diff --git a/api.bs b/api.bs
index 7dab622..e389d54 100644
--- a/api.bs
+++ b/api.bs
@@ -353,7 +353,11 @@ navigator.privateAttribution.measureConversion({
// the number of buckets in the histogram
histogramSize: 20,
+ // the amount of privacy budget to use
+ epsilon: 1,
+ // the attribution logic to use
+ logic: "last-touch",
// the value to assign to the histogram index of the impression
value: 3,
@@ -371,16 +375,16 @@ navigator.privateAttribution.measureConversion({
dictionary PrivateAttributionConversionOptions {
required DOMString aggregator;
+ double epsilon = 1.0;
required unsigned long histogramSize;
- double epsilon = 1.0;
PrivateAttributionLogic logic = "last-touch";
unsigned long value = 1;
unsigned long lookbackDays = Infinity;
sequence ads = [];
- sequence sources = [];
+ sequence impressionSites = [];
[SecureContext, Exposed=Window]
@@ -403,7 +407,7 @@ The arguments to measureConversion() are as
The conversion value
- sources
+ impressionSites
@@ -450,7 +454,7 @@ how to handle weeks in which the [=privacy budget=] is insufficient,
and (optionally) how to process any additional parameters that might be used.
-### Last Touch Attribution ## {#logic-last-touch}
+### Last Touch Attribution ### {#logic-last-touch}
The last-touch [=attribution logic=]
indicates that the browser should select
@@ -458,12 +462,90 @@ the last impression that matches the [[#logic-matching|common matching logic]].
The entire [=conversion value=] is allocated to the histogram bucket
that was saved with the impression.
+Last touch attribution does not select any impression
+that was saved during a week
+that does not have sufficient [=privacy budget=].
+If impressions match from a week
+that does not have enough [=privacy budget=],
+impressions are not matched for any preceding weeks.
+That is, once a week has a matching impression
+and insufficient budget,
+the process will set a value of zero for all histogram buckets.
+To fill a histogram using last-touch attribution,
+given |options|:
+1. Initialize |impression| to a null value.
+1. Initialize |value| to |options|.|value|.
+1. Let |now| be the current time.
+1. For each |week| starting from the current week
+ to the oldest week supported by the [=user agent=]:
+ 1. Let |impressions| be the result of invoking [=common matching logic=]
+ with |options|, |week|, and |now|.
+ 1. If |impressions| is not empty:
+ 1. Retain the value of |week|.
+ 1. Set |impression| to the value in |impressions|
+ with the most recent |impression|.timestamp.
+ 1. Exit the loop.
+1. If |impression| is null, let |budgetOk| be false.
+1. Otherwise, let |budgetOk| be the result of [=deduct privacy budget=]
+ with |week| and |options|.{{PrivateAttributionConversionOptions/epsilon}}.
+1. If |budgetOk| is false, set |value| to 0.
-### Common Matching Logic ### {#logic-matching}
+1. If |impression|.|histogramIndex|
+ is |options|.{{PrivateAttributionConversionOptions/histogramSize}} or greater,
+ set |value| to 0.
+1. If |value| is not 0, set |index|
+ to |impression|.{{PrivateAttributionImpressionOptions/histogramIndex}}.
+1. Otherwise, set |index| to 0.
+1. Return a histogram containing |options|.{{PrivateAttributionConversionOptions/histogramSize}} values,
+ with a value of |value| at an index of |index|
+ and a value of zero at all other indices.
+### Common Impression Matching Logic ### {#logic-matching}
TODO specify how to match using "lookbackDays", "ads" and "sources".
+To perform common matching logic,
+given |options|, |week|, and [=moment=] |now|:
+1. If number of days since the end of |week| exceeds |lookbackDays|,
+ return an empty set.
+1. Initialize |matching| to an empty set.
+1. For each |impression| in the saved impressions for the |week|:
+ 1. If |now| - |lookbackDays| is after |impression|.timestamp,
+ continue the loop.
+ 1. If |options|.{{PrivateAttributionConversionOptions/ads}}
+ does not contain |impression|.ad,
+ continue the loop.
+ 1. If |options|.{{PrivateAttributionConversionOptions/impressionSites}}
+ does not contain |impression|.source,
+ continue the loop.
+ 1. Add |impression| to |matching|.
+1. Return |matching|.
## User control and visibility ## {#user-control}
@@ -774,6 +856,10 @@ whether their request for a [=conversion report=] has caused
a safety limit to be exceeded.
+### Privacy Budget Deduction ### {#dp-deduction}
+To deduct privacy budget, do this...
## Differential Privacy Mechanisms ## {#dp-mechanism}