Developing Pacifica features in Drupal 8 uses the composer
configuration in the 8.x-vcs
branch of the
Install the required dependencies first.
NOTE: Make sure local MySQL and web servers are stopped. Docker will provide those services.
The testing environment is driven by composer scripts. The environment is configured using Drupal VM.
composer create-project pacifica/drupal-project:8.x-vcs-dev pacifica-site --no-interaction --keep-vcs
cd pacifica-site
composer install
composer run-script --timeout 3600 setup-testing
This should get your Pacifica Drupal site available at localhost and MySQL is available at localhost.
Drush is available with a local site alias for development.
drush @self.docker si --site-name=Drupal --db-url=mysql://drupal:[email protected]:3306/drupal pacifica
drush @self.docker uli
To cleanup the environment and remove all containers.
composer run-script nuke-testing