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Data Type Questions 1 ~ 13

1) What is Datatype? list out a few data types in Swift


  • Datatype is a keyword which specifies to compiler that what kind of value the declared identifier can store.

  • Swift Data Types

// Int
var age: Int = 365
// Float
var weight: Float = 78.50
// Double
var carWeight: Double = 123532524.5423
// Character
var initial: Character = "A"

// String
let name: String = "Paige"
// Bool
let isProfessional: Bool = true
// Array
let evenNumbers: Array = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
// Array of Int
let oddNumbers: [Int] = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
// Set
let uniqueValues: Set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
// Set of Int
let uniqueValues2: Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
// Dicionary
let address: Dictionary = [
    "Name": "Paige",
    "City": "Seoul"
// Dictionary with [String: Any] Specified
let instructor: [String: Any] = [
    "Name": "Paige",
    "Age": 31,
    "Number": 000000000
// Any can contain literally anything
let any: Any = 10.19

2) let vs var? Constant vs Variable?


  • Value assigned to constant can not be modified. Use let to declare a constant.

  • Value assigned to variable can be modified. Use var to declare variable.

let imConstant: Int = 3

imConstant = 4 // Error
var imVariable: Int = 5
print(imVariable) // 5
imVariable = 6
print(imVariable) // 6

3) What is Type Inference?


  • The process of compiler identifying the datatype of an identifier based on the value to that identifier.
var anyInt = 3 // compiler will identify `anyInt` as Int
var anyString = "test" // compiler will identify `anyString` as String

4) What is Type Annotation?


  • Process of explicitly specifying the datatype of variable is known as Type Annotation.
var imExplicitlyInt: Int = 5
var imExplicitlyString: String = "string"

5) How Swift is Type Safe Language?


  • Swift is Type Safe Language because it doesn't allow Implicit Type Casting.

  • If you declare as Int and if you try to store Double , Swift doesn't allow.

// In C Language, Implicit Type Casting is allowed

int num;

float Fnum = 123.953;

num = Fnum;

printf("%d\n", num); // returns 123.000. This is implicit type casting. In Swift, you cannot do that.
// In Swift, Implicit Type Casting is not allowed

// Note that this is not possible in the first place
var num: Int
var Fnum: Float = 123.953

num = Fnum // Error
// Correct Way
num = Int(Fnum)!

6) What is Type Casting? Give me an example?


  • The process of converting one datatype value into another datatype value is known as Typecasting.
// Double to Int
var weight: Int = 0

var killograms: Double = 84.8

weight = Int(killograms)

7) Does Swift support Implicit Typecasting?


  • No

8) What is Tuple? When do we use Tuple?


  • Tuple is grouping multiple values together into a single variable. Use tuple when you want to return multiple values from a method.
// Tuple Case 1
let info: (String, String, Int) = ("Paige", "Seoul", 32)
print(info.0) // Paige
print(info.1) // Seoul
print(info.2) // 32
// Tuple Case 2 assigning multiple values - Practical Example
let (name, city, age) = ("Paige", "Seoul", 32)
print(name) // Paige
print(city) // Seoul
print(age) // 32
// Tuple Case 3 key-value, - Practical Example
let infomration: (name: String, city: String, age: Int) = (name: "Paige", city: "Seoul", age: 32)
print( // Paige
print( // Seoul
print(infomration.age) // 32

9) What is String Interpolation?


  • Process of Embedding values inside the String Object is known as String Interpolation.
let name: String = "Paige"
let age: Int = 32

print("Hello, My name is \(name) and I'm \(age) years old")
// Hello, My name is Paige and I'm 32 years old

10) What is Type Aliasing?


  • Process of Assigning another name to an existing datatype is known as Type Aliasing.
ypealias Number = Int

let age: Number = 34

if age is Int {
    print("age is obviously int!")
// age is obviously int!

11) Can we use existing keyword as an identifier (variable)?


  • By using single tick "`" marks
let `let`: Int = 40
print(`let`) = 40

12) "C", is this Character?


  • By default, all characters are Strings. Use Type Annotation to consider it as Character.
// Type is 'String'
let initial = "C"

// Type is 'Character'
let initial: Character = "C"

13) 10.0 is float?


  • By default, all floating point values are doubles. Use Type Annoation to consider it as Float.
// Type is 'Double' by default
let distance = 10.0

// Type is 'Float' with Type Annotation
let distance: Float = 10.0

Table Of Contents

Section 1, Data Type

Section 2, Operator

Section 3, Conditional Statement

Section 4, Enum

Section 5, functions

Section 6, struct

Section 7, initializers

Section 8, closures

Section 9, OOP

Section 10, static type vs dynamic type

Section 11, optional

Section 12, generic

Section 13, subscript

Section 14, access specifier

Section 15, higher order function

Section 16, delegate

Section 17, extension

Section 18, Memory Management

Section 19, protocols

Section 20, collections

Section 21, KVO and KVC

Section 22, Exception Handling

Section 23, Framework

Section 24, Objective-C