Datatype is a keyword which specifies to compiler that what kind of value the declared identifier can store.
Swift Data Types
// Int
var age: Int = 365
// Float
var weight: Float = 78.50
// Double
var carWeight: Double = 123532524.5423
// Character
var initial: Character = "A"
// String
let name: String = "Paige"
// Bool
let isProfessional: Bool = true
// Array
let evenNumbers: Array = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
// Array of Int
let oddNumbers: [Int] = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
// Set
let uniqueValues: Set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
// Set of Int
let uniqueValues2: Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
// Dicionary
let address: Dictionary = [
"Name": "Paige",
"City": "Seoul"
// Dictionary with [String: Any] Specified
let instructor: [String: Any] = [
"Name": "Paige",
"Age": 31,
"Number": 000000000
// Any can contain literally anything
let any: Any = 10.19
Value assigned to constant can not be modified. Use let to declare a constant.
Value assigned to variable can be modified. Use var to declare variable.
let imConstant: Int = 3
imConstant = 4 // Error
var imVariable: Int = 5
print(imVariable) // 5
imVariable = 6
print(imVariable) // 6
- The process of compiler identifying the datatype of an identifier based on the value to that identifier.
var anyInt = 3 // compiler will identify `anyInt` as Int
var anyString = "test" // compiler will identify `anyString` as String
- Process of explicitly specifying the datatype of variable is known as Type Annotation.
var imExplicitlyInt: Int = 5
var imExplicitlyString: String = "string"
Swift is Type Safe Language because it doesn't allow Implicit Type Casting.
If you declare as Int and if you try to store Double , Swift doesn't allow.
// In C Language, Implicit Type Casting is allowed
int num;
float Fnum = 123.953;
num = Fnum;
printf("%d\n", num); // returns 123.000. This is implicit type casting. In Swift, you cannot do that.
// In Swift, Implicit Type Casting is not allowed
// Note that this is not possible in the first place
var num: Int
var Fnum: Float = 123.953
num = Fnum // Error
// Correct Way
num = Int(Fnum)!
- The process of converting one datatype value into another datatype value is known as Typecasting.
// Double to Int
var weight: Int = 0
var killograms: Double = 84.8
weight = Int(killograms)
- No
- Tuple is grouping multiple values together into a single variable. Use tuple when you want to return multiple values from a method.
// Tuple Case 1
let info: (String, String, Int) = ("Paige", "Seoul", 32)
print(info.0) // Paige
print(info.1) // Seoul
print(info.2) // 32
// Tuple Case 2 assigning multiple values - Practical Example
let (name, city, age) = ("Paige", "Seoul", 32)
print(name) // Paige
print(city) // Seoul
print(age) // 32
// Tuple Case 3 key-value, - Practical Example
let infomration: (name: String, city: String, age: Int) = (name: "Paige", city: "Seoul", age: 32)
print( // Paige
print( // Seoul
print(infomration.age) // 32
- Process of Embedding values inside the String Object is known as String Interpolation.
let name: String = "Paige"
let age: Int = 32
print("Hello, My name is \(name) and I'm \(age) years old")
// Hello, My name is Paige and I'm 32 years old
- Process of Assigning another name to an existing datatype is known as Type Aliasing.
ypealias Number = Int
let age: Number = 34
if age is Int {
print("age is obviously int!")
// age is obviously int!
- By using single tick "`" marks
let `let`: Int = 40
print(`let`) = 40
- By default, all characters are Strings. Use Type Annotation to consider it as Character.
// Type is 'String'
let initial = "C"
// Type is 'Character'
let initial: Character = "C"
- By default, all floating point values are doubles. Use Type Annoation to consider it as Float.
// Type is 'Double' by default
let distance = 10.0
// Type is 'Float' with Type Annotation
let distance: Float = 10.0
Section 1, Data Type
Section 3, Conditional Statement
Section 10, static type vs dynamic type
Section 15, higher order function