Step 1: download the toolkit tar file download and store the toolkit tar file as described in
Step 2: Unpack the tar file to a directory tar -xzvf ace-12.0.n.0.tar.gz note: all users who need to work with the ace / mqsi commands needs access to the folder
Step 3: Accept license - globally to ensure it's working for all users ./ace make registry global accept license
Step 4: add 'working user' and set password and group useradd jenkins passwd jenkins usermod -a -G mqbrkrs jenkins
Step 5: verify that user has access to mqsiprofile an can use it su jenkins ls -la /ace-12.0.n.0/server/bin/mqsiprofile --> should allow to list the files; if acess denied is shown the is not setup correctly . installdir>/ace-12.0.n.0/server/bin/mqsiprofile --> to check if mqsiprofile could be "sourced"
Prerequsites: mvn is installed (yum install maven)
Step 2: start a new session for your user (e.g. jenkins)
Seems that there is an issue when mqsiprofile was already sourced before the build (see step 5 above)
Currently investigating it.
Workaround: create a new session for the user
Step 3: clone the git repro
- change to a directory of your choise (e.g. /tmp)
- clone the Git Repo: git clone
Step 4: build the ace-maven-plugin
- change to directory ace-maven-plugin/ace-maven-plugin
- run 'mvn clean install' --> this will build the plugin and deploy it to the local maven repository (important: each user has an own local maven repo; thus either configure a general repo or make sure to run it for the required users)
Step 5: prepare the sample-java-project
- change to /ace-maven-plugin/sample-java-project
- modify /ace-maven-plugin/sample-java-project/LargeMessages/pom.xml and set the correct path for and
vi ./LargeMessages/pom.xml
<!-- installation directories for toolkit and server (runtime) -->
Step 6: run the sample-java-project start a xvfb terminal in the background: Xvfb -ac :101 & export the display: export DISPLAY=:101 run in /ace-maven-plugin/sample-java-project: --> mvn -f ./combine-java-aceapp-pom.xml clean install
- ensure that maven is installed on your system
The official Jenkins install docu can be found here: However the steps below vary a little bit as we install an 'older LTS' release - as we only require Java 8
//ensure to have wget and git available sudo yum install wget git -y
//configure jenkins repository; important: using redhat mirror because of key issues on jenkins sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo sudo rpm --import
//install jenkins sudo yum install jenkins-2.346-1.1 //please check the lates version
//enabling and starting the jenkins service sudo systemctl enable jenkins sudo systemctl start jenkins
important: default user for jenkins is "jenkins" This could be change in cat /etc/sysconfig/jenkins (look for entry 'JENKINS_USER')
follow the steps on to
- change the port (default 8080)
- adjust firewall settings
- unlock Jenkins (requires a "one time password stored in the installed files)
- install the suggested plugins