- protected boolean pageCountDirty;
- public VirtualContainerBase(final C control, B behavior) {
- super(control, behavior);
- flow = createVirtualFlow();
- control.addEventHandler(ScrollToEvent.scrollToTopIndex(), event -> {
- // Fix for RT-24630: The row count in VirtualFlow was incorrect
- // (normally zero), so the scrollTo call was misbehaving.
- if (pageCountDirty) {
- // update row count before we do a scroll
- updatePageCount();
- pageCountDirty = false;
- }
- flow.scrollTo(event.getScrollTarget());
- });
- }
- /**
- * The virtualized container which handles the layout and scrolling of
- * all the cells.
- */
- protected final VirtualPageFlow flow;
- /**
- * Returns a Cell available to be used in the virtual flow. This means you
- * may return either a previously used, but now unrequired cell, or alternatively
- * create a new Cell instance.
- *
- * Preference is obviously given to reusing cells whenever possible, to keep
- * performance costs down.
- */
- public abstract I createCell();
- /**
- * This enables skin subclasses to provide a custom VirtualFlow implementation,
- * rather than have VirtualContainerBase instantiate the default instance.
- */
- protected VirtualPageFlow createVirtualFlow() {
- return new VirtualPageFlow<>();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the total number of items in this container, including those
- * that are currently hidden because they are out of view.
- */
- public abstract int getPageCount();
- protected abstract void updatePageCount();
- double getMaxCellWidth(int rowsToCount) {
- return snappedLeftInset() + flow.getMaxCellWidth(rowsToCount) + snappedRightInset();
- }
- double getVirtualFlowPreferredHeight(int rows) {
- double height = 1.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < rows && i < getPageCount(); i++) {
- height += flow.getCellLength(i);
- }
- return height + snappedTopInset() + snappedBottomInset();
- }
- @Override
- protected void layoutChildren(double x, double y, double w, double h) {
- checkState();
- }
- protected void checkState() {
- if (pageCountDirty) {
- updatePageCount();
- pageCountDirty = false;
- }
- }
diff --git a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/scene/control/skin/VirtualPageFlow.java b/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/scene/control/skin/VirtualPageFlow.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a144a55..000000000
--- a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/scene/control/skin/VirtualPageFlow.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2852 +0,0 @@
-package com.icepdf.fx.scene.control.skin;
-import com.icepdf.fx.scene.control.PageView;
-import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Logging;
-import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.Utils;
-import com.sun.javafx.scene.traversal.Algorithm;
-import com.sun.javafx.scene.traversal.Direction;
-import com.sun.javafx.scene.traversal.ParentTraversalEngine;
-import com.sun.javafx.scene.traversal.TraversalContext;
-import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
-import javafx.animation.Timeline;
-import javafx.application.ConditionalFeature;
-import javafx.application.Platform;
-import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
-import javafx.beans.Observable;
-import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
-import javafx.beans.property.BooleanPropertyBase;
-import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
-import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
-import javafx.event.EventDispatcher;
-import javafx.event.EventHandler;
-import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
-import javafx.scene.*;
-import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar;
-import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
-import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent;
-import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
-import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
-import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
-import javafx.util.Callback;
-import javafx.util.Duration;
-import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
-import java.util.AbstractList;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.BitSet;
-import java.util.List;
- * Implementation of a virtualized container using a cell based mechanism.
- */
-public class VirtualPageFlow extends Region {
- protected final static boolean IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED = Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.INPUT_TOUCH);
- /**
- * Scroll events may request to scroll about a number of "lines". We first
- * decide how big one "line" is - for fixed cell size it's clear,
- * for variable cell size we settle on a single number so that the scrolling
- * speed is consistent. Now if the line is so big that
- * MIN_SCROLLING_LINES_PER_PAGE of them don't fit into one page, we make
- * them smaller to prevent the scrolling step to be too big (perhaps
- * even more than one page).
- */
- private static final int MIN_SCROLLING_LINES_PER_PAGE = 8;
- private boolean touchDetected = false;
- private boolean mouseDown = false;
- private BooleanProperty vertical;
- public final void setVertical(boolean value) {
- verticalProperty().set(value);
- }
- public final boolean isVertical() {
- return vertical == null ? true : vertical.get();
- }
- public final BooleanProperty verticalProperty() {
- if (vertical == null) {
- vertical = new BooleanPropertyBase(true) {
- @Override
- protected void invalidated() {
- pile.clear();
- sheetChildren.clear();
- cells.clear();
- lastWidth = lastHeight = -1;
- setMaxPrefBreadth(-1);
- setViewportBreadth(0);
- setViewportLength(0);
- lastPosition = 0;
- hbar.setValue(0);
- vbar.setValue(0);
- setPosition(0.0f);
- setNeedsLayout(true);
- requestLayout();
- }
- @Override
- public Object getBean() {
- return VirtualPageFlow.this;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return "vertical";
- }
- };
- }
- return vertical;
- }
- /**
- * Indicates whether the VirtualFlow viewport is capable of being panned
- * by the user (either via the mouse or touch events).
- */
- private boolean pannable = true;
- public boolean isPannable() {
- return pannable;
- }
- public void setPannable(boolean value) {
- this.pannable = value;
- }
- /**
- * Indicates the number of cells that should be in the flow. The user of
- * the VirtualFlow must set this appropriately. When the cell count changes
- * the VirtualFlow responds by updating the visuals. If the items backing
- * the cells change, but the count has not changed, you must call the
- * reconfigureCells() function to update the visuals.
- */
- private int cellCount;
- public int getCellCount() {
- return cellCount;
- }
- public void setCellCount(int i) {
- int oldCount = cellCount;
- this.cellCount = i;
- boolean countChanged = oldCount != cellCount;
- // ensure that the virtual scrollbar adjusts in size based on the current
- // cell count.
- if (countChanged) {
- VirtualScrollBar lengthBar = isVertical() ? vbar : hbar;
- lengthBar.setMax(i);
- }
- // I decided *not* to reset maxPrefBreadth here for the following
- // situation. Suppose I have 30 cells and then I add 10 more. Just
- // because I added 10 more doesn't mean the max pref should be
- // reset. Suppose the first 3 cells were extra long, and I was
- // scrolled down such that they weren't visible. If I were to reset
- // maxPrefBreadth when subsequent cells were added or removed, then the
- // scroll bars would erroneously reset as well. So I do not reset
- // the maxPrefBreadth here.
- // Fix for RT-12512, RT-14301 and RT-14864.
- // Without this, the VirtualFlow length-wise scrollbar would not change
- // as expected. This would leave items unable to be shown, as they
- // would exist outside of the visible area, even when the scrollbar
- // was at its maximum position.
- // FIXME this should be only executed on the pulse, so this will likely
- // lead to performance degradation until it is handled properly.
- if (countChanged) {
- layoutChildren();
- // Fix for RT-13965: Without this line of code, the number of items in
- // the sheet would constantly grow, leaking memory for the life of the
- // application. This was especially apparent when the total number of
- // cells changes - regardless of whether it became bigger or smaller.
- sheetChildren.clear();
- Parent parent = getParent();
- if (parent != null) parent.requestLayout();
- }
- // TODO suppose I had 100 cells and I added 100 more. Further
- // suppose I was scrolled to the bottom when that happened. I
- // actually want to update the position of the mapper such that
- // the view remains "stable".
- }
- /**
- * The position of the VirtualFlow within its list of cells. This is a value
- * between 0 and 1.
- */
- private double position;
- public double getPosition() {
- return position;
- }
- public void setPosition(double newPosition) {
- boolean needsUpdate = this.position != newPosition;
- this.position = com.sun.javafx.util.Utils.clamp(0, newPosition, 1);
- if (needsUpdate) {
- requestLayout();
- }
- }
- /**
- * For optimisation purposes, some use cases can trade dynamic cell length
- * for speed - if fixedCellSize is greater than zero we'll use that rather
- * than determine it by querying the cell itself.
- */
- private double fixedCellSize = 0;
- private boolean fixedCellSizeEnabled = false;
- public void setFixedCellSize(final double value) {
- this.fixedCellSize = value;
- this.fixedCellSizeEnabled = fixedCellSize > 0;
- needsCellsLayout = true;
- layoutChildren();
- }
- /**
- * Callback which is invoked whenever the VirtualFlow needs a new
- * IndexedCell. The VirtualFlow attempts to reuse cells whenever possible
- * and only creates the minimal number of cells necessary.
- */
- private Callback createCell;
- public Callback getCreateCell() {
- return createCell;
- }
- public void setCreateCell(Callback cc) {
- this.createCell = cc;
- if (createCell != null) {
- accumCell = null;
- setNeedsLayout(true);
- recreateCells();
- if (getParent() != null) getParent().requestLayout();
- }
- }
- /**
- * The maximum preferred size in the non-virtual direction. For example,
- * if vertical, then this is the max pref width of all cells encountered.
- *
- * In general, this is the largest preferred size in the non-virtual
- * direction that we have ever encountered. We don't reduce this size
- * unless instructed to do so, so as to reduce the amount of scroll bar
- * jitter. The access on this variable is package ONLY FOR TESTING.
- */
- private double maxPrefBreadth;
- protected final void setMaxPrefBreadth(double value) {
- this.maxPrefBreadth = value;
- }
- protected final double getMaxPrefBreadth() {
- return maxPrefBreadth;
- }
- /**
- * The breadth of the viewport portion of the VirtualFlow as computed during
- * the layout pass. In a vertical flow this would be the same as the clip
- * view width. In a horizontal flow this is the clip view height.
- * The access on this variable is package ONLY FOR TESTING.
- */
- private double viewportBreadth;
- protected final void setViewportBreadth(double value) {
- this.viewportBreadth = value;
- }
- protected final double getViewportBreadth() {
- return viewportBreadth;
- }
- /**
- * The length of the viewport portion of the VirtualFlow as computed
- * during the layout pass. In a vertical flow this would be the same as the
- * clip view height. In a horizontal flow this is the clip view width.
- * The access on this variable is package ONLY FOR TESTING.
- */
- private double viewportLength;
- void setViewportLength(double value) {
- this.viewportLength = value;
- }
- protected double getViewportLength() {
- return viewportLength;
- }
- /**
- * The width of the VirtualFlow the last time it was laid out. We
- * use this information for several fast paths during the layout pass.
- */
- double lastWidth = -1;
- /**
- * The height of the VirtualFlow the last time it was laid out. We
- * use this information for several fast paths during the layout pass.
- */
- double lastHeight = -1;
- /**
- * The number of "virtual" cells in the flow the last time it was laid out.
- * For example, there may have been 1000 virtual cells, but only 20 actual
- * cells created and in use. In that case, lastCellCount would be 1000.
- */
- int lastCellCount = 0;
- /**
- * We remember the last value for vertical the last time we laid out the
- * flow. If vertical has changed, we will want to change the max & value
- * for the different scroll bars. Since we do all the scroll bar update
- * work in the layoutChildren function, we need to know what the old value for
- * vertical was.
- */
- boolean lastVertical;
- /**
- * The position last time we laid out. If none of the lastXXX vars have
- * changed respective to their values in layoutChildren, then we can just punt
- * out of the method (I hope...)
- */
- double lastPosition;
- /**
- * The breadth of the first visible cell last time we laid out.
- */
- double lastCellBreadth = -1;
- /**
- * The length of the first visible cell last time we laid out.
- */
- double lastCellLength = -1;
- /**
- * The list of cells representing those cells which actually make up the
- * current view. The cells are ordered such that the first cell in this
- * list is the first in the view, and the last cell is the last in the
- * view. When pixel scrolling, the list is simply shifted and items drop
- * off the beginning or the end, depending on the order of scrolling.
- *
- * This is package private ONLY FOR TESTING
- */
- final ArrayLinkedList cells = new ArrayLinkedList();
- protected List getCells() {
- return cells;
- }
- /**
- * A structure containing cells that can be reused later. These are cells
- * that at one time were needed to populate the view, but now are no longer
- * needed. We keep them here until they are needed again.
- *
- * This is package private ONLY FOR TESTING
- */
- final ArrayLinkedList pile = new ArrayLinkedList();
- /**
- * A special cell used to accumulate bounds, such that we reduce object
- * churn. This cell must be recreated whenever the cell factory function
- * changes. This has package access ONLY for testing.
- */
- T accumCell;
- /**
- * This group is used for holding the 'accumCell'. 'accumCell' must
- * be added to the skin for it to be styled. Otherwise, it doesn't
- * report the correct width/height leading to issues when scrolling
- * the flow
- */
- Group accumCellParent;
- /**
- * The group which holds the cells.
- */
- final Group sheet;
- final ObservableList sheetChildren;
- /**
- * The scroll bar used for scrolling horizontally. This has package access
- * ONLY for testing.
- */
- private VirtualScrollBar hbar = new VirtualScrollBar(this);
- protected final VirtualScrollBar getHbar() {
- return hbar;
- }
- /**
- * The scroll bar used to scrolling vertically. This has package access
- * ONLY for testing.
- */
- private VirtualScrollBar vbar = new VirtualScrollBar(this);
- protected final VirtualScrollBar getVbar() {
- return vbar;
- }
- /**
- * Control in which the cell's sheet is placed and forms the viewport. The
- * viewportBreadth and viewportLength are simply the dimensions of the
- * clipView. This has package access ONLY for testing.
- */
- ClippedContainer clipView;
- /**
- * When both the horizontal and vertical scroll bars are visible,
- * we have to 'fill in' the bottom right corner where the two scroll bars
- * meet. This is handled by this corner region. This has package access
- * ONLY for testing.
- */
- StackPane corner;
- // used for panning the virtual flow
- private double lastX;
- private double lastY;
- private boolean isPanning = false;
- public VirtualPageFlow() {
- getStyleClass().add("virtual-flow");
- setId("virtual-flow");
- // initContent
- // --- sheet
- sheet = new Group();
- sheet.getStyleClass().add("sheet");
- sheet.setStyle("-fx-background-color: red");
- sheet.setAutoSizeChildren(false);
- sheetChildren = sheet.getChildren();
- // --- clipView
- clipView = new ClippedContainer(this);
- clipView.setNode(sheet);
- getChildren().add(clipView);
- // --- accumCellParent
- accumCellParent = new Group();
- accumCellParent.setVisible(false);
- getChildren().add(accumCellParent);
- /*
- ** don't allow the ScrollBar to handle the ScrollEvent,
- ** In a VirtualFlow a vertical scroll should scroll on the vertical only,
- ** whereas in a horizontal ScrollBar it can scroll horizontally.
- */
- // block the event from being passed down to children
- final EventDispatcher blockEventDispatcher = (event, tail) -> event;
- // block ScrollEvent from being passed down to scrollbar's skin
- final EventDispatcher oldHsbEventDispatcher = hbar.getEventDispatcher();
- hbar.setEventDispatcher((event, tail) -> {
- if (event.getEventType() == ScrollEvent.SCROLL &&
- !((ScrollEvent) event).isDirect()) {
- tail = tail.prepend(blockEventDispatcher);
- tail = tail.prepend(oldHsbEventDispatcher);
- return tail.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- return oldHsbEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, tail);
- });
- // block ScrollEvent from being passed down to scrollbar's skin
- final EventDispatcher oldVsbEventDispatcher = vbar.getEventDispatcher();
- vbar.setEventDispatcher((event, tail) -> {
- if (event.getEventType() == ScrollEvent.SCROLL &&
- !((ScrollEvent) event).isDirect()) {
- tail = tail.prepend(blockEventDispatcher);
- tail = tail.prepend(oldVsbEventDispatcher);
- return tail.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- return oldVsbEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, tail);
- });
- /*
- ** listen for ScrollEvents over the whole of the VirtualFlow
- ** area, the above dispatcher having removed the ScrollBars
- ** scroll event handling.
- */
- setOnScroll(new EventHandler() {
- @Override
- public void handle(ScrollEvent event) {
- if (touchDetected == false && mouseDown == false) {
- startSBReleasedAnimation();
- }
- }
- /*
- ** calculate the delta in the direction of the flow.
- */
- double virtualDelta = 0.0;
- if (isVertical()) {
- switch (event.getTextDeltaYUnits()) {
- case PAGES:
- virtualDelta = event.getTextDeltaY() * lastHeight;
- break;
- case LINES:
- double lineSize;
-// if (fixedCellSizeEnabled) {
-// lineSize = fixedCellSize;
-// } else {
- // For the scrolling to be reasonably consistent
- // we set the lineSize to the average size
- // of all currently loaded lines.
- T lastCell = cells.getLast();
- lineSize =
- (getCellPosition(lastCell)
- + getCellLength(lastCell)
- - getCellPosition(cells.getFirst()))
- / cells.size();
-// }
- if (lastHeight / lineSize < MIN_SCROLLING_LINES_PER_PAGE) {
- lineSize = lastHeight / MIN_SCROLLING_LINES_PER_PAGE;
- }
- virtualDelta = event.getTextDeltaY() * lineSize;
- break;
- case NONE:
- virtualDelta = event.getDeltaY();
- }
- } else { // horizontal
- switch (event.getTextDeltaXUnits()) {
- // can we get character size here?
- // for now, fall through to pixel values
- case NONE:
- double dx = event.getDeltaX();
- double dy = event.getDeltaY();
- virtualDelta = (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ? dx : dy);
- }
- }
- if (virtualDelta != 0.0) {
- /*
- ** only consume it if we use it
- */
- double result = adjustPixels(-virtualDelta);
- if (result != 0.0) {
- event.consume();
- }
- }
- ScrollBar nonVirtualBar = isVertical() ? hbar : vbar;
- if (needBreadthBar) {
- double nonVirtualDelta = isVertical() ? event.getDeltaX() : event.getDeltaY();
- if (nonVirtualDelta != 0.0) {
- double newValue = nonVirtualBar.getValue() - nonVirtualDelta;
- if (newValue < nonVirtualBar.getMin()) {
- nonVirtualBar.setValue(nonVirtualBar.getMin());
- } else if (newValue > nonVirtualBar.getMax()) {
- nonVirtualBar.setValue(nonVirtualBar.getMax());
- } else {
- nonVirtualBar.setValue(newValue);
- }
- event.consume();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, new EventHandler() {
- @Override
- public void handle(MouseEvent e) {
- mouseDown = true;
- scrollBarOn();
- }
- if (isFocusTraversable()) {
- // We check here to see if the current focus owner is within
- // this VirtualFlow, and if so we back-off from requesting
- // focus back to the VirtualFlow itself. This is particularly
- // relevant given the bug identified in RT-32869. In this
- // particular case TextInputControl was clearing selection
- // when the focus on the TextField changed, meaning that the
- // right-click context menu was not showing the correct
- // options as there was no selection in the TextField.
- boolean doFocusRequest = true;
- Node focusOwner = getScene().getFocusOwner();
- if (focusOwner != null) {
- Parent parent = focusOwner.getParent();
- while (parent != null) {
- if (parent.equals(VirtualPageFlow.this)) {
- doFocusRequest = false;
- break;
- }
- parent = parent.getParent();
- }
- }
- if (doFocusRequest) {
- requestFocus();
- }
- }
- lastX = e.getX();
- lastY = e.getY();
- // determine whether the user has push down on the virtual flow,
- // or whether it is the scrollbar. This is done to prevent
- // mouse events being 'doubled up' when dragging the scrollbar
- // thumb - it has the side-effect of also starting the panning
- // code, leading to flicker
- isPanning = !(vbar.getBoundsInParent().contains(e.getX(), e.getY())
- || hbar.getBoundsInParent().contains(e.getX(), e.getY()));
- }
- });
- addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, e -> {
- mouseDown = false;
- startSBReleasedAnimation();
- }
- });
- addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, e -> {
- scrollBarOn();
- }
- if (!isPanning || !isPannable()) return;
- // With panning enabled, we support panning in both vertical
- // and horizontal directions, regardless of the fact that
- // VirtualFlow is virtual in only one direction.
- double xDelta = lastX - e.getX();
- double yDelta = lastY - e.getY();
- // figure out the distance that the mouse moved in the virtual
- // direction, and then perform the movement along that axis
- // virtualDelta will contain the amount we actually did move
- double virtualDelta = isVertical() ? yDelta : xDelta;
- double actual = adjustPixels(virtualDelta);
- if (actual != 0) {
- // update last* here, as we know we've just adjusted the
- // scrollbar. This means we don't get the situation where a
- // user presses-and-drags a long way past the min or max
- // values, only to change directions and see the scrollbar
- // start moving immediately.
- if (isVertical()) lastY = e.getY();
- else lastX = e.getX();
- }
- // similarly, we do the same in the non-virtual direction
- double nonVirtualDelta = isVertical() ? xDelta : yDelta;
- ScrollBar nonVirtualBar = isVertical() ? hbar : vbar;
- if (nonVirtualBar.isVisible()) {
- double newValue = nonVirtualBar.getValue() + nonVirtualDelta;
- if (newValue < nonVirtualBar.getMin()) {
- nonVirtualBar.setValue(nonVirtualBar.getMin());
- } else if (newValue > nonVirtualBar.getMax()) {
- nonVirtualBar.setValue(nonVirtualBar.getMax());
- } else {
- nonVirtualBar.setValue(newValue);
- // same as the last* comment above
- if (isVertical()) lastX = e.getX();
- else lastY = e.getY();
- }
- }
- });
- /*
- * We place the scrollbars _above_ the rectangle, such that the drag
- * operations often used in conjunction with scrollbars aren't
- * misinterpreted as drag operations on the rectangle as well (which
- * would be the case if the scrollbars were underneath it as the
- * rectangle itself doesn't block the mouse.
- */
- // --- vbar
- vbar.setOrientation(Orientation.VERTICAL);
- vbar.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, event -> {
- event.consume();
- });
- getChildren().add(vbar);
- // --- hbar
- hbar.setOrientation(Orientation.HORIZONTAL);
- hbar.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, event -> {
- event.consume();
- });
- getChildren().add(hbar);
- // --- corner
- corner = new StackPane();
- corner.getStyleClass().setAll("corner");
- getChildren().add(corner);
- // initBinds
- // clipView binds
- InvalidationListener listenerX = valueModel -> {
- updateHbar();
- };
- verticalProperty().addListener(listenerX);
- hbar.valueProperty().addListener(listenerX);
- hbar.visibleProperty().addListener(listenerX);
-// ChangeListener listenerY = new ChangeListener() {
-// @Override public void handle(Bean bean, PropertyReference property) {
-// clipView.setClipY(isVertical() ? 0 : vbar.getValue());
-// }
-// };
-// addChangedListener(VERTICAL, listenerY);
-// vbar.addChangedListener(ScrollBar.VALUE, listenerY);
- ChangeListener listenerY = (ov, t, t1) -> {
- clipView.setClipY(isVertical() ? 0 : vbar.getValue());
-// System.out.println("v" + getBoundsInLocal());
-// for (T cell : cells){
-// Node parent = cell.getParent();
-// System.out.println(cell.getBoundsInParent());
-// System.out.println(cell.getLocalToParentTransform());
-// }
-// System.out.println();
- };
- vbar.valueProperty().addListener(listenerY);
- super.heightProperty().addListener((observable, oldHeight, newHeight) -> {
- // Fix for RT-8480, where the VirtualFlow does not show its content
- // after changing size to 0 and back.
- if (oldHeight.doubleValue() == 0 && newHeight.doubleValue() > 0) {
- recreateCells();
- }
- });
- /*
- ** there are certain animations that need to know if the touch is
- ** happening.....
- */
- setOnTouchPressed(e -> {
- touchDetected = true;
- scrollBarOn();
- });
- setOnTouchReleased(e -> {
- touchDetected = false;
- startSBReleasedAnimation();
- });
- setImpl_traversalEngine(new ParentTraversalEngine(this, new Algorithm() {
- Node selectNextAfterIndex(int index, TraversalContext context) {
- T nextCell;
- while ((nextCell = getVisibleCell(++index)) != null) {
- if (nextCell.isFocusTraversable()) {
- return nextCell;
- }
- Node n = context.selectFirstInParent(nextCell);
- if (n != null) {
- return n;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- Node selectPreviousBeforeIndex(int index, TraversalContext context) {
- T prevCell;
- while ((prevCell = getVisibleCell(--index)) != null) {
- Node prev = context.selectLastInParent(prevCell);
- if (prev != null) {
- return prev;
- }
- if (prevCell.isFocusTraversable()) {
- return prevCell;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Node select(Node owner, Direction dir, TraversalContext context) {
- T cell;
- if (cells.isEmpty()) return null;
- if (cells.contains(owner)) {
- cell = (T) owner;
- } else {
- cell = findOwnerCell(owner);
- Node next = context.selectInSubtree(cell, owner, dir);
- if (next != null) {
- return next;
- }
- if (dir == Direction.NEXT) dir = Direction.NEXT_IN_LINE;
- }
- int cellIndex = cell.getIndex();
- switch (dir) {
- case PREVIOUS:
- return selectPreviousBeforeIndex(cellIndex, context);
- case NEXT:
- Node n = context.selectFirstInParent(cell);
- if (n != null) {
- return n;
- }
- // Intentional fall-through
- case NEXT_IN_LINE:
- return selectNextAfterIndex(cellIndex, context);
- }
- return null;
- }
- private T findOwnerCell(Node owner) {
- Parent p = owner.getParent();
- while (!cells.contains(p)) {
- p = p.getParent();
- }
- return (T) p;
- }
- @Override
- public Node selectFirst(TraversalContext context) {
- T firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- if (firstCell == null) return null;
- if (firstCell.isFocusTraversable()) return firstCell;
- Node n = context.selectFirstInParent(firstCell);
- if (n != null) {
- return n;
- }
- return selectNextAfterIndex(firstCell.getIndex(), context);
- }
- @Override
- public Node selectLast(TraversalContext context) {
- T lastCell = cells.getLast();
- if (lastCell == null) return null;
- Node p = context.selectLastInParent(lastCell);
- if (p != null) {
- return p;
- }
- if (lastCell.isFocusTraversable()) return lastCell;
- return selectPreviousBeforeIndex(lastCell.getIndex(), context);
- }
- }));
- }
- void updateHbar() {
- // Bring the clipView.clipX back to 0 if control is vertical or
- // the hbar isn't visible (fix for RT-11666)
- if (!isVisible() || getScene() == null) return;
- if (isVertical()) {
- if (hbar.isVisible()) {
- clipView.setClipX(hbar.getValue());
- } else {
- // all cells are now less than the width of the flow,
- // so we should shift the hbar/clip such that
- // everything is visible in the viewport.
- clipView.setClipX(0);
- hbar.setValue(0);
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Layout Functionality *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- /**
- * Overridden to implement somewhat more efficient support for layout. The
- * VirtualFlow can generally be considered as being unmanaged, in that
- * whenever the position changes, or other such things change, we need
- * to perform a layout but there is no reason to notify the parent. However
- * when things change which may impact the preferred size (such as
- * vertical, createCell, and configCell) then we need to notify the
- * parent.
- */
- @Override
- public void requestLayout() {
- // isNeedsLayout() is commented out due to RT-21417. This does not
- // appear to impact performance (indeed, it may help), and resolves the
- // issue identified in RT-21417.
- setNeedsLayout(true);
- }
- @Override
- protected void layoutChildren() {
- if (needsRecreateCells) {
- lastWidth = -1;
- lastHeight = -1;
- releaseCell(accumCell);
-// accumCell = null;
-// accumCellParent.getChildren().clear();
- sheet.getChildren().clear();
- for (int i = 0, max = cells.size(); i < max; i++) {
- cells.get(i).updateIndex(-1);
- }
- cells.clear();
- pile.clear();
- releaseAllPrivateCells();
- } else if (needsRebuildCells) {
- lastWidth = -1;
- lastHeight = -1;
- releaseCell(accumCell);
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- cells.get(i).updateIndex(-1);
- }
- addAllToPile();
- releaseAllPrivateCells();
- } else if (needsReconfigureCells) {
- setMaxPrefBreadth(-1);
- lastWidth = -1;
- lastHeight = -1;
- }
- if (!dirtyCells.isEmpty()) {
- int index;
- final int cellsSize = cells.size();
- while ((index = dirtyCells.nextSetBit(0)) != -1 && index < cellsSize) {
- T cell = cells.get(index);
- // updateIndex(-1) works for TableView, but breaks ListView.
- // For now, the TableView just does not use the dirtyCells API
-// cell.updateIndex(-1);
- if (cell != null) {
- cell.requestLayout();
- }
- dirtyCells.clear(index);
- }
- setMaxPrefBreadth(-1);
- lastWidth = -1;
- lastHeight = -1;
- }
- final boolean hasSizeChange = sizeChanged;
- boolean recreatedOrRebuilt = needsRebuildCells || needsRecreateCells || sizeChanged;
- needsRecreateCells = false;
- needsReconfigureCells = false;
- needsRebuildCells = false;
- sizeChanged = false;
- if (needsCellsLayout) {
- for (int i = 0, max = cells.size(); i < max; i++) {
- PageView cell = cells.get(i);
- if (cell != null) {
- cell.requestLayout();
- }
- }
- needsCellsLayout = false;
- // yes, we return here - if needsCellsLayout was set to true, we
- // only did it to do the above - not rerun the entire layout.
- return;
- }
- final double width = getWidth();
- final double height = getHeight();
- final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- final double position = getPosition();
- // if the width and/or height is 0, then there is no point doing
- // any of this work. In particular, this can happen during startup
- if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
- addAllToPile();
- lastWidth = width;
- lastHeight = height;
- hbar.setVisible(false);
- vbar.setVisible(false);
- corner.setVisible(false);
- return;
- }
- // we check if any of the cells in the cells list need layout. This is a
- // sign that they are perhaps animating their sizes. Without this check,
- // we may not perform a layout here, meaning that the cell will likely
- // 'jump' (in height normally) when the user drags the virtual thumb as
- // that is the first time the layout would occur otherwise.
- boolean cellNeedsLayout = false;
- boolean thumbNeedsLayout = false;
- if ((tempVisibility == true && (hbar.isVisible() == false || vbar.isVisible() == false)) ||
- (tempVisibility == false && (hbar.isVisible() == true || vbar.isVisible() == true))) {
- thumbNeedsLayout = true;
- }
- }
- if (!cellNeedsLayout) {
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- PageView cell = cells.get(i);
- cellNeedsLayout = cell.isNeedsLayout();
- if (cellNeedsLayout) break;
- }
- }
- T firstCell = getFirstVisibleCell();
- // If no cells need layout, we check other criteria to see if this
- // layout call is even necessary. If it is found that no layout is
- // needed, we just punt.
- if (!cellNeedsLayout && !thumbNeedsLayout) {
- boolean cellSizeChanged = false;
- if (firstCell != null) {
- double breadth = getCellBreadth(firstCell);
- double length = getCellLength(firstCell);
- cellSizeChanged = (breadth != lastCellBreadth) || (length != lastCellLength);
- lastCellBreadth = breadth;
- lastCellLength = length;
- }
- if (width == lastWidth &&
- height == lastHeight &&
- cellCount == lastCellCount &&
- isVertical == lastVertical &&
- position == lastPosition &&
- !cellSizeChanged) {
- // TODO this happens to work around the problem tested by
- // testCellLayout_LayoutWithoutChangingThingsUsesCellsInSameOrderAsBefore
- // but isn't a proper solution. Really what we need to do is, when
- // laying out cells, we need to make sure that if a cell is pressed
- // AND we are doing a full rebuild then we need to make sure we
- // use that cell in the same physical location as before so that
- // it gets the mouse release event.
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- * This function may get called under a variety of circumstances.
- * It will determine what has changed from the last time it was laid
- * out, and will then take one of several execution paths based on
- * what has changed so as to perform minimal layout work and also to
- * give the expected behavior. One or more of the following may have
- * happened:
- *
- * 1) width/height has changed
- * - If the width and/or height has been reduced (but neither of
- * them has been expanded), then we simply have to reposition and
- * resize the scroll bars
- * - If the width (in the vertical case) has expanded, then we
- * need to resize the existing cells and reposition and resize
- * the scroll bars
- * - If the height (in the vertical case) has expanded, then we
- * need to resize and reposition the scroll bars and add
- * any trailing cells
- *
- * 2) cell count has changed
- * - If the number of cells is bigger, or it is smaller but not
- * so small as to move the position then we can just update the
- * cells in place without performing layout and update the
- * scroll bars.
- * - If the number of cells has been reduced and it affects the
- * position, then move the position and rebuild all the cells
- * and update the scroll bars
- *
- * 3) size of the cell has changed
- * - If the size changed in the virtual direction (ie: height
- * in the case of vertical) then layout the cells, adding
- * trailing cells as necessary and updating the scroll bars
- * - If the size changed in the non virtual direction (ie: width
- * in the case of vertical) then simply adjust the widths of
- * the cells as appropriate and adjust the scroll bars
- *
- * 4) vertical changed, cells is empty, maxPrefBreadth == -1, etc
- * - Full rebuild.
- *
- * Each of the conditions really resolves to several of a handful of
- * possible outcomes:
- * a) reposition & rebuild scroll bars
- * b) resize cells in non-virtual direction
- * c) add trailing cells
- * d) update cells
- * e) resize cells in the virtual direction
- * f) all of the above
- *
- * So this function first determines what outcomes need to occur, and
- * then will execute all the ones that really need to happen. Every code
- * path ends up touching the "reposition & rebuild scroll bars" outcome,
- * so that one will be executed every time.
- */
- boolean needTrailingCells = false;
- boolean rebuild = cellNeedsLayout ||
- isVertical != lastVertical ||
- cells.isEmpty() ||
- getMaxPrefBreadth() == -1 ||
- position != lastPosition ||
- cellCount != lastCellCount ||
- hasSizeChange ||
- (isVertical && height < lastHeight) || (!isVertical && width < lastWidth);
- if (!rebuild) {
- // Check if maxPrefBreadth didn't change
- double maxPrefBreadth = getMaxPrefBreadth();
- boolean foundMax = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i) {
- double breadth = getCellBreadth(cells.get(i));
- if (maxPrefBreadth == breadth) {
- foundMax = true;
- } else if (breadth > maxPrefBreadth) {
- rebuild = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!foundMax) { // All values were lower
- rebuild = true;
- }
- }
- if (!rebuild) {
- if ((isVertical && height > lastHeight) || (!isVertical && width > lastWidth)) {
- // resized in the virtual direction
- needTrailingCells = true;
- }
- }
- initViewport();
- // Get the index of the "current" cell
- int currentIndex = computeCurrentIndex();
- if (lastCellCount != cellCount) {
- // The cell count has changed. We want to keep the viewport
- // stable if possible. If position was 0 or 1, we want to keep
- // the position in the same place. If the new cell count is >=
- // the currentIndex, then we will adjust the position to be 1.
- // Otherwise, our goal is to leave the index of the cell at the
- // top consistent, with the same translation etc.
- if (position == 0 || position == 1) {
- // Update the item count
-// setItemCount(cellCount);
- } else if (currentIndex >= cellCount) {
- setPosition(1.0f);
-// setItemCount(cellCount);
- } else if (firstCell != null) {
- double firstCellOffset = getCellPosition(firstCell);
- int firstCellIndex = getCellIndex(firstCell);
-// setItemCount(cellCount);
- adjustPositionToIndex(firstCellIndex);
- double viewportTopToCellTop = -computeOffsetForCell(firstCellIndex);
- adjustByPixelAmount(viewportTopToCellTop - firstCellOffset);
- }
- // Update the current index
- currentIndex = computeCurrentIndex();
- }
- if (rebuild) {
- setMaxPrefBreadth(-1);
- // Start by dumping all the cells into the pile
- addAllToPile();
- // The distance from the top of the viewport to the top of the
- // cell for the current index.
- double offset = -computeViewportOffset(getPosition());
- // Add all the leading and trailing cells (the call to add leading
- // cells will add the current cell as well -- that is, the one that
- // represents the current position on the mapper).
- addLeadingCells(currentIndex, offset);
- // Force filling of space with empty cells if necessary
- addTrailingCells(false);
- } else if (needTrailingCells) {
- addTrailingCells(false);
- }
- computeBarVisiblity();
- updateScrollBarsAndCells(recreatedOrRebuilt);
- lastWidth = getWidth();
- lastHeight = getHeight();
- lastCellCount = getCellCount();
- lastVertical = isVertical();
- lastPosition = getPosition();
- cleanPile();
- }
- /**
- * Adds all the cells prior to and including the given currentIndex, until
- * no more can be added without falling off the flow. The startOffset
- * indicates the distance from the leading edge (top) of the viewport to
- * the leading edge (top) of the currentIndex.
- */
- protected void addLeadingCells(int currentIndex, double startOffset) {
- // The offset will keep track of the distance from the top of the
- // viewport to the top of the current index. We will increment it
- // as we lay out leading cells.
- double offset = startOffset;
- // The index is the absolute index of the cell being laid out
- int index = currentIndex;
- // Offset should really be the bottom of the current index
- boolean first = true; // first time in, we just fudge the offset and let
- // it be the top of the current index then redefine
- // it as the bottom of the current index thereafter
- // while we have not yet laid out so many cells that they would fall
- // off the flow, we will continue to create and add cells. The
- // offset is our indication of whether we can lay out additional
- // cells. If the offset is ever < 0, except in the case of the very
- // first cell, then we must quit.
- T cell = null;
- // special case for the position == 1.0, skip adding last invisible cell
- if (index == cellCount && offset == getViewportLength()) {
- index--;
- first = false;
- }
- while (index >= 0 && (offset > 0 || first)) {
- cell = getAvailableCell(index);
- setCellIndex(cell, index);
- resizeCellSize(cell); // resize must be after config
- cells.addFirst(cell);
- // A little gross but better than alternatives because it reduces
- // the number of times we have to update a cell or compute its
- // size. The first time into this loop "offset" is actually the
- // top of the current index. On all subsequent visits, it is the
- // bottom of the current index.
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- offset -= getCellLength(cell);
- }
- // Position the cell, and update the maxPrefBreadth variable as we go.
- positionCell(cell, offset);
- setMaxPrefBreadth(Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getCellBreadth(cell)));
- cell.setVisible(true);
- --index;
- }
- // There are times when after laying out the cells we discover that
- // the top of the first cell which represents index 0 is below the top
- // of the viewport. In these cases, we have to adjust the cells up
- // and reset the mapper position. This might happen when items got
- // removed at the top or when the viewport size increased.
- if (cells.size() > 0) {
- cell = cells.getFirst();
- int firstIndex = getCellIndex(cell);
- double firstCellPos = getCellPosition(cell);
- if (firstIndex == 0 && firstCellPos > 0) {
- setPosition(0.0f);
- offset = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- cell = cells.get(i);
- positionCell(cell, offset);
- offset += getCellLength(cell);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // reset scrollbar to top, so if the flow sees cells again it starts at the top
- vbar.setValue(0);
- hbar.setValue(0);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds all the trailing cells that come after the last index in
- * the cells ObservableList.
- */
- protected boolean addTrailingCells(boolean fillEmptyCells) {
- // If cells is empty then addLeadingCells bailed for some reason and
- // we're hosed, so just punt
- if (cells.isEmpty()) return false;
- // While we have not yet laid out so many cells that they would fall
- // off the flow, so we will continue to create and add cells. When the
- // offset becomes greater than the width/height of the flow, then we
- // know we cannot add any more cells.
- T startCell = cells.getLast();
- double offset = getCellPosition(startCell) + getCellLength(startCell);
- int index = getCellIndex(startCell) + 1;
- boolean filledWithNonEmpty = index <= cellCount;
- final double viewportLength = getViewportLength();
- // Fix for RT-37421, which was a regression caused by RT-36556
- if (offset < 0 && !fillEmptyCells) {
- return false;
- }
- //
- // RT-36507: viewportLength - offset gives the maximum number of
- // additional cells that should ever be able to fit in the viewport if
- // every cell had a height of 1. If index ever exceeds this count,
- // then offset is not incrementing fast enough, or at all, which means
- // there is something wrong with the cell size calculation.
- //
- final double maxCellCount = viewportLength - offset;
- while (offset < viewportLength) {
- if (index >= cellCount) {
- if (offset < viewportLength) filledWithNonEmpty = false;
- if (!fillEmptyCells) return filledWithNonEmpty;
- // RT-36507 - return if we've exceeded the maximum
- if (index > maxCellCount) {
- final PlatformLogger logger = Logging.getControlsLogger();
- if (logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.INFO)) {
- if (startCell != null) {
- logger.info("index exceeds maxCellCount. Check size calculations for " + startCell.getClass());
- } else {
- logger.info("index exceeds maxCellCount");
- }
- }
- return filledWithNonEmpty;
- }
- }
- T cell = getAvailableCell(index);
- setCellIndex(cell, index);
- resizeCellSize(cell); // resize happens after config!
- cells.addLast(cell);
- // Position the cell and update the max pref
- positionCell(cell, offset);
- setMaxPrefBreadth(Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getCellBreadth(cell)));
- offset += getCellLength(cell);
- cell.setVisible(true);
- ++index;
- }
- // Discover whether the first cell coincides with index #0. If after
- // adding all the trailing cells we find that a) the first cell was
- // not index #0 and b) there are trailing cells, then we have a
- // problem. We need to shift all the cells down and add leading cells,
- // one at a time, until either the very last non-empty cells is aligned
- // with the bottom OR we have laid out cell index #0 at the first
- // position.
- T firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- index = getCellIndex(firstCell);
- T lastNonEmptyCell = getLastVisibleCell();
- double start = getCellPosition(firstCell);
- double end = getCellPosition(lastNonEmptyCell) + getCellLength(lastNonEmptyCell);
- if ((index != 0 || (index == 0 && start < 0)) && fillEmptyCells &&
- lastNonEmptyCell != null && getCellIndex(lastNonEmptyCell) == cellCount - 1 && end < viewportLength) {
- double prospectiveEnd = end;
- double distance = viewportLength - end;
- while (prospectiveEnd < viewportLength && index != 0 && (-start) < distance) {
- index--;
- T cell = getAvailableCell(index);
- setCellIndex(cell, index);
- resizeCellSize(cell); // resize must be after config
- cells.addFirst(cell);
- double cellLength = getCellLength(cell);
- start -= cellLength;
- prospectiveEnd += cellLength;
- positionCell(cell, start);
- setMaxPrefBreadth(Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getCellBreadth(cell)));
- cell.setVisible(true);
- }
- // The amount by which to translate the cells down
- firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- start = getCellPosition(firstCell);
- double delta = viewportLength - end;
- if (getCellIndex(firstCell) == 0 && delta > (-start)) {
- delta = (-start);
- }
- // Move things
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- T cell = cells.get(i);
- positionCell(cell, getCellPosition(cell) + delta);
- }
- // Check whether the first cell, subsequent to our adjustments, is
- // now index #0 and aligned with the top. If so, change the position
- // to be at 0 instead of 1.
- start = getCellPosition(firstCell);
- if (getCellIndex(firstCell) == 0 && start == 0) {
- setPosition(0);
- } else if (getPosition() != 1) {
- setPosition(1);
- }
- }
- return filledWithNonEmpty;
- }
- /**
- * @return true if bar visibility changed
- */
- private boolean computeBarVisiblity() {
- if (cells.isEmpty()) {
- // In case no cells are set yet, we assume no bars are needed
- needLengthBar = false;
- needBreadthBar = false;
- return true;
- }
- final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- boolean barVisibilityChanged = false;
- VirtualScrollBar breadthBar = isVertical ? hbar : vbar;
- VirtualScrollBar lengthBar = isVertical ? vbar : hbar;
- final double viewportBreadth = getViewportBreadth();
- final int cellsSize = cells.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- final boolean lengthBarVisible = getPosition() > 0
- || cellCount > cellsSize
- || (cellCount == cellsSize && (getCellPosition(cells.getLast()) + getCellLength(cells.getLast())) > getViewportLength())
- || (cellCount == cellsSize - 1 && barVisibilityChanged && needBreadthBar);
- if (lengthBarVisible ^ needLengthBar) {
- needLengthBar = lengthBarVisible;
- barVisibilityChanged = true;
- }
- // second conditional removed for RT-36669.
- final boolean breadthBarVisible = (maxPrefBreadth > viewportBreadth);// || (needLengthBar && maxPrefBreadth > (viewportBreadth - lengthBarBreadth));
- if (breadthBarVisible ^ needBreadthBar) {
- needBreadthBar = breadthBarVisible;
- barVisibilityChanged = true;
- }
- }
- // Start by optimistically deciding whether the length bar and
- // breadth bar are needed and adjust the viewport dimensions
- // accordingly. If during layout we find that one or the other of the
- // bars actually is needed, then we will perform a cleanup pass
- updateViewportDimensions();
- breadthBar.setVisible(needBreadthBar);
- lengthBar.setVisible(needLengthBar);
- } else {
- breadthBar.setVisible(needBreadthBar && tempVisibility);
- lengthBar.setVisible(needLengthBar && tempVisibility);
- }
- return barVisibilityChanged;
- }
- private void updateViewportDimensions() {
- final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- final double breadthBarLength = snapSize(isVertical ? hbar.prefHeight(-1) : vbar.prefWidth(-1));
- final double lengthBarBreadth = snapSize(isVertical ? vbar.prefWidth(-1) : hbar.prefHeight(-1));
- setViewportBreadth((isVertical ? getWidth() : getHeight()) - (needLengthBar ? lengthBarBreadth : 0));
- setViewportLength((isVertical ? getHeight() : getWidth()) - (needBreadthBar ? breadthBarLength : 0));
- }
- private void initViewport() {
- // Initialize the viewportLength and viewportBreadth to match the
- // width/height of the flow
- final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- updateViewportDimensions();
- VirtualScrollBar breadthBar = isVertical ? hbar : vbar;
- VirtualScrollBar lengthBar = isVertical ? vbar : hbar;
- // If there has been a switch between the virtualized bar, then we
- // will want to do some stuff TODO.
- breadthBar.setVirtual(false);
- lengthBar.setVirtual(true);
- }
- @Override
- protected void setWidth(double value) {
- if (value != lastWidth) {
- super.setWidth(value);
- sizeChanged = true;
- setNeedsLayout(true);
- requestLayout();
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void setHeight(double value) {
- if (value != lastHeight) {
- super.setHeight(value);
- sizeChanged = true;
- setNeedsLayout(true);
- requestLayout();
- }
- }
- private void updateScrollBarsAndCells(boolean recreate) {
- // Assign the hbar and vbar to the breadthBar and lengthBar so as
- // to make some subsequent calculations easier.
- final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- VirtualScrollBar breadthBar = isVertical ? hbar : vbar;
- VirtualScrollBar lengthBar = isVertical ? vbar : hbar;
- // We may have adjusted the viewport length and breadth after the
- // layout due to scroll bars becoming visible. So we need to perform
- // a follow up pass and resize and shift all the cells to fit the
- // viewport. Note that the prospective viewport size is always >= the
- // final viewport size, so we don't have to worry about adding
- // cells during this cleanup phase.
- fitCells();
- // Update cell positions.
- // When rebuilding the cells, we add the cells and along the way compute
- // the maxPrefBreadth. Based on the computed value, we may add
- // the breadth scrollbar which changes viewport length, so we need
- // to re-position the cells.
- if (!cells.isEmpty()) {
- final double currOffset = -computeViewportOffset(getPosition());
- final int currIndex = computeCurrentIndex() - cells.getFirst().getIndex();
- final int size = cells.size();
- // position leading cells
- double offset = currOffset;
- for (int i = currIndex - 1; i >= 0 && i < size; i--) {
- final T cell = cells.get(i);
- offset -= getCellLength(cell);
- positionCell(cell, offset);
- }
- // position trailing cells
- offset = currOffset;
- for (int i = currIndex; i >= 0 && i < size; i++) {
- final T cell = cells.get(i);
- positionCell(cell, offset);
- offset += getCellLength(cell);
- }
- }
- // Toggle visibility on the corner
- corner.setVisible(breadthBar.isVisible() && lengthBar.isVisible());
- double sumCellLength = 0;
- double flowLength = (isVertical ? getHeight() : getWidth()) -
- (breadthBar.isVisible() ? breadthBar.prefHeight(-1) : 0);
- final double viewportBreadth = getViewportBreadth();
- final double viewportLength = getViewportLength();
- // Now position and update the scroll bars
- if (breadthBar.isVisible()) {
- /*
- ** Positioning the ScrollBar
- */
- if (isVertical) {
- hbar.resizeRelocate(0, viewportLength,
- viewportBreadth, hbar.prefHeight(viewportBreadth));
- } else {
- vbar.resizeRelocate(viewportLength, 0,
- vbar.prefWidth(viewportBreadth), viewportBreadth);
- }
- } else {
- if (isVertical) {
- hbar.resizeRelocate(0, (viewportLength - hbar.getHeight()),
- viewportBreadth, hbar.prefHeight(viewportBreadth));
- } else {
- vbar.resizeRelocate((viewportLength - vbar.getWidth()), 0,
- vbar.prefWidth(viewportBreadth), viewportBreadth);
- }
- }
- if (getMaxPrefBreadth() != -1) {
- double newMax = Math.max(1, getMaxPrefBreadth() - viewportBreadth);
- if (newMax != breadthBar.getMax()) {
- breadthBar.setMax(newMax);
- double breadthBarValue = breadthBar.getValue();
- boolean maxed = breadthBarValue != 0 && newMax == breadthBarValue;
- if (maxed || breadthBarValue > newMax) {
- breadthBar.setValue(newMax);
- }
- breadthBar.setVisibleAmount((viewportBreadth / getMaxPrefBreadth()) * newMax);
- }
- }
- }
- // determine how many cells there are on screen so that the scrollbar
- // thumb can be appropriately sized
- if (recreate && (lengthBar.isVisible() || IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED)) {
- int numCellsVisibleOnScreen = 0;
- for (int i = 0, max = cells.size(); i < max; i++) {
- T cell = cells.get(i);
- if (cell != null) {// && !cell.isEmpty()) {
- sumCellLength += (isVertical ? cell.getHeight() : cell.getWidth());
- if (sumCellLength > flowLength) {
- break;
- }
- numCellsVisibleOnScreen++;
- }
- }
- lengthBar.setMax(1);
- if (numCellsVisibleOnScreen == 0 && cellCount == 1) {
- // special case to help resolve RT-17701 and the case where we have
- // only a single row and it is bigger than the viewport
- lengthBar.setVisibleAmount(flowLength / sumCellLength);
- } else {
- lengthBar.setVisibleAmount(numCellsVisibleOnScreen / (float) cellCount);
- }
- }
- if (lengthBar.isVisible()) {
- // Fix for RT-11873. If this isn't here, we can have a situation where
- // the scrollbar scrolls endlessly. This is possible when the cell
- // count grows as the user hits the maximal position on the scrollbar
- // (i.e. the list size dynamically grows as the user needs more).
- //
- // This code was commented out to resolve RT-14477 after testing
- // whether RT-11873 can be recreated. It could not, and therefore
- // for now this code will remained uncommented until it is deleted
- // following further testing.
-// if (lengthBar.getValue() == 1.0 && lastCellCount != cellCount) {
-// lengthBar.setValue(0.99);
-// }
- /*
- ** Positioning the ScrollBar
- */
- if (isVertical) {
- vbar.resizeRelocate(viewportBreadth, 0, vbar.prefWidth(viewportLength), viewportLength);
- } else {
- hbar.resizeRelocate(0, viewportBreadth, viewportLength, hbar.prefHeight(-1));
- }
- } else {
- if (isVertical) {
- vbar.resizeRelocate((viewportBreadth - vbar.getWidth()), 0, vbar.prefWidth(viewportLength), viewportLength);
- } else {
- hbar.resizeRelocate(0, (viewportBreadth - hbar.getHeight()), viewportLength, hbar.prefHeight(-1));
- }
- }
- }
- if (corner.isVisible()) {
- corner.resize(vbar.getWidth(), hbar.getHeight());
- corner.relocate(hbar.getLayoutX() + hbar.getWidth(), vbar.getLayoutY() + vbar.getHeight());
- } else {
- corner.resize(vbar.getWidth(), hbar.getHeight());
- corner.relocate(hbar.getLayoutX() + (hbar.getWidth() - vbar.getWidth()), vbar.getLayoutY() + (vbar.getHeight() - hbar.getHeight()));
- hbar.resize(hbar.getWidth() - vbar.getWidth(), hbar.getHeight());
- vbar.resize(vbar.getWidth(), vbar.getHeight() - hbar.getHeight());
- }
- }
- clipView.resize(snapSize(isVertical ? viewportBreadth : viewportLength),
- snapSize(isVertical ? viewportLength : viewportBreadth));
- // If the viewportLength becomes large enough that all cells fit
- // within the viewport, then we want to update the value to match.
- if (getPosition() != lengthBar.getValue()) {
- lengthBar.setValue(getPosition());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adjusts the cells location and size if necessary. The breadths of all
- * cells will be adjusted to fit the viewportWidth or maxPrefBreadth, and
- * the layout position will be updated if necessary based on index and
- * offset.
- */
- private void fitCells() {
- double size = Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getViewportBreadth());
- boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- // Note: Do not optimise this loop by pre-calculating the cells size and
- // storing that into a int value - this can lead to RT-32828
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- PageView cell = cells.get(i);
- if (isVertical) {
- cell.resize(size, cell.prefHeight(size));
- } else {
- cell.resize(cell.prefWidth(size), size);
- }
- }
- }
- private void cull() {
- final double viewportLength = getViewportLength();
- for (int i = cells.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- T cell = cells.get(i);
- double cellSize = getCellLength(cell);
- double cellStart = getCellPosition(cell);
- double cellEnd = cellStart + cellSize;
- if (cellStart >= viewportLength || cellEnd < 0) {
- addToPile(cells.remove(i));
- }
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Helper functions for working with cells *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- /**
- * Return the index for a given cell. This allows subclasses to customise
- * how cell indices are retrieved.
- */
- protected int getCellIndex(T cell) {
- return cell.getIndex();
- }
- /**
- * Return a cell for the given index. This may be called for any cell,
- * including beyond the range defined by cellCount, in which case an
- * empty cell will be returned. The returned value should not be stored for
- * any reason.
- */
- public T getCell(int index) {
- // If there are cells, then we will attempt to get an existing cell
- if (!cells.isEmpty()) {
- // First check the cells that have already been created and are
- // in use. If this call returns a value, then we can use it
- T cell = getVisibleCell(index);
- if (cell != null) return cell;
- }
- // check the pile
- for (int i = 0; i < pile.size(); i++) {
- T cell = pile.get(i);
- if (getCellIndex(cell) == index) {
- // Note that we don't remove from the pile: if we do it leads
- // to a severe performance decrease. This seems to be OK, as
- // getCell() is only used for cell measurement purposes.
- // pile.remove(i);
- return cell;
- }
- }
- if (pile.size() > 0) {
- return pile.get(0);
- }
- // We need to use the accumCell and return that
- if (accumCell == null) {
- Callback createCell = getCreateCell();
- if (createCell != null) {
- accumCell = createCell.call(this);
- accumCell.getProperties().put(NEW_CELL, null);
- accumCellParent.getChildren().setAll(accumCell);
- // Note the screen reader will attempt to find all
- // the items inside the view to calculate the item count.
- // Having items under different parents (sheet and accumCellParent)
- // leads the screen reader to compute wrong values.
- // The regular scheme to provide items to the screen reader
- // uses getPrivateCell(), which places the item in the sheet.
- // The accumCell, and its children, should be ignored by the
- // screen reader.
- accumCell.setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.NODE);
- accumCell.getChildrenUnmodifiable().addListener((Observable c) -> {
- for (Node n : accumCell.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) {
- n.setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.NODE);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- setCellIndex(accumCell, index);
- resizeCellSize(accumCell);
- return accumCell;
- }
- /**
- * After using the accum cell, it needs to be released!
- */
- private void releaseCell(T cell) {
- if (accumCell != null && cell == accumCell) {
- accumCell.updateIndex(-1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This method is an experts-only method - if the requested index is not
- * already an existing visible cell, it will create a cell for the
- * given index and insert it into the sheet. From that point on it will be
- * unmanaged, and is up to the caller of this method to manage it.
- */
- T getPrivateCell(int index) {
- T cell = null;
- // If there are cells, then we will attempt to get an existing cell
- if (!cells.isEmpty()) {
- // First check the cells that have already been created and are
- // in use. If this call returns a value, then we can use it
- cell = getVisibleCell(index);
- if (cell != null) {
- // Force the underlying text inside the cell to be updated
- // so that when the screen reader runs, it will match the
- // text in the cell (force updateDisplayedText())
- cell.layout();
- return cell;
- }
- }
- // check the existing sheet children
- if (cell == null) {
- for (int i = 0; i < sheetChildren.size(); i++) {
- T _cell = (T) sheetChildren.get(i);
- if (getCellIndex(_cell) == index) {
- return _cell;
- }
- }
- }
- if (cell == null) {
- Callback createCell = getCreateCell();
- if (createCell != null) {
- cell = createCell.call(this);
- }
- }
- if (cell != null) {
- setCellIndex(cell, index);
- resizeCellSize(cell);
- cell.setVisible(false);
- sheetChildren.add(cell);
- privateCells.add(cell);
- }
- return cell;
- }
- private final List privateCells = new ArrayList<>();
- private void releaseAllPrivateCells() {
- sheetChildren.removeAll(privateCells);
- }
- /**
- * Compute and return the length of the cell for the given index. This is
- * called both internally when adjusting by pixels, and also at times
- * by PositionMapper (see the getItemSize callback). When called by
- * PositionMapper, it is possible that it will be called for some index
- * which is not associated with any cell, so we have to do a bit of work
- * to use a cell as a helper for computing cell size in some cases.
- */
- protected double getCellLength(int index) {
- if (fixedCellSizeEnabled) return fixedCellSize;
- T cell = getCell(index);
- double length = getCellLength(cell);
- releaseCell(cell);
- return length;
- }
- /**
- */
- protected double getCellBreadth(int index) {
- T cell = getCell(index);
- double b = getCellBreadth(cell);
- releaseCell(cell);
- return b;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the length of a specific cell
- */
- protected double getCellLength(T cell) {
- if (cell == null) return 0;
- if (fixedCellSizeEnabled) return fixedCellSize;
- return isVertical() ?
- cell.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()
- : cell.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
- }
-// private double getCellPrefLength(T cell) {
-// return isVertical() ?
-// cell.prefHeight(-1)
-// : cell.prefWidth(-1);
-// }
- /**
- * Gets the breadth of a specific cell
- */
- protected double getCellBreadth(PageView cell) {
- return isVertical() ?
- cell.prefWidth(-1)
- : cell.prefHeight(-1);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the layout position of the cell along the length axis
- */
- protected double getCellPosition(T cell) {
- if (cell == null) return 0;
- return isVertical() ?
- cell.getLayoutY()
- : cell.getLayoutX();
- }
- protected void positionCell(T cell, double position) {
- if (isVertical()) {
- cell.setLayoutX(0);//getWidth()/2 - cell.getPageBounds().getWidth()/2);
- cell.setLayoutY((position));
- } else {
- cell.setLayoutX(snapSize(position));
- cell.setLayoutY(0);
- }
- }
- protected void resizeCellSize(T cell) {
- if (cell == null) return;
- if (isVertical()) {
- double width = Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getViewportBreadth());
- cell.resize(width, fixedCellSizeEnabled ? fixedCellSize : Utils.boundedSize(cell.prefHeight(width), cell.minHeight(width), cell.maxHeight(width)));
- } else {
- double height = Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getViewportBreadth());
- cell.resize(fixedCellSizeEnabled ? fixedCellSize : Utils.boundedSize(cell.prefWidth(height), cell.minWidth(height), cell.maxWidth(height)), height);
- }
- }
- protected void setCellIndex(T cell, int index) {
- assert cell != null;
- cell.updateIndex(index);
- // make sure the cell is sized correctly. This is important for both
- // general layout of cells in a VirtualFlow, but also in cases such as
- // RT-34333, where the sizes were being reported incorrectly to the
- // ComboBox popup.
- if ((cell.isNeedsLayout() && cell.getScene() != null) || cell.getProperties().containsKey(NEW_CELL)) {
- cell.applyCss();
- cell.getProperties().remove(NEW_CELL);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Helper functions for cell management *
- * *
- **************************************************************************/
- /**
- * Indicates that this is a newly created cell and we need call impl_processCSS for it.
- *
- * See RT-23616 for more details.
- */
- private static final String NEW_CELL = "newcell";
- /**
- * Get a cell which can be used in the layout. This function will reuse
- * cells from the pile where possible, and will create new cells when
- * necessary.
- */
- protected T getAvailableCell(int prefIndex) {
- T cell = null;
- // Fix for RT-12822. We try to retrieve the cell from the pile rather
- // than just grab a random cell from the pile (or create another cell).
- for (int i = 0, max = pile.size(); i < max; i++) {
- T _cell = pile.get(i);
- assert _cell != null;
- if (getCellIndex(_cell) == prefIndex) {
- cell = _cell;
- pile.remove(i);
- break;
- }
- cell = null;
- }
- if (cell == null) {
- if (pile.size() > 0) {
- // we try to get a cell with an index that is the same even/odd
- // as the prefIndex. This saves us from having to run so much
- // css on the cell as it will not change from even to odd, or
- // vice versa
- final boolean prefIndexIsEven = (prefIndex & 1) == 0;
- for (int i = 0, max = pile.size(); i < max; i++) {
- final T c = pile.get(i);
- final int cellIndex = getCellIndex(c);
- if ((cellIndex & 1) == 0 && prefIndexIsEven) {
- cell = c;
- pile.remove(i);
- break;
- } else if ((cellIndex & 1) == 1 && !prefIndexIsEven) {
- cell = c;
- pile.remove(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (cell == null) {
- cell = pile.removeFirst();
- }
- } else {
- cell = getCreateCell().call(this);
- cell.getProperties().put(NEW_CELL, null);
- }
- }
- if (cell.getParent() == null) {
- sheetChildren.add(cell);
- }
- return cell;
- }
- // protected to allow subclasses to clean up
- protected void addAllToPile() {
- for (int i = 0, max = cells.size(); i < max; i++) {
- addToPile(cells.removeFirst());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Puts the given cell onto the pile. This is called whenever a cell has
- * fallen off the flow's start.
- */
- private void addToPile(T cell) {
- assert cell != null;
- pile.addLast(cell);
- }
- private void cleanPile() {
- boolean wasFocusOwner = false;
- for (int i = 0, max = pile.size(); i < max; i++) {
- T cell = pile.get(i);
- wasFocusOwner = wasFocusOwner || doesCellContainFocus(cell);
- cell.setVisible(false);
- }
- // Fix for RT-35876: Rather than have the cells do weird things with
- // focus (in particular, have focus jump between cells), we return focus
- // to the VirtualFlow itself.
- if (wasFocusOwner) {
- requestFocus();
- }
- }
- private boolean doesCellContainFocus(PageView c) {
- Scene scene = c.getScene();
- final Node focusOwner = scene == null ? null : scene.getFocusOwner();
- if (focusOwner != null) {
- if (c.equals(focusOwner)) {
- return true;
- }
- Parent p = focusOwner.getParent();
- while (p != null && !(p instanceof VirtualPageFlow)) {
- if (c.equals(p)) {
- return true;
- }
- p = p.getParent();
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Gets a cell for the given index if the cell has been created and laid out.
- * "Visible" is a bit of a misnomer, the cell might not be visible in the
- * viewport (it may be clipped), but does distinguish between cells that
- * have been created and are in use vs. those that are in the pile or
- * not created.
- */
- public T getVisibleCell(int index) {
- if (cells.isEmpty()) return null;
- // check the last index
- T lastCell = cells.getLast();
- int lastIndex = getCellIndex(lastCell);
- if (index == lastIndex) return lastCell;
- // check the first index
- T firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- int firstIndex = getCellIndex(firstCell);
- if (index == firstIndex) return firstCell;
- // if index is > firstIndex and < lastIndex then we can get the index
- if (index > firstIndex && index < lastIndex) {
- T cell = cells.get(index - firstIndex);
- if (getCellIndex(cell) == index) return cell;
- }
- // there is no visible cell for the specified index
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Locates and returns the last non-empty IndexedCell that is currently
- * partially or completely visible. This function may return null if there
- * are no cells, or if the viewport length is 0.
- */
- public T getLastVisibleCell() {
- if (cells.isEmpty() || getViewportLength() <= 0) return null;
- T cell;
- for (int i = cells.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- cell = cells.get(i);
-// if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
- return cell;
-// }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Locates and returns the first non-empty IndexedCell that is partially or
- * completely visible. This really only ever returns null if there are no
- * cells or the viewport length is 0.
- */
- public T getFirstVisibleCell() {
- if (cells.isEmpty() || getViewportLength() <= 0) return null;
- T cell = cells.getFirst();
- return cell; //cell.isEmpty() ? null : cell;
- }
- // Returns last visible cell whose bounds are entirely within the viewport
- public T getLastVisibleCellWithinViewPort() {
- if (cells.isEmpty() || getViewportLength() <= 0) return null;
- T cell;
- final double max = getViewportLength();
- for (int i = cells.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- cell = cells.get(i);
-// if (cell.isEmpty()) continue;
- final double cellStart = getCellPosition(cell);
- final double cellEnd = cellStart + getCellLength(cell);
- // we use the magic +2 to allow for a little bit of fuzziness,
- // this is to help in situations such as RT-34407
- if (cellEnd <= (max + 2)) {
- return cell;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Returns first visible cell whose bounds are entirely within the viewport
- public T getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewPort() {
- if (cells.isEmpty() || getViewportLength() <= 0) return null;
- T cell;
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- cell = cells.get(i);
-// if (cell.isEmpty()) continue;
- final double cellStart = getCellPosition(cell);
- if (cellStart >= 0) {
- return cell;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Adjust the position of cells so that the specified cell
- * will be positioned at the start of the viewport. The given cell must
- * already be "live". This is bad public API!
- */
- public void showAsFirst(T firstCell) {
- if (firstCell != null) {
- adjustPixels(getCellPosition(firstCell));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adjust the position of cells so that the specified cell
- * will be positioned at the end of the viewport. The given cell must
- * already be "live". This is bad public API!
- */
- public void showAsLast(T lastCell) {
- if (lastCell != null) {
- adjustPixels(getCellPosition(lastCell) + getCellLength(lastCell) - getViewportLength());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adjusts the cells such that the selected cell will be fully visible in
- * the viewport (but only just).
- */
- public void show(T cell) {
- if (cell != null) {
- final double start = getCellPosition(cell);
- final double length = getCellLength(cell);
- final double end = start + length;
- final double viewportLength = getViewportLength();
- if (start < 0) {
- adjustPixels(start);
- } else if (end > viewportLength) {
- adjustPixels(end - viewportLength);
- }
- }
- }
- public void show(int index) {
- T cell = getVisibleCell(index);
- if (cell != null) {
- show(cell);
- } else {
- // See if the previous index is a visible cell
- T prev = getVisibleCell(index - 1);
- if (prev != null) {
- // Need to add a new cell and then we can show it
-// layingOut = true;
- cell = getAvailableCell(index);
- setCellIndex(cell, index);
- resizeCellSize(cell); // resize must be after config
- cells.addLast(cell);
- positionCell(cell, getCellPosition(prev) + getCellLength(prev));
- setMaxPrefBreadth(Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getCellBreadth(cell)));
- cell.setVisible(true);
- show(cell);
-// layingOut = false;
- return;
- }
- // See if the next index is a visible cell
- T next = getVisibleCell(index + 1);
- if (next != null) {
-// layingOut = true;
- cell = getAvailableCell(index);
- setCellIndex(cell, index);
- resizeCellSize(cell); // resize must be after config
- cells.addFirst(cell);
- positionCell(cell, getCellPosition(next) - getCellLength(cell));
- setMaxPrefBreadth(Math.max(getMaxPrefBreadth(), getCellBreadth(cell)));
- cell.setVisible(true);
- show(cell);
-// layingOut = false;
- return;
- }
- // In this case, we're asked to show a random cell
-// layingOut = true;
- adjustPositionToIndex(index);
- addAllToPile();
- requestLayout();
-// layingOut = false;
- }
- }
- public void scrollTo(int index) {
- boolean posSet = false;
- if (index >= cellCount - 1) {
- setPosition(1);
- posSet = true;
- } else if (index < 0) {
- setPosition(0);
- posSet = true;
- }
- if (!posSet) {
- adjustPositionToIndex(index);
- double offset = -computeOffsetForCell(index);
- adjustByPixelAmount(offset);
- }
- requestLayout();
- }
- //TODO We assume all the cell have the same length. We will need to support
- // cells of different lengths.
- public void scrollToOffset(int offset) {
- adjustPixels(offset * getCellLength(0));
- }
- /**
- * Given a delta value representing a number of pixels, this method attempts
- * to move the VirtualFlow in the given direction (positive is down/right,
- * negative is up/left) the given number of pixels. It returns the number of
- * pixels actually moved.
- */
- public double adjustPixels(final double delta) {
- // Short cut this method for cases where nothing should be done
- if (delta == 0) return 0;
- final boolean isVertical = isVertical();
- if (((isVertical && (tempVisibility ? !needLengthBar : !vbar.isVisible())) ||
- (!isVertical && (tempVisibility ? !needLengthBar : !hbar.isVisible())))) return 0;
- double pos = getPosition();
- if (pos == 0.0f && delta < 0) return 0;
- if (pos == 1.0f && delta > 0) return 0;
- adjustByPixelAmount(delta);
- if (pos == getPosition()) {
- // The pos hasn't changed, there's nothing to do. This is likely
- // to occur when we hit either extremity
- return 0;
- }
- // Now move stuff around. Translating by pixels fundamentally means
- // moving the cells by the delta. However, after having
- // done that, we need to go through the cells and see which cells,
- // after adding in the translation factor, now fall off the viewport.
- // Also, we need to add cells as appropriate to the end (or beginning,
- // depending on the direction of travel).
- //
- // One simplifying assumption (that had better be true!) is that we
- // will only make it this far in the function if the virtual scroll
- // bar is visible. Otherwise, we never will pixel scroll. So as we go,
- // if we find that the maxPrefBreadth exceeds the viewportBreadth,
- // then we will be sure to show the breadthBar and update it
- // accordingly.
- if (cells.size() > 0) {
- double position;
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- T cell = cells.get(i);
- assert cell != null;
- position = getCellPosition(cell) - delta;
- positionCell(cell, position);
- }
- // Fix for RT-32908
- T firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- double layoutY = firstCell == null ? 0 : getCellPosition(firstCell);
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- T cell = cells.get(i);
- assert cell != null;
- double actualLayoutY = getCellPosition(cell);
- if (actualLayoutY != layoutY) {
- // we need to shift the cell to layoutY
- positionCell(cell, layoutY);
- }
- layoutY += getCellLength(cell);
- }
- // end of fix for RT-32908
- cull();
- firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- // Add any necessary leading cells
- if (firstCell != null) {
- int firstIndex = getCellIndex(firstCell);
- double prevIndexSize = getCellLength(firstIndex - 1);
- addLeadingCells(firstIndex - 1, getCellPosition(firstCell) - prevIndexSize);
- } else {
- int currentIndex = computeCurrentIndex();
- // The distance from the top of the viewport to the top of the
- // cell for the current index.
- double offset = -computeViewportOffset(getPosition());
- // Add all the leading and trailing cells (the call to add leading
- // cells will add the current cell as well -- that is, the one that
- // represents the current position on the mapper).
- addLeadingCells(currentIndex, offset);
- }
- // Starting at the tail of the list, loop adding cells until
- // all the space on the table is filled up. We want to make
- // sure that we DO NOT add empty trailing cells (since we are
- // in the full virtual case and so there are no trailing empty
- // cells).
- if (!addTrailingCells(false)) {
- // Reached the end, but not enough cells to fill up to
- // the end. So, remove the trailing empty space, and translate
- // the cells down
- final T lastCell = getLastVisibleCell();
- final double lastCellSize = getCellLength(lastCell);
- final double cellEnd = getCellPosition(lastCell) + lastCellSize;
- final double viewportLength = getViewportLength();
- if (cellEnd < viewportLength) {
- // Reposition the nodes
- double emptySize = viewportLength - cellEnd;
- for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
- T cell = cells.get(i);
- positionCell(cell, getCellPosition(cell) + emptySize);
- }
- setPosition(1.0f);
- // fill the leading empty space
- firstCell = cells.getFirst();
- int firstIndex = getCellIndex(firstCell);
- double prevIndexSize = getCellLength(firstIndex - 1);
- addLeadingCells(firstIndex - 1, getCellPosition(firstCell) - prevIndexSize);
- }
- }
- }
- // Now throw away any cells that don't fit
- cull();
- // Finally, update the scroll bars
- updateScrollBarsAndCells(false);
- lastPosition = getPosition();
- // notify
- return delta; // TODO fake
- }
- private boolean needsReconfigureCells = false; // when cell contents are the same
- private boolean needsRecreateCells = false; // when cell factory changed
- private boolean needsRebuildCells = false; // when cell contents have changed
- private boolean needsCellsLayout = false;
- private boolean sizeChanged = false;
- private final BitSet dirtyCells = new BitSet();
- public void reconfigureCells() {
- needsReconfigureCells = true;
- requestLayout();
- }
- public void recreateCells() {
- needsRecreateCells = true;
- requestLayout();
- }
- public void rebuildCells() {
- needsRebuildCells = true;
- requestLayout();
- }
- public void requestCellLayout() {
- needsCellsLayout = true;
- requestLayout();
- }
- public void setCellDirty(int index) {
- dirtyCells.set(index);
- requestLayout();
- }
- private static final double GOLDEN_RATIO_MULTIPLIER = 0.618033987;
- private double getPrefBreadth(double oppDimension) {
- double max = getMaxCellWidth(10);
- // This primarily exists for the case where we do not want the breadth
- // to grow to ensure a golden ratio between width and height (for example,
- // when a ListView is used in a ComboBox - the width should not grow
- // just because items are being added to the ListView)
- if (oppDimension > -1) {
- double prefLength = getPrefLength();
- max = Math.max(max, prefLength * GOLDEN_RATIO_MULTIPLIER);
- }
- return max;
- }
- private double getPrefLength() {
- double sum = 0.0;
- int rows = Math.min(10, cellCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- sum += getCellLength(i);
- }
- return sum;
- }
- @Override
- protected double computePrefWidth(double height) {
- double w = isVertical() ? getPrefBreadth(height) : getPrefLength();
- return w + vbar.prefWidth(-1);
- }
- @Override
- protected double computePrefHeight(double width) {
- double h = isVertical() ? getPrefLength() : getPrefBreadth(width);
- return h + hbar.prefHeight(-1);
- }
- double getMaxCellWidth(int rowsToCount) {
- double max = 0.0;
- // we always measure at least one row
- int rows = Math.max(1, rowsToCount == -1 ? cellCount : rowsToCount);
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- max = Math.max(max, getCellBreadth(i));
- }
- return max;
- }
- // Old PositionMapper
- /**
- * Given a position value between 0 and 1, compute and return the viewport
- * offset from the "current" cell associated with that position value.
- * That is, if the return value of this function where used as a translation
- * factor for a sheet that contained all the items, then the current
- * item would end up positioned correctly.
- */
- private double computeViewportOffset(double position) {
- double p = com.sun.javafx.util.Utils.clamp(0, position, 1);
- double fractionalPosition = p * getCellCount();
- int cellIndex = (int) fractionalPosition;
- double fraction = fractionalPosition - cellIndex;
- double cellSize = getCellLength(cellIndex);
- double pixelOffset = cellSize * fraction;
- double viewportOffset = getViewportLength() * p;
- return pixelOffset - viewportOffset;
- }
- private void adjustPositionToIndex(int index) {
- int cellCount = getCellCount();
- if (cellCount <= 0) {
- setPosition(0.0f);
- } else {
- setPosition(((double) index) / cellCount);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adjust the position based on a delta of pixels. If negative, then the
- * position will be adjusted negatively. If positive, then the position will
- * be adjusted positively. If the pixel amount is too great for the range of
- * the position, then it will be clamped such that position is always
- * strictly between 0 and 1
- */
- private void adjustByPixelAmount(double numPixels) {
- if (numPixels == 0) return;
- // Starting from the current cell, we move in the direction indicated
- // by numPixels one cell at a team. For each cell, we discover how many
- // pixels the "position" line would move within that cell, and adjust
- // our count of numPixels accordingly. When we come to the "final" cell,
- // then we can take the remaining number of pixels and multiply it by
- // the "travel rate" of "p" within that cell to get the delta. Add
- // the delta to "p" to get position.
- // get some basic info about the list and the current cell
- boolean forward = numPixels > 0;
- int cellCount = getCellCount();
- double fractionalPosition = getPosition() * cellCount;
- int cellIndex = (int) fractionalPosition;
- if (forward && cellIndex == cellCount) return;
- double cellSize = getCellLength(cellIndex);
- double fraction = fractionalPosition - cellIndex;
- double pixelOffset = cellSize * fraction;
- // compute the percentage of "position" that represents each cell
- double cellPercent = 1.0 / cellCount;
- // To help simplify the algorithm, we pretend as though the current
- // position is at the beginning of the current cell. This reduces some
- // of the corner cases and provides a simpler algorithm without adding
- // any overhead to performance.
- double start = computeOffsetForCell(cellIndex);
- double end = cellSize + computeOffsetForCell(cellIndex + 1);
- // We need to discover the distance that the fictional "position line"
- // would travel within this cell, from its current position to the end.
- double remaining = end - start;
- // Keep track of the number of pixels left to travel
- double n = forward ?
- numPixels + pixelOffset - (getViewportLength() * getPosition()) - start
- : -numPixels + end - (pixelOffset - (getViewportLength() * getPosition()));
- // "p" represents the most recent value for position. This is always
- // based on the edge between two cells, except at the very end of the
- // algorithm where it is added to the computed "p" offset for the final
- // value of Position.
- double p = cellPercent * cellIndex;
- // Loop over the cells one at a time until either we reach the end of
- // the cells, or we find that the "n" will fall within the cell we're on
- while (n > remaining && ((forward && cellIndex < cellCount - 1) || (!forward && cellIndex > 0))) {
- if (forward) cellIndex++;
- else cellIndex--;
- n -= remaining;
- cellSize = getCellLength(cellIndex);
- start = computeOffsetForCell(cellIndex);
- end = cellSize + computeOffsetForCell(cellIndex + 1);
- remaining = end - start;
- p = cellPercent * cellIndex;
- }
- // if remaining is < n, then we must have hit an end, so as a
- // fast path, we can just set position to 1.0 or 0.0 and return
- // because we know we hit the end
- if (n > remaining) {
- setPosition(forward ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
- } else if (forward) {
- double rate = cellPercent / Math.abs(end - start);
- setPosition(p + (rate * n));
- } else {
- double rate = cellPercent / Math.abs(end - start);
- setPosition((p + cellPercent) - (rate * n));
- }
- }
- private int computeCurrentIndex() {
- return (int) (getPosition() * getCellCount());
- }
- /**
- * Given an item index, this function will compute and return the viewport
- * offset from the beginning of the specified item. Notice that because each
- * item has the same percentage of the position dedicated to it, and since
- * we are measuring from the start of each item, this is a very simple
- * calculation.
- */
- private double computeOffsetForCell(int itemIndex) {
- double cellCount = getCellCount();
- double p = com.sun.javafx.util.Utils.clamp(0, itemIndex, cellCount) / cellCount;
- return -(getViewportLength() * p);
- }
-// /**
-// * Adjust the position based on a chunk of pixels. The position is based
-// * on the start of the scrollbar position.
-// */
-// private void adjustByPixelChunk(double numPixels) {
-// setPosition(0);
-// adjustByPixelAmount(numPixels);
-// }
- // end of old PositionMapper code
- /**
- * A simple extension to Region that ensures that anything wanting to flow
- * outside of the bounds of the Region is clipped.
- */
- static class ClippedContainer extends Region {
- /**
- * The Node which is embedded within this {@code ClipView}.
- */
- private Node node;
- public Node getNode() {
- return this.node;
- }
- public void setNode(Node n) {
- this.node = n;
- getChildren().clear();
- getChildren().add(node);
- }
- public void setClipX(double clipX) {
- setLayoutX(-clipX);
- clipRect.setLayoutX(clipX);
- }
- public void setClipY(double clipY) {
- setLayoutY(-clipY);
- clipRect.setLayoutY(clipY);
- }
- private final Rectangle clipRect;
- public ClippedContainer(final VirtualPageFlow> flow) {
- if (flow == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("VirtualFlow can not be null");
- }
- getStyleClass().add("clipped-container");
- // clipping
- clipRect = new Rectangle();
- clipRect.setSmooth(false);
- setClip(clipRect);
- // --- clipping
- super.widthProperty().addListener(valueModel -> {
- clipRect.setWidth(getWidth());
- });
- super.heightProperty().addListener(valueModel -> {
- clipRect.setHeight(getHeight());
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * A List-like implementation that is exceedingly efficient for the purposes
- * of the VirtualFlow. Typically there is not much variance in the number of
- * cells -- it is always some reasonably consistent number. Yet for efficiency
- * in code, we like to use a linked list implementation so as to append to
- * start or append to end. However, at times when we need to iterate, LinkedList
- * is expensive computationally as well as requiring the construction of
- * temporary iterators.
- *
- * This linked list like implementation is done using an array. It begins by
- * putting the first item in the center of the allocated array, and then grows
- * outward (either towards the first or last of the array depending on whether
- * we are inserting at the head or tail). It maintains an index to the start
- * and end of the array, so that it can efficiently expose iteration.
- *
- * This class is package private solely for the sake of testing.
- */
- public static class ArrayLinkedList extends AbstractList {
- /**
- * The array list backing this class. We default the size of the array
- * list to be fairly large so as not to require resizing during normal
- * use, and since that many ArrayLinkedLists won't be created it isn't
- * very painful to do so.
- */
- private final ArrayList array;
- private int firstIndex = -1;
- private int lastIndex = -1;
- public ArrayLinkedList() {
- array = new ArrayList(50);
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
- array.add(null);
- }
- }
- public T getFirst() {
- return firstIndex == -1 ? null : array.get(firstIndex);
- }
- public T getLast() {
- return lastIndex == -1 ? null : array.get(lastIndex);
- }
- public void addFirst(T cell) {
- // if firstIndex == -1 then that means this is the first item in the
- // list and we need to initialize firstIndex and lastIndex
- if (firstIndex == -1) {
- firstIndex = lastIndex = array.size() / 2;
- array.set(firstIndex, cell);
- } else if (firstIndex == 0) {
- // we're already at the head of the array, so insert at position
- // 0 and then increment the lastIndex to compensate
- array.add(0, cell);
- lastIndex++;
- } else {
- // we're not yet at the head of the array, so insert at the
- // firstIndex - 1 position and decrement first position
- array.set(--firstIndex, cell);
- }
- }
- public void addLast(T cell) {
- // if lastIndex == -1 then that means this is the first item in the
- // list and we need to initialize the firstIndex and lastIndex
- if (firstIndex == -1) {
- firstIndex = lastIndex = array.size() / 2;
- array.set(lastIndex, cell);
- } else if (lastIndex == array.size() - 1) {
- // we're at the end of the array so need to "add" so as to force
- // the array to be expanded in size
- array.add(++lastIndex, cell);
- } else {
- array.set(++lastIndex, cell);
- }
- }
- public int size() {
- return firstIndex == -1 ? 0 : lastIndex - firstIndex + 1;
- }
- public boolean isEmpty() {
- return firstIndex == -1;
- }
- public T get(int index) {
- if (index > (lastIndex - firstIndex) || index < 0) {
- // Commented out exception due to RT-29111
- // throw new java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
- return null;
- }
- return array.get(firstIndex + index);
- }
- public void clear() {
- for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
- array.set(i, null);
- }
- firstIndex = lastIndex = -1;
- }
- public T removeFirst() {
- if (isEmpty()) return null;
- return remove(0);
- }
- public T removeLast() {
- if (isEmpty()) return null;
- return remove(lastIndex - firstIndex);
- }
- public T remove(int index) {
- if (index > lastIndex - firstIndex || index < 0) {
- throw new java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
- }
- // if the index == 0, then we're removing the first
- // item and can simply set it to null in the array and increment
- // the firstIndex unless there is only one item, in which case
- // we have to also set first & last index to -1.
- if (index == 0) {
- T cell = array.get(firstIndex);
- array.set(firstIndex, null);
- if (firstIndex == lastIndex) {
- firstIndex = lastIndex = -1;
- } else {
- firstIndex++;
- }
- return cell;
- } else if (index == lastIndex - firstIndex) {
- // if the index == lastIndex - firstIndex, then we're removing the
- // last item and can simply set it to null in the array and
- // decrement the lastIndex
- T cell = array.get(lastIndex);
- array.set(lastIndex--, null);
- return cell;
- } else {
- // if the index is somewhere in between, then we have to remove the
- // item and decrement the lastIndex
- T cell = array.get(firstIndex + index);
- array.set(firstIndex + index, null);
- for (int i = (firstIndex + index + 1); i <= lastIndex; i++) {
- array.set(i - 1, array.get(i));
- }
- array.set(lastIndex--, null);
- return cell;
- }
- }
- }
- Timeline sbTouchTimeline;
- KeyFrame sbTouchKF1;
- KeyFrame sbTouchKF2;
- private boolean needBreadthBar;
- private boolean needLengthBar;
- private boolean tempVisibility = false;
- protected void startSBReleasedAnimation() {
- if (sbTouchTimeline == null) {
- /*
- ** timeline to leave the scrollbars visible for a short
- ** while after a scroll/drag
- */
- sbTouchTimeline = new Timeline();
- sbTouchKF1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(0), event -> {
- tempVisibility = true;
- requestLayout();
- });
- sbTouchKF2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1000), event -> {
- if (touchDetected == false && mouseDown == false) {
- tempVisibility = false;
- requestLayout();
- }
- });
- sbTouchTimeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(sbTouchKF1, sbTouchKF2);
- }
- sbTouchTimeline.playFromStart();
- }
- protected void scrollBarOn() {
- tempVisibility = true;
- requestLayout();
- }
diff --git a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/scene/control/skin/VirtualScrollBar.java b/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/scene/control/skin/VirtualScrollBar.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2319ba557..000000000
--- a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/scene/control/skin/VirtualScrollBar.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-package com.icepdf.fx.scene.control.skin;
-import com.icepdf.fx.scene.control.PageView;
-import com.sun.javafx.util.Utils;
-import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar;
- * This custom ScrollBar is used to map the increment & decrement features
- * to pixel based scrolling rather than thumb/track based scrolling, if the
- * "virtual" attribute is true.
- */
-public class VirtualScrollBar extends ScrollBar {
- private final VirtualPageFlow flow;
- private boolean virtual;
- private boolean adjusting;
- public VirtualScrollBar(final VirtualPageFlow flow) {
- this.flow = flow;
- super.valueProperty().addListener(valueModel -> {
- if (isVirtual()/* && oldValue != newValue*/) {
- if (adjusting) {
- // no-op
- } else {
- flow.setPosition(getValue());
- }
- }
- });
- }
- public void setVirtual(boolean virtual) {
- this.virtual = virtual;
- }
- public boolean isVirtual() {
- return this.virtual;
- }
- @Override
- public void decrement() {
- if (isVirtual()) {
- flow.adjustPixels(-10);
- } else {
- super.decrement();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void increment() {
- if (isVirtual()) {
- flow.adjustPixels(10);
- } else {
- super.increment();
- }
- }
-// private double lastAdjustValue = 0.0;
- // this method is called when the user clicks in the scrollbar track, so
- // we special-case it to allow for page-up and page-down clicking to work
- // as expected.
- @Override
- public void adjustValue(double pos) {
- if (isVirtual()) {
-// if (pos == lastAdjustValue) {
-// return;
-// }
- adjusting = true;
- double oldValue = flow.getPosition();
- double newValue = ((getMax() - getMin()) * Utils.clamp(0, pos, 1)) + getMin();
- if (newValue < oldValue) {
- PageView cell = flow.getFirstVisibleCell();
- if (cell == null) return;
- flow.showAsLast(cell);
- } else if (newValue > oldValue) {
- PageView cell = flow.getLastVisibleCell();
- if (cell == null) return;
- flow.showAsFirst(cell);
- }
-// lastAdjustValue = pos;
- adjusting = false;
- } else {
- super.adjustValue(pos);
- }
- }
diff --git a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/util/ImageLoader.java b/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/util/ImageLoader.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 71918107b..000000000
--- a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/util/ImageLoader.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package com.icepdf.fx.util;
-import javafx.scene.image.Image;
- * Aid for loading image from image resources path.
- */
-public class ImageLoader {
- public static Image loadImage(String filename) {
- return new Image(filename.getClass().getResourceAsStream(
- "/com/icepdf/fx/images/" + filename));
- }
diff --git a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/util/SettingsLoaderTask.java b/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/util/SettingsLoaderTask.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a397acf2f..000000000
--- a/viewer/viewer-fx/src/main/java/com/icepdf/fx/util/SettingsLoaderTask.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-package com.icepdf.fx.util;
-import com.icepdf.core.util.FontPropertiesManager;
-import com.icepdf.core.util.PropertiesManager;
-import javafx.concurrent.Task;
-import java.util.ResourceBundle;
- *
- */
-public class SettingsLoaderTask extends Task