Releases: padok-team/github-workflows
Releases · padok-team/github-workflows
1.0.0 (2022-10-21)
- add commitlint and release-please workflows (1c7db15)
- add local release and semantic check jobs, add version.txt (2976835)
- add terraform workflows (a0f53e5)
- add terraform-docs workflow (c4fdbcf)
- release: add update-major-minor-tags input and corresponding steps (6eb2fd2)
- terraform-lint: add workdir input, set default workdir to it in job (dc94fa2)
Bug Fixes
- deps: add renovate.json (ff09aac)
- remove backslashes in commitlint install job, remove hello job (edcd024)
- set default workdir in jobs (3088613)
- upgrade checkout action to v3, add repository variable, add comment (a21df48)
- use .bin folder for tfswitch install script (57665bf)
- use .bin path for terraform (0b6392c)