The build uses Gradle. The build script will automatically install the bits it needs if they aren't already installed.
Use ./mk
./mk tasks
to show the list of tasks
Use wmk.bat
wmk.bat tasks
to show list of tasks
The JAR components of vert.x can be prepared for Maven repositories and installed locally or uploaded to Maven Central.
To install the JARs into your local Maven cache (~/.m2) execute the command below. (This is effectively the same as uploading and the refreshing the dependencies of your build.)
./mk install
A committer with appropriate access to the org.vert-x
group at OSS Sonatype (Maven Central) can upload JARs by configuring the following properties in the file ~/.gradle/
. Gradle uses two plugins to do this, the signing
and maven
To sign, hash and upload the JARs to Maven Central execute:
./mk uploadArchives