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Docker Gradle Plugin

Build Status

This repository provides three Gradle plugins for working with Docker containers:

  • com.palantir.docker: add basic tasks for building and pushing docker images based on a simple configuration block that specifies the container name, the Dockerfile, task dependencies, and any additional file resources required for the Docker build.
  • com.palantir.docker-compose: adds a task for populating placeholders in a docker-compose template file with image versions resolved from dependencies.
  • com.palantir.docker-run: adds tasks for starting, stopping, statusing and cleaning up a named container based on a specified image

Docker Plugin

Apply the plugin using standard gradle convention:

plugins {
    id 'com.palantir.docker' version '<version>'

Set the container name, and then optionally specify a Dockerfile path, any task dependencies and file resources required for the Docker build. This plugin will automatically include outputs of task dependencies in the Docker build context.

Docker Configuration Parameters

  • name the name to use for this container, may include a tag
  • tags (optional) an argument list of tags to create; any tag in name will be stripped before applying a specific tag; defaults to the empty set
  • dockerfile (optional) dockerfile to use for building the image; defaults to ${projectDir}/Dockerfile
  • dependsOn (optional) an argument list of tasks that docker builds must depend on; defaults to the empty set
  • files (optional) an argument list of files to be included in the docker build context

To build a docker container, run the docker task. To push that container to a docker repository, run the dockerPush task.

Tag and Push tasks for each tag will be generated for each provided tags entry.


Simplest configuration:

docker {
    name ''

Configuration specifying all parameters:

docker {
    name ''
    tags 'latest'
    dockerfile 'Dockerfile'
    dependsOn tasks.distTar
    files 'file1.txt', 'file2.txt'

Managing Docker image dependencies

The com.palantir.docker and com.palantir.docker-compose plugins provide functionality to declare and resolve version-aware dependencies between docker images. The primary use-case is to generate docker-compose.yml files whose image versions are mutually compatible and up-to-date in cases where multiple images depend on the existence of the same Dockerized service.

Specifying and publishing dependencies on Docker images

The docker plugin adds a docker Gradle component and a docker Gradle configuration that can be used to specify and publish dependencies on other Docker containers.


plugins {
    id 'maven-publish'
    id 'com.palantir.docker'


dependencies {
    docker 'foogroup:barmodule:0.1.2'
    docker project(":someSubProject")

publishing {
    publications {
        dockerPublication(MavenPublication) {
            from components.docker
            artifactId + "-docker"

The above configuration adds a Maven publication that specifies dependencies on barmodule and the someSubProject Gradle sub project. The resulting POM file has two dependency entries, one for each dependency. Each project can declare its dependencies on other docker images and publish an artifact advertising those dependencies.

Generating docker-compose.yml files from dependencies

The com.palantir.docker-compose plugin uses the transitive dependencies of the docker configuration to populate a docker-compose.yml.template file with the image versions specified by this project and all its transitive dependencies. The plugin uses standard Maven/Ivy machanism for declaring and resolving dependencies.

The generateDockerCompose task generates a docker-compose.yml file from a user-defined template by replacing each version variable by the concrete version declared by the transitive dependencies of the docker configuration. The task performs two operations: First, it generates a mapping group:name --> version from the dependencies of the docker configuration (see above). Second, it replaces all occurrences of version variables of the form {{group:name}} in the docker-compose.yml.template file by the resolved versions and writes the resulting file as docker-compose.yml.


Assume a docker-compose.yml.template as follows:

  image: 'repository/myservice:latest'
  image: 'repository/otherservice:{{othergroup:otherservice}}'

build.gradle declares a dependency on a docker image published as 'othergroup:otherservice' in version 0.1.2:

plugins {
    id 'com.palantir.docker-compose'

dependencies {
    docker 'othergroup:otherservice:0.1.2'

The generateDockerCompose task creates a docker-compose.yml as follows:

  image: 'repository/myservice:latest'
  image: 'repository/otherservice:0.1.2'

The generateDockerCompose task fails if the template file contains variables that cannot get resolved using the provided docker dependencies. Version conflicts between transitive dependencies of the same artifact are handled with the standard Gradle semantics: each artifact is resolved to the highest declared version.

Configuring file locations

The template and generated file locations are customizable through the dockerCompose extension:

dockerCompose {
    template 'my-template.yml'
    dockerComposeFile 'my-docker-compose.yml'

Docker Plugin

Apply the plugin using standard gradle convention:

plugins {
    id 'com.palantir.docker-run' version '<version>'

Use the dockerRun configuration block to configure the name, image and optional command to execute for the dockerRun tasks:

dockerRun {
    name 'my-container'
    image 'busybox'
    command 'sleep 100'


  • Docker
    • docker: build a docker container with the specified name and Dockerfile
    • dockerTag: tag the docker container with all specified tags
    • dockerTag<tag>: tag the docker container with <tag>
    • dockerPush: push the specified container to a docker repository
    • dockerPush<tag>: push the <tag> docker container to a docker repository
    • dockerPrepare: prepare to build a docker container by copying dependent task outputs, referenced files, and dockerfile into a temporary directory
    • dockerClean: remove temporary directory associated with the docker build
    • dockerfileZip: builds a ZIP file containing the configured Dockerfile
  • Docker Compose
    • generateDockerCompose: Populates a docker-compose file template with image versions declared by dependencies
  • Docker Run
    • dockerRun: run the specified image with the specified name
    • dockerStop: stop the running container
    • dockerRunStatus: indicate the run status of the container
    • dockerRemoveContainer: remove the container


This plugin is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.