Pythia8 HepMC3 plugin taken from pythia (no plugin shipped with HepMC…
Pythia8 HepMC3 plugin taken from pythia (no plugin shipped with HepMC…
Merge branch 'dev_g410' into dev_g410
Merge branch 'dev_g410' into dev_g410
WIP. Config with negligibly thin calo.
WIP. Config with negligibly thin calo.
Include event number in output tree.
Include event number in output tree.
Inner detector width variable. WIP CMS config.
Inner detector width variable. WIP CMS config.
Truth matched parton for jets.
Truth matched parton for jets.
Dockerfile for HepMC3 and Geant4 10.7.3
Dockerfile for HepMC3 and Geant4 10.7.3
Geant4 from source. Truth level jets - matched parton-level momenta i…
Geant4 from source. Truth level jets - matched parton-level momenta i…
Ready for Genat4 11 and HepMC3 with new Dockerfile
Ready for Genat4 11 and HepMC3 with new Dockerfile
Issues with Pythia8ToHepMC taken from Pythia8Plugins. Going back to t…
Issues with Pythia8ToHepMC taken from Pythia8Plugins. Going back to t…
Take Pythia8ToHepMC from Pythia8
Take Pythia8ToHepMC from Pythia8
remove local, temporary stuff
remove local, temporary stuff
WIP: Move to HepMC3. Use HepMCrootIO. ToDo: clarify HepMC energy unit…
WIP: Move to HepMC3. Use HepMCrootIO. ToDo: clarify HepMC energy unit…
No cocoa output in example notebook - just for now, to make the noteb…
No cocoa output in example notebook - just for now, to make the noteb…
First jupyter notebook running cocoa, using docker.
First jupyter notebook running cocoa, using docker.
jet indices of jet constituents as int, not float
jet indices of jet constituents as int, not float
Jet constituent lists without nested vectors.
Jet constituent lists without nested vectors.