- (pdbjjens) Updated dependencies
- (pdbjjens) New: Use adapter-dev instead of gulp translate
- Updated dependencies
- Compatibility check for js-controller 4.0
- Prevent onUnload warnings
- (TGuybrush) Bug fixes
- Prevent warnings regarding non-existent objects upon adapter instance creation and start-up under js-controller 3.2.x
- Improved check of SMA Energy Meter multicast messages to prevent ghost devices and warnings regarding unknown OBIS values.
- (TGuybrush) The adapter binds now to all external IPv4 addresses.
- (TGuybrush) Bug fixes
- Software Version string, last part is the revision as character (e.g. R = release)
- Potential Warning during the first start
- Revised units to follow the SI standardization (DIN 1301)
- (TGuybrush) Top level hierarchy object description indicates if the device is a SMA Energy Meter or a SMA Home Manager 2.
- (DutchmanNL) Released to the latest repo, fixed some typo's + news and translations
(TGuybrush) Fixed wrong status information
- Complete adapter core rewritten to extract the status values by their OBIS value instead of the absolute position in the received UDP message according to the SMA documentation.
- Improved compatibility to future new OBIS values
(TGuybrush) Add additional status information
- Power grid frequency
- Time tick counter
- Software Version
Add a timestamp for each received status information
- (DutchmanNL) Solved incorrect stated ID type for JS-controller 3.x
- (Andiling) Adapter compatibility extended for Node 10 and higher
- (Marcolotti) Fix units
- (Marcolotti) support of more than one energy meter
- (Marcolotti) Add Option for extended Mode
- (Marcolotti) Remove Option for Poll
- (Marcolotti) several fixes
- (Bluefox) Optimize Performance
- (Marcolotti) Add options for detailed View of L1, L2, L3
- (Marcolotti) Bugfixes
- (Bluefox) Optimize Performance
- (Apollon77) Clean Template
- (Marcolotti) initial release