Allow throwing arbitrary objects from java world
176: Adjust javadoc to reality.
Emacs, sorry
Issue176: Test infrastructure
176: Actually Working Tests
sainaen (1):
Print exception message in case of JavaScriptException in ScriptTestsBase
tntim96 (1):
Fix Test compile encoding error 'unmappable character for encoding ASCII' -
uchida_t (5):
set capacity for StringBuilder in String#repeat
Implement ES6 MethodDefinition
`set` and `get` is valid method name.
NumericLiteral/StringLiteral is valid method name.
Merged many of the outstanding pull requests in the GitHub repo.
High-level changes include the following:
- Many compatibility fixes for Date, Array, String, and others (André Bargull)
- Array.find() and findIndex() (Evgeny Shepelyuk)
- String.trimLeft() and trimRight() (Travis Ennis)
- AST and "toSource" fixes (tntim96)
- Support for V8 Error extensions, including Error.captureStackTrace (Greg Brail)
- Support for typed arrays (Greg Brail)
- Support for attaching "external data" as the indexed properties of any object (Greg Brail)
André Bargull (60):
NativeDate: Date.length and Date.UTC.length is 7
NativeDate: Fix bug 732779 (Date.prototype.setXXX functions don't evaluate all parameters)
NativeDate: Date.prototype.toJSON uses [[GET]] to obtain the "toISOString" property
add js_toISOString method to format date values in ISO-8601 Extended Format with expanded year representation if necessary
NativeDate: Update Date.parse to support simplified ISO 8601 Extended Format []
Fix indentation in
NativeError: and Error.prototype.message are not enumerable
NativeError: and updates
Arguments: arguments object should not have its own 'constructor' property, instead it inherits 'constructor' through its prototype
Arguments: 'callee', 'caller' and 'length' properties can be redefined for the arguments object
BaseFunction: Function.prototype.toString arity is 0
BaseFunction: The 'prototype' property on function instances can be redefined
BaseFunction: The 'arguments' property can be redefined for function instances
NativeArray: Check [[Extensible]] flag for dense-array case in [[Put]]
NativeArray: Remove (invalid) round-trips to ScriptRuntime when getting/setting elements
NativeArray: Follow spec more closely for Array.isArray and Array.prototype.concat
NativeArray: Array.prototype.{indexOf, lastIndexOf} bug fixes
NativeArray: Array.prototype.sort bug fixes (bug 728286)
NativeArray: Multiple changes to ensure specification algorithms are followed more closely
TopLevel,NativeGlobal,ScriptRuntime: Add cache for native error objects
NativeNumber: Handle case when precision is Infinity for Number.prototype.{toFixed,toExponential,toPrecision}
NativeObject: Object.prototype.toLocaleString uses [[Get]] to retrieve 'toString' property
NativeObject: Handle undefined arguments in Object.prototype.{hasOwnProperty,propertyIsEnumerable}
NativeString: String.prototype.replace arity is 2 instead of 1
NativeString: Handle undefined arguments in String.prototype.slice
ScriptRuntime: Fix range check to follow spec in numberToString()
ScriptRuntime: Set-up proto and parent-scope for TypeErrorThrower function
ScriptableObject: Object.defineProperties needs to make sure to call [[Get]] exactly once for each property entry
NativeRegExp: Handle undefined arguments in compile and exec
NativeRegExp: Report error if a RegExp flag is used more than once
NativeRegExp: RegExp.prototype.compile arity is 2
NativeRegExp: RegExp.prototype.lastIndex is lazily evaluated and may be set to non-writable as well
NativeRegExpCtor: arity of RegExp constructor is 2
NativeRegExpCtor: RegExp.prototype.{multiline,star,input,underscore} properties can be re-defined
RegExpImpl: Multiple changes for String.prototype.{match,search,replace,split}
Remove obsolete test case js1_2/function/regexparg-2-n.js
update test case doctests/arguments.doctest now that the arguments object inherits the 'constructor' property through its prototype
NativeRegExp: Make octal escape sequences match web reality
RegExpImpl: String.prototype.split with separator=undefined no longer treated as separator='undefined'
Fix indentation
Context: remove duplicate code in Context#newObject()
Context: Use StackTraceElement API to traverse stack-trace
NativeArray: address review comment from hns
Updated tests files per instructions in o.m.j.tests.MozillaSuiteTest
Patch for Bug 783797 ("Function calls across multiple global scopes are not handled properly")
Silence warnings in ClassFileWriter
Add missing @Deprecated annotations
Add missing @Override annotations
Add missing generic type info to deprecatedsrc/
Add missing generic type info to toolsrc/
Add missing generic type info to testsrc/
Add missing generic type info to src/
Fix invalid JavaDoc links
Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder if possible
Address review comments from hns
Generators save and later restore the current stack when processing the 'yield' operation. Our current implementation for restoring the stack unfortunately confuses the Java classfile verifier, so at class load time a VerifierError is thrown. This happens because the verifier can no longer ensure that the proper types are placed on the stack, since the stack-state is saved in a simple Object[]. Re-ordering a few operations is only necessary so the verifier will again accept the generated class. But this is only done for generators because it creates slightly less efficient code compared to the standard case.
Add doctest and update comments with proper bug number
Patch for Bug 782363 ("Increment/Decrement alters const variables")
Patch for Bug 780458 ("Math.IEEEremainder makes ToInt32 slow for non-integer values") (V8):
Patch for Bug 789277 ("JSC: "missing ; after statement" message prints out for the line after the problem one")
C. Scott Ananian (1):
Don't swallow empty lines in doctest; split lines on Mac/Windows/Unix.
Edison (2):
Add working directory support to "runCommand"
Add working directory support to "runCommand"
Elliott Baron (1):
Add manpage for Rhino shell.
Evgeny Shepelyuk (2):
find and findIndex initial impl
Improving test framework + one JUnit class = one JS suite + reporting JS stacktrace on error + load function is available in JS + separate file for JS assertions
Gregory Brail (31):
Update versions for next iteration.
Update README for release notes.
Change benchmark output so we can "plot" it in Maven.
Fix code cleanup fix that broke the Java 6 build.
Fix benchmark output file format again.
Re-run ID map on NativeString.
Manually add .gitignore additions from @sghill.
Added a bit more to the README including content from @shirishp
Add a NOTICE with the V8 copyright message.
Move anba's new DoubleConversion code into the package with the rest of the code derived from V8.
Remove retrotranslator code to generate 1.4-compatible bytecode. Switch bytecode generation to Java 6.
Remove code and build artifacts pointing to the "old E4X" implementation, based on XML Beans.
Remove unused XML beans-based E4X implementation.
One last vestige of XML Beans.
Re-generate ID map on NativeArray.
Initial checkin of typed arrays and tests from V8. Fix bad capitalization.
Fix some integer encoding and add more test cases.
Switch typed array tests to use Evgeny's framework for running them. Make them work only with version 1.8.
Make typed arrays only appear in 1.8.
Add List implementation for all native arrays.
Add "Error" to the set of standard Error constructors that could go down the new code path to create an error.
Complete List implementation for typed arrays. Write typed array unit tests for the List implementation.
Do not double-initialize Error.
Make loading of typed array classes lazy. Rename Java classes so that the names are more consistent.
Support for V8-style stack trace support: Error.prepareStackTrace Error.captureStackTrace Error.stackTraceLimit And "V8" format stack traces.
Improve efficiency of NativeError via pre-cached Method objects and reduced number of default fields.
Make "stack" non-enumerable until generated.
Add "setExternalArrayData" to ScriptableObject to allow array data to be stored outside the core object.
Set default version in shell to "180".
Add method to both get and set external array data.
Add "initSafeStandardObjects" to create standard objects with no Java class access whatsoever.
Ievgenii.Shepeliuk (2):
`findIndex' implementation
more V8 compatibility
Raymond Auge (1):
rhino exits the JVM even when run as a subshell of another java shell - bug-835147
Travis Ennis (2):
Added the Javascript 1.8 String methods trimLeft and trim Right.
Added the Javascript 1.8 String methods trimLeft and trimRight.
sainaen (1):
Add 'LanguageVersion' annotation. Make 1.8 default version for 'ScriptsTestsBase'
sghill (1):
removing old .cvsignore files
tntim96 (5):
'undefined' pattern should be treated as empty string in RegExp constructor
Bug 798642. AST 'toSource' on getter/setter mistakenly adding 'function' keyword
Bug 800616. Fix AST 'toSource' for Octal and Hexadecimal literals
Fix AST empty switch to source
Fix compile encoding error 'unmappable character for encoding ASCII'
André Bargull (24):
Add missing license header to
Remove invalid UTF-8 encoded unicode replacement characters (EF BF BD)
Add missing entries
Bug 772011: Decompiler does not add curly brackets for labelled statements
Add fix for bug-772833 (comment copied over from Parser::condExpr1 in frontend/Parser.cpp)
Fix bug 686806: - trailing commas aren't allowed in object/array literals per JSON spec - avoid using Integer.parseInt() to parse unicode escape sequences since parseInt() also accepts non-ASCII digits - also avoid using Character.isDigit() in readNumber() for the very same reason - readString() always created a StringBuilder instance to collect the input data, obviously this is actually only necessary when the input contains escaped characters. Therefore I've changed readString() to take the same approach as used in jsonparser.cpp - the JSON number specification is stricter than Double.parseDouble(), for example Double.parseDouble() accepts the input string '10.'. To ensure only valid JSON number literals are passed to Double.parseDouble(), readNumber() was refactored to perform the necessary input validation.
Patch for bug 774083.
Patch for Bug 688023:
Fix broken test cases which relied on the old (and erroneous) toSource() output
Patch bug 685403
Patch for bug 637811:
Fix bug 773573: Search for first curly bracket after closing parentheses to take account of object destructuring parameters
Simple doctest for bug 773573
Array.prototype.sort performed an unchecked cast from long to int without any overflow checks, this may result in a negative length which then throws a NegativeArraySizeException in Java, cf. js1_5/Array/regress-157652.js . A similar problem was found in NativeJSON, so I've handled that as well
Add explicit cast to int to ensure previous behaviour is retained
Calls must not be special-calls and reference-calls at the same time, cf. js1_5/Regress/regress-319391.js for a test case
Enable js1_5/Regress/regress-319391.js for MozillaSuiteTest
Patch for Bug 728286
Add test case
Patch for Bug 778549
Add missing overflow detection when processing RegExp character class pattern
Patch for Bug 780147:
Patch for Bug 608235 ("Incorrect error message for undefined[undefined]")
Patch for Bug 784358 ("Defining const variable within eval() throws redeclaration error")
Evgeny Shepelyuk (1):
fix xmlbeans url
Gregory Brail (10):
Add JUnit-based benchmarks that we can automate in Jenkins.
Extract zipped-up tests into a directory and check them in that way.
Extracted the stuff that was formerly in testsrc/tests.tar.gz.
Add XML output for EMMA coverage reports.
Fix character encoding tests to work on Mac.
Add output to benchmarks that can work with the Jenkins "Measurement Plots" plugin. This replaces the former output from the "SunSpider" and "V8" benchmarks.
Add files for Maven deployment.
README update.
Update README for other tests.
Fix E4X test which was failing on Java 8 due to different HashMap iteration ordering.
Hannes Wallnoefer (8):
Unwrap Synchronizer in BaseFunction.toSource().
Override ScriptableObject.isEmpty in NativeArray
Reduce concurrency level / memory footprint in concurrent class cache hash maps
Return null for unhandled JavaAdapter methods
Make JavaAdapter work with abstract base classes and protected constructors
Change build version to 1_7R5pre
Extract code to create JS error from Java exception into separate ScriptRuntime method
Reduce invocation magic in ShellConsole JLine support classes
Kyle Cronin (2):
Patch for Bug 827538
Patch for Bug 738388