- Delegation is one of the design pattern which is used to establish the communication between one to one objects.
protocol ADelegate {
func eventOccured()
class A {
var delegate: ADelegate?
func makeEvent() {
class B: ADelegate {
let a: A
init(a: A) {
self.a = a
a.delegate = self
func eventOccured() {
print("class A made an event")
let a: A = A()
let b: B = B(a: a)
a.makeEvent() // class A made an event
- Delegate variable must be week because its parent reference object can be removed from the memory at any point of time.
protocol ADelegate: AnyObject {
func eventOccured()
class A {
// Declared with weak
weak var delegate: ADelegate?
func makeEvent() {
class B: ADelegate {
let a: A
init(a: A) {
self.a = a
a.delegate = self
func eventOccured() {
print("class A made an event")
Section 3, Conditional Statement
Section 10, static type vs dynamic type
Section 15, higher order function
Section 16, delegate