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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ian Vaz Araujo ianaraujo
Data Scientist and Software Engineer

Ágora Advocacy Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sérgio Ricardo Alotrpyco
"A única pessoa com quem você tem que se comparar, é com você no passado."

SETUR - Secretaria de Estado do Turismo de Alagoas Brasil, Maceió-AL

Lucas Gaia de Castro gaialucas
B.S. Computer Eng. from Escola Politécnica - USP and M.S in Information and Communications Eng. from TU Darmstadt. I really like FPGAs, please ask me about them

Cadence Design Systems Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Ian Pons IanPons
Electrical Engineering @ University of São Paulo.


Gustavo Costa Gustavo-daCosta
💻 🦾 Computer Engineering student at @Inteli-College | 🤖 ⚡ Eletronics team member of @ThundeRatz Robotics Team

@Inteli-College @ThundeRatz @MedIn-Inteli SP - BR

João Victor Carvalho joaocarvoli
always learning

Lincky (Simulie) Brazil

Rafael Macario rmaacario
Computational Linguist | Technical Writer | EN>PT/ES Translator | Ph.D. Student | NLP, LQA & LLMs | Low-Resource Language Development

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo

Regis Pires Magalhaes regispires

Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC Ceará - Brasil

MRKTO - Marco Antônio de Senna Lamolha MarcoLamolha

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Lurian luricl
Undergraduate Computer Engineer student at University of Brasília (UnB). Currently looking for new challenges and knowledges.

University of Brasília - UnB Brasília-DF


São José dos Campos

Aruã Puertas arupuertas

AMEnergia Sorocaba/SP - Brazil

Arthur Wunder Damásio ArthurWDamasi0
Student of Electrical Engineering at Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo. Trainee of the group Turing USP.
ikrasnikov igorkpp
Just a guy interested in learning programming


Miguel Martins omiguelsma
Tech, Data & AI | Simplex & Efficax

@unifeb-barretos Barretos, SP - BR

Lucas Alves lucasvra
- Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais

UFMG Belo Horizonte, Brasil

Alexsander Camargos alexcamargos
Talk is cheap. Show me the code. Simplicidade é o último grau de sofisticação.


Hey there


Damon Hill Lucas Bello bluedamon
Coding for fun;

University of São Paulo São Paulo

Lucas Alves da Silva lucasilvalves
I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore and so remember, its better to burn out than to fade away.

CEADIS São Paulo

Wanderson Fontes WandersonFontes
RPA Developer Pythonist. Enthusiast of IA, ChatBot, Machine Learning and Data Science.


Lázaro Joabe lazarojoabe
a guy who loves learning new things and a few mugs of coffee.

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Minas Gerais, Brazil

Jean Leao JeanLeao
Graduated in Computer Science 👨‍💻 FullStack


Lucas Dias Noronha LUCASDNORONHA
Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Natural Language Processing | Computer Vision | Python

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

Gustavo Amaro AmaroGusta
fã da clarice lispector

SP, Capital


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vânia Laime VaniaLaime
Student of Computer Engineering at USP Poli and finished the technical systems development course.Focused Startups ,ML and competitive program

code in @ZimaUSP São Paulo,SP-Brasil

Maurício Lopes mauricioplopes
IT Support Manager at Kyndryl with interest in Artificial Intelligence & Data-Science projects.

Kyndryl Sumaré, SP, Brazil

tales shift talesshift
Computational semiotics researcher at SemioCom (USP), working with natural language processing and web development .