All notable changes to the "ebo-script" extension will be documented in this file.
- bug fix
- improve handling variables, including invalid ones
- error for declarations of keywords
- add missing Find function
- updated print statement parsing
- fix scanner for strings with escape sequences
- added some initial support for infinet controller programming that generated errors on properties:
- added value
- fixed some missing support for Enable and Disable actions.
- misc fixes
- additional tests
- updates to declaration code actions
- updated clean declarations for expanded declarations
- group by input, output, function, locals
- sorted by name
- include lines with single declaration and comments (these were skipped before and pushed to the end)
- updated parsing of declarations. removed some illegal combinations that were allowed before.
- updated dependencies
- fix reported bug for expressions in case statements.
- misc initial updates for newer added language features.
- fix issue with clean declarations leaving dangling empty declarations.
- added command for generating single mermaid state diagram of the current script file
- command:
ebo-script: Create State Diagram
- creates [filename].mmd in current folder and opens in editor.
- see mermaid plugins for viewing the state graph
- command:
- added command for generating mermaid state diagrams
- command:
ebo-script: Generate State Diagrams
- creates _state_diagram.html in current folder.
- opens file in browser.
- uses js mermaid library to generate the diagrams (requires internet).
- command:
- added support missing reserved values:
- FlashEmpty
- BackupNow
- BackupNeeded
- added support for logical operators
- &: and
- !: or
- update formatting
- normalize new lines.
- normalize spaces.
- fix basedon statements were not adding references.
- script function arguments - assignment.
- script function arguments - indexing arrays.
- better number support.
- allow numbers starting with .
- % with fractional numbers
- added precedence checking to parsing.
- error check for files ending on line statement.
- cursor prevent overrun.
- syntaxes updated. added words.
- misc. changes
- fix function programs
- fix return statements
- fix errors reporting on function statements
- fix errors on numbers with % symbol
- minor updates
- improve error checking, rewrote the checker/parser.
- fix formatting of unary operators +/-
- fix formatting of error line E:
- fix bad error for case else in select statement
- updated dependencies
- update to vscode 1.64
- Added checks mismatched control statements
- Added fix for public variable in for statement
- Added fix for mismatched variable case
- Added check for misc colon (case statements)
- snippets for declarations.
- numin Numeric Input
- numout Numeric Output
- numpub Numeric Public
- num Numeric
- datein DateTime Input
- dateout DateTime Output
- datepub DateTime Public
- datet DateTime
- strin String Input
- strout String Output
- strpub String Public
- str String
- created initial ebo.json config file support
- select case snippet fixed for trailing colon on the case statement
- fix issues in assignment to arrays to support expressions
- command to list all variables can now exclude io and consumer points through config files.
- system functions were generating parse errors
- command to list all scripts in folder
- command to list all variables
- error checking for all files in folder
- misc
- settings for reformatting declarations
- update code reformatting to use editor tab size and not fixed 2 spaces - (uses spaces only though!).
- formatting error on trailing spaces after then
- add missing null keyword
- inserted declarations are inserted after header comments
- added commands for reformatting declarations
- added command to clean up declarations
- code fix for removing array declarations in list
- added code fixes for declaration errors
- added code fixes to change declaration types
- better formatting.
- additional error checking
- additional error checking
- misc bug fixes
- added line continuations.
- misc bug fixes
- support for line continuations
- error reporting for mismatched parentheses
- based on syntax fixed for commas
- Initial release