- Optional is a variable which is capable of holding a value or absence of a value(i.e. nil)
var aOptional: Int?
aOptional = nil
var bOptional: Int!
// Compile Error
var geneal: Int = nil
- Extracting the underlying value of an Optional Variable is called Optional Unwrapping.
- Force Unwrapping(!)
- Optional Binding
- Guard Statement
- Nil Coalescing Operator (??)
3) What is Implicit Unwrapping and how to declare implicit unwrapped Optional? When do you declare an implicit optional variable?
- Process of conveying to compiler that the variable must contain a value before it is used.
var aOptional: Int?
var bOptional: Int! // Implicit Optional
bOptional = 10
// Force Unwrapping
let sum: Int = aOptional! + bOptional
- Optional Binding is one of the optional unwrapping techniques.
var aOptional: Int?
var bOptional: Int! // Implicit Optional
aOptional = 10
bOptional = 20
// aOptional is unwrapped with Optional Binding
if let unwrappedAOptional = aOptional {
print(aOptional + bOptional) // 30
} else {
print("Optional has no value")
- ?? is nil-coalescing operator, which helps to provide a default value if optional variable has no value when unwrapping
let value = optional ?? DefaultValue
var aOptional: Int?
// if aOptional has no value, its default value is set to 0
print(aOptional ?? 0) // 0
- Make sure some condition should be met
- You can use guard statement to unwrap optional variable
var aOptional: Int?
aOptional = 15
guard let unwrappedAOptional: Int = aOptional else {
print("optional has no value!")
// if aOptional has no value, execution code stops here
print(unwrappedAOptional) // 15
- Force unwrapping is one of the optional unwrapping technique. Use force unwrapping when you are sure the optional variable contains a value.
- Fore unwrapping is not good practice which may lead to crashes.
var aOptional: Int?
// Crashes occur because aOptional doesn't have any value
- The variable you declares in
if let
statement is accessible within that block of code. - The variable you declares in
guard let
is accessible in the rest of the method.
var aOptional: Int?
var bOptional: Int! // Implicit Optional
aOptional = 10
bOptional = 20
if let unwrappedAOptional = aOptional {
// only within this block, you can access unwrappedAOptional
let sum: Int = unwrappedAOptional + bOptional
print(sum) // 30
// The rest of programs can access unwrappedAOptional.
guard let unwrappedAOptional = aOptinoal else { fatalError("aOptional is nil") }
let sum: Int = unwrappedAOptional + bOptional
print(sum) // 30
- NO
var aOptional: Int?
guard let unwrappedAOptional = aOptinoal else {
// Compile Error, You can't access variable declared in 'guard' condition
print(unwrappedAOptional) //Not Possible
fatalError("aOptional is nil")
- Optional is an enum. It contains following cases.
- none
- some
- Yes, you can use var instead of let.
var aOptional: Int?
if var value = aOptional {
guard var value = aOptional else { return }
- Process of iterating through all elements of a collection in an efficient way. It is faster than general for loop.
let data: [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
for value in data {
- The process accessing Optional variables’ sub properties or sub sub properties which are again optionals.
let value = optionalProperty?.subOptionalProperty?.subSubOptionalProperty
- If any of the property is optional, the complete result will be nil.
struct Store {
var name: String?
var brand: Brand?
struct Brand {
var title: String?
var founded: String?
let store: Store? = Store()
// Optional Chaining
- Both are same
struct Store {
var name: String?
var brand: Brand?
struct brand {
var title: String?
var founded: String? = .none
let store: Store? = Store()
print(store?.brand?.found == nil) // true
- Application will crash
struct Store {
var name: String?
var brand: Brand!
struct brand {
var title: String?
var founded: String? = .none
func displayTitle() {
print(title ?? "no title")
let store: Store? = Store()
// Error
- “is” is a Type checking operator
var someVar: Any = "Hello I am a String"
if someVar is String {
print(someVar) // Hello I am a String
} else if someVar is Double {
print("Some value is double") // This won't be printed
- as? is Optional Consideration
- as! is Forceful Consideration
var someVar: Double = 20.0
var aVar: Int = 10
// Forceful Consideration
let forcefulConsiderationResult: Int = aValue + (someVar as! Int)
print(forcefulConsiderationResult) // 30
// Optional Consideration
if let unwrappedSomeVar = someVar as? Int {
let optionalConsiderationResult: Int = aVar + unwrappedSomeVar
print(optionalConsiderationResult) // 30
Section 3, Conditional Statement
Section 10, static type vs dynamic type
Section 11, optional
Section 15, higher order function