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Meeting Minutes: July 12, 2018

Mukesh Hira edited this page Jul 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

Meeting Time and Location

10 am to 11:30 am PDT (GMT - 7), Barefoot Networks, 4750 Patrick Henry Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054


Barefoot Networks: Jeongkeun Lee, Mickey Spiegel
Cisco Systems: Ramesh Sivakolundu
Intel: Michael Orr
IXIA: Chris Sommers
Mellanox: Barak Gafni
Surfnet: Ronald Vanderpol
UFRGS: Jonatas Marques
VMware: Mukesh Hira

Mickey Spiegel presented a revised commit for INT metadata semantics YANG model, incorporating a bunch of feedback from the previous meeting. Although there are still some open areas, the plan is that Mickey will commit the current YANG model to the p4-applications repository as a start. The model would be refined subsequently. Open items and discussions with respect to the model so far would be captured as comments in the YANG model or under the GitHub pull request.

[INT for IPv6]

Ramesh Sivakolundu presented a proposal to carry INT metadata header and stack under IPv6 hop-by-hop options. There is a similar effort in the IETF IOAM working group. However, there are some concerns -

  • Currently, IPv6 hop-by-hop extension header can only be inserted by the traffic source. This needs to be relaxed so that a network switch acting as an INT source can insert hop-by-hop extension header. There are other use cases such as IPv6 segment routing that also require this condition to be relaxed.
  • Could INT cause the IPv6 header to grow beyond parsing depths of network elements that need to process headers beyond the INT hop-by-hop header.
  • Is header ordering important? For example, making the INT hop-by-hop extension header the last IPv6 extension header could ensure that all other IPv6 extensions headers can be parsed by network elements with limited parsing depths.

Mickey Spiegel presented an update on IETF IOAM activity and a comparison of IOAM and INT packet formats, encapsulation formats and report mechanisms. Mickey's slides can be found here

Next Steps

  • Next working group meeting will tentatively be on July 26, 2018. Agenda and location to be announced closer to the date.