Fast serde deserializer and serializer for Minecraft: Java Edition's sNBT format.
Zero-copy is supported where possible through from_str
See fastnbt's documentation for more information.
fastsnbt = "0.2"
follows Semver, some things that this project does not count as a
breaking change are:
- Minimum Rust version change. Outside of corporate environments this should not be too difficult, and I don't see much need for sNBT in those environments.
- Improving the (de)serializer such that valid sNBT that did not (de)serialize, then (de)serializes. Any of these cases I consider a bug.
Changes that make fastsnbt
incompatible with WebAssembly are considered
breaking changes.
tightly cooperates with
It serves more as an extension to fastnbt
than a standalone crate.
For NBT types, Value
etc. see fastnbt's docs here.