In this guide we'll setup Adyen payment gateway with Saleor Checkout.
Saleor Checkout uses Adyen's Pay by Link flow
In test Customer Area create new merchant account
Create new API credentials. Go to Developers > API credentials > Create new credential
Select "Web service user" and enter some description (for example "Saleor Checkout")
- Copy API key from newly generated API credentials:
Go to Checkout app configuration. It can be found in Saleor dashboard in: Apps > Third party apps > Checkout. Once you open the app, select one of the channels and click the gears icon:
To configure API key go to: Adyen > Private API key and paste what you've copied from Adyen.
- Click "Generate client key" and copy it to clipboard, paste it in Checkout app configuration > Adyen > Public client key
- Add allowed origin to your Client key, paste URL of your deployed Checkout SPA and click "Add"
Save changes you've made to API credential
Create standard notification webhook. Go to Developers > Webhooks > "+ Webhook" > "Standard notification"
Fill out the webhook details:
- Description - enter some description for your webhook (ex. Saleor Checkout notifications)
- Server configuration
- URL:
Trailing slash is required in webhook URL.
- Other settings should be set to default:
- Method: JSON
- SSL version: TLSv1.2
- Service version - 1
- Merchant accounts - choose "Include only specific merchant accounts" and select the merchant account you'll use for checkout, the name must be provided in Checkout App configuration
- Events - leave events selected by default
- Security
- Basic authentication - arbitrary username and password, you can use
openssl rand -hex 64
to generate random password - HMAC Key - click "Generate" and copy the key
- Those 3 values:
andHMAC Key
must be provided in Checkout App configuration
- Basic authentication - arbitrary username and password, you can use
This is how your webhook configuration should look like in Adyen:
This is how your Checkout App configuration should look like in Saleor dashboard:
Save settings in Adyen and in Checkout App configuration
Test webhook configuration in Adyen
Click "Test configuration" button after you've saved the configuration.
Select "AUTHORISATION" from the list and click "Test"
Adyen will make a call to your webhook. If everything is configured properly you'll see that the test was successful:
It can take a while for your webhook configuration to propagate in Adyen after you save it. If the test failed, give it a few minutes before you try again
If the response failed because of invalid configuration in Adyen, Checkout App will return the reason in response:
- After you've tested your webhook, enable it, by clicking the toggle button
- 🥳 Congrats! You've finished configuration of Adyen payment gateway