Raspberry control of power outlet by TeamCity build state
The code and schematics are currently hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/pauruiz/raspTeamCity.git
schematics : Hardware Schematics
software : Code for the raspberry
monitor : Monitorization of Team City Server
gpio : GPIO scripts to modify pins
web : configuration website
Install raspBian on a SD card and boot the raspBerry Pi
Clone the github repository on the /root directory of the raspberrypi:
Go to a shell and validate as any user (pi/raspberry is the default user/password)
sudo to a bash: # sudo bash
Go to the root folder # cd /root
Create a directory for the monitor (e.x. raspTeamCity) # mkdir raspTeamCity
Enter that directory # cd raspTeamCity
Clone the github repository there # clone https://github.com/fazerbcn/raspTeamCity
- Copy the example configuration and change according to the Team City server and the needs to monitor
Name | Type | Description |
teamcityIP | IP String | IP Address of the Team City Server |
teamcityPort | Number | TCP Number of the Team City Server |
teamcityUsername | String | Username to validate on the Team City Server |
teamcityPassword | String | Password to validate on the Team City Server |
alarmBuilds[] | Array of strings | Name of all the builds to be monitored to change the state of the power outlet |
alarmOnNextFailure | Boolean | Indicates if we should fail on next failed run of a yet failed one |
mailBuilds[] | Array of string | NAme of all the builds to be monitored to send mail notifications |
mailOnNextFailure | Boolean | Indicates if we should mail on next failed run of a yet failed one |
demo | Boolean | Indicates we should use the content of |
mailFrom | String | User and mail to be used as the originator of the mail in the form of 'User ' |
mailSubject | String | Subject to be sent in the mail |
mailTo[] | Array of strings | User and mails to be used as destinations of the mail in the form of 'User ' |