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The /exec/ scripts depend on parity being installed.

If you'd like to use a containerized version, you'll need to install docker.

For other dependencies, please refer to the root README of this repo.


Run yarn install to install necessary dependencies.


Config is handled entirely through environment variables. Below are some config variable names, whether or not they're optional, and what they do:

Server Type (set at most one of these):

  • IS_TRANSACTION_NODE - (optional) Set this to any value if this container / process is to start in Transaction Node mode. This is a node capable of handling all requests but that is only meant to be sent Transaction requests and requests tightly-coupled to transactions. This node also takes care of L1 <--> L2 message passing. Note: If no server type is specified, this is the default.
  • IS_READ_ONLY_NODE - (optional) Set this to any value if this container / process is to start in Read-Only Node mode. This will make this server idempotent and horizontally scalable, only serving read-only requests.
  • IS_ROUTING_SERVER - (optional) Set this to any value if this container / process is to start in Routing Server mode. The routing server, if configured, sits in front of the read-only node(s) and the transaction node and rate limits (if configured) and routes read-only requests to the Read-Only Node and transaction and transaction-coupled requests to the Transaction Node.

All Server Types

  • NO_L1_NODE - (optional) Tells the node not to start a Ganache L1 node or try to deploy L1 contracts. Only applicable if L1_NODE_WEB3_URL is not set.

Routing Server (only applicable if IS_ROUTING_SERVER is set)

  • TRANSACTION_NODE_URL - The url of the Transaction Node to route transaction requests to.
  • READ_ONLY_NODE_URL - (optional, but encouraged) The url of the Read-Only node to route read-only requests to.
  • MAX_NON_TRANSACTION_REQUESTS_PER_UNIT_TIME - (optional) The max number of non-tx requests that should be permitted per IP address per unit time (see REQUEST_LIMIT_PERIOD_MILLIS below).
  • MAX_TRANSACTIONS_PER_UNIT_TIME - (optional) The max number of transactions that should be permitted per address per unit time (see REQUEST_LIMIT_PERIOD_MILLIS below)
  • REQUEST_LIMIT_PERIOD_MILLIS - (optional) The rolling time period in milliseconds in which the above MAX... request limits will be enforced.
  • CONTRACT_DEPLOYER_ADDRESS - (optional) Only address that will be allowed to send transactions to any address if a whitelist is configured.
  • COMMA_SEPARATED_TO_ADDRESS_WHITELIST - (optional) The comma-separated whitelist of addresses to which transactions may be made. Any transaction sent to another address that is not from the CONTRACT_DEPLOYER_ADDRESS will be rejected.
  • COMMA_SEPARATED_RATE_LIMIT_WHITELISTED_IPS - (optional) The comma-separated whitelist of IP addresses that will not be rate limited.

Rollup Server Data:

  • CLEAR_DATA_KEY - (optional) Set to clear all persisted data in the full node. Data is only cleared on startup when this variable is set and is different from last startup (e.g. last start up it wasn't set, this time it is or last start up it was set to a different value than it is this start up). NOTE: This is only applicable for Transaction Nodes.


  • L1_NODE_WEB3_URL - (optional) The Web3 node url (including port) to be used to connect to L1 Ethereum. If this is not present, a local L1 node will be created at runtime using Ganache.
  • LOCAL_L1_NODE_PERSISTENT_DB_PATH - (optional) Only applicable if L1_NODE_WEB3_URL is not set. Path to store local L1 ganache instance's data in.
  • LOCAL_L1_NODE_PORT - (optional) If the L1 node is going to be simulated by running a Ganache instance locally, this is the port it listens on. If not set, this defaults to 7545.
  • L1_SEQUENCER_PRIVATE_KEY - (optional) Set to provide a PK to use for L1 contract deployment (if not already deployed) and for signing and sending rollup blocks. This takes priority over mnemonic if both are set.
  • L1_SEQUENCER_MNEMONIC - (optional) Set to provide a mnemonic to use for L1 contract deployment (if not already deployed) and for signing and sending rollup blocks. If not set, this will default to the dev mnemonic rebel talent argue catalog maple duty file taxi dust hire funny steak.
  • L1_TO_L2_TRANSACTION_PASSER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - (optional) Set to point to the deployed L1 to L2 transaction passer contract address. If not set, this will be the second contract deployed from the sequencer wallet on startup. Note: the address for this contract on rinkeby is 0xcF8aF92c52245C6595A2de7375F405B24c3a05BD
  • L2_TO_L1_MESSAGE_RECEIVER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - (optional) Set to point to the deployed L2 to L1 transaction receiver contract address on L1. If not set, this will be the first contract deployed from the sequencer wallet on startup. Note: the address for this contract on rinkeby is 0x3cD9393742c656c5E33A1a6ee73ef4B27fd54951
  • FINALITY_DELAY_IN_BLOCKS - (optional) The number of L1 block confirmations after which a message passed from L2 to L1 will be considered final. If not set, this defaults to 1.
  • L1_EARLIEST_BLOCK - (optional) The earliest block to sync on the L1 chain being connected to. Defaults to 0.
  • L1_NODE_INFURA_NETWORK (optional) The infura network to use if connecting to L1 node through infura.
  • L1_NODE_INFURA_PROJECT_ID (optional) The infura project ID to use if connecting to L1 node through infura.


  • L2_NODE_WEB3_URL - (optional) The Web3 node url (including port) to be used to connect to the L2 node. If this is not present, a local L2 node will be created at runtime using Ganache.
  • L2_RPC_SERVER_HOST - (optional) The hostname / IP address of the RPC server exposed by this process. If not provided, this defaults to
  • L2_RPC_SERVER_PORT - (optional) The port to expose the L2 RPC server on. If not provided, this defaults to 8545.
  • L2_RPC_SERVER_PERSISTENT_DB_PATH - (required) The path to store persistent data procesed by this RPC server. Note: This server is ephemeral in unit tests through the Truffle Provider Wrapper package and passing a test provider into the Web3 RPC Handler
  • L2_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY - (optional) Set to provide a PK to use for L2 contract deployment (if not already deployed) and for signing and sending L2 transactions. This takes priority over PK path and mnemonic if multiple are set.
  • L2_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH - (optional) The path to the private key file from which the L2 wallet private key can be read. This file is assumed to only contain the private key in UTF-8 hexadecimal characters.
  • L2_WALLET_MNEMONIC - (optional) Set to provide a mnemonic to use for L2 contract deployment (if not already deployed) and for signing and sending rollup blocks. If not set and L2_NODE_WEB3_URL is not set, the default Ganache wallet will be used with the Ganache local node created at runtime.
  • LOCAL_L2_NODE_PERSISTENT_DB_PATH - (optional) If a local L2 node is to be run, this may be set to persist the state of the local node so as to be able to stop the node and restart it with the same state.


Run yarn build to build the code. Note: yarn all may be used to build and run tests.

Building Docker Image

Make sure you're in the base directory (cd ../..)

Run docker build -t optimism/rollup-full-node . to build and tag the fullnode. You may also use docker-compose up --build to build and run the docker containers with default settings listed in the docker-compose.yml file.

Pushing Image to AWS Registry:

Note: Image registration and deployment to our internal dev environment is done automatically upon merge to the master branch.

Make sure the AWS CLI is installed and configured

  1. Make sure you're authenticated:
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>
  2. Build and tag latest:
    docker build -t optimism/rollup-full-node .
  3. Tag the build:
    docker tag optimism/rollup-full-node:latest <aws_account_id>
  4. Push tag to ECR:
    docker push <aws_account_id>

Running in Docker

Make sure you're in the base directory (cd ../..)

Run docker-compose up --build to build and run. If you don't need to build the full node or geth, omit the --build

When the containers are up, you should see the following output:

rollup-full-node_1  | <timestamp> info:rollup-fullnode Listening at

You can run a simple connectivity test against the rollup node by running:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 9999999, "method": "net_version"}'

which should yield the response:



Run yarn test to run the unit tests.

Running the Fullnode Server (outside of docker)

Run yarn server:fullnode to run the fullnode server.